The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2267: butterfly

These words seemed so harsh and so tormenting that Li Zedao's brain buzzed.

"You don't need to teach me what to do!" Li Zedao said coldly, but his hands were clenched into fists.

"I didn't want to teach you anything." The man sneered, "I just remembered a sentence, how do you say that sentence? Oh, use it like a treasure, discard it like a trash."

Li Zedao's heart shuddered slightly.

He naturally understood that Little Tortoise also had that Gu God, and that the real longevity person had such a weird attitude towards him, he could imagine what he wanted to get from him.

One day in the future, if he has no use value, will the little tortoise slap himself to death with a tortoise paw?

"It's sad, humiliating, thinking of my dignified naughty clan, you are so servile and willing to become the **** of God's domain running dogs." The man shook his head and said quite humiliatingly.

"Where are those women?" Li Zedao took a deep breath, clenched his hands tighter, and the joints turned white.

What he can do is to follow his own inner thoughts.

The man continued to sneer, but pointed to a colorful butterfly that appeared in the sky without knowing when he said, "Have you seen that butterfly?"

Li Zedao glanced, his pupils shrank slightly, his face paled: "This is...Mengdie?"

The dream butterfly is a very magical and rare butterfly. This kind of butterfly comes and goes without a trace. It is said that even the powerhouse of the spiritual mirror cultivation base can hardly catch its trace, and its power is to transmit information.

Many super powers will cultivate this extremely magical butterfly to transmit information.

Before he finished his words, Li Zedao's figure flashed and grabbed the butterfly fiercely.

"call out!"

Catch it!

The colorful butterfly disappeared without a trace as long as Li Zedao moved.

"Jie Jie Jie..." The man gave a ferocious smile.

"Soon, everyone will know that the descendants of the great Nuwa of the Holy God actually appeared as a running dog like you, and they will also know that your running dog has a base breed... Jie Jie Jie... Someone will come and eradicate you. This running dog and your scumbag, Jie Jie... You damn, you all deserve to die, all damn! Jie Jie..."

Li Zedao's face became even more ugly, and his heart was in a state of confusion. This is troublesome.

Concubine Shui Ling's expression on the side also changed suddenly, and she couldn't help but directly passed a whip and slammed it against the man's neck.


The man's neck was knocked off all at once, his head tilted to the side, and he couldn't catch his eyes.

Seeing this, Li Zedao stopped breathing slightly.

After all, he has the same blood, so in the face of his death, his blood will not help but boil, and the soul will be tortured for some reason.

"Little brother, are you okay?" Shui Feiling looked slightly worried.

"I'm fine." Li Zedao took a deep breath and smiled bitterly. "It's my fault. I should kill him decisively. I should not hesitate to let him have time to release the dream butterfly."

Concubine Shui Ling shook her head and comforted: "It's not your fault, you are also trying to rescue those women."

When I thought that it was a big deal, don't leave Fuzhou Academy. Those people were arrogant and would never dare to go to Fuzhou Academy.

Not to mention, whether this trip can smoothly enter the great desert to find the infinite **** and get the **** fruit is basically two different things.

Shui Fei Ling didn't know that the two things of death and **** fruit came first.

"What should I do next? Kill that woman too?" Concubine Shui's eyes fell on Ji Bing who was knocked out by Li Zedao.

"The broken picture came from those people, and it has nothing to do with her." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

Concubine Shui Ling nodded: "Is also a poor person, help her?"

Li Zedao glanced at Shui Feiling with a slightly surprised look. It was a little surprised that Concubine Shui could say such a thing. He could not forget that Concubine Shui once witnessed a woman being ruined by a group of men in the street but was indifferent and even stopped. I tried to save myself, and the reason for stopping it was simply too much trouble.

"Damn little brother, what's your look? My sister's bones also have natural goodness, is it good or not?" Shui Feiling said angrily.

"Uh... yes yes yes." Li Zedao nodded quickly.

He was extremely depressed, but he was almost amused by Shui Feiling's words.

"My sister's killing was too heavy, so Quandang should accumulate some yin for him." Concubine Shui touched her belly with her hands, her eyes were already full of maternal love.

Li Zedao's eyes fell on Shui Feiling's belly and smiled.

It seemed that all of a sudden, the depression in my heart disappeared.

What about traitors and running dogs? What to do with so much? Just follow your own heart and be worthy of your own conscience.

"Then help her." Li Zedao said.

At the moment, Li Zedao walked over and hugged Ji Bingheng, looked at Shui Feiling and said, "Sister Shui, let's go find someone'help' to collect these corpses."

Concubine Shui Ling nodded: "My sister thinks so too, she should indeed'please' for help."

Although Jijiabao was destroyed, other forces still existed well, and they had not yet been massacred by those people.

Li Zedao had reason to believe that if he and Concubine Shui Ling hadn't come here, this Black Seal City would soon become a dead city.

The nearest force to Jijiabao is called Sujiabao, and its strength is weaker than Jijiabao.

When Li Zedao and Shui Feiling came to visit with the unconscious Ji Bing, they were treated by the highest level of Sujiabao’s fortress, and they almost confessed them as their ancestors.

No way, these two people, one is the spiritual **** realm high-grade peak cultivation base, and the other is the spiritual immortal mirror top-grade cultivation base, and they can't afford it at all.

The castle owner was even more surprised, why would Ji Jiabao's eldest lady be with such a terrifying powerhouse? Are you still in a coma? Hijacked?

Li Zedao didn't talk nonsense, he directly explained his intentions, and asked the castle owner to go to Jijiapu to help clean up the corpses, and be sure to let them enter the soil for safety.

The castle owner was shocked and his legs became weak.

When the castle lord led people to Jijiapu, the castle lord saw the horrible picture of the courtyard like **** on earth, and he vomited directly, and his men also vomited.


Huangcheng! Yellow House!

The gloomy-faced Gongzubo led the dozens of Tianjiao from the same gloomy-faced Gongzuo family to Huang Quan, with a murderous questioning appearance.

"Public losers, what happened?" Huang Quan was dumbfounded.

"Huangmen Master, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation!" Gong Yubo said bitterly, with an attitude like never before.

Huang Quan raised his brows, and no one dared to speak to himself in such a questioning tone for a long, long time.

"You are too presumptuous!"

Huang Quan could not take it seriously, but the old man standing behind Huang Quan couldn't stand it anymore. He shouted sharply, looking like he wanted to kill him.


Gong Yubo gritted his teeth and said, "Huang Sect Master, if this matter does not give us a reasonable explanation for the public transport family, don't blame our public losers for fighting your Yellow Sect!"

I remembered that a dozen of them who were strong in the spiritual and **** realm with a medium-level cultivation level and above were actually fascinated by a kid with some kind of despicable but extremely powerful ** for one night and a half day, even the broken pictures they got. When he was snatched away, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Too embarrassing and indignant, so the public loser has long forgotten that he is facing a terrible spiritual fairyland cultivation base.

Huang Quan's brow furrowed even more, making these people from the public loser's family become so angry, it is conceivable that something extraordinary has indeed happened.

The old man standing behind Huang Quan said murderously: "Gong Yubo, it seems that you want to die! Do you take it seriously that Huang Clan is afraid that your family will fail?"

Huang Quan set his hand, and the old man made a move, reducing the murderous aura on his body as much as possible, but he stared at Gong Shubo with very sharp eyes.

"What happened to my nephew? If what happened is wrong with my Huang Clan, my Huang Clan will never shirk." Huang Quan said.

Gong Shubo looked ashamed and angrily explained what had happened.

Huang Quan's face had already become extremely ugly, and he suddenly got up, and an extremely terrifying aura was released from his body.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of the huge hall freezes, making it difficult for people to breathe.

Huang Quan didn't expect to say anything. Someone dared to do such presumptuous things on his own territory, and he was really hitting his old face.

The murderous Gong Yubo and the dozens of Tianjiao from the Gong Yu family were all small hearts trembling, and they only felt that their breathing had stopped.

They just remembered that what they were facing at this time was Huang Quan, a powerhouse with an extremely terrifying spiritual mirror cultivation base.

If it weren't for Huang Quan to be a very particular person, at this time they would have become a cold corpse.

"Public loser nephew, don't worry, Lao Tzu will give you this matter and give an explanation to the public loser family!" Huang Quan said murderously.

"Thank you Huang Sect Master." The public loser, his attitude has improved a lot, instead of appearing so aggressive as before.

"This is Lao Tzu's responsibility!"

Huang Quan waved his hand and shouted at the old man behind him in a low voice: "Go, call the painter to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu wants to see who the brave **** is and dare to do this kind of thing on Lao Tzu's site. Dare to slap Lao Tzu in the face? In addition, after the notification, the city gate is closed to Lao Tzu, and no one can leave!"

"Master Huang, the kid who should be killed is afraid that he has already left the city and has fled!" Gong Shu Bo Zuoyao said.

He clearly remembered that the kid had said before he left that the effect of the medicine would last until noon today. Sure enough, they seemed to resume their actions at noon.

In the previous paragraph, the kid must have left Huangcheng with the broken picture long ago.

Huang Quan gritted his teeth: "By the way, let me know, who has left Huangcheng from yesterday afternoon to now."

"Yes, the master." The old man took his orders.

With less than half a column of fragrant time, a painter with superb painting skills hurried over and after listening to the description of Gong Yubo, he began to paint.

Soon, a man with a black cloth covering his face appeared in the painting, leaving only one pair of eyes.

"It's this kid!" Gong Shubo pointed at the painting and gritted his teeth, his eyes bursting with fire.

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