The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2304: Show love


All of a sudden, almost half of his eyes fell on Baili Ling'er sitting over there, all with extremely strange expressions.

You know this kid just said that the reason why he came to the stage was to confess to a certain girl, so the object of love was Baili Linger?

So Haoran wanted to vomit blood again, so this kid has a great relationship with the Baili family? He came to power not for the sake of his own daughter who defeated Linglong, but for the unruly and presumptuous woman of the Baili family?

If he had known this, why did he bother to attack this kid?

It's all right now. If I lose my face in front of so many people, I might even offend the Baili family.

However, Baili Ling'er had an extremely arrogant expression, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was like looking at a dust, quite disdainful.

Li Zedao continued to look affectionate, and his voice was full of magnetism and said, "Miss Baili Linger, I have worked hard for a long time, and finally I convinced myself that I bravely stood up just to make you understand my heart."

Baili Ling'er sneered in her heart, she wanted to say that you are at this level? It's far from meeting the requirements of this lady.

After a short pause, Li Zedao said in a more low magnetic voice: "Miss Linglong, just because I looked at you more in the crowd, I haven't been able to forget your face since then..."


Goose bumps are everywhere in the huge family home of the public loser.

The arrogant smile on Baili Ling'er's face suddenly abated, and then the muscles on her face twitched and her body began to twitch.

She has heard countless compliments since she was a child, but it was the first time she listened to such disgusting and goosebumps, which made her whole body messy.

Baili Impermanence was completely stunned, and his face was moved.

After killing him, he never expected that Li Zedao would show his love to his daughter in front of so many people. You must know that he had placed such a chance to envy others before this kid, but this kid was upright... should He said that he refused, but what happened now?

Do you really like her daughter?


Although it was his daughter, Baili Wuchang couldn't remember what she had in her daughter that could attract that kid's sparkle.

"Miss Linger, you are in the sky when you miss you, you are in front of you when you miss you, you are in your mind when you miss you, and you are in your heart when you miss you..." Li Zedao continued to say affectionately.

As a result, there are more goose bumps on the ground.

Everyone looked stiffly at Li Zedao on the stage performing a disgusting one-man show. For a while, they didn't know whether to knock him off the stage or applaud.

It's not that they have never heard of love words, but it is the first time they have heard such fresh and refined love words. They are very fresh and, of course, also disgusting.

Only then did they know that love can still be said like this.

high! This is an expert!

Anyway, if I were Baili Ling'er, I would now be alive and disgusting!

"Miss Baili Linger, I know that apart from being more handsome and having a higher cultivation base, I really don't have any shining points on me. I am not worthy of the noble you..."

Many people wanted to go on stage and beat up this shameless guy.

"But, I really really like you, so I muster my courage to show my love to you on stage... You don’t need to promise me immediately, but... But please don’t refuse me immediately. Please give me time. I will You prove my incomparable love for you." Li Zedao continued to look affectionate, but his stomach began to twist.

He was so sick that he almost vomited.

Baili Ling'er's mind continued to be in a state of being trapped, and she didn't know what to say. She really didn't expect that this is not a human thing to show her love so vigorously, it is simply shocking the world.

She even deliberately wanted to avoid the look in Li Zedao's eyes. She accepted it and was also afraid. She felt that these eyes seemed to melt herself.

"Miss Baili Ling'er, I want to send you a song, a unique song that I have created for you." Li Zedao revealed the final big move he had prepared.

He took a deep breath, and then his voice was full of magnetism: "I, I have always wanted to tell you that you gave me unexpected happiness like an oasis to the desert, saying that you will always be with me..."

When everyone heard it, they were silly again.

What song is this? What tune is it again? Why does it sound so weird? But when I listened to it, I thought it was pretty good.

Lighthearted but bold and explicit.

Baili Ling'er's heart began to jump, and then it jumped faster and faster.

"I love you and love you, there is sadness and joy and you are plain and meaningful, and I love you and love you sweet and at ease that feeling is you..."

"Li Zedao, you shut up this lady!"

Baili Ling'er finally couldn't stand it anymore, she got up suddenly, and shouted in a low voice. Her face was slightly gloomy, and she seemed to be in a state of anger.

This singing sound was like a magical sound, which really made her a headache.

The people around felt that this reckless kid was dead now.

Li Zedao hurriedly shut up obediently, but continued to look at Baili Ling'er with eyes full of love and expiration. It felt like he was waiting for Baili Ling'er's reply.

Really infatuated man.

Li Zedao knew that this woman would reject herself severely and humiliate herself, and then, what she had promised her was done.

Li Zedao secretly exhaled, such a false confession, really disgusting.

Not to mention the people underneath are almost unable to listen, even he can't wait to slap himself to death.

Who would think that Baili Ling'er's expression suddenly changed, and the gloominess on her face was replaced by a little girl's inherent reserved shyness.

Seeing this, Li Zedao suddenly felt a rather bad feeling in his heart.

It seems that I fell into the trap dug by this woman.

But he swept the little face of Baili Ling'er with a shy look at Li Zedao and twisted and said: "You are so shameless, this lady promises you."


These words were like the thunder that smashed down, making everyone's ears buzzing, directly stunned, and then heartbroken.

Li Zedao was even more stunned, his whole person turned into a fool, and sure enough, he was dug and buried.

"Father, I want to marry him." Baili Linger looked at his father, Baili Wuchang, and pointed to Li Ze on the stage, with an expression that he must marry him.

"Father agreed." Baili Wuchang said with a faint smile, his eyes flashing with incomprehensible light.

At this moment, he suddenly understood something.


Li Zedao on the stage felt that his eyes were dark, and the world was spinning, almost fainting.

The public transport in the audience only felt that the blood was surging, and almost had to spout a mouthful of blood again.

He wants to yell, what the **** is going on?

Baili Wuchang looked at Li Zedao, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Boy, although you are more handsome and more talented, you are only at the top level of the spiritual gods, and the bloodline has successfully chosen the gold of my Baili family. Hitomi is also a Ninth-Rank Alchemist. If he awakens his soul over time, he can become a Soul-smith, and he is also wearing a gold cover of Ninth-Rank Horcrux..."

So everyone's brains roared violently and wanted to vomit blood. What the **** is this fault? This is plainly about showing off your son-in-law pretty shamelessly over there, OK?

Haoran's face was even more ugly, he felt that he had eaten hundreds of flies, and even chewed it in his mouth, it was really disgusting.

It turns out that this kid who was beaten and killed by his public losing family is so awesome?

You are so awesome, you said it earlier. For the sake of your so awesome, although you have robbed the family from the public loser, Lao Tzu does not intend to issue an assault order against you.

After all, the fragment of the sky-breaking axe is precious, but even if they get the fragment, they will only get two of them in the hands of the public loser family, and they don't know when they will get the remaining two.

Even if the broken pictures are finally collected, who can guarantee that they will find the Skybreaker?

But this kid is a real genius...

Haoran wanted to slap himself a few slaps.

"But you kid has a kind, dare to say such shocking love words in front of so many people, and more importantly, my daughter was moved by you, so I allow this matter, and follow me to Baili next day. Family, let you marry me, this precious woman." Baili Wuchang looked at Li Zedao and smiled, looking quite satisfied with this future son-in-law.

But in the voice, there is gloating in it that Li Zedao only understands.

Li Zedao didn't even have tears when he wanted to cry, and there was such a well-known saying in his mind.

The gun of my own appointment has to be finished with tears.

Li Zedao came to Baili Ling'er in a flash and clasped her wrist.

"Come with me."

Li Zedao dragged her out without being able to say anything.

Far from struggling, Baili Ling'er allowed Li Zedao to drag her out, and even turned back to Baili Wuchang and said, "Father, I won't be back tonight."


Li Zedao almost sat on the ground.

"It's good to be young..." Baili Wuchang had a doting smile on his face.

Then he glanced around and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, everyone continues to drink...Gong loses brother, oh, it's in-laws, you see this trouble... I will respect you three cups of apologize."


After walking out of the bustling Baili family, Li Zedao continued to drag the silent public transport forward, and finally came to a dark and secluded corner, and then hatefully threw away the woman's hand.

"My dear, you hurt others." Baili Linger giggled, her eyes full of playfulness.

She was in a very comfortable mood, just wanting to sing aloud.

"Miss Baili Linger, this is completely different from what we agreed in advance."

Li Zedao's expression was so gloomy that he looked at the gloating woman in front of him, really wishing to hit someone.

"Such jokes are not funny."

In front of so many people showing love to Baili Ling'er, Baili Ling'er also responded face to face, and even Baili Impermanence also agreed. If he repented at this time, it would be more than just shameful.

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