The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2287: Because i'm handsome

"Huang Sect Master? Huang Quan?" Li Zedao felt slightly in his heart.

So Huang Quan led the team to go deep into this great desert to kill the snake people?

"Dare to ask, but Huang Clan Master is Huang Clan Master in Huangcheng?" Li Zedao asked.

"Exactly." Someone replied, "After getting the accurate information, Huang Sect Master summoned a lot of powerhouses in God's Domain. Under the leadership of his elders, everyone went deep into the desert and successfully found the Snake People. One of the strongholds. Only waiting to find the final stronghold of the Snake Clan, it will be completely wiped out...Why, brother, didn't you respond to the call of the Yellow Sect Master to go deep into the desert?"

Obviously, these people are quite confident in this eradication operation.

"Stronghold? Is it the oasis where Boss Sha and the others are located?" Li Zedao's thoughts surged.

He didn't know that over the years, Huang Quan had organized the strong to go deep into the desert to kill the snakes, but the effect was minimal.

They simply searched for the hiding place of the snake-men. Although a few snake-men can be found sometimes, there is no way to tell the hiding place of the snake-men from their mouths.

However, the number of snake people is very small, and their strength is too weak after all, so they have never appeared to fight Huang Quan and the others.

Therefore, almost every time these people set off with high spirits, expressing that this time they must completely wipe out the snake-men clan, but the final right is to appreciate the scenery of the great desert.

This time, they have gained a lot. They found an oasis and rescued a dozen or so spiritual and spiritual cultivation masters who were trapped there by the snake people.

After that, he set up an ambush in the oasis and attacked several snakemen who went to the oasis.

It is a pity that the vigilance of these snake people is too strong, coupled with their good cultivation and familiarity with the desert, they actually let some of them run away, so they chased them out in batches, of course, but not Dare to chase too far, otherwise if you get lost, or you meet other snake people, you may be destroyed.

"I don't know that Huang Clan Master issued a call, but one of my brothers was abducted by the snake man and his whereabouts is unknown, so he went deep into the desert and planned to find his trace." Li Zedao casually sneered.

"That's it."

"I've been offended a lot, so please don't take offense."

Everyone arched their hands at Li Zedao to express their apologies.

"Where and where." Li Zedao responded politely.

Then his face changed, and he pointed to the front: "Wait, there are a few terrifying auras over there, isn't it the strongest of the snake-man clan?"

The nerves of everyone suddenly tightened, clenching their weapons, and looking in the direction Li Zedao was pointing, there was no doubt that he was there.

After all, this person is a strong person at the peak cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm, and his cultivation base is higher than those of them, so he can detect the danger coming for the first time.

Li Zedao seized the opportunity, and caught the snake man who was almost about to be strangled to death, and ran away.

When these people reacted, Li Zedao would have run away long ago.

"Damn, was fooled by that **** kid!"

"I didn't expect this guy to belong to the snake-man clan, but why the realgar liquid doesn't work for him? Is it expired?"

"Perhaps it was the slave raised by the **** Boa Empress! Damn, I don't know what blood is flowing on my body after I kneel for a long time."

"What are you doing in a daze? Chase it!"

These people's faces turned green, and they all gritted their teeth to catch up, but where did they catch up with Li Zedao? Soon they completely lost the trace of Li Zedao, and they could only curse irritably, saying that if they were to see this kid, they must be broken into pieces.

At this moment, a strange cold wind blew.

"Why do I feel a little cold?"

One of the men trembled inexplicably, as if falling into an ice cave.

Can't help but look up at the sky, but see the venomous sun still hanging there.

Immediately, his eyes widened suddenly, a look of horror appeared in his eyes, and his body trembled slightly, as if he had seen a ghost.

The other people did the same, each as if they had seen a demon, their eyes widened, and their breathing became rapid.

"Go... to die!"

One of them screamed sternly, clenched the long sword in his hand, and slashed forward fiercely.

The weird thing is that there is nothing in front of you, nothing.

Others unexpectedly showed off their weapons one after another, slashing madly at the air, exposing their own cultivation base without reservation, and the sky was filled with yellow sand for a while, and the sound of air explosions continued.

However, there is no one in front of them, no poisonous insects and beasts, only yellow sand in the sky, and they are desperately shooting against the yellow sand.

This scene is undoubtedly quite strange.

Not far away, two figures floated there quietly.

One was golden, and the other was extremely dark. What was alive was a ball of black meat. It was an old ghost who was very jealous of the little tortoise and the little tortoise.

"It's so poisonous. If this goes on, these **** will be exhausted alive." The little turtle curled his lips.

"There is too much garbage in this world." The old ghost said.

"That being said, just in case, we still need this **** to deal with the **** rubbish." The turtle's head hurt a little.

If you want to get rid of the poison on them, you have to control the woman in the distance and force her to detoxify the garbage, but obviously, the old ghost doesn't want to show up, or the old ghost doesn't want to do anything with that woman.

Naturally, it wasn't because he couldn't beat it. The old ghost's slap was enough to slap ten Boya empresses.

Little tortoise probably knew that the old ghost had a very deep relationship with the snake-man clan.

In fact, in the past, the snake people were able to enter this great desert to find an excellent place of refuge that outsiders could not find, and it also benefited from the guidance of the old ghost.

"Not bad these rubbish." The old ghost said lightly.

The little tortoise pouted and said nothing.

"You go to warn the **** in the oasis, if you don't want to die, get out." The old ghost said again.

"Master Turtle is not available." Little Turtle curled his lips.

Who do you think you, what do you want to do with the turtle? My sister's!

"Then kill them all," the old ghost said.

The little tortoise twitched his grimace, and could only curse silently in his heart, but had to float in the direction of the oasis.

Although those are garbage, garbage is also divided into recyclable garbage and non-recyclable garbage.

Those few people belong to recyclable garbage, and they are still useful. Naturally, you can't just watch them being slapped to death by the old ghost.

"Hey, the biggest shortcoming of the turtle is that he is too kind." Little turtle said with emotion.


Li Zedao, who ran far away, made sure that those people were not able to catch up, put down the almost dying snake man, and said indifferently: "This is the last time I will save you, so please do it yourself."

"Why?" The snake-man gasped hard, his expression rather weird.

He didn't understand why the man in front of him had to save his life time and time again, even the last time he knew he was a snakeman.

This is too unreasonable.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so this guy must have some conspiracy!

"Because I'm handsome." Li Zedao said angrily.


"Don't you believe it?" Seeing the muscles on the snake man's face twitched, Li Zedao was very depressed.

Can't you see my ridiculously handsome face?

Li Zedao suddenly remembered that this guy's eyes were already blind, and he really couldn't see his extremely handsome face.

"It's a pity for you, I can't see my handsome face that is damaging the country and the people." Li Ze said.


The snake man already had a vicious look on his face, and gritted his teeth: "I see, you are trying to win my favor, so that you can get more things from my snake man clan, right? I tell you, our snake clan clan They are all flesh and blood. Even if you save me thousands of times, I won't miss your goodness, and I won't tell you anything about our snake people."

"You are sick!" Li Zedao rolled his eyes and turned to leave.

This walk took more than an hour.

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the sky that didn't know when it turned out to be black and crushed, and there was an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

The air is still hot, but strange black clouds are rolling, covering the sky and the sun, as if the end of the world is coming.

The desert on weekdays is quite silent.

But this is a sleeping poisonous snake, when it wakes up, she will show terrifying fangs.

Obviously, the sleeping poisonous snake seems to be awake now, and shows its terrifying scene.

Just when Li Zedao swallowed wildly, his scalp was numb and he didn't know what extreme scenes would happen next, he suddenly noticed that the sand under his feet seemed to start to flow slowly, like a stream of water.

Of course, the speed of the flow is extremely slow, like a snail crawling forward, if it weren't for Li Zedao's extremely strong perception ability, I am afraid it would not be detected.

Li Zedao's heart shook, and a more restless mood surged.

He noticed that the fine sand around him was slowly flowing towards his feet, but there was no sand piled up around him.

So...Is there nothing under my feet?

So I encountered the horrible vortex of quicksand? Moreover, he is quite unlucky at the center of the quicksand vortex at this time?

Li Zedao wanted to cry without tears, wondering how could he be so unlucky? Is it because I am so handsome that God can't stand it anymore?

Li Zedao didn't dare to stay any longer, and as soon as he took off his figure, he wanted to leave this ghost place quickly.

But at this moment, the surrounding fine sand suddenly spun quickly, as if there was a huge funnel buried under the sand, and the funnel's channel was completely opened.

Li Zedao only felt that his feet were soft, but at the same time, he clearly felt a horrible suction covering himself, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the horrible suction.

Immediately, his body uncontrollably followed the vortex of quicksand began to roll, and at the same time, his lower body was plunged into the fine sand, and he couldn't move at all.

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