Huang Quan snorted and looked at Li Ze, and said coldly: "Go on!"

"Master Huang, please be sure to believe that the reason why I did such a daring thing was because I had to do it, and if I didn't do it, something big would happen." Li Zedao said with an extremely sincere expression.

The skin on Huang Quan's face twitched, he still underestimated this kid, this kid was far more hypocritical than he thought.

"Boy, talk human!" Huang Quan said angrily.

Li Zedao was quite wronged. He was talking human words. You don't understand who to blame.

Concubine Shui Ling on the side was somewhat worried, worried that Huang Quan couldn't help but slap her little brother to death. Anyway, seeing Li Zedao showing such a humble expression and saying such humble words, she wanted to slap him to death.

"The reason why I did this is to prevent the destruction of God's Realm and to protect the peace of God's Realm." Li Zedao's voice is full of affection, and his expression must be so sincere and sincere. Even at this moment, there is a halo on his body.

Oh, that was sunlight, and the sunlight was shining on Li Zedao at this time.

But this expression, this upright posture, this tone, and this sunshine undoubtedly made Li Zedao extremely radiant and extremely stalwart, as if what he did was the great thing for the country and the people.

Not only can you not accuse him, you have to give him flowers, give him applause, and regard him as your idol.

For a while, the air suddenly became quite quiet.

Huang Quan's old face was pumping, the old face of Gong Yubo was also pumping, Shui Feiling's face was also pumping, everyone's cheeks were pumping, and they were almost choked to death by Li Zedao's such shameless excuse.

Concubine Shui Ling has a headache, and the little brother is too courageous, right? How dare he give Huang Quan such an excuse? It's over, Grandpa Huang is going to be angry.

After a while, Huang Quan broke the air that was almost solidified into a ball. He resisted the urge to kill, and said word by word: "Hand over the broken picture!"

He thinks he is a big idiot, how else would he want to hear a reasonable explanation from this hypocritical guy?

Therefore, he decided that he would not explain it, he only wanted the broken picture, and then he would have to pay a heavy price for this kid! Pay the bill for his own reckless behavior.


"I said, Remnant picture!" Huang Quan roared, the terrible pressure on his body was undoubtedly revealed.

Li Zedao's breathing stopped short, his eardrums hummed, his face paled a little, and his heart was extremely shocked!

The little heart trembled fiercely, thinking that he really deserves to be a powerful person with the spiritual mirror cultivation base, and with only a roar, it has such a huge lethality.

As if frightened by the roar, Li Zedao grinned and hurriedly reached into his arms and took out a map.

Huang Quan stretched out his hand and snatched it.

The public losers looked at the remnant picture in Huang Quan's hand with a heavy sigh of relief, and the remnant picture was lost and recovered. In this way, he also explained his family.

Glancing at the remnant picture in his hand, the muscles on Huang Quan's orangutan's face began to twitch, and even his body was still trembling slightly.

He felt that he had specified that he was going to suffer a tribulation, otherwise, why would there be a feeling of thunder and thunder?

At the moment, I took a few deep breaths, and it was quite difficult to suppress the violent spirit in my heart that wanted to kill people, staring at Li Zedao with big eyes, and shouting: "Boy, you think there is a water girl to support you, you think Are you a teacher from Zhou Academy, I dare not kill you?"

This is indeed a map in my hand, but this is the most common map about Huangcheng, and it is not the fragmented map at all.

Li Zedao's head shrank, a little aggrieved: "I have a lot of things in my arms, so I took out this map first. I didn't say that this is the broken map. You robbed it if you didn't see it clearly... ..."

Li Zedao's voice became lower and lower, and finally shut up angrily.

If you don't shut up, I'm afraid there will be another corpse on the ground.

The muscles on Huang Quan's face twitched faster, and the map in his hand turned to ashes between his breaths. One can imagine how angry he was at this time.

When the public loser on the side saw this, his thoughts moved slightly. It seems that the friendship between this woman and this kid and Huang Quan is not low, otherwise he would have been slapped to death by slapped Huang Quan in this way.

Li Zedao was aggrieved again and took out a map again. This time Huang Quan didn't stretch out his hand to **** it away. He was afraid that this kid would be fooled again.

Huang Quan was not afraid of losing face again, he was worried that he could not hold back and directly beat this kid to death.

"Let's see if it's..." Li Zedao looked at Huang Quan and grinned, "The main reason is that there are a lot of maps in my arms, they are all mixed together."

Huang Quan had a black face and said nothing.

The children of Gong Yubo and the other families were all very embarrassed and angry. They felt that Huang Quan was too useless, and he was really blinded by his terrifying spiritual mirror cultivation.

Beat him! Beat him to death! Do you know this kind of **** if you don't kill him?

Li Zedao opened the remnant map, glanced at it, nodded: "Yes, yes, this is the remnant map snatched from the public loser family, don't believe it."

As a result, the Tianjiao from the public losing family, headed by the public loser, felt that they had been stabbed a few times in the chest and a lot of salt was sprinkled.

Want to kill him, Huang Quan on the side is afraid that he won't allow it!

Wanting to call him a bitch, but beware of **** all over the world besieging the public losing family to protest.

It's true that the suffocation is abnormal, and the blood is bubbling in the throat.

Li Zedao put the broken picture in his hand in front of everyone, and asked them to verify that he did not lie.

"Boy, return my broken picture!"

When Gong Yubo saw that it was indeed the broken picture he had taken, he couldn't help it anymore. At the same time he shouted angrily, his hand stretched out to **** the broken picture from Li Zedao.

However, the situation is completely different from what he thought.

Gong Shubo thought that as soon as he caught the broken picture, the **** boy would immediately let go.

However, Li Zedao did not let go.

So something terrible happened.

Everyone only heard a "tear..." sound that seemed so numb to the scalp, that precious and incomparable picture was torn into two pieces, two-thirds in Li Zedao's hands, and one-third. In the hands of the public and the wave.

The public loser is silly! The Tianjiao of those public losers are also stupid! Huang Quan was also stupid. Concubine Shui Ling, who watched with interest as his little brother guilty over there and worried that he would be killed, was also stupid. He couldn't believe what his eyes saw.

Things that make them even more dumbfounded are yet to come.

Li Zedao seemed to have some nerves, his hands were slightly hardened, and a majestic breath burst out.

As a result, the two-thirds of the broken picture in his hand turned directly into a pool of ashes.

When everyone saw this, their eyeballs were about to roll down from their eye sockets, their minds were about to explode, and an unprecedented huge wave was set off in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

That's it! This is over! One of the fragmented pictures was destroyed in this way, so that the Heavenly Shaking Axe would never be found.

"you you……"

Gong Zhubo was so angry that his mouth was slanted and his eyes protruded, his body was shaking more severely, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

Li Zedao's head shrank slightly, and he was innocent and aggrieved: "It's none of my business, it's mainly because you are too fierce. I thought you were going to hit me, so when I tried hard, that... I'm really sorry!"

As a result, the corners of the public's mouth flowed directly out of the liquid, and he was really embarrassed to wipe it with his sleeve, which was too embarrassing.

"I killed you!"

He couldn't help it anymore, and roared, the long sword was already out of its sheath, and then the long sword wrapped in the blue cyclone containing terrifying energy slashed at Li Ze.

Huang Quan didn't stop him, because he also wanted to kill! It would be nice to let the public loser kill him.

While breathing, Bo Na had reached Li Zedao's chest without reservation, and he was about to see it out.

Li Zedao did not dodge or dodge, nor did he counterattack, as if he had been frightened.

But at this moment, only a muffled sound was heard, and the long sword in the hands of the public transport wave seemed to be blocked by something extremely hard, and there was no way to pierce Li Zedao's body.

To be more accurate, the sharp blade was blocked by an unknown object when it was less than three inches away from Li Zedao's chest.

"Huh?" The public loser, who was on the verge of rage, was stunned and couldn't believe it was true.

Immediately, he felt an unmatched breath burst out.

"Boom!" He was slammed by this terrible breath, and his body flew upside down at a faster speed. After a few breaths, he fell heavily to the ground. With a mouth open, he directly spouted a mouthful of blood, and that face was even worse. It suddenly became extremely pale, and his eyes were full of horror, and I couldn't believe it was true.

Including Huang Quan, everyone was stupid again, and couldn't find any words to describe their feelings at this moment.

The powerhouse of the top-level cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm was so easily knocked off by a kid with the top grade cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm?

Especially Huang Quan, the strange breath that burst out of that kid just now made him feel jealous, which undoubtedly made him feel quite surprised.

"What secret is hidden in this kid?" Huang Quan was shocked.

Such power naturally does not belong to this kid, who does it belong to?

So, this kid is followed by an extremely terrifying strong man? Or is there something extremely powerful in his body?

At this moment, an extremely impatient and unfamiliar voice came from my ear: "If you don't get out of the way, be careful...oh, I beat you!"

The little tortoise almost came up with the words "Turtle Lord" without holding back.

Right now, I feel like I'm too **** witty. If you don't say "Master Turtle", this **** doesn't even know who it is. In this way, it seems even more mysterious and more powerful.

Huang Quan's eyes went round all at once, all expressions on his face solidified into a ball, and his heartbeat almost stopped.

fear! Unprecedented fear!

Since entering the Spirit Immortal Mirror cultivation base, Huang Quan has no idea what fear is, but now he feels fear again very clearly.

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