The sacred camel can be used not only as a mount, but also to predict the weather in the desert. When a storm comes, it has the ability to predict in advance.

Moreover, if you lose your way after entering the great desert and retreat, the camel will be able to take you back from the original road.

The second is naturally clear water, a lot of clear water.

Although it is true that a strong person in the spiritual realm can do nothing for a few days and nights without eating or drinking, after all, it is far from the level of bigu. If there is not enough water, he is afraid that he will die of thirst.

"Little brother, let's go." Shui Feiling took a deep breath and said.

It's about her life, and it's about the child in her womb, so she is inevitably panicked at this time.

"Go!" Li Zedao also took a deep breath. Seriously, he was more nervous than Shui Feiling.

At the moment, the two of them grabbed one of the camels and walked towards the endless yellow sand in front of them. After a while, their figure disappeared in the golden light.


Not weekly college, freshmen check-in area.

Nangong Wan'er's small face no longer had the youthful beauty that it used to be, but it was extremely gloomy and terribly gloomy. Because of the bitter cry, her eyes were extremely red and swollen at this time.

The public loser on the side Linglong sighed softly and said, "Wan'er, maybe things are not what you imagined."

She also wondered why things became so complicated.

Concubine Shui Ling actually killed Nangong Wan'er's brother? Li Zedao beat Nangong Wan'er's father? Did she abolish Grandpa Nangong Wan'er's cultivation? Will the Nangong family be completely removed from Canghai City?

These unimaginable things have happened.

"You, shut up!" Nangong Wan'er raised her head with a terrifying look in her eyes, and then continued to pack her things.

She plans to leave Fuzhou College and return to the Nangong family.

This is the most difficult time for the Nangong family. As a member of the Nangong family, she must advance and retreat together with the Nangong family. She must accompany her parents who lost her beloved son and her aging grandfather.

Linglong did not shut up but said, "I still think you should trust him."

Linglong once said that no matter what Li Zedao did, she would choose to believe him.

If one day he stands on the opposite side of the entire God's Domain, she will stand in front of him without hesitation, even if it is to help him withstand one of the dark arrows bursting from it.

These words are not casually said.

"If you were me, you wouldn't say that." Nangong Wan'er said coldly.

"If I were you, I would not guess blindly, nor would I be too aggressive, I would wait for him to come back and explain to me." Public Loss Linglong said seriously.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Nangong Wan'er smiled, with a hysterical smile: "You are really hypocritical."

Linglong sighed softly, turned around and left without persuading more.

On the second day after Nangong Wan'er left Fuzhou College, Gong Yu Linglong received a letter from her family.

Opened the envelope and glanced at it for a few times, Linglong's eyes suddenly rounded, the muscles on her face twitched, and then she smiled helplessly.

The letter said that Linglong must pay attention to a teacher named Li Zedao. He also said that this person openly snatched an extremely precious thing photographed by the public loser family in Huangcheng, causing the loser family to lose more than a dozen Tianjiao. Here is still discussing whether to issue an order to kill this person.

If an assault order is issued at the end, Linglong will also be ready to attack Li Zedao.

"Husband, where are you now? What are you doing? Linglong misses you."

At the same time as the public transport Linglong muttered to herself, a terrible aura burst out from her hand, and the secret family letter was instantly turned to ashes.

In any case, she stood on Li Zedao's side and chose to believe in Li Zedao.

She knew that he would not kill innocents randomly, and she knew that everything he did would have reasons to do it.

"Want me to kill my husband? Do you think too much?"

Linglong stood up and came to the window, staring at the blue sky in a daze.

In fact, she doesn't like the public loss of the family, because in the family members and even her parents, in their opinion, she is just a bargaining chip used to exchange benefits.

The more beautiful and outstanding she is, the bigger the bargaining chip, the more she can exchange for greater benefits.

Linglong doesn't doubt the public defeat at all. One day in the near future, the family will surely let herself leave Fuzhou Academy, and then be engaged to a so-called Tianjiao who has never seen each other even if they have met.

Therefore, after meeting Li Zedao, she decided to break the fate that restrained her. She ate Li Zedao and believed him for no reason.

This kind of belief is not just words, but from the heart, and will never waver no matter what happens.


Li Zedao and Shui Feiling have been walking in this endless desert for five days and five nights.

The cultivation base is there, so even if the desert is like a melting pot during the day, but like an ice cellar at night, the two of them can bear it.

As for the number of days to walk, what will happen in the future, Li Zedao is not clear, Shui Feiling did not ask.

Li Zedao knew that when he arrived, the little tortoise sleeping curled up in his arms would surely remind himself.

Therefore, their mentality is relatively relaxed, as this is a honeymoon trip.

In these five days, the two also encountered dozens of attacks by poisonous insects and beasts living in the great desert. These poisonous beasts obviously regarded Li Zedao and Shui Feiling as delicious food delivered to their door.

The most powerful of these poisonous insects and beasts is probably the top-grade cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm, so Li Zedao and Shui Fei Ling easily solved it.

In fact, Li Zedao and Shui Feiling also knew that their greatest enemy was not the vicious sunlight during the day, nor the icy cold wind at night, nor these poisonous insects and beasts that appeared from time to time.

Their greatest enemy is actually the snake man.

Under the leadership of the Empress Boya, those snake people lived in this harsh land. If they encountered them, they would have a bitter battle with their hatred towards outsiders.

Li Zedao is even more worried that he is so handsome, then the empress must not be blind, right? So it's very dangerous.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning hits this yellow land again, the bitter coldness of the night is of course gone, replaced by sultry heat.

Immediately, the sun became harsh and dazzling. If the guilty stares at him, he may burn his eyes at once.

As in the previous few days, Li Zedao and Shui Feiling drove on the sacred camel separately, and then the sacred camel stepped on the soft yellow sand step by step and continued to move forward.

Walking forward less than an hour’s distance, the two **** camels under the hips suddenly stopped, making bursts of neighing, and the big eyes showed great fear, as if something terrible was about to happen. of.

Li Zedao and Shui Feiling looked at each other, their bodies tightened, and they could see the strong vigilance in each other's eyes.

Since the sacred camel had issued a warning and stopped moving forward, it meant that an extremely terrifying danger was imminent.

It might be the most terrifying black storm in the desert, or some terrifying extreme weather.

At the moment, the two of them both fell into a camel, their nerves tense, and their eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

At this moment, a strange breeze came, and the golden sand on the surface was blown by the breeze and fluttered gently.

In such a hot weather, there is no doubt that such a gust of wind suddenly appeared, which is undoubtedly an extremely comfortable thing, but the complexions of Li Zedao and Shui Feiling changed slightly, and their hearts became more vigilant.

Because, in the previous five days, they had never encountered such a breeze, but now it is windy, and I want to know that it is not a good thing.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and held Shui Feiling's hand tightly.

Next, unless he died, he wouldn't let go of this woman's hand.

"Damn little brother." Concubine Shui smiled charmingly, her eyes full of love. If it weren't for the weird situation now, she would definitely molest her little brother again.

After a few breaths, the breeze that suddenly appeared suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the yellow sand that was blown up fell to the ground, and then fell into an inexplicable silence in the huge desert.

The desert is quite quiet most of the time, but at this time this strange silence has caused Li Zedao and Concubine Shui Ling to feel extremely uneasy, as if something terrible is about to happen.

At the same time, the camel screamed again, Li Zedao and Shui Feiling clearly felt that the sound of the camel was shaking.

Immediately afterwards, the four legs of the two **** camels softened, and they curled up directly, and there was even more heart-stirring panic in their big eyes.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled violently, and even more strongly squeezed Shui Feiling's hand.

Although the surroundings seem to be the same as before, but they know clearly that something is about to happen.

This complete uncertainty about fate and fear of the unknown caused Li Zedao's heart to be slightly confused.

The more important reason was that he didn't want to see any accident happened to Shui Feiling and the child in her belly.

"Little brother, are you scared? Come on, come to my sister's soft arms, let my sister hug you well." Shui Feiling said with a smile.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, but the inexplicable panic in his mind that was interrupted by Shui Feiling was slightly reduced.

At this moment, the sky that was still clear and clear turned to gray without warning, and the sky suddenly turned gray.

Li Zedao and Concubine Shui Ling's hearts tightened. Both of them looked at the sky that suddenly changed color with a little horror. They didn't know what to do for a while. After all, they didn't know what would happen next Horrible things.

At this moment, Li Zedao and Concubine Shui Ling also understood more deeply, what kind of spiritual spiritual realm top grade peak cultivation base, what heavenly top grade spiritual skills, various artifacts, etc., in front of nature, they seem so powerless, just Like the newborn.

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