It is said that the fig species will only bloom once after a thousand years, and only once after a thousand years, will the fruit be ripe after another thousand years.

And it only blooms one flower at a time and bears only one fruit.

In other words, such a colorful divine fruit will grow every three thousand years!

Because this kind of natural material is too rare, even very few people know where it grows, and very few people know what magical effect this natural material has.

At least Li Zedao was familiar with the books in the library, and he didn't see the detailed records about the colorful divine fruit. He just mentioned the name and painted its shape.

Nothing is known about its efficacy.

I don't know what these snake people want the colorful divine fruit to do.

"Infinite hell!" The aunt smiled grimly.

Infinite hell? Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

Colorful gods are actually in hell? Just like the **** fruit that I desire?

"It is said that there are colorful divine fruits growing in that infinite hell!" The terrifying woman's triangular eyes stared at Li Ze gloomily, like a poisonous snake ready to open its big mouth and swallow its prey. .

She said word by word: "If you can bring back the colorful divine fruit, then you can live."

Li Zedao wanted to cry, let alone whether he could find the so-called colorful divine fruit, he didn't even know where the Infinite Hell was, OK?

Wait, so these snake people know where the **** is? It's just that the place is too dangerous, so let yourself go?

Also, the place where the little turtles were jealous, the Empress Boya was even more jealous, and she didn't even dare to approach it.

"Excuse me, where is the infernal hell?" Li Zedao felt that without knowing where the little tortoise had gone, this might be the best opportunity for himself to reach the infernal **** and get the fruits of hell.

"do not know."

Horror Aunty glanced at Li Zedao with extremely unkind triangular eyes.

If we knew where the infinite **** was, we snake people would have found the colorful divine fruit long ago, and we still need your kid to help find it?

"..." Li Zedao was trampled by a large group of Cao Nima crazily.

I was so angry that you don’t know where the **** is. Where can I find it?

"We only know that this infinite **** is located somewhere in this big desert, but our snake people have almost turned this huge desert over for so many years, but we still haven't found the infinite hell." The aunt's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Maybe, there would be no **** at all." Li Zedao said.

"No, infinite **** must exist." Aunt Horror glanced at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao wanted to say that since you are so sure, then you should look for it.

"Where is it, you need to look for it, find it, and bring back the colorful divine fruit, then you can live, but you can't find it... Jie Jie Jie, you won't die."

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, saying it earlier, scared this handsome guy to death.

"But you will... death is better than life! Jie Jie Jie..."

Aunt Horror made a terrible and harsh laugh, and her terrifying triangular eyes were full of hideousness.

Li Zedao's scalp was numb, he believed, how could this snake man let him go so easily? Just don't know how they will torture themselves.

Can't you just drain your own blood?

"Jie Jie Jie... When will you find the Hell of Infinite Hell and bring back the colorful divine fruit, then when will you be free from the pain caused by the Pill of Life and Death?"

"Life and death pill?" Li Zedao was taken aback, what was that? Why never heard of it?

But listening to what this aunt said, is he poisoned by the Pill of Life and Death?

Uneasy emotions began to fill Li Zedao's heart.

From the previous kind of **, we can know that the snake-men clan is almost at the top level of the gods in the research of pill.

"Jie Jie Jie, boy, is the water you just drank extremely sweet?"

Aunt Horror stretched out her hand, picked up the tabletop teapot, poured a cup into the cup, smiled terribly, like a vengeful ghost: "There is a pill of life and death in this water, and it has become very sweet."

Li Zedao's face changed again, although he didn't know what this "life and death pill" was, but seeing her smile so insidiously, you knew that this must not be a good thing.

Even worse, he had swallowed this so-called life and death pill into his stomach.

At this moment, Li Zedao clearly felt the heat in his abdomen, as if a fire suddenly appeared. Then, the fire followed his blood and swam all over his body at once, making his body change. It got to get hot, as if entering the steaming sauna.

But the kind did not last long, and soon disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Li Zedao's head buzzed, and his face became extremely ugly.

Because although the strange heat is gone, he feels that his body is beginning to itch.

I don't know where it is, as if every inch of my body is itchy.

The more terrifying is yet to come.

As each breath passed, the itchiness on the body increased again. After a few dozen breaths, even the internal organs began to itch.

Li Zedao's body was already soft to the ground at the time, and that face was completely twisted into a ball.

His body was rolling, twitching, and his body was rubbing desperately on the ground!

He bit his teeth tightly, preventing himself from groaning, but he could clearly hear the sound of his upper and lower teeth hitting together.

This is not a pain from the depths of the soul, this is a strange itch from the depths of the spirit.

Li Zedao had suffered the pain caused by the soul nail punishment, and also experienced the pain of choosing a master by blood, but the pain seemed really insignificant compared with the current itch.

Li Zedao understood that the most unbearable in the world was not pain, but itching.

Finally, Li Zedao couldn't help groaning, he really wanted to hit him to death.

"Boy, know that this medicine is going to be named'Life and Death Pill'? Jie Jie Jie..."

Aunt Horror's triangular eyes watched Li Zedao rolling over there with interest, panting heavily there, making a sound of incomparable pain, and desperately scratching her body.

Soon, shocking blood stains appeared on his hands, neck and face.

But the pain and the blood did not relieve the indescribable itch, but made the itch even deeper.

Li Zedao thoroughly understood why this pill was named Life and Death Pill. Once it happened, it would indeed make people unable to survive.

I also understood that the boss and the group of people such as Sha had a chance, but they didn't take the opportunity to escape, because all of them were poisoned by this life and death pill.

"Jie Jie Jie... This life and death pill will attack once a month, and each attack will last three days and three nights, but if the antidote is taken, the life and death pill will be suppressed for a month without attack."

Aunt Horror looked at Li Zedao with a weird smile and said: "In the next three days and three nights, you will feel the horror of life and death pill, so that you will have a long memory and know what to do next."

Li Zedao couldn't say anything anymore, and he didn't even hear what Horror Auntie said.

He only knows that it is very itchy, very itchy, so that he makes a sharp scream, and itchy even if this terrifying aunt wants his icy and clean body, he will nod without hesitation to say you take it, it itches him. Emotions are on the verge of collapse.

Not to mention three days and three nights of such pain, even the short amount of three sticks of incense, can't bear it at all.

The horror aunt gave a gloomy smile and walked out of the room.

Gradually, Li Zedao's bloodshot eyes protruded completely, as if they were about to jump out of his eye sockets at any time.

He doesn't even have the strength to scratch himself. His throat is already hoarse, but it is instinctive. He still exhales hoarse, suppressed but harsh gasps, and his body curls up like a wounded viper. Moving, rolling, rubbing the floor.

The clothes on his body were scratched by himself, and the flesh on his body was also caught by himself with shocking bloodstains.

The ground was also full of blood stains, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Li Zedao knew that he would not be itchy to death, but he hoped that he would die quickly.

At this moment, Li Zedao suddenly remembered the kind of pain he had caused when he resisted the soul nail and the bloodline to choose the master.

Secret map volume!

Yes, comprehend "Tianji Scroll"!

After falling asleep, you can ignore the strange itch that seems to come from the depths of the soul!

As for whether someone would take the opportunity to invade his bingqingyujie's body or kill him after falling asleep, Li Zedao had no extra energy to consider these things.

At the moment, Li Zedao tried his best to bring up the contents of "The Scroll of Secrets" in his mind. Then, he felt that the indescribable itch suddenly eased a lot. Then the long-lost feeling appeared, and his mind began to Chaos, the eyelids also began to heavier, breathing became stable.

Li Zedao fell asleep, fell asleep quite sweetly.

An hour later, Aunt Horror returned to this room again, she was still somewhat worried about Li Zedao's life.

Itching will only make you worse off than death, but it won't kill you, but if you have more blood, it will kill you.

Besides, Horror Aunt didn’t really want Li Zedao to suffer for three days and three nights, she just wanted him to understand the terrifying power of the Pill of Life and Death, completely defeating his courage, and made him afraid to give birth to anything. Rebellious heart.

"Why there is no groan-groan? It seems that the throat has been screamed, and no sound can be made." Aunt Horror thought, strode into the room.

Then, her horrible triangular eyes suddenly widened, and her eyes almost rolled down from their sockets. Her mind roared violently, and she couldn't believe what was happening before her.

There is no groan-groan, and there is no picture of the body desperately struggling to crawl against the ground.

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