The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2303: Sneak attack

Of course, the public transport terraces are hidden under the red hijab and can't see the face. Therefore, many unknowing people in the audience still think that the red hijab is the most dazzling Tianjiao of the public transport family, but the bride has changed. Up.

Many public losers and some young people from the Baili family began to booze, making the scene even more lively.

After that, the groom toasted everyone a glass of wine, and disappeared in front of them happily with the bride.

Li Zedao's attention was not on the couple, but on the distant Baili Linger.

He knew that Baili Linger was about to give him a gesture.

Sure enough, when Baili Jiaolong disappeared in front of everyone with his bride, Bai Li Ling'er stood up and said nothing, raised his hand, and put out a scissors hand.

There is no doubt that Baili Linger is the most dazzling existence on this table.

This table is all the young people's arrogance, half of them are from the public losers family, and the other half are from the Baili family.

Needless to say, the young people of the Baili family have deep awe in the bones of Baili Ling'er, and these people have basically been repaired by Baili Ling'er.

Bi Xiu base, many of them are under her, even if she is better than her, she would never dare to do anything to her; Bi Xiu, she is the granddaughter that ancestors most favored.

They deserve to be bullied.

As for the young people of the public loser family, they are full of love.

It's really hard to find a girl who needs to look and have a back view these days.

Linglong did not show up. After all, she had an irreconcilable conflict with Baili Ling'er. The family was really careful about her conflict with Baili Ling'er at the engagement banquet, so she was ordered to think behind closed doors in the room, where Can't go.

Linglong naturally has no objection to the arrangement of the family.

At this moment, seeing Baili Ling'er suddenly raised her hand and made a strange gesture, everyone thought she was dancing because of joy, so they also compared this strange gesture one after another.

Upon seeing this, Baili Linger did it quite speechlessly, these idiots.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, ready to disgust himself and others, got up and walked forward.

It's time to start the real show!

At this time, everyone was arguing and slapped the flattery of the public loser family or the Baili family, so no one noticed that a guy who seemed to be hiding his head and tail was walking around them on the stage.

When he appeared on the stage where the bride and the bride were blessed by the crowd, many people noticed that there was an extra stranger who seemed to be there. For a while, he was a little puzzled. What is this guy doing.

"Brother Gongluo, is this?"

Baili Wuchang glanced at the blindfolded man who appeared on the stage with his head down, smiled and looked at the public defeat Haoran. He thought that the public defeat family had prepared some other program.

"This... I don't know too much, too." The public loser gave a slightly embarrassed smile, and she was really wondering, who is this guy? How could you run to that platform?

Want to show your face in front of so many people to make a blockbuster?

"Oh?" Baili Wuchang was slightly taken aback.

It was not a program prepared by the public loser family in advance? Interested in a moment, what exactly this guy is going to do.

Blockbuster or clamor for favor?

and many more……

Baili Wuchang raised his brows slightly, and he suddenly felt that this kid's figure looked a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But for a while, there was no clue.

However, he was wary. Since it gave him a familiar feeling, he could not rule out his enemy. Therefore, Baili Wuchang is already ready to do something. Once the kid on the stage has any dangerous behavior, he will The first shot hit hard or even killed the opponent.

At this moment, Li Zedao raised his head. Before everyone could react, he tore off the black cloth on his face.

Then, Baili Wuchang's eyes suddenly rounded, and he really felt like he was struck by thunder. How could it be this kid?

Haoran was stunned by the public loss, and his eyes almost rolled down from his eye sockets, and his heart was as if being trampled by a large group of Cao Nima crazily, extremely messy.

Li Zedao?

Li Zedao, the teacher of the Fuzhou Academy?

That Li Zedao who dared to **** things from the public loser family?

That Li Zedao, who cheated Long'er fortune and **** with rhetoric?

He even dared to sneak into the public loser family?

What does he want to do? Take Longer away?

The eyes of the public loser Haoran were already filled with an extremely strong murderous intent. He felt that his old face was so hot that he was humiliated to death by the powerful Baili family.

Many other members of the public loser family and the Baili family also knew Li Zedao. Seeing him suddenly appeared there at this time, he was naturally stupid.

But the patriarchs of the two big families are sitting there and there is no response, they can only sit first, of course, many people have already drawn their swords to kill.

As for others, besides being curious, they are still curious.

But anyway, the original noisy atmosphere suddenly appeared with Li Zedao, and fell into a weird silence.

"I'm sorry, let me borrow a place to confess." Li Zedao looked shyly and glanced at everyone.


So those who didn't know really thought that this young man was planning to take this opportunity to confess to a beloved girl, and felt that he was too domineering, and too indifferent.

The members of the Baili family, headed by Baili Wuchang, frowned slightly, keeping the mentality of watching the theater with great interest.

As for the members of the public loser family, especially the public loser Haoran and the elders, as well as the public loser who had been bullied by Li Zedao before, a few others were all bombed at this time.

From their point of view, this **** is here to smash the scene. Is this planning to confess to the public defeat in front of so many people? Who knows what he will say nonsense? Is this okay?

This son must die!

Therefore, Haoran couldn't control that much anymore, his eyes flashed with a strange light, and he used the colorful pupils.

At the same time, he raised his hand, and a black needle that could hardly be distinguished by fast lightning struck Li Zedao.

The moment Black Needle released her hand, the public defeat Haoran was like a ghost, and she had already left her seat and appeared on the stage. The palm wrapped in the terrifying blue cyclone immediately patted Li Zedao.

Whether it's using colorful pupils to restrict Li Zedao's actions, or a black needle sneak attack, or his palm, the speed is like thunder rising from the ground, like the meteor across the sky.

It was fleeting, and even a master like Baili Wuchang couldn't react for a while.

As for Li Zedao...

When Haoran suddenly fired a black needle in a public defeat, he had already regarded him as dead.

As for rushing to the stage to give him a slap, it was entirely because the public defeat was a very strict person. Black Needle might not have killed him for a while, and then he would be completely slapped to death with a slap.

Don't give the enemy any chance to breathe. This truth is better than anyone else.

Although Li Zedao had a shy face, he felt danger the moment he took the stage.

He knew that as long as he dared to show up, the public loser family would dare to kill himself in front of so many people.

Therefore, Li Zedao has been secretly guarding, ready to show the golden cover at any time.

While breathing, his mind was stunned, and an extremely strong sense of fear surged in his heart, making his face instantly pale.

"What a terrible pupil technique!" Li Zedao was shocked, knowing that the strong man in the public defeat family had already started to kill.

Thoughts moved.

So the moment the black needle burst out, Li Zedao's body was already covered by a mysterious golden mask.


The black needle that hit Li Zedao was blocked and fell directly to the ground.

Immediately, the public loser slapped the mask that suddenly flashed.

The dull sound made the eardrum sore that it was difficult to recover for a while.

The public loss was dumbfounded.

At this moment, Li Zedao's ready punch slammed out.

Although this guy is also the father of Linglong, but Li Zedao has no good feelings for him, so he doesn't show mercy at all.

The dumbfounded public loser Haoran suddenly felt a terrible force swept over him, and it was too late to have a complete defense in a hurry.

"Boom!" There was another deafening muffled noise.

The body of the public loser Haoran actually regressed again and again, and directly stepped down.

Looking at Li Zedao, the whole person stood there safe and sound, still smiling shyly, as if nothing happened.

"Puff!" Haoran directly sprayed out a mouthful of blood, which made my chest feel more comfortable.

He looked at Li Zedao who was wrapped in mysterious golden light on the stage with horror, his pale face was extremely moved, not only because this kid's cultivation was so terrifying, but also because that layer held him firmly Protected gold mask.

He said silently, "Golden Hood?"

From the public loss, Haoran suddenly used a hidden weapon to attack him until he failed a hit and flew out, even vomiting blood and shouting the three words "Golden Hood" aloud, but it happened within a few short breaths.

Those who didn't know were dumbfounded, and I don't know why the public loser Haoran wanted to kill this kid who planned to confess.

Is it to maintain the authority of the public transport family?

When they saw the golden mask covering Li Zedao and listened to the three words from the public, many people were once again confused, and even began to tremble violently, staring at the golden mask with wide-eyed eyes. It's hard to believe this is true.

This kid who didn't know where he came from was actually wearing a gold cover of Rank 9 Horcrux? How can this be?

But if it wasn't for the golden cover, how could the unreserved blow of the public defeat of Haoran be blocked?

Li Zedao, the person involved, was ignoring the awe-inspiring public defeat at this time, ignoring the stunned, scorching, or murderous eyes of those roads.

He looked at Baili Ling'er, who was looking at him with interest, with gentle eyes, wishing to beat her up, but said in a very magnetic and affectionate tone: "Miss Baili Ling'er..."

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