The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2284: Pill of Life and Death

The **** tribute, he actually lay there motionless, breathing evenly, with a transparent body flowing at the corners of his mouth, and even a bubble appeared in his nostrils, which was growing and shrinking with his breathing. .

Sleep... fell asleep?

The Horror Aunt had a dull face.

Immediately, her pie face began to smoke, the faster and faster, the faster and faster, until the end, she didn't feel anymore.

Her mind was roaring violently, and there was an unprecedented huge wave in her heart, and she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing.

You know, whoever is hit by the Pill of Life and Death, who is not so itchy? Which is not crazy scratching the flesh on your body? Isn't that crazily curled up? Those who didn't get the antidote, that didn't end up suffering for three days and three nights and then obediently surrendered and did not dare to have any ambitions?

But what's the matter with this guy?

He actually fell asleep?

The poison of his life and death pills has been solved?

No, no! You can tell at a glance whether there is poisoning or not.

This kid's body is still suffering from the life and death pill, but his spirit has entered a state of deep sleep!

This is so weird!

Aunt Horror walked over in stride, and the big hand lifted Li Zedao up as if carrying a little chicken, her expression gloomy and terrifying.

The tribute fell asleep like this, undoubtedly drawing her face fiercely, drawing the face of the snake people, which made her angry.

Li Zedao didn't wake up and continued to fall asleep.


The bubble burst in the nostril, and then another bubble was born.

Aunt Horror's face was completely black, like that ink, she had forgotten, when was the last time she was so angry.

She raised her slightly trembling hand, and then slapped Li Zedao's blood-stained face severely.


The bones on Li Zedao's face shattered directly, sunken, and the corners of his mouth were cracked, with blood flowing.

However, he was still asleep and did not wake up.

The horror aunt's body trembled even more severely, and a strong murderous aura filled her wide, triangular eyes. She had never been like this before, so she wanted to smash a person and use it as fertilizer.

Immediately, her big hand raised Li Zedao high, and then slammed it on the cold floor.

Seeing that Li Zedao's body had to make the most intimate contact with the ground, and then became a **** one.

But at this moment, a big hand gleaming with blue and red light appeared on the ground.

The big hand gently caught Li Zedao who was still asleep.

At the same time, a voice that sounded like a dingdong of spring water but undoubtedly sounded: "Stop!"

Aunt Horror's expression changed slightly, and then she remembered that this tribute was a more favored one by Her Majesty, and she wanted him to find the colorful fruit.

Although this kind of thing is simply ridiculous, but among the snake people, who dares to disobey the meaning of the Empress?

He turned around and looked at the Empress Boya with a slightly embarrassed expression. She respectfully said: "Your Majesty the Empress."

Empress Boya glanced at Li Zedao, who was already **** and frowning.

She has a hobby of beauty and cleanliness, so Li Zedao at this time is quite inaccessible to her.

"What's the matter?" The Empress Boya asked.

She thought the tribute made Mary angry, so Mary killed him.

Then the big hands intertwined with blue and red disappeared, Li Zedao's body fell softly to the ground, and continued to fall asleep.

Of course, in the eyes of Empress Boya, he was knocked out.

"Your Majesty, this kid is asleep." Aunt Horror glanced at Li Zedao. The terrifying triangular eyes were full of incomprehension, and her voice was moved.

"Asleep?" Empress Boya was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, according to your instructions, the subordinates asked him to take the Pill of Life and Death, but when the Pill of Life and Death occurred, he fell asleep, and the subordinates couldn't wake him up."

Empress Boya looked at Li Zedao, her expression moved slightly, there is such a thing?

She knew how terrifying the Pill of Life and Death was, but under the devastation of the Pill of Life and Death, the tribute fell asleep, which had to be said to be quite strange.

No wonder Mary is so angry.

Walking to the front, those extremely agile eyes glanced at Li Zedao with a strong surprise.

Breathing is steady and even, but long and strong, plus a bubble appeared in the nostrils and the transparent liquid at the corners of the mouth, indeed, I fell asleep, and I slept quite sweetly, and even seemed to be dreaming. of.

"How did he do it? The Nuwa clan has such amazing skills? Why did he appear in this big desert?" The Empress Boya was puzzled. For a while, Li Zedao came into being. A bit curious.

"Take care of his wounds, clean up this place, and wait for him to wake up and talk about the rest." Empress Boya said at last.

"Yes, Your Majesty Empress."


Three days later, Li Zedao stretched out quite comfortably, and then slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the strange itch not only disappeared, but the limbs and corpses were indescribably comfortable, and the cultivation base seemed to be one step closer.

Li Zedao sat up, only to find that he was smeared with a thick layer of plaster all over his body, especially his face.

After sweeping around, he was still in the room, and there was still a plate of melons and fruits that released the fragrance and sweetness on the table.

Naturally, in Li Zedao's eyes, this plate of fruits is no different from the vicious snakes and scorpions.

"It seems that after I fell asleep, that scary woman not only didn't kill herself, but even helped herself heal her wounds." Li Zedao thought.

"Jie Jie Jie, I thought you would never wake up." The groaning voice suddenly sounded.

Li Zedao's scalp was numb, and his head turned to look stiff.

But when she saw that terrifying aunt did not know when she actually appeared there, she was staring at herself with a gloomy face.

Li Zedao wanted to scold his mother, do you know that such a sudden noise would scare people to death.

"Boy, how did you do it?" the horror aunt asked gloomily. "If you don't say anything, be careful to cut off your flesh piece by piece."

Li Zedao did not answer her question. Instead, he said, "I will set out to find the whereabouts of the Seven-Colored Divine Fruit."

As for the threats and intimidation of the other party, Li Zedao really didn't care at all. Anyway, if the other party wanted to kill him, he would have died long ago.

The Horror Aunt narrowed her eyes and shouted sharply: "Do you want to escape?"

This kid is not afraid of the kind of itch caused by the pill of life and death at all, he can't escape without this?

Li Zedao thought to himself that this aunt, who is presumably fat in his head, has such a good brain? Actually knew that he was going to escape.

Although once the Pill of Life and Death strikes, it is indeed extremely fearful and a strong sense of powerlessness, making it worse than death, but it is a big deal to comprehend the picture of heaven and roll in sleep.

"Since you don't trust me so much, then I didn't say it." Li Zedao waved his hand, looking like you want to kill you.

The horror aunt was so angry that she wanted to slap this arrogant boy to death.

In the end, he could only snorted and left.

Li Zedao threw all the messy thoughts out of his head, and was about to close his eyes to continue practicing, but his eyes flashed, and a wonderful figure appeared in front of him.

Li Zedao calmly looked at this woman with an extremely terrifying and fierce name outside, but he couldn't even make any ripples in his heart.

No panic, no surprise, just as a passerby passing by.

Do you want to drain my blood? whatever! Do you want to sleep with me? It's up to you! Want to keep me trapped in this place? casual!

Li Zedao was too lazy to struggle.

Li Zedao's expression made the Empress Boya feel extremely surprised, or that she felt that she was insulted and ignored.

The two of them stared at each other silently.

Li Zedao didn't have any thoughts in his heart, he was quite calm, even he himself didn't understand why he was so calm in his heart when facing such a terrifying and beautiful woman.

Is it because my heart has been hurt too much, it is dying, or even dead?

Empress Boya couldn't stand it anymore. She dodged her eyes and said: "This is the antidote to the pill of life and death. After taking this antidote, the pill of life and death will never happen."

Before the words were over, a delicate medicine bottle fell in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao glanced at the medicine bottle, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he looked at Empress Boya again.

"In addition, Mary will take you out of here afterwards." Empress Boya said again.

"Is this to let me go out looking for the colorful fruit?" Li Ze asked. It's not right. If you let yourself look for the colorful divine fruit, why should you give yourself an antidote?

"Let you leave." Empress Boya said.

Li Zedao's calm face showed a trace of movement: "Why?"

Empress Boya did not speak, and disappeared in front of Li Zedao.

Li Ze was stunned for a few seconds, and finally couldn't help but touch his face covered with thick plaster, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

"It must be because I look so handsome."

While feeling sigh, Li Zedao picked up the medicine bottle in front of him, poured out a red and yellow pill from it, and swallowed it directly into his stomach without even thinking about it.

Then close your eyes and continue practicing.

I don't know how long it took, the hoarse voice of Horror Auntie rang in her ears.

"Boy, you can go away."

Li Zedao opened his eyes and looked at the terrifying aunt with a grin, giving people a feeling of being a villain. This terrifying aunt was so angry that he almost couldn't help but slap the kid to death.

"Eat this pill." The terrifying aunt gritted her teeth and shot a dazzling red pill to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao recognized this pill, and it was this pill that Boss Sha and the others asked themselves to take.

Without any hesitation, Li Zedao picked up the pill and stuffed it into his mouth, swallowing it into his stomach.

After a few breaths, his body softened and collapsed on the bed. The eyelids were like heavy stones hanging, and his eyes could not be opened at all.

"What an overbearing sex." Li Zedao thought.

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