"If you have any words, just say it here." The public loser exquisitely said.

It doesn't seem to be the same thing to refuse this woman ignorantly.

Instead of that, it's better to see what medicine is selling in her gourd first, just see the trick.

"Sister-in-law and the younger sister, please go out for a stroll, let's talk while strolling." Baili Linger begged.

The public loser Linglong was silent, and nodded: "Then go out."

On the one hand, the mood is extremely depressed, so it is good to go out and relax.

On the other hand, she was also a little curious about why this domineering Tianjiao from the Baili family could wrong herself so much, be so humble in front of her, and once again begged herself to go out with her.

Such Baili Linger is undoubtedly extremely abnormal.

"Thank you sister-in-law," Baili Linger smiled.

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if this annoying woman insists on not going out, I really have nothing to do with her, I can't stun and forcibly take it away, right?

How annoying this woman is, after all, she will soon be married to the Baili family and become her sister-in-law in name, so Baili Linger is really not good at it.

"Please wait a moment, let me take a shower and change my clothes." said Linglong.

"Okay, sister-in-law." Baili Linger smiled. There is too much complaining about this woman in my heart.

This time, I waited for more than half an hour. After waiting, Baili Ling'er could not help but drew his sword and rushed into Linglong's room. After that, Linglong finished freshening up and came to Baili Ling'er.

What makes Baili Ling'er vomit blood even more is that this woman is still wearing that suit, she hasn't bathed and changed at all, she is playing with herself.

"damn it!"

Baili Ling'er was itchy with hatred, but she had to show a sweet smile and said, "Sister-in-law, your clothes are really beautiful."

The public loser Linglong nodded blankly, and said nothing.

Right now the two of them walked out of the public loser family, got on the Pegasus, and wandered around the street.

On the way, Baili Ling'er chatted with the public transport Linglong without saying a word, asking some about the customs of Lucheng, that is, she did not say the real purpose of asking her out. While the public transport Linglong did not respond indifferently, she also felt in her heart. Not in a hurry.

After walking one street, the two walked around to another street, and finally came to the inn where Baili Linger was staying.

"I also ask my sister-in-law to move into the room where the younger sister is staying. The younger sister has something that she wants to show her." Baili Linger said mysteriously.

"Oh, that thing is not a thing either." Baili Linger added.

That **** is not a thing at all, saying that he is a thing is a humiliation to things.

Linglong nodded, got off Pegasus, and followed Baili Ling'er into the inn.

She was really curious, what the **** this Baili Linger was doing, what was not a thing, what was it?

Soon, the two came to the door of the room.

Baili Ling'er opened the door and walked in. Looking back at the Gonglu Linglong who was still standing at the door, she said, "Sister-in-law, come in."

After hesitating, the public loser Linglong stepped in.

After a glance at this luxurious room, his brows wrinkled slightly.

Because she saw a figure from behind.

She never expected that there were other people in this room, members of the Baili family?

This is a man, the man turned his back to him, unable to see his face.

For some reason, Linglong felt that the man's back looks quite familiar, but she couldn't remember who he was.

"Sister-in-law, this is what I want you to see that is not a thing." Baili Linger pointed to the man's back and said.

Baili Ling'er felt so happy in his heart.

For a long time, Bai Li Ling'er didn't bother to talk to others, and he just passed away when a conflict occurred.

If you can't beat the other party, you will report your identity, and the other party will basically be so scared that they will kneel down and kowtow to admit their mistakes.

Only now I know that sometimes having a mouth addiction to hurt people is also a very meaningful thing. The so-called significance lies in that it can make you feel a little more comfortable.

"What do you mean?" Linglong glanced at Baili Ling'er and spoke lightly.

"This thing that is not a thing wants to see my sister-in-law. It just so happens that this lady owes this thing that is not a thing a favor, so this lady can only bring her sister-in-law out. The sister-in-law will not blame the younger sister, right?" Bai Li Linger said with a smile.

Linglong looked overcast, turned around and wanted to leave.

She didn't know who this person was, but she didn't have any interest in listening to him.

At this moment, a voice that seemed so gentle but so ambiguous rang in the ears of the public loser.

"Sister Longer..."

When Baili Ling'er heard it, she was completely covered with goosebumps, and almost smashed at this non-things without holding his sword!

She doesn't like this woman, this woman is about to become a member of the Baili family, and will soon become her sister-in-law.

This is not a thing, but it dares to say such an ambiguous name in such a disgusting tone, and it is time to kill.

However, Linglong's body was stunned, and her eyes suddenly became round.

The muscles on her face suddenly tightened, her small face turned pale, her mind roared violently, and a huge wave was set off in her heart, and she couldn't believe what her ears heard.

It's him?

A figure of day and night thinking appeared in Linglong's mind, which had almost stopped working.

Yes, it is him! This is his voice, and only he can call himself that, and it sounds like a squint.

She turned her head abruptly, staring at the increasingly familiar back, unconsciously, her vision became blurred.

The extreme grievance, the worry, the depression in my heart disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Li Zedao turned around, grinned, and smiled as he looked at the visibly thin, poor complexion and Linglong, and his heart was full of apologies.

I want to know how depressed she is these days.

"Sister Longer, long time no see."

"Deng's disciple...It's really you, it's really you..." Gong Yu Linglong's throat squirmed, and the teardrops began to fall down.

Baili Linger's big eyes turned around Linglong's body, and then around Li Zedao's body, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

This atmosphere is completely wrong, Li Zedao's mood is wrong, and the mood of public defeat is even more wrong.

This doesn't seem to be the drama of the toad dying skin and wanting to eat swan meat. It seems more like a touching drama of the toad and the swan who have been privately set for life and finally come together after all the hardships.

A gust of wind blew!


Baili Ling'er's eyes turned round, her face pale as paper, her body convulsed violently, her heart was trampled by a large group of Cao Nima crazily, and her whole body was very messy.

She felt that she was condemned by the heavens, otherwise, how could she have a feeling of thunder and thunder?

When the public loses Linglong, this woman who is about to marry into the Baili family and become her sister-in-law three days later, she suddenly fell into Li Zedao's embrace like a bird entering the nest.

She even hugged Li Zedao's neck and took the initiative to send her fragrant lips to Li Zedao's mouth.

Baili Ling'er was completely stupid, lost the ability to think completely in his mind, and didn't know what to do for a while.

She could only look stupidly at the two people over there gnawing each other's mouth, and also made a scalp-tingling noise.

After a few breaths, Baili Ling'er woke up from extreme consternation.

Immediately, the monstrous anger filled Baili Ling'er's chest. She was angry, she had never been so angry.

The anger that was humiliated by Li Zedao before was really insignificant compared to this anger at this time.

Her body was twitching violently, and her lungs were about to explode.

She felt that she was deceived as a fool, she felt that this was not a thing was provoking the authority of the Baili family, and she felt that this **** woman was humiliating the powerful Baili family!

Baili Ling'er couldn't stand it anymore, she wanted to kill! She has never wanted to kill like this.

"Traitor-husband-women! Shut up this lady!"

Her eyes burst out with fire, and she gritted her teeth and squeezed out these words.

"Hey!" The long sword came out of its sheath!

Baili Ling'er clenched the long sword in his hand, and slashed at the shameless and shameless adulterer-wife.

While breathing, a mysterious golden light appeared suddenly, blocking the sword that blocked Baili Linger.

Baili Ling'er took a few breaths, and then seemed to be mad, sword after sword smashed on the golden light curtain that suddenly appeared, but there was no way to split the golden light anyway. The scene, and then chopped up the shameless adulterous-husband-women in it to feed the dogs!

"Are you sick!"

Li Zedao had to let go of Linglong's small mouth, looking at Baili Ling'er quite depressed.

Didn’t you see that the young couple who had a long absence from the newlyweds were talking to each other over there? Do you know that making trouble like this is quite wicked behavior?

"You are sick! Adulterer-husband-women! This young lady killed you!" Baili Linger shouted angrily.

Seeing that Li Zedao's paws were rather dishonest and hugged the exquisite waist of the public transporter, while the public transporter Linglong would curl up like a bird in his arms, her face was covered with happy tears and smiles, she was so angry that she wanted to go crazy!

He clenched the long sword in his hand and passed it fiercely.

"Traitor-husband-women, some kind of take off the golden cover, and see if this lady won't kill you!" Baili Linger yelled out of breath.

Baili Ling'er really did not expect that this **** guy actually possessed the Heaven-defying Horcrux like the Golden Hood...Why is he?

Just because he is quite shameless?

Li Zedao really took the golden cover straight away, looking at Baili Ling'er blankly, and suddenly released an extremely terrifying aura from his body, saying: "Miss Baili, if I hear you If you write a dirty word, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"You..." Baili Ling'er was startled and took a step back subconsciously.

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