The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2297: Amazing scene

Li Zedao gritted his teeth, as if he had made a big decision, and said, "Then take a gamble. Okay, don't shame if you lose, it is the puppy!"

"Naive!" Baili Linger rolled his eyes. I feel like I'm crazy, otherwise, how could I be so bored with this **** ink for so long?

"I'm optimistic, but don't tell me that I cheated after I recover." Li Zedao raised the Rubik's Cube in his hand to Baili Ling'er, and the corners of the mouth covered by the black cloth had already outlined an extremely evil range.

"You're starting..." Baili Ling'er put her foot off the table.

The sound stopped abruptly.

Baili Ling'er's eyes turned round, almost falling out of his eye sockets.

Because Li Zedao turned the Rubik's Cube in his hand with one hand, and it turned as fast as lightning, dazzling.

"Alright!" Li Zedao stopped the turning motion in his hand, raised the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and showed it to Baili Ling'er.


The whole teahouse fell directly into a rather strange dead silence, including the public transport Linglong, everyone was petrified.

Just now, Li Zedao said that he could recover all six sides of the Rubik's Cube. This word fell into the ears of other people in the teahouse. Everyone just heard it as a big joke.

Some of them squirted out the tea from their mouths, and some even wanted to rush over and beat Li Ze severely.

Hemp, the most annoying person is.

Not to mention that the public loser family is extremely popular in Lucheng. Li Zedao's words are undoubtedly insulting the public loser Linglong, which naturally aroused the anger of others.

After that, the two men began to bet, and they attracted all their eyes.

As a result, they all clearly saw the Rubik's Cube being quickly turned with one hand by Li Zedao.

They have not yet reacted from the shock, and a more shocking scene happened.

The Rubik's Cube in Li Zedao's hands has completely changed. The colors of the six sides are no longer chaotic and abnormal, but are arranged neatly according to the colors.

The Rubik's Cube has been restored! Really all six sides have been restored! What is even more bizarre is that he only spent ten breathless hours!

The muscles on Baili Linger's face began to twitch, and then she twitched faster and faster.

The expression was like eating hundreds of flies in one bite, then chewing them up and then holding them all in their mouths, how wonderful and wonderful.

" cheated? Yes, you must cheat!" Baili Ling'er's face turned purple, her eyes were quite dangerous, and her skinny and beautiful body trembled violently.

As he said, he grabbed the already restored Rubik's Cube in Li Zedao's hands, and scanned it with wide-eyed eyes, but the more he watched, the more frightened he became, and the more he watched, the more confused he became.

"Swindle? You can recover the six sides of the Rubik's Cube by bluffing? Miss Baili, you can show me the bluff."

Li Zedao looked at Baili Ling'er with a smile, as if he was at the pinnacle of life. His eyes were full of oppression, making Baili Ling'er feel a little difficult to breathe.

" are deceiving!" Baili Linger gritted his teeth.

How can such an unrealistic thing happen if it is not fraudulent? This is simply not something one can do.

Li Zedao smiled, he knew that if she didn't completely destroy this woman's heart, she would not admit her own strength, and would only swindle herself over there.

Immediately Li Zedao picked up two other Rubik's Cubes, one in each hand.

"This time I will recover slowly, you are optimistic."

With that, Li Zedao began to turn the Rubik's Cube with one hand and both hands at the same time. The speed was not fast, but it gave people a very skilled feeling, and then an extremely awesome feeling came into being.

At least, the faces of Baili Ling'er and those around him were filled with incredible expressions.

Their eyes were staring at the two Rubik's Cubes in Li Zedao's hands, and they didn't dare to blink.

After dozens of people couldn't breathe, the two Rubik's Cubes in Li Zedao's hands were restored at the same time!

As a result, a huge wave that was ten thousand times stronger than before was set off in everyone's heart, and their minds roared completely without feeling, and the rounded eyeballs almost jumped out of their eye sockets.

After all, they could say what conspiracies and tricks Li Zedao had used before, but this time, Li Zedao was able to restore the Rubik’s Cube step by step in front of them...Of course, they didn’t understand it.

They didn't understand why the Rubik's Cube was restored so miraculously after a few turns.

And they are also doing one hand at the same time, so this scene is undoubtedly more shocking to their eyes.

"Miss Baili, are there any questions?" Li Zedao put the two restored Rubik's Cubes in front of Baili Linger.

Baili Linger didn't speak, she was so shocked that she could not speak.

Li Zedao smiled and picked up the other two Rubik's Cubes again, still holding one in each hand, but this time the speed was extremely fast. Ten people could not breathe, so he recovered them easily.

As a result, everyone's already-explosive eyeballs exploded again.

Some even began to pinch their flesh, and they seriously doubted their dreams.

"Even if you can easily recover the Rubik's Cube, what does it mean? But it's just a plaything!"

After a long time, Baili Ling'er spoke with difficulty, but there was not much confidence in her voice.

Because of this horrible perversion, there is no such thing as plaything.

His talent in cultivation is also extremely terrifying, so terrifying that several experts from the Baili family's spiritual **** realm peak cultivation are all killed.

Even his father was extremely jealous of him.

Not to mention, not only did he get the golden pupil that only the Tianjiao of their Baili family had, but he even succeeded in choosing a master by his bloodline. This is not just as simple as stepping on a few shit.

"Miss Baili is right, she must not fiddle with these strange tricks after going down, and practice hard." Li Zedao looked like a teacher and nodded and said yes.

These seemingly humble words fell into Baili Ling'er's ears and became quite ear-piercing, making her face hot, as if she was slapped in the face by an invisible big hand.

She clearly felt what it was like to be embarrassed once.

"You won, tell your request!" Baili Linger gritted his teeth.

As the Tianjiao of the Baili family, she has her own pride, and she is not shameless. Of course she said before that she would only answer a request from the other party that she would not be too embarrassed.

Baili Linger was fortunate, but fortunately he was smart enough to put forward such a condition in advance, otherwise he was afraid that he would lose his head.

"There are many people here," Li Zedao said.

"Trouble!" Baili Ling'er got up impatiently, and strode away. There was a bit of curiosity in his heart, this **** planned to let himself help him.

Li Zedao smiled and left the teahouse behind him.

As Li Zedao stepped out of the teahouse, the teahouse that had fallen into a strange and deadly silence seemed to have been poured into a large amount of hot oil, and it suddenly boiled.

All of a sudden, those people rushed to the table, staring at the three restored Rubik's Cubes on the table, and swallowing their saliva.

A big hand appeared suddenly, grabbing the three Rubik's Cubes in his hand with lightning speed.

Everyone looked up angrily, but saw that the owner of the teahouse carefully put these three Rubik's Cubes in their arms, as if this was a rare treasure.

"These three Rubik's Cubes are valuables in the small shop, so they should be stored properly." The owner of the tea house smiled.

So many people grabbed their chests, why didn't they expect to grab one?

In less than an hour, a shocking news spread throughout Lucheng.

There was a man who completely recovered two Rubik's Cubes when he couldn't breathe for ten. Oh, he recovered one at the same time.

Some people say who believes and who are stupid, some people are skeptical, and even many people rush to the teahouse to find out. I have to say that there are still many boring people.

Li Zedao, who left the teahouse, naturally didn’t know that his three cubes that he recovered easily had been collected as treasures by the owner of the teahouse. At this time, he followed Baili Linger and arrived not far from the teahouse In an inn.

"I'm afraid that there will be a lot of people, go to this lady's room." Baili Linger glanced back at Li Zedao, and said coldly.

But it was weird in my heart, next is it considered a lone man and a widow living in the same room?

Li Zedao didn't think it was so complicated. He smiled and said, "I thought you would live in a public loser family."

"The air in that place is not so good, this lady doesn't like it." Baili Ling'er said, frowning, a little wary, "What do you know?"

"I'm afraid everyone in Lucheng knows that the public loser family and the Baili family are about to marry, and the Baili Jiaolong of the public loser family is about to marry the public loser Linglong."

Li Zedao smiled: "So it's normal for Miss Baili to live in a public loser family, isn't it?"

I thought that this woman still had some vigilance, but it was a pity, she was too arrogant and always felt that everyone was a big fool, and sooner or later she would suffer a big loss.

Baili Ling'er snorted coldly, and the vigilance in her eyes was even greater: "You don't want to break this engagement, do you?"

After all, this **** is a member of Fuzhou Academy. On the surface, Fuzhou Academy is indifferent to foreign affairs and looks incontrovertible, but who knows whether it will destroy it secretly?

Li Zedao thought this was all you guessed right. This handsome guy will not only break the marriage contract, but also take away the bride.

But he said: "You think too much."

"Do you think Miss Ben will believe you?"

Li Zedao was a little sad, and said, "Miss Baili, please look into my eyes."

"look in."

"Then do you see the honesty in my eyes?"

"This lady only sees darkness... your eyes are blind!" Bai Li Ling'er sneered. If you are not blind, how could you be willing to put such a heavy hand on a beauty of your own level?

This **** with no one in life!

"Well, I swear, the Fuzhou Academy did not give me an order to let me go to Lucheng to ruin the marriage. If there is a lie that teaches me not to die... Isn't that the way to go?" Helplessly made a poisonous oath.

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