Immediately, Baili Ling'er had a feeling of being insulted to death.

How can I retreat? He should continue to draw his sword and kill people.

It's just that the terrible breath released by Li Zedao really scared her. Not only did she dare not continue to draw her sword, she did not dare to say words like "rape-husband-woman".

"Public Yu Linglong, you...very good!" Baili Linger transferred the target to Public Yu Linglong, she had to let her know how big a disaster she had caused.

"Miss Linger, thank you, I'm really fine." The public loser said with a smile. Looking at Li Zedao, his eyes were full of happiness.

My heart is full of gratitude to Baili Ling'er, thanks to this woman, she can meet Li Zedao so easily.

Thus, Baili Linger felt that he was on the verge of collapse.

You shameless adulteress, does this miss mean this?

"My sister Long'er and I have known each other for a long time, and even if we didn't deliberately avoid it, maybe even the children are now there." Li Zedao looked at Baili Ling'er quite uncomfortably.

What adulterous-husband-women? You are, your whole family is!

"Deng's disciple..." Li Zedao, who was exquisite and affectionate, gave Li Zedao a glance, and a blush appeared on his pretty face. Why does this guy even talk about this kind of boudoir fun?

The muscles on Baili Ling'er's face twitched wildly, and he almost didn't spray a mouthful of old blood.

Is this guy showing off?

Therefore, the public defeat of Linglong has long been the body of the ruined willow? How can such a ridiculous and shameless woman be qualified to be a member of the powerful Baili family?

"Public loser Linglong, are you afraid that you don't know how much trouble you have caused to your public loser family?" Baili Linger's tone was harsh.

"Whatever." Linglong said lightly.

For the public loser family, she was already quite disappointed.

She had known her destiny a long time ago, her family was just a bargaining chip, and she would be arranged by the family to marry a man she didn't like.

After meeting Li Zedao, Linglong was moved by public defeat, so she decided to change her destiny, so she ate Li Zedao.

But who thought, she almost failed to escape this fate in the end.

Before, Li Zedao did not know why he provoke the public loser family. Not only did he rob the public loser family and photographed a precious thing, it also caused the public loser family to lose more than a dozen talents.

Public loser Linglong knew that it was true that Li Zedao snatched things from the public loser family, but the fact that the public loser family lost more than a dozen Tianjiao cannot be blamed on Li Zedao.

After that, the public losers went to the Fuzhou Academy and asked the college to expel Li Zedao, a scumbag who had lost the face of the Academy, from the Fuzhou Academy. Then, they would issue an order to kill Li Zedao. The college saves face.

Anyway, Li Zedao is also a teacher of Fuzhou Academy. If an order to kill him is issued in an open manner, it is serious not to consider Fuzhou Academy.

The public losing family originally thought that the college would expel Li Zedao immediately, but who thought they would reject it with no face, and even calmly stated that no matter what Mr. Li does, the college does not support it, but it does not oppose it. attitude.

If your public loser family wants to issue an assault order, feel free.

When I touched the gray-nosed public transport family, they were very angry, but they couldn't attack the college, but they couldn't swallow this sulking breath. Therefore, they recalled all the children of the public transport families in the college, naturally including the public transport Linglong.

Since then, completely sever ties with Fuzhou Academy.

Regarding this, the college is indifferent and loves nothing.

This is the Fuzhou Academy, a Fuzhou Academy that is not involved in any power disputes but is not afraid of any power provocation.

Although many of the teachers and students of Fuzhou Academy come from the greater powers of God’s Domain, even if these teachers and students leave Fuzhou Academy, they are as strong as Yingzhou College. They absolutely dare not provoke Fuzhou Academy at will. Without these teachers and students, the foundation of Fuzhou Academy still exists.

After that, the public loser family frustrated the college for nausea, and worried about being targeted by the college.

So they took the initiative to contact Yingzhou College, so Linglong, the most dazzling public loser among the younger generation, became the bargaining chip for marriage.

For this kind of thing, the Baili family loves to hear about it, and they will not let go of any chance of being disgusted by the Academy...Although, the Academy is not disgusting at all.

But they think that the college has been disgusting enough, that's enough.

So this marriage hit it off quickly.

Linglong resisted the public loss, but the resistance was ineffective.

When there was no alternative, she had to confess that she had already belonged to her a long time ago, and it was Li Zedao.

As a result, Linglong's father and the elders were furious when they heard it.

They never expected that their best-looking junior would have an affair with the kid they wanted to kill the most. Is it okay?

So the elders personally dispatched, planning to kill Li Zedao.

Within a few days, the news came back, and Li Zedao had been captured by several elders.

The worried public loser Linglong got the news, and her heart was broken. She thought she was quite stupid and actually harmed Li Zedao. After all, if she didn't resist and married the Baili family obediently, the elders would not go to Li Zedao so quickly. trouble.

Linglong begged her father not to hurt Li Zedao. But her father let the public loser Linglong make a choice, you can resist marriage, and then he dies, you can also leave him a cheap life, but you must marry the Baili family obediently.

Linglong chose the latter.

But who thought, Li Zedao appeared in front of her safe and sound.

The moment she saw Li Zedao, Lingling understood that she was cheated by her family, and Li Zedao did not fall into the hands of several elders at all.

"And I don't think your Baili family has the ability to fight a full-scale war against the public loser family."

Although he was extremely disappointed with the public losers, he was quite confident.

"Really? You really can count on your public losing family." Baili Linger sneered.

"I don't think about the public loser family, I'm just talking about an objective fact." Public loser Linglong said.

The Baili family is indeed strong, but the public loser family is not vegetarian anymore. If the two big families really go to war, even if the public loser is eventually destroyed, it is no exaggeration to say that the Baili family will suffer seven to eight casualties. It was too tragic for both sides.

"Haha..." Baili Linger continued to sneer, but smiled somewhat reluctantly.

She had to admit that this adulterous woman was right, and that the Baili family did not dare to start a full-scale war against the public losing family.

So she can only continue to sneer, she can only use a sneer to cover her sorrow.

Looking at Li Zedao, the fire in his eyes burned more vigorously as if it had been poured into oil. She undoubtedly hates this man who dares to deceive herself more than Linglong's public defeat!

"And you, do you think you still have a way to escape the pursuit of our Baili family this time?" Baili Linger said murderously.

She has already decided, and when she goes back, she will issue an order to kill this bastard!

If the previous killing order was only the personal behavior of a few people in the Baili family, then this time the killing order would be the meaning of the entire Baili family.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Before, it was only a mere low-grade cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm, so I'm not afraid, let alone the top cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm at this time.

"Whatever you want, it's best to make people in the entire Gods' Realm know that the dignified Baili family's Tianjiao actually deceived others, and even issued an order to kill a powerless kid in order to win the love." Li Zedao laughed. Say.

"You fart, you are obviously shameless." Baili Linger was so angry that his nostrils were smoking.

"Okay, let's put it another way. The woman whom Tianjiao of the dignified Baili family was about to marry actually ran away with someone else? How about that? It doesn't matter to me anyway." Li Zedao shrugged and said.

Li Zedao's appearance that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling hot water made Baili Ling'er so angry that he almost vomited blood and died.

But I have to admit that no matter what kind of remarks, the Baili family and Yingzhou College will lose face and become a laughing stock.

" two are dead!"

Baili Ling'er gritted his teeth and left these words, and wanted to leave.

If she didn't leave, she didn't even know what radical move she would make.

"Miss Baili, I'm sorry, you can't go yet."

Li Zedao's figure suddenly blocked her way.

"What? Do you want to kill me? Do you dare?" Baili Linger glanced at Li Zedao disdainfully.

Li Zedao shook his head: "I dare not kill you."

If you kill you, you will be remembered by the strong man who cultivates the base of the celestial mirror, you think I killed it.

"..." Baili Ling'er looked at Li Zedao's eyes with contempt. Sure enough, he is a guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

"But the cute rabbit will bite people when it is pressed." Li Zedao said again.

Baili Linger's heart trembled, what does this guy mean?

"Go away!"

Li Zedao grinned, showing teeth that almost brightened Baili Ling'er's eyes, and said with a smile: "Miss Baili, look, sister Long'er is my woman. Although we don't have a church visit, we have a couple. The truth is, maybe even a child will be there in a few days..."

After Shui Feiling became pregnant, Li Zedao could say that he swept away the previous haze, and he was more confident about the quality of his gadgets.

The reason why he is said to be comparative rather than equal is because he has the blood of Nuwa.

It seems that it is difficult for a person with the blood of Nuwa to get a woman in God's Domain pregnant, even more difficult than getting pregnant with poisonous insects and beasts.

This is why the compatriot hiding in the dark gets longer and uglier.

"Shameless!" Baili Linger couldn't listen anymore.

Linglong was slightly ashamed of the public defeat, and a seductive blush appeared on her pretty face.

Li Zedao is speechless, why is it shameless that I have a baby with my wife? But he didn’t bother to argue with this unreasonable woman. Instead, he said, “Let’s put it this way, even if you force her to marry your Baili family, if someone accidentally spreads some rumors, it will only make your Baili family fall. For the joke of others..."

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