The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2265: Trash head

Ji Bing fiercely hugged the cold corpse tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to bring him warmth.

This is her younger brother, who was taken care of by Ji Bing from the quack to the current younger brother. The kind of relationship between the two has long surpassed the relationship between ordinary siblings.

"Little...Little Treasure...Wow..."

Ji Bing cried, crying heartbreakingly, hysterically, and almost died.

She wanted to vent all the sadness and anger in her heart.

She didn't know what happened, why Ji Jiabao was destroyed overnight, even a broiler was not let go.

What kind of hatred is this, and what kind of hatred is it?

"Little brother, don't you come to comfort me?"

Not far away, Shui Feiling actually moved her compassionate heart. It seemed that after she became pregnant, her originally cold heart of killing also became soft.

Li Zedao glanced at Ji Bing and shook his head.

He is not familiar with her, and besides, he will not comfort others.

Moreover, all comfort is in vain.

Shui Feiling sighed softly: "Yes, she is not amazing enough."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and he was almost choked to death by Shui Feiling's words.

Are you a member of the Appearance Association? Li Zedao thought about it seriously, and it seemed to be true.

But even if it is, it has nothing to do with comforting her or not, right?

"Sister Shui, the situation seems a bit weird." Li Zedao glanced at the nearly a hundred deadly horrible corpses and said, his brows frowned slightly, and his scalp continued to numb.

Judging from the expressions on the faces of the deceased, these people died very quickly, or they were killed before they even reacted. It is conceivable that the opponent's strength is not weak.

But what makes the scalp numb is that after the other party killed people, they seemed to gather all the corpses here, and then began to abuse these corpses frantically, so the corpses can be said to be terrible.

Li Zedao also discovered a more terrifying thing.

"What's weird?" Shui Feiling glanced at the corpses from the corner of her eye, and she began to feel nauseous again, and quickly moved her eyes away.

Concubine Shui Ling knew that the corpses had been brutally tortured, but she didn't think it was strange.

God's Domain is a crazy world. There are many perverts in this world, and it is not uncommon to abuse corpses.

"There are no women." Li Zedao's scalp numb even worse, "There is no woman."

"What?" Concubine Shui Ling was taken aback and looked at the corpses again.

Sure enough, the corpses on the ground were not even a female corpse.

This is undoubtedly quite weird, after all, if it is simply to destroy the door, why not see any female corpses? Are all the female families taken away?

There seems to be some truth to this explanation, but are there no old ladies in the maids or are they ugly? The other party's taste is so heavy that even this woman didn't plan to let it go?

"Could it be... them?"

Suddenly Shui Feiling thought of something, her eyes were full of horror and anger.

"It should be them." Li Zedao smiled bitterly.

"It's them! Only they can make such a perverted move." Shui Fei Ling said murderously.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, but did not respond.

Because he has the same blood line as them, he is the descendant of Nuwa just like them.

They are like a group of unseen mice, lingering in this divine realm, while at the same time, they are using a rather abnormal way to destroy these weak residents of the divine realm.

In order to retaliate, vent the anger in your heart? Or is it using this method to silently protect the mortal domain? Or, just want to live in this foreign country and grow yourself? Or is there other ambitions?

Li Zedao didn't know, but he felt sick, cold and shameful! There is still pain!

It's like a thorn that is constantly pricking his heart, which hurts.

Concubine Shui Ling stretched out her hand, gently held Li Zedao's hand, and said softly, "Little brother, you have nothing to do with them, so you don't need to feel guilty or anything."

Li Zedao could only nodded with a wry smile again, then glanced at the terrible corpse on the ground, and said, "I don't know, whether there is a corpse of Ji Lingshan in it."

"If not, then they pretended to be Ji Lingshan, and created this murder." Shui Feiling said with a frown.

If there is, it is that Ji Lingshan's spirit is controlled by some powerful means, which leads to a big change in temperament.

On the way here, Li Zedao had already briefly talked to Shui Fei Ling about the purpose of going to Jijiapu, so Shui Fei Ling knew what had happened.

As for why he wanted to kill the original owner of the broken map, Li Zedao didn't say, and Shui Feiling didn't ask much. Anyway, Li Zedao had already concealed too many things.

"It's just that, if that's the case, why did that fake Ji Lingshan ask Ji Bing to take that precious fragment of the picture to Huangcheng to participate in the auction?" Shui Feiling shook her head incomprehensibly.

Li Zedao shook his head. Regarding this, he didn't even think about it for a while.

But it seems to understand that the reason why the little turtle's voice has become dignified, and he wants to know who made the broken picture, seems to be related to those people.

If the broken picture really came from those people, then the matter of the sky-breaking axe about to come out again would be questionable.

Li Zedao thought of a conspiracy, an extremely terrifying conspiracy.

Ji Bing was still crying, crying out of control, or she was roaring, hoarse but weak.

No matter how good this woman's acting skills are and how careful she thinks she is, her emotions collapsed directly in the face of this tragedy.

"Little brother, you find a way to stabilize his emotions. We must first know if there is any Ji Lingshan corpse here." Shui Feiling glanced at Ji Bing and said.

Li Zedao just wanted to say something, but the little tortoise yawned in his ears: "Little Daozi, there is a **** pretending to be dead over there."

"What?" Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly, and his small heart trembled a few times.

Therefore, the murderer who caused this tragedy did not leave, but lay on his stomach in the pile of dead people, planning to continue to do something?

The scary thing is that this person is so powerful that he can perfectly hide his front aura. Neither he nor Concubine Shui Ling realized that there was a living person pretending to be dead over there.

If it weren't for the little tortoise reminder, I'm afraid something will happen.

The little heart trembled slightly, but Li Zedao glanced at the corpses quietly, and then stunned.

Because he didn't see any clues, he couldn't even tell who was pretending to be dead.

"Little brother, what are you dazed by?" Shui Feiling asked.

"Oh, I'm thinking how to comfort her." Li Zedao said.

At the same time, the little tortoise’s disdainful voice came again in his ears: "Your sister’s little path, you have to admit that you are a **** now, how can **** see which **** is playing dead over there? ?"


"Now, after listening to Master Turtle's command, turn your **** head to the northwest, and then open your **** eyes."

Li Zedao wants to scold the tortoise. Can you stop talking about rubbish? I'm so shameless like you do you know?

Feeling upset, Li Zedao still quite obediently turned his trash head to the northwest, and then turned his trash...oh, staring at his eyes like stars in the sky.

"See, is there a dead broiler there? Are there two corpses next to the broiler? The one on the left, that trash is pretending to be dead!"

Li Zedao's **** glanced at the **** that was pretending to be dead, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he moved his eyes away again, so as not to startle the snake.

This person can hide all his vitality. It is conceivable that his cultivation level is not low, and he is afraid that he is not weaker than the water concubine spirit. If he continues to stare at him, he is afraid that he will be aware of it.

The little tortoise's very disdainful voice sounded in his ears: "Trash is rubbish. Even pretending to be dead is so unprofessional, not as much as one-tenth of the tortoise's master."

Li Zedao thought to himself that this tortoise with a vicious mouth often pretended to be dead.

At the moment, Li Zedao turned around and gave Shui Feiling an inexplicable look, and his lips moved slightly.

Concubine Shui Ling's pupils shrank slightly, a huge wave was set off in her heart, and then she nodded calmly, indicating that she understood.

"Sister Shui, I will comfort her." Li Zedao said.

"Go." Shui Feiling nodded.

Li Zedao turned back and looked at Ji Bing, whose voice was already crying dumb, and sighed softly. This woman was also a pitiful person.

At the moment Li Zedao walked towards Ji Bing, as if he wanted to vent the anger in his heart, he fiercely kicked a fat stone away.

While breathing, the small pebble whistled out, like the cannonball out of the chamber, fiercely at the corpse pretending to be dead as the little turtle said.

At this moment, the corpse exploded and turned into an afterimage.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the stone was embedded fiercely into the soil.

At the same time, the afterimage attacked Ji Bing after avoiding the attack of the stone.

He is fast, Li Zedao is not slow, let alone Li Zedao has been prepared for a long time.

His figure flashed, directly blocking the afterimage's path, and the long sword in his hand that was wrapped in circles of blue cyclones containing terrifying energy even more fiercely passed.

The afterimage obviously knew the power of this sword, so he didn't dare to face it head-on, and chose to retreat, avoiding Li Zedao's sharp sword.

"Jie Jie Jie..." The shrill laughter echoed in this terrifying courtyard.

Li Zedao clenched the long sword in his hand and looked up, but saw that the afterimage was already still on the eaves.

When he saw the other person's face clearly, Li Zedao's pupils shrank suddenly, his small heart trembled a few times, and his scalp became numb.

What an ugly face is this?

The skin was dry and not bloody, the eyeballs protruded as if they were about to roll down, the mouth was very big, but the teeth inside were sharp, like thorns smeared with poison.

At this moment, he was grinning with a big mouth, his smile looked so hideous, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

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