Concubine Shui Ling gave Li Zedao a vicious look, and said angrily: "Little brother, you have done such an'excessive' thing. At this time, the whole Huangcheng is afraid of restlessness. I guess we haven't quietly approached. I've been discovered! Do you think you can escape the chase of the strong spiritual mirror cultivation base?"

Li Zedao's little heart trembled, this must not be able to hide.

I was really wronged in my heart. I was to prevent the destruction of God's realm and to protect the peace of God's realm, OK? You don’t have to thank me, so why kill me?

Li Zedao had considerable complaints in his heart, especially against the little turtle.

With the strength of the little tortoise, it should be able to stop the colorful dream butterfly, but the little tortoise did not do this. How could it be like this? Isn't it good for it to be remembered by those people?

At this moment, the very unhappy voice of the little turtle came from his ears.

"Your sister, all the discs in the world are bitches, the cheapest bitch!"

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he didn't understand what the turtle was making, but he also knew that the **** that the little turtle was referring to was naturally Lord Gu.

"Damn Midie, running so fast to reincarnate, I wasted so much time for Master Turtle, my sister!" Little Turtle scolded again.

Li Zedao's eyeballs got bigger little by little, so it was not that the little tortoise didn't stop Mengdie, but didn't stop it at all for a while, then chased it, and caught up?

"Your sister's little Daozi, now you don't have to worry about being missed by those garbage." Little Turtle said again.

Li Zedao was almost moved and cried. If the little tortoise was in front of him now, he would definitely hold it in his palm and kiss it affectionately.

"Your sister's little Daozi is the fault of your rubbish, you can't even stop a dead dream butterfly, really rubbish!" The little turtle scolded again.

So the gratitude in Li Zedao's heart instantly feeds the dog.

I thought it would be so exhausting to stop a tortoise like you, let alone me?

"Xiao Daozi, although you are rubbish, this matter cannot be more obvious, so you **** must have already thought that the so-called broken axe is the bait that those **** deliberately ran out to lure other **** to fight. It's up to you..."

Li Zedao really didn't know what to say. He had tried very hard to regard the little tortoise as a **** and then began to worship, but its vicious mouth really made people want to spit out some old blood.

"So Xiao Daozi, find an opportunity to completely destroy the broken picture in front of those garbage." Little Turtle said again.

Li Zedao is almost powerless to complain. Are you afraid that I will be beaten to death?

Then, the little tortoise yawned, and then went to sleep without a sound.

Li Zedao could only continue to silently despise this **** turtle in his heart.

"Little brother, what are you thinking?" Shui Feiling asked.

Seeing Li Zedao's expression on his face was extremely rich, he seemed quite happy, and also seemed quite aggrieved and scared, Shui Fei Ling would inevitably be a little worried, I don't know what happened to him.

"Sister Shui, I want to hug you." Li Zedao looked at Concubine Shui with a smile.

Little tortoise stopped the Mengdie, which made him completely relieved and in a good mood.

"Damn little brother, just simply want to hug?" Shui Fei Ling said with an extremely charming eye.

Seeing Li Zedao's mood suddenly became a lot more comfortable, and her heart followed with joy.

She never expected to say that there would be a man who could affect her emotions so severely.

Li Zedao felt that his breathing was not smooth all of a sudden. This enchanting evildoer, to really seduce the dead, but she didn't deliberately seduce them at all. A casual smile is enough to seduce people.

"I still think about that... what." Li Zedao lowered his head shyly, and he was a real young virgin who had just begun to love him.

"Fuck!" Concubine Shui Ling gave Li Ze a white look with water in her eyes.

Taking the sky as the bed is not impossible, but the key is that there may be terrible enemies nearby, and there are outsiders here.

"First arrange her." Shui Feiling glanced at Ji Bing, who looked dull and had no focus.

"Sister Shui, let's send her to Huangcheng." Li Zedao nodded.

"Decided?" Shui Feiling asked.

"It's decided." Li Zedao thought that he had to destroy the remnant picture in front of them anyway.

"Then go to Huangcheng." Shui Feiling stood up and said.

Just leave.

Right now, Li Zedao hugged Ji Bing, who had already become a walking dead, and got on the flying horse, while Shui Feiling got on another flying horse.

The two went down the mountain and set off in the direction of Huangcheng.

Walking forward less than an hour's distance, Li Zedao and Shui Feiling looked at each other, and both of them stopped the Pegasus and looked up at the sky ahead.

"Come after?" Shui Feiling asked.

"It seems to be." Li Ze nodded.

He already felt the neighing sound of the goshawk and received the breath of dozens of strong men. In addition, he was in the direction of Huangcheng, so he wanted to know that these people were from Huangcheng, and he should have been chasing them. .

But this pursuit speed is not unpleasant, Li Zedao expressed admiration!

What made Li Zedao admire even more was that they actually knew to chase in the direction where Heiyin City was located.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't know that, within a short period of time, he and Shui Feiling had already been identified as the murderers who caused the Jijiapu tragedy.

It was Huang Quan who got the news that he rushed to Heiyin City.

Before half a pillar of incense, there were more than a dozen goshawks in the sky in front. Two or three people stood on each goshawk. Without exception, these people were cultivated above the middle grade of the spiritual **** realm. The strong.

At the head of the goshawk, Gong Yubo stared down hard, his eyes were cracked, and his voice was full of murderous intent: "Sect Master Huang, look, that brave kid is there!"

At the same time, I was slightly surprised, isn't the woman in that **** guy's arms the auctioneer Ji Bing? Why mess with him? Internal response? Or was he restricted from acting as a hostage?

Huang Quan stared at Li Zedao and Concubine Shui Ling expressionlessly below, really wishing to shoot Li Zedao to death!

He swept Ji Bing, who looked quite wrong, and raised his brows slightly.

So, the rumors are true? This **** kid kidnapped all the female family members of Jijiabao, and killed all the men and the broilers?

Just why is Jijiabao? Why not Sujiabao? Or Lijiapu? Is it related to the broken picture? If so, where did he know that the original owner of Cantu was Su Jiabao?

However, if it is really related to Cantu, it doesn't seem right. After all, he has already got Cantu, right? Can't it be that Sujiabao has another broken picture?

While his thoughts were surging, Huang Quan waved his big hand, and dozens of silhouettes swept down from the goshawk and landed quickly, immediately surrounding Shui Feiling and Li Ze Dao Tuan Tuan.

Half of them are people from the public loser family, and these people all want to immediately show their weapons and chop the kid who dared to humiliate them to death.

After Li Zedao gave Shui Feiling a relieved look, he placed Ji Bing in his arms on the back of the flying horse, and then turned to dismount.

Concubine Shui Ling also dismounted and stood in front of Li Zedao.

Regardless of whether it is a violent wind or a heavy rain, she wants to face him together. Who makes him her favorite little brother? Who made him his father?

Moreover, based on her understanding of Li Zedao, he would not do something that seemed so "brave" without thinking of a way out.

At this moment, Li Zedao and Shui Feiling only felt that Huang Quan and Gong Yubo had already appeared there.

Huang Quan frowned slightly, his old face turned black.

As for the public loss, the scarlet eyes were full of fierce light that had been chosen and devoured. If Huang Quan hadn't had the final say here, he would have let this **** boy feel the fear.

"Shui girl, should you give Lao Tzu an explanation?" Huang Quan said with a black face looking at Concubine Shui Ling, and there was not much reprimand in his voice.

Women, there are always times when they are blind.

As for Li Zedao, his intuition was ignored.

Concubine Shui Ling smiled: "Grandpa Shui, my mate's explanation is my explanation."

Li Zedao heard bursts of violence in his small heart. This woman is so cute, so cute that he wants to hug her tightly in his arms now, and then kissed her a few bites.

The corners of Huang Quan's mouth twitched. This woman is too shameless to show her own face. I miss you every day and even want you to be my granddaughter.

Li Zedao wanted to laugh inexplicably, and it was a rare thing to watch the dignified immortal mirror and the strong man slumped.

You can't beat, you can't scold, and Huang Quan has no choice but to focus on Li Zedao.

"Boy, should you give Lao Tzu an explanation?"

"Grandpa Huang..."

"Don't, I'm not your grandfather!" Huang Quan angered.

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly and could only change his words: "Huangmen Master, I did **** the fragmented picture from the public loser family..."

"Boy, hand in the broken picture, otherwise you will inevitably be broken into pieces!" Gong Yubo couldn't help it anymore, gritted his teeth and roared.

The other dozens of elites from the public losing family also released terrible murderous auras. They only waited for an order to work on this **** guy together.

Li Zedao shut his mouth angrily, looked at Huang Quan, and showed such an innocent smile, saying that it was not that I did not want to give you an explanation, but that someone would not let me speak.

"Gongsu wise nephew, let him finish talking." Huang Quan said with a blank glance at Gongsubo.

He was quite unhappy in his heart. If it were not for the wrongdoing, but also for the reputation of Huangmen, he would have slapped to death this guy who dared to bluff in front of him.

What about the public loser family? Annoyed Lao Tzu, the big deal is going to war! Lao Tzu is afraid that your family will lose out?

Huang Quan said so. The public losers only gave Li Zedao a vicious look, and said to Huang Quan, "Master Huang, I’m really sorry, I’m too impatient. I want to hear it too. He can Give an explanation."

He said, staring at Li Zedao murderously.

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