The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2273: Do too many wicked things

"Little brother, look at..."

Li Zedao heard the shivering voice of Concubine Shui Ling, as if seeing some horrible scene.

Li Zedao looked up, and his eyes went round.

However, not far from the front, there was a black and crushing horror vortex, which was sweeping towards them frantically, and it made a numbing roar.

That momentum, as if to completely destroy this dirty world.

"This is... a tornado?" Li Zedao swallowed hard, his scalp numb.

Tornadoes in the desert are not uncommon, but this tornado is so big that its destructive power seems to destroy the world, and it is extremely rare.

Immediately, an even more frustrating scene happened.

A terrifying black vortex also appeared behind him, also appeared on the left, and also appeared on the right...

In the end, there were more than a dozen such vortices, and what was even more frightening was that these dozens of them seemed to have been agreed, and they all swept crazy toward Li Zedao's location.

Li Zedao's scalp was very numb, and his small heart almost jumped out of his throat, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

"Little brother, have you done too many wicked things so that God can't stand it? For example, are you too narcissistic? For example, have you harmed too many girls?" Shui Concubine spoke with difficulty, her small face turned pale. Up.

If there is only one black vortex, then just run in another direction. Can the vortex turn to chase them?

But now terrifying black vortices appeared in all directions, and the converging point of these dozens of vortices seemed to be where they were at this time.

If a black vortex is compared to a strong spiritual mirror cultivation base, then Li Zedao and Shui Fei Ling are currently surrounded by a dozen strong spiritual mirrors, fearing that there is only a dead end.

Moreover, even if the strong spirit mirror encounters such a black vortex, his heart will tremble with fear, and he will run away if he can't choose his way.

Li Zedao's mouth twitched violently, and he had to think that Shui Feiling's words still made sense. He must have done something wicked, so God has to play with himself like this. After all, such a situation is really weird. There are dozens of tornadoes at the same time, and are they planning to converge at one point?

This is unscientific!

"Maybe it's because I'm so handsome, God can't stand it anymore." Li Zedao swallowed, his little heart trembled.

"..." Concubine Shui had the urge to shoot Li Zedao to death.

When is it all, still so narcissistic.

The speed of these dozens of vortices swept extremely fast.

The sky has become extremely gloomy and black, and there is the roar of violent wind everywhere, and it is full of yellow sand, and the eyes are almost unable to make it. The whole picture looks like the end of the world.

At this moment, the two **** camels were so scared that they couldn't even scream, they were curled up there, their huge bodies twitching violently.

And Li Zedao and Shui Feiling are like a small boat on the vast ocean. At this time, the sea is in a state of anger. The waves are getting higher and higher every time, and the small boat will be torn to pieces at any time.

Escape is impossible, the only thing that can be done is to fight to death.

Li Zedao firmly held Shui Feiling's hand, and his heart moved.

While breathing, the golden yellow mask wrapped Li Zedao and Shui Fei Ling.

"Sister Shui, it's okay, we have a golden cover." Li Zedao took a deep breath and said.

Shui Feiling looked at Li Zedao and smiled lightly, but her heart sank to the bottom.

She naturally understands that the little brother is pretending to be calm and comforting herself. He knows better than anyone else, afraid that the golden cover can't stop the crazy invasion of the dozens of black vortices, right?

Even if it is blocked, how long can it be blocked? His aura is afraid that it will be exhausted soon.

Without the aura, the golden cover cannot be activated. Once the golden cover disappears, they will be involved in it. I am afraid that the body will be torn to pieces in an instant, right?

Concubine Shui Ling took a deep breath, and the little hand held tightly by Li Zedao also exerted a slight force, thinking that unless he died, he would never let go of the little brother.

The other hand was gently stroking his stomach, his eyes filled with apologies.

My parents, I'm afraid they can't protect you.

At this moment, a horrible vortex mixed with a lot of sand was already frantically swept forward.

In an instant, the entire golden cover was like those grains of sand, directly sucked into the vortex, followed by the violent wind and grains of sand, spinning frantically. The only difference is that this grain of sand is a bit big.

Li Zedao and Shui Feiling felt that their bodies were spinning without any control, and they were very dizzy and had a splitting headache.

The place where you see it is so dark that you can't see anything.

In the next second, only a deafening muffled sound of "Boom!" was heard, apparently two black vortices had collided fiercely together.

At the same time, Li Zedao felt that such a terrifying force slammed into the golden cover that was swept into the air.


Li Zedao's head roared, his face turned pale, and the aura in his body was almost exhausted.

If he was merely involved in this black vortex, he would still be able to hold for a while.

But the sad thing is that there is a big collision between the vortexes, and the kind of terrifying power released by this is probably even worse than the struggling strength of the spiritual mirror cultivation master.

Therefore, with just one blow, Li Zedao's aura was almost exhausted.

"This is over!" Li Ze Daoxin suddenly sank to the bottom, clenching his teeth, and clenching Shui Feiling's hand firmly.

As for the little turtle to come out and help...

Li Zedao felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. He didn't understand why the little tortoise always disappeared without a trace at critical times.

Little tortoise said last night, Xiaodaozi, Master tortoise had left beforehand, don't think of Master tortoise.

Li Zedao was shocked, and before he had time to say anything, the little turtle disappeared without a trace.

So the only thing Li Zedao could do was to silently slander the little tortoise. He felt that the little tortoise was too irresponsible. He hadn't told himself the specific location of Infernal Hell. Why did he leave like this?

Unexpectedly, the little tortoise would encounter such a terrifying vortex on his hind feet as soon as he walked away.

Concubine Shui Ling's heart also sank to the bottom. She looked at the pale little brother, knowing that the spiritual energy in his body was almost exhausted, and her eyes were distressed and ambiguous, as well as deep reluctance.

She knew that their chance of survival this time was extremely slim.

No matter how strong your strength is, you can't fight this extremely mysterious heaven. You can resist desperately, but after all, you can't completely break this day.

At this moment, the third to vortex collided again.

"Boom!" There was a deafening muffled noise.

The golden mask disappeared instantly, and Li Zedao's eyes went black, spouting a mouthful of blood, and lost consciousness.

At the same time, Shui Feiling felt that an unmatched horror aura suddenly blasted on her body, and immediately spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

"Little...little brother..." Shui Feiling almost couldn't open her eyes, but she firmly grasped Li Zedao's hand.

Even if they die, they must be together.

The large amount of sand that was swept up was like those hidden weapons, madly attacking the bodies of Concubine Shui Ling and Li Zedao.

Concubine Shui Ling's eyes were instantly covered by wind and sand, and she couldn't open it anymore, and countless blood stains appeared on her delicate face.

She even felt that her body was about to be torn apart by this terrifying cyclone, and her pain was extremely severe.


Another terrifying breath struck.

Shui Feiling spit out a mouthful of blood again, and this time completely lost consciousness.

In the vortex, the two hands that had always been tightly held together finally loosened.

At the same time, in a very distant place, there were two figures floating there quietly, one was golden yellow, the other was extremely dark, like a ball of black flesh.

Strangely, this black meat ball released bursts of scalp-numbing cold under the scorching sun.

That golden figure is a little tortoise!

At this moment, the little tortoise stared at the terrifying black vortex in front of him, but he was horrified, and he was obviously shocked by this scene.

"Old ghost, this is the legendary **** storm?" The little turtle swallowed.

I've heard the name of Nigga Storm a long time ago, but this is the first time I see you today.

It can be said that this large desert is the place where little tortoises are most unwilling to come, just because this place lives a monster that it can't afford to provoke.

Looking at the entire Divine Realm, it may be the only thing Little Turtle can't afford to provoke.

The little tortoise can point at the face of the Lord Gu and call it a slut, but in front of this monster, it is a real turtle with a shrunken head.

The little tortoise used to provoke it so badly, and as a result, it was pulled out of the tortoise shell when it was so weak.

"In this desert, this kind of storm occurs several times every year, so this storm does not exist in the legend." said the black meat ball, "it's just that there are dozens of them all at once, and they swept crazy. To a place...I have to wonder if that kid has done too many wicked things, and God can't stand it anymore?"

The black meat ball smashed his mouth, and the pitch-black eyes were full of incredible.

It feels that this matter is too weird. We must know that it has been in this large desert for a long time, but it has never seen such a weird phenomenon.

Usually, one or two **** storms are the limit, but today there are dozens of them. What's even more bizarre is that those horrible vortices seem to have hatred against him, and they swept him crazy. Go away, in a posture of tearing it to pieces.

"Um... it may also be that the woman has done too many wicked things, and it may also be that the child in the woman's belly has done too many wicked things. The little Daozi has only suffered from Wuwang disaster..."

After saying such things that he didn't even believe, Little Turtle became so guilty.

Damn little Daozi, why should you be so cheap? It makes Master Gui feel his conscience hurts even if he wants to help you out.

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