At the same time, the blood in Li Zedao's body seemed to have received a certain call, but it actually boiled down. This was caused by the attraction of the same blood.

Sure enough, they were the one who caused this tragedy!

"Jie Jie Jie... I didn't expect to meet his own brother." The man stared at Li Ze in surprise, "and he seems to be quite normal."

The reason why they are all looking extremely ugly is because their blood is too mixed. After all, their mothers are basically all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts.

If the father is a normal person and the mother is a woman from God’s Domain, then it is possible to give birth to a normal child. However, it may not be too easy for a woman from God’s Domain to become pregnant because of the reasons from different regions Even if you are pregnant, most people die at birth.

Or the talent is mediocre, even if they live well, they still want to choke it to death.

The whole person in front of him, although his face was covered, seemed normal from those eyes, so he couldn't help but feel surprised.

Then the man turned his gaze on Concubine Shui Ling again, the scalp-numbing surprise in his eyes even worse.

"Jie Jie Jie... What a **** woman, worthy of my uncle's seedling... Huh? Jie Jie Jie... I am pregnant with my Nuwa family? Not bad..."

Li Zedao's heart sighed when he heard the words, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked an extremely terrible thing.

I have the blood of Nuwa, so the child in Shui Fei Ling's belly naturally also has the blood of Nu Wa. If this matter reaches those people's ears, will they miss the child in the belly of Concubine Shui?

Do you even worry about Sheung Shui Concubine Ling, turning it into a fertility tool?

Certainly, after all, judging from what they did, they desperately wanted the freshest blood.

"This person must die!" Li Zedao expressionlessly, holding the long sword in his hand tighter, and releasing an extremely terrifying murderous aura from his body.

As for having the same blood, so what? Are there few examples of fighting in the nest for thousands of years?

On the other side, Shui Feiling had already revealed his whip, and stared at the man on the eaves coldly.

The worry in her heart is the same as Li Zedao, no matter what, she can't let this ugly guy leave alive, otherwise, the child in her womb might not be peaceful.

As for Ji Bing, the crying has stopped, she lifted up her extremely stiff neck, her scarlet eyes stared at the ugly man on the eaves.

So, he is the one who killed his whole family?

I will kill you! I will kill you!

Ji Bing's heart was roaring, and her eyes were scarlet and terrifying, revealing palpitating hatred.

She carefully put Xiaobao's body down, stood up, and walked forward step by step like a walking dead.

"Retreat!" Li Zedao frowned when he saw this.

He probably knew that the reason why this man pretended to be dead here, on the one hand, might be too boring, on the other hand, he wanted to kidnap Ji Bing.

As for the fate of other women, it is conceivable that what awaits them will be nightmarish torture. They will be reduced to reproductive tools, and finally their bodies will be thrown into a big pit full of corpse water maggots. .

Ji Bing turned a deaf ear, and continued to move forward, his hand clenched into a fist, and even his nails were inlaid into the flesh.

There is only one thought left in her heart now, that is to kill him, kill him desperately! She wants to eat his meat, drink his blood, gnaw his bones, she wants to blow him away!

Li Zedao was helpless and felt that this woman was really getting in the way. It was your business if you wanted to use eggs to smash stones, but you can't affect me.

His figure flashed, and a hand knife passed over and knocked him out.

"Jie Jie Jie... Brother, maybe you still don't know who you are? How about going home with me? I promise you will fall in love with that place."

The man directly ignored Ji Bing, but looked at Li Zedao with an extremely sincere smile.

It's just that it's too ugly, so this so-called sincerity is extremely hideous to Li Zedao.

From the man's point of view, the harvest this time was even greater than he had imagined.

If this man and this woman with sacred blood are brought back, the Lord Lord will be very happy.

"Go home?" Li Zedao's little heart twitched.

In this realm, where does he have a home?

Together with these people who are also from the mortal realm and have the same blood, then you return home? Can you feel at home? Are you kidding me?

"Go home?" Li Zedao's expression became cold, his murderous aura permeated.

"Jie Jie Jie... Yes, go home, you do not belong here, you are our brother. You have extremely noble blood, you should go home with me... Jie Jie Jie..." the man grinned grimly. .

Li Zedao looked at those eyes that seemed to be shining with some kind of evil light, and suddenly he felt that his head was suddenly dizzy, and he almost lost consciousness.

"Not good..." Li Zedao's heart sank, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He knew that he had been hypnotized by the other party unconsciously, his unconscious thoughts would follow the other party, and his emotions would be controlled by the other party.

It is already understood that Ji Lingshan is the real Ji Lingshan, but the soul is controlled by this terrible guy, and he has become a puppet of this guy, which has caused a major change in temperament.

Therefore, I want to know that among these corpses, there must be the corpse of Ji Lingshan.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and held his mind, the dizziness disappeared instantly.

"Huh? Jie Jie Jie...You are very good, quite good, come back with me..." The smile on the man's face was even hotter.

He was really surprised. He thought that his mental attack technique was quite powerful, but he did not expect that the opponent's heart was so powerful that his mental technique could not attack him.

The voice of a little turtle rang in Li Zedao's ears.

"Xiao Daozi, it's time to prove to Master Turtle that you don't have him trash."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he complained that the little tortoise was really boring. You can just slap the tortoise's paw over it so awesomely, why should I do it?

"Sister Shui, I can come." Li Zedao looked at Shui Feiling and said.

Concubine Shui Ling was pregnant, and Li Zedao was really careful about his fetal gas.

"Be careful." Shui Feiling nodded.

Since the little brother said this, it proves that he has the confidence to defeat the opponent, and he only needs to pay attention not to let him escape.

Li Zedao clenched the long sword in his hand, and his figure appeared on the eaves, standing opposite the man.

"Beat me, I'll follow you!" Li Zedao clenched the long sword in his hand.

I said this to temporarily paralyze the ugly guy in front of him, so that he would not do anything to Concubine Shui Ling and Ji Bing who had passed out.

This guy's speed is too fast, Li Zedao really doesn't think he can catch up with him.

"Jie Jie Jie..." the man looked at Li Ze gloomily, "You are indeed very strong, even you have seen through my disguise, but this does not mean you are better than me..."

Before he could finish a sentence, the man disappeared in place.

"So fast!" Li Zedao's pupils shrank.

With a thought, Li Zedao's pupils actually released golden light.

Golden pupil!


The man's body, which had turned into an afterimage, violently moved, the grim smile on his face was frozen, and his eyes were filled with surprises.

An extremely fierce sword aura struck.

The man's face changed drastically, and the corpse, which seemed to be controlled by a certain mysterious force and became extremely stiff, tried to avoid the fierce sword, but still couldn't completely escape.


The long sword in Li Zedao's hand pierced the man's shoulder blade fiercely, the long sword came out through the body, and the blood dripped down the peak.

The man's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe it was true.

And just when the man couldn't accept all of this in his heart, Li Zedao clenched his other hand into a fist, and slammed his fist at the man's pubic area.


The force of terror exploded at the unsuspecting man's dantian, directly smashing the man's dantian.

While the man stretched out his throat and let out an unusually low muffled roar, his body took off his sword and flew out directly.

At the same time, his shriveled face became extremely pale, and his mouth was even more, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the blood was even mixed with broken internal organs!


The man fell heavily to the ground and vomited several bites of blood continuously.

Li Zedao's figure flashed and appeared in front of the man, looking condescendingly at this man who had been crushed by his own Dantian, who had turned into a useless man, panting heavily, and he was extremely tired.

Not only is it because using the golden pupil to restrict the man's actions really consumes too much spiritual energy, but also because he feels abnormally uncomfortable in his heart.

This kind of discomfort was abrupt but taken for granted, and he couldn't suppress this emotion at all.

He didn't think he was wrong, but he didn't seem to be right either. After all, he had the same blood line as him, and they were both descendants of Nuwa.

At this time, this kind of scene, what is it if it is not cannibalism?

The man stared at Li Zedao with rather weird eyes.

Although the man didn't say anything, Li Zedao understood the meaning in his eyes... It was originally from the same root, why is it too anxious?

Therefore, Li Zedao's heart was even more depressed.

"Xiao Daozi, kill this rubbish." Little Tortoise said quite satisfied, "As for that woman, there is no need to kill it."

Li Zedao's face was even more ugly, and he almost snarled at the little turtle: You are rubbish, your whole family is rubbish! To kill you kill yourself!

He felt as if he had become a traitor, a dogleg, helping this damned tortoise to slaughter his own compatriots.

"Where did you hide those women? Li Zedaosheng took a breath and asked in a cold voice.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

The man laughed, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world.

Li Zedao didn't stop it, letting him laugh all the time.

"Traitor! Running dog!" After laughing, the man mocked.

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