The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2298: condition

Baili Ling'er gave a cold snort, reluctantly believed, and continued to lead the way.

The two quickly came to the door of the room.

Baili Ling'er opened the door and walked in. Looking back at Li Zedao, she said, "This lady is very hard to restrain herself from drawing a sword against you, and quickly state your conditions, and get out of the way."

I was quite depressed. I was so smart, but I still fell into the trap set by this cunning bastard, and I didn't know what he wanted to help him.

Fortunately, he still holds the initiative.

"Let's say it first, this lady will only promise not to make herself too embarrassed." Baili Linger reminded, which can also be said to be a warning.

If you dare to make some unrealistic conditions, be careful that this lady is not polite to you.

"I want to see the sleek side of the public transport." Li Zedao was straightforward, and he didn't bother to get more ink with this woman.

Baili Linger was taken aback for a moment, and said nothing that Li Zedao would actually make such a request.

After all, did he destroy this marriage?

"the reason!"

Baili Ling'er looked at Li Zedao with weird eyes, as if staring at a big satyr who specializes in abducting innocent girls.

Of course, he also knew that this guy must know Linglong for public defeat, after all, both of them were teachers from the Fuzhou Academy.

However, Baili Ling'er can never imagine that the two are still a lover of life and death.

"My lady once again warns you seriously, don't play any conspiracy or tricks, otherwise this lady can guarantee that you will die miserably." Baili Linger immediately threatened.

Li Zedao nodded: "Thank you Miss Baili for the reminder."

Immediately he hesitated, with an unspeakable appearance, and finally said with a slightly embarrassed expression: "It's true that I have always liked to lose out to Linglong, but she has rejected it several times. This time she I’m about to get married, and I want to bless her in front of her... Didn’t anyone say that? If you like someone, you should bless her."

Baili Ling'er was stunned, and never expected Li Zedao to say such a thing.

Immediately he sneered: "Hehe... then it proves that Linglong's eyes are not blinded. Only such a **** will like you asshole."

In her opinion, the reason why this **** wanted to meet Linglong was not for blessing or something, but for not giving up on wanting to show his mind again, right?

She even dared to think about the woman who was about to marry the Baili family.

I also understand why this guy can play the Rubik's Cube so slippery. He wants to please the beautiful woman, but the beautiful woman is indifferent.

Li Zedao smiled: "Miss Baili said that."

If it hadn't been for this woman, Li Zedao would have slapped it.

You are a bitch, your whole family is a bitch.

"This condition will not make you too embarrassed by Miss Baili?" Li Zedao said again.

"It is naturally impossible for this lady to take you into the public loser family to meet her. This lady is afraid that once you enter, you will be chopped up and fed to the dog.

I can only ask her out, and this lady must be present when you meet. "

Baili Ling'er stared at Li Ze with rather unkind eyes: "Who knows if you will do anything excessive to my future sister-in-law? This lady naturally has to protect her."

Li Zedao nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

"Please also Miss Baili, never say that I want to see her, otherwise I'm afraid she won't come out directly." Li Ze said. He was actually worried that Linglong would be too excited about the public loss.

"Okay, you can get out, go open a room by yourself and wait for this lady's news." Baili Ling'er issued an evacuation order. Spending an extra breath time with this **** made her feel a bit more angry in her heart.

"Thank you, Miss Baili." Li Ze said, turned and walked out of the room.

"One day, this young lady will kill you by herself." Baili Linger muttered to herself, murderous in her eyes.


The huge garden is full of flowers, but it doesn't give people a fragrant feeling.

It's not that the flower is not fragrant, but the unmanageable smell in the air is too strong, completely suppressing the fragrance of the flowers.

Because they are engaged in the industry of organs, most members of the public transport family feel that they are either carpenters or blacksmiths. To put it bluntly, the residence of the public transport family is the carpenter shop and the blacksmith shop complex, so the air is indeed not too good.

That's why, Baili Ling'er didn't want to live here. She, who has always had a high quality of life, naturally couldn't bear this smell, which was not too unpleasant, but it was definitely considered a lot of good smell.

Public transport Linglong looked at the fish swimming in the flower pond, her complexion was gloomy, her heart was sad, and she saw no sunshine.

She felt like this fish trapped in the pool, she could not see any hope at all, could not breathe any free air.

What is even more sad is that she is about to be trapped in a smaller and darker space until the moment when her life is gone.

"Miss Miss..." The maid Xiaodie ran over with a panic expression, as if something major had happened.

During this period of time, Fluttershy always tried to make her extremely depressed public defeat Linglong happy, but all ended in failure.

It has been nearly a month since I came back, and Linglong has never laughed once in a public defeat.

She has forgotten how to smile, even crying.

She now seems to be a woman without any emotions, just like the cold woods in the house.

"What's the matter?" Linglong looked back at Xiaodie.

But there was another desolation in my heart. Although this was a bad guy, in this huge cold public loser family, she was the closest person to her.

"Miss, a big deal." Xiaodie deliberately sold her off.

Her expression was slightly exaggerated, as if something really happened.

"If you don't say anything, I will leave." said Linglong.

"Don't, miss, can I say it's not alright? This remarkable event has a lot to do with you, Miss."

Public loser Linglong raised her brows and her tone became cold: "What? The people from the Baili family who came to welcome the relatives arrived early?"

"No lady, it's because there are rumors on the street that there is a man in that teahouse, and he completely restores two puzzle cubes within ten breaths, oh, it is better to restore one with one hand at the same time... Miss, you said this How could this happen? Except for Miss, who can recover the Rubik's Cube?"

Xiaodie swallowed and said, her eyes were full of unbelievable.

She knows how difficult it is to recover the Rubik's Cube in public loss.

She wanted to say that this was a rumor deliberately fabricated at all. How can many people stand up and say that this is what they saw with their own eyes, and even the restored Rubik’s cubes were shown by the owner of the tea house at this time, as a tea house. Signboard to attract business.

I have to say that this boss is too smart.

Linglong's eyes widened, and even her breathing stopped.

At this moment, she thought of Li Zedao.

Because he can do this kind of thing, and it seems that only he can do it.

But how could he appear in Lucheng?

Linglong didn't know where he was at this time, but she knew that his situation was quite dangerous, and only her own compromise could save him.

Thinking of Li Zedao, Linglong's heart seemed to be broken, her face was extremely painful, and her face turned pale.

While breathing, Linglong's eyes became indifferent, even a little cold, without any ripples in her heart.

She turned around and continued to stare at the fish in the flower pond who had also lost their freedom.

"Miss, don't you doubt it? After all, it's impossible to happen."

In Xiaodie's view, the young lady would be surprised when she heard the news, and she would even immediately make people look for the man. Who thought her reaction was so cold.

Lingling did not respond.

Xiaodie was a little anxious: "Miss..."

"Go on, I want to be alone," said Linglong.

Fluttershy looked at Linglong's cold back, her mouth opened, and she could only say distressedly: "Yes, miss."

At this moment, a laugh came over: "Sister-in-law, I'm enjoying the fish, I'm really excited."

Linglong narrowed her eyes slightly and her expression became colder.

Isn't this woman going to give herself even the last such free time?

I hate Wu and Wu, so she dislikes this woman from the Baili family, and even more dislikes her calling herself "sister-in-law".

"Miss Linger." Xiaodie hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Baili Linger directly ignored Xiaodie, but instead set his gaze on the noble and ruthless back in front of him, sneered in his heart, a weak person with a low-grade cultivation base in the spiritual **** realm, the strength of the public defeat family was better than that of the Baili family , Is a bit weaker, what are you so proud of?

"Something?" Linglong looked back at Baili Ling'er, the attitude was as cold as ever.

"My little girl came to Lucheng for the first time and wanted to appreciate the unique customs of Lucheng, so I want to ask my sister-in-law to be a guide. My sister-in-law won't refuse?" Baili Linger laughed.

"Xiaodie, you accompany Ms. Ling'er to go out and introduce to her the customs of Lucheng." Linglong said indifferently, even too lazy to find a polite excuse.

There is no other reason, I just don't want to go out with you, I just bother to see you.

The smile on Baili Ling'er's face solidified slightly, she felt upset in her heart, this lady was coaxing you, you are so attitude, really think that Miss Ben dare not do it to you?

I even want to chop up Li Zedao and feed the dog. If it weren't for that bastard, why bother to behave?

"It's such a sister-in-law. The younger sister not only wants to visit Lucheng, but also has very important things to trouble her sister-in-law." Baili Linger said sincerely.

In order to improperly be a puppy, not to discredit the Baili family's statement, and to say that the people of the Baili family speak like farts, Baili Linger can only continue to behave.

I really hated it, thinking that I must find a chance to toss that **** hard.

The public lost Linglong glanced at Baili Ling'er, slightly surprised. She thought that after she refused, the woman would immediately turn around and leave, but she did not expect to insist. It seems that she does have something important to help herself.

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