Ying Xiaodiao's eyes were staring at Li Zedao as if he was about to spit out fire. The **** didn't look at himself from beginning to end. What does this mean?

Is his eyes too blind and taste too unique to appreciate his own beauty? Anyway, this man is too much!

Ying Xiao Diao felt that her cold and arrogant heart was severely hurt.

Li Zedao didn't know what to say, the woman's heart was really uglier than her face, but she was too honest and didn't know how to pretend, so she became murderous, really poisonous like a snake.

Li Zedao didn't want to entangle this woman any more, so he turned and left.

"Stop him! This young lady has reason to suspect that he is in the same group with Ice Spirit Ape! He is here to investigate the enemy!" Ying Xiaoiao pointed at Li Zedao and roared, so angry that every muscle in his body was trembling.

In fact, without her giving orders, the people around had already shown their weapons.

This **** dared to blaspheme their goddess, even he was an undercover agent sent by the group of ice spirit apes, he really deserved to be killed.

"Thank you, thank you for letting us not wrong ourselves."

While these people were grateful, they unreservedly killed Li Zedao, and they all wanted to show their faces in front of Ying Xiao Diao.

Li Zedao didn't bother to have unnecessary conflicts with these people, and he fled far away in a flash.

The gap in cultivation is there, so where can the people who shouted and killed can catch up?

"A bunch of trash!"

Ying Xiaodiao cursed with a ferocious face, and the long sword at his waist was already unsheathed, and his figure rushed towards Li Zedao like lightning.

If you don't chop up this rude bastard, the monstrous hatred in her heart is really hard to eliminate.

Li Zedao dodged his figure, avoided the fierce sword, and then disappeared behind a big tree.


Ying Xiaodiao severely cut down the big tree with a sharp sword, but Li Zedao was still there.

"Damn it!" Ying Xiao Diao jumped into thunder, "Don't let this lady find you, or you will have to dig out your eyes!"

But also secretly frightened, so easily escaped from his own pursuit, the cultivation base was afraid that it was not low.

Li Zedao just wanted to stay away from the group of people, so that he could find an absolutely quiet and undisturbed place to refine the big fool, unknowingly enter the deep mountain, and finally found a secluded place.

After feeling the surroundings for a while, and not discovering the danger, Li Zedao took out the pill furnace spirit charcoal and other things, and began to refine the big idiot.

This refining took two days.

Due to the fact that there are not many materials purchased, and even though Li Zedao can already refine the nine-grade pill, he cannot guarantee that every pot of pill will be successfully refined. Moreover, the alchemy conditions at this time are not the same as those in the Academy. Ge was incomparable at all, so he failed several times.

In the end, Li Zedao had only practiced two big idiots, and there were also two equipped antidote.

After putting the big idiot away, Li Zedao began to walk through the remote and desolate mountains, planning to leave here, and return to the dense forest again, and continue to wait for the appearance of those people.

About a few hundred feet ahead, Li Zedao stopped, forbidden his nose, and frowned slightly.

There was a **** smell in the air.

Moving on, the **** smell became more intense.

"Are there conflicts between those people and the group of ice spirit apes?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly.

He clearly distinguished that there are two kinds of stench in the air, one is lighter and the other is stronger. The blood taste of human beings is weak, and the blood of ice spirit ape is stronger.

At this moment, sharp shouts came from afar.

"It really is the voice of the Ice Spirit Ape." Li Zedao thought.

After pondering for a while, Li Zedao quietly swept away in the direction of the sound source.

Li Zedao was still quite concerned about the fact that the Ice Spirit Ape would take the initiative to enter the city to engage in robbers, and he always felt that things were not that simple.

The further forward, the louder the cry of Ice Spirit Ape, the harsher the sound, obviously the number will not be too small.

Li Zedao shook his head. With the strength and number of Ice Spirit Apes, those people were afraid that they would die in nine deaths.

Even if you have a small eagle eagle at the top of the spirit **** realm, you will suffer. After all, there must be an ice spirit ape king in every group of ice spirit apes, and to be the king of this group of ice spirit apes, his strength is probably not inferior. A strong person with a high-grade cultivation base in the Spirit God Realm, such as the Ice Spirit Ape King that Li Zedao encountered before, possesses the strength of a top-grade cultivation base in the Spirit God Realm.

At that time, without a sneak attack, Concubine Shui Ling would have to go through a fierce battle to kill that Ice Spirit Ape King.

Therefore, in front of the Ice Spirit Ape King, the eagle eagle's strength was not enough.

Soon, several dead corpses appeared in Li Zedao's sight. As Li Zedao moved forward, the number of corpses increased, including the corpses of Ice Spirit Apes.

It's just that the ice spirit ape's corpse accounts for three.

Judging from the blood on the ground that hasn't dried up, it is obvious that this fight has just ended.

"Sure enough, the group was destroyed." Li Zedao sighed softly, unable to tell what it was like.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest! This kind of competitive relationship is more vividly manifested in this barbaric God's Domain.

There is no moral restraint, no legal restraint, and the so-called family relationship is also extremely indifferent, and some have only naked interests.

Whoever has a big fist has the right to speak.

Everything that happens here cannot be distinguished by simple right and wrong, or that there is no right and wrong here.

Li Zedao felt that he was the only clear stream that existed in this God's Domain.

"Just be worthy of your own conscience." Li Zedao took a deep breath.

When I looked up, I saw a small valley in front of me, and the noisy and sharp ape sound came from that valley.

The mouth of the valley is not wide, and there are lush branches spreading out on both sides, so there is no way to see the movement in the valley.

However, you can clearly see that there are two ice spirit apes watching over there.

After pondering, Li Zedao quietly approached.

After a few breaths, the sword light flashed.

The two ice spirit apes who were in charge of guarding the sentry didn't even react. Li Zedao wiped their necks and died. Before the corpses even fell to the ground, they were caught by Li Zedao.

From beginning to end, Li Zedao didn't make any noise at all.

After solving the two ice spirit apes, Li Zedao quietly entered the valley and hid behind a big rock, then poked his head out and looked forward.

But in the middle of the valley was a huge stone platform, surrounded by ice spirit apes cheering non-stop.

This scene is similar to what has been seen before, it seems that Ice Spirit Ape likes to yell like this.

And on that stone platform, there was actually a huge stone chair, and on that stone chair stood an ice spirit ape who was taller than the average ice spirit ape.

The fur of this ice spirit ape is like the white snow, without the slightest impurities, as if covered with a layer of snow-white armor, and there is a fierce aura permeating his body, the kind of cruel and dangerous smell, before Li Zedao Compared with the Ice Spirit Ape King that he encountered, he did not make much effort.

Li Zedao swept the Ice Spirit Ape King who was tilting Erlang's leg and looked a little lazy. The blood on his body boiled for no reason, and his heartbeat was also a little faster.

Li Zedao's mind roared violently, and a huge wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe it was true.

He never expected to say that this Ice Spirit Ape King also had the blood of Nuwa, which was a hybrid of those people.

It is no wonder that these ice spirit apes were so abnormal, they took the initiative to enter the city of Yan to burn, kill, looting, and even abduct women. This was an order from the ice spirit ape king who had the blood of Nuwa.

Li Zedao also saw an eagle eagle.

At this moment, the woman was lying upright, her expression wilted to the extreme, blood was flowing from the corners of her mouth, she was obviously injured, and she had no such fascinating self-confidence and cold arrogance as before.

Her little eyes were full of horror, teardrops kept rolling down, but instead of giving people a feeling of pity, they wanted to slap them.

Sure enough, being ugly and even breathing is wrong.

At this moment, the Ice Spirit Ape King raised his hand and pressed it down. The surrounding Ice Spirit Ape who was squeaking crooked immediately silenced them, staring at their king with fiery awe.

For a while, the vast valley fell into an inexplicable silence.

The Ice Spirit Ape King stood up and walked in front of Ying Xiao Diao. It looked at the woman high in Linxia, ​​grinned gloomily, and said, "Jie Jie Jie...You are so **** ugly. I'm so ugly that I want to vomit."


Eagle Xiaodiao's eyes widened suddenly, and his head roared violently. He didn't expect to say that the Ice Spirit Ape King, who said that he had flew flying when he raised his hand, was not only extremely terrifying, it even could speak .

Then the eagle eagle vomited a mouthful of blood, not only because of fear, but also because of the words of the Ice Spirit Ape King.

You are ugly, your whole family is ugly.

"But the figure is good."

While smiling grimly, the Ice Spirit Ape King tore a piece of cloth from Xiao Diao's body and directly covered the face of Xiao Diao.

Ying Xiao Diao was trembling with fright, but couldn't even speak.

"Jie Jie Jie... now it looks much pleasing to the eye."

The ice in the eyes of the Ice Spirit Ape King turned into extreme sex, and the corners of the slightly cracked mouth kept dripping.

"Jie Jie Jie..." It was extremely energetic and let out an extremely hideous laugh, and its huge body suddenly pressed against the delicate body of Xiao Diao Ying.

"No..." Ying Xiao Diao let out a weak but desperate voice.

"Tear!" This is the sound of the clothes being completely torn apart.

"Roar..." The surrounding group of ice spirit apes uttered extremely excited voices, cheering for their king.

Therefore, the Ice Spirit Ape King became even more excited. It completely relaxed its vigilance. All it was thinking about now was trying to see if it could make this extremely ugly woman pregnant.

This is its mission!

This is the mission of the people lurking in this god's realm with the blood of Nuwa.

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