The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2286: Mr. Dong Guo

Li Zedao's reaction was faster than the dozens of black lights.

At the moment when he suddenly became cold on his back, the golden cover appeared.


All of the dozens of black brains behind him were blocked by the golden light that appeared suddenly, and they fell on the soft sand one after another. In this quiet big desert, the sound seemed so harsh.

Li Zedao turned his head, his wide-eyed eyes scanned the dozen or so seemingly familiar black needles on the ground, and he looked up at the man with a hideous face a dozen steps away, a little stupid.

For a while, Li Zedao couldn't understand why he saved this person, but why this person wanted to kill himself.

Could it be that half a bag of water is not enough for him? Does he want everything in himself?

The man naturally heard this series of abnormal noises, but this kind of sound fell into his ears, but he thought it was the sound of a black needle piercing the human body.

"Don't blame Lao Tzu for being cruel, who asked you to save Lao Tzu?" The man murmured to himself, the hand holding the water bag with a slight force, the water bag burst immediately, and the water was sprinkled on the ground, but it was all at once Was evaporated by the terrifying temperature, and no trace was seen.

When Li Zedao saw this, his heart was full of helplessness. Half a bag of life-saving water was gone. He was really sinful.

Li Zedao suddenly understood why this person had to return the half bag of water to himself before. It was not what he said, some dying person didn’t want to waste the benefactor’s water, but he poisoned the water. !

What a poisonous mind.

In such a ghost place, the value of this half-bag of water is no less than a concentrating pill, so most people will retrieve the water bag when they hear this.

"I was wrong." Li Zedao said helplessly.

He finally wanted to do something good, but he became Mr. Dong Guo and a farmer, which made him quite unhappy.

"What? You..." The man's face changed abruptly when he heard this voice, and his mind was stunned.

Hasn't the black needle penetrated his body all the time? Isn't he on the verge of death? Why is there nothing at all?

"A few broken needles just wanted my life, are you too naive?" Li Zedao glanced at the dozen or so familiar black needles on the ground, and raised his brows slightly.

He remembered when he had seen this black needle.

Previously, when acting with Ji Bingbiao of Jijiapu, Ji Bing shot a similar black needle, but her black needle came from the public loser family and was an extremely powerful hidden weapon invented by the public loser family.

The Gongzu family used this hidden weapon plus a few precious pills in exchange for the broken image of the sky-breaking axe from Ji Bing.

This concealed weapon is extremely delicate, so delicate that it can be placed in the mouth and fired between the mouth.

In addition, the black needles are also poisoned with blood-stained throats, which can be regarded as one of the most dangerous hidden weapons in God's Domain.

So, this person is also a member of the public loser family?

If this is the case, for the sake of public defeat, it's really not easy to kill him.

After a brief astonishment, the man was not talking nonsense, he turned around and ran away, but his eyes were blind, so he looked so embarrassed, like a headless fly.

"Want to run?"

Li Zedao let out a cold snort, and ran after him with a flash.

In a moment, it appeared before the man like a ghost.

Although the man couldn't see his eyes, he clearly felt a terrifying aura blocking his way. With a savage face, he slammed a fist forward.

"Go to hell!" he roared.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Instead, he received a violent punch in the stomach by Li Zedao. The whole person flew out like a kite with a broken line, and finally plunged heavily into the yellow sand. A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. Mixed with broken internal organs.

"People from the public loser family?"

Li Zedao condescendingly looked at this more miserable man and spoke lightly.

There was no change in the expression on the man's face. Li Zedao knew it in his heart. It seemed that he should not be a member of the public loser family, otherwise he would not be so indifferent when he heard the words "public loser family".

"It's up to this day, if you want to kill, you have to chop it up!" The man gritted his teeth and said with a grim expression.

"I have some friendship with the public loser family..." Li Zedao tried again, intending to confirm it again.

It's just that after saying these things that he didn't even believe, Li Zedao was so guilty that he died.

I'm afraid that except for Linglong, the other members of the public loss family want to cut themselves off, right?

"Ahem...So, I won't kill you anymore, let me fend for myself." Li Zedao gave such a pretty bad reason.

"I said, I am not a member of the public loser family! I am not!" The man struggled to get up, blushing, as if saying that he was a member of the public loser family would be a great humiliation to him.

"So, who are you?"

"I am... I want to kill, I want to chop it with you!" The man continued to gritted his teeth.

"Anyway, I won't kill you. If I want to die, I will **** myself with that black needle." Li Zedao said indifferently.

Before he finished his words, Li Zedao's body tightened slightly and his brows frowned.

The man's body was tense, and his face showed fear.

Someone is here, and the number is quite large, and the cultivation base is not weak.

Li Zedao didn't understand why there are so many people going deep into this big desert. What are they trying to do? Could there be any treasures in the desert?

A few couldn't breathe, more than 20 figures appeared in Li Zedao's line of sight.

Then these people surrounded Li Zedao and the man who was saved by Li Zedao.

Without exception, these people stared at the man and Li Zedao with rather unkind eyes, as if a poisonous snake living in this desert was staring at its prey.

"Damn, where do I see you going?"

One of the middle-aged men roared with a full face, and spit on the ground fiercely. He even clenched a steel knife wrapped in a terrifying blue cyclone in his hand, and was about to slash him at any time.

At the same time, he glanced at Li Zedao with a rather unkind look. The murderous aura in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed. It was obvious that he wanted to say that Li Zedao had been killed together.

The others are the same, showing off their weapons with murderous faces.

Li Zedao understood that these nasty guys were chasing this man, and right now they wanted to explain that he was passing by and was playing soy sauce.

Who knows, the man said with an anxious look: "Brother, go quickly, I will stop them!"

Li Zedao glanced at this worried and concerned face, the muscles on his face twitched wildly, and he almost slapped this guy who was more white-eyed than the white-eyed wolf to death.

Is this what people say?

And you are so old you are embarrassed to call me big brother? My uncle!

But remembering that he wanted to kill himself before, Li Zedao suddenly felt that it seemed quite normal for him to say this.

"Want to run? Do you think you can run?"

"Don't talk nonsense with them, quickly abolish the cultivation of these two **** snake-men, and then let them try the methods of our brothers. These two **** snake-men will take us to the snake-men's lair!"


One after another, rather unkind eyes fell on Li Zedao, as if he wanted to remove the flesh from him piece by piece.

If it weren't for Li Zedao's fear, I was afraid that he would immediately rush forward.

After all, the most powerful among these people is the spiritual **** realm top-grade cultivation base, but Li Zedao is a powerhouse with the spiritual **** realm top-grade cultivation base.

Even if they rely on the number of people to finally kill Li Zedao, they will definitely have to pay some considerable price.

To put it bluntly, no one wants to be the first to try Li Zedao's strength.

"Snake man?"

Li Zedao glanced at the man he saved with a weird look. He turned out to be a snake man? Is it the subordinate of the Empress Boya?

No wonder, he saved his life, but he wanted his own life time and time again. After all, there was an endless contradiction between snake people and those outside.

So, the reason why these people go deep into the desert is to clean up the snake people? Is it too naive? Only the Empress Boya can kill all these people with just a raise of her hand, right?

It's just that since he is a snake-man, he can't be ignored, right?

After all, the Empress Boya not only did not **** her own blood, she even gave a delicious treat and let herself go.

At this time, saving the snake-man's life was regarded as paying back the snake-man's favor.

Li Zedao lightly sighed. People can't be too kind. Just like me, I'm too kind. That's why I'm always so entangled, taking bad things on myself, patting my butts and leaving.

After making up his mind, Li Zedao made a sudden move, and immediately pinched the throat of the already seriously injured snake man, and said with a gloomy face: "Well, you snake man, how dare you humiliate me so? Is it a mean and vicious snake man?"

The snake man's face turned red all at once, breathing was abnormal, but he was unable to fight back.

Everyone was stunned, but they didn't dare to be careless, and instead clenched their weapons.

In their opinion, this guy's move should be to paralyze them.

Li Zedao glanced at everyone and said, "Everyone, I'm not a snakeman, and I really don't know that this man is a snakeman. I thought he was like me. The reason why he went into the desert is to find the snakeman. ’S lair, so he came to the rescue."

"If you don't believe me, you can take out the realgar liquid, and you will know it at first inspection!"

Everyone looked at each other a few times. One of them took out a medicine jar, threw it at Li Zedao, and said, "This is realgar liquid."

Li Zedao stretched out his hand to catch it, with a slight force, the medicine jar burst instantly, and the pungent realgar liquid inside touched Li Zedao's hand, but it did not burn the skin on his hand.

Li Zedao raised his intact hand, and everyone believed that this guy with a good cultivation level had not lied, but had a problem with his IQ and was almost deceived by the snake man.

"It turned out to be my own."

"Dare to ask your brother's surname? How about letting us go back to see Huang Sect Master?"

Everyone arched their hands at Li Zedao.

Although this kid didn't go deep into this great desert with them, but he must have responded to the call of the master of the Yellow Sect, and then went deep into this great desert.

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