The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2308: Ice Spirit Ape King

Only fresh blood can guarantee that they, a race that has been lingering for a long time in this realm, will continue to survive, and one day they will avenge the realm and become the ruler of the realm!

Even if you can't become the ruler of God's Domain, you must make God's Domain a hell!

The Ice Spirit Ape King was full of desires and a sense of mission as heavy as a mountain, so he didn't even notice that a fast ghost figure appeared behind him sometime.

The cultivation bases of other ice spirit apes were too low, so they couldn't catch the lightning-fast figure in the first time.

When they reacted, Li Zedao had already passed by with a sword.

The sword light flashed!

The pores on the Ice Spirit Ape King's body were erected, and it felt a strong danger.

Its huge body jumped up from the eagle statuette, trying to avoid the danger, and then stopped there abruptly. The eyes that were originally full of desire were full of horror at this time, and I couldn't believe it. This is real.

There was a dazzling bloodstain on its neck covered with snow-white hair!

While breathing, bloodstains burst open suddenly, and pungent blood spurted out.

Afterwards, the body of the Ice Spirit Ape King crashed to the ground, his eyes still widening, and he couldn't squint.

Li Zedao retracted the long sword, his eyes became a little dull.

It is indeed an extremely uncomfortable thing to slaughter one's own compatriot in this foreign country, even if the compatriot's hands are stained with blood and his heart is full of sin.

"Wrong? Right?" Li Zedao couldn't find the answer to the question for a while.

This is a difficult problem, a difficult problem that Li Zedao, the college entrance examination champion, cannot answer immediately.

The situation suddenly changed, and the powerful Ice Spirit Ape King unexpectedly collapsed on the stage, stubbornly staring at him, making the surrounding group of Ice Spirit Apes stupid, unable to react for a while.

"Go!" Li Zedao glanced around with cold eyes, and a terrible breath burst out.

As a result, the group of ice spirit apes was almost frightened by Li Zedao's fright. They all screamed in horror, turned around and fleeed at the valley mouth desperately, and escaped cleanly.

Li Zedao glanced at the veiled and trembling eagle statuette, but he was too lazy to save this vicious woman who was not a thing at all. He chose to let her fend for herself, thinking that the Ice Spirit Ape King would not ruin her. Even if he is kind.

After taking out the soul gathering bottle and collecting the soul of the Ice Spirit Ape King, Li Zedao turned and left.

What Li Zedao didn't know was that when he left this valley before, a short and fat figure appeared silently in front of the body of the Ice Spirit Ape King.

"Damn running dog! Traitor! Lao Tzu will definitely make you worse than dead!" The vicious and gloomy voice echoed in the valley.

Immediately, he slammed a fist on the ground, and directly smashed out a big hole.

After putting the corpse of the Ice Spirit Ape King into the big pit and burying it, the man grabbed the trembling eagle eagle and disappeared into the valley while breathing, disappearing.


Two days later, Li Zedao returned to the dense forest again and continued to wait for those people to appear.

This wait is ten days.

Calculating the time, the little turtle should have released the colorful butterfly ten days ago. With the flying speed of the colorful butterfly, it must have already flown back to inform those people.

Therefore, those people will soon find themselves!

Li Zedao clenched his fist slightly, his eyes filled with determination.

Another day passed, Li Zedao did not wait for those people to come, but waited for another group of people to come.

To be precise, they were two people. The appearance of these two people at the same time made Li Zedao feel quite surprised. He never expected to meet these two seniors at the same time.

A Mo Tianya who had dominated the cloud list for a long time was finally expelled from the academy and hunted down.

Not seen for a while, Mo Tianya hasn't changed much, he is still ugly and abnormally, and he releases a chilling and dangerous aura from all over his body.

The other man, who couldn't stand Li Zedao, turned into his uncle in a blink of an eye, so he voluntarily disappeared into Fuzhou Academy overnight. Taishu Wuji, who was once ranked third on the Cloud Ranking.

Tai Shu Wuji hasn't changed much, still handsome and handsome.

Of course, in the eyes of Li Zedao, this guy is far less handsome than himself.

Li Zedao had dealt with these two people before, so he was familiar with it.

In particular, Mo Tianya was once included in the list of people to be killed by Li Zedao, but too many things happened later, and there was really no trace of Mo Tianya, so he unknowingly made this extremely ugly The guy was left behind, and he didn't expect to meet him here now.

Li Zedao did not show up immediately, but quietly hid in the dark, watching the two men confront each other over there.

With Li Zedao's current cultivation base, these two people can't feel his existence.

One was flutteringly dressed, handsome and handsome; the other was strangely ugly, with a crooked nose and slanted eyes, and his incomplete body curled up in a black robe.

Two people who are so completely different form an extremely vivid picture.

"Mo Tianya, how long do I think you can escape?" Tai Shu Wuji clenched the long sword in his hand, his expression gloomy and terrifying.

Thinking that he was a strong spiritual realm cultivation master, chasing this fanatic who was only a mere quasi-spiritual realm cultivation foundation, after chasing for a long time, he couldn't catch up with him, this really made him feel aggrieved to vomit blood.

This guy is really abnormal! The speed is terrible. Using the spiritual cloud realm cultivation base to kill the strong spiritual **** realm cultivation base, I am afraid it is not just casual talk.

Thinking of this, Uncle Wuji's heart became more vigilant, and he didn't dare to be careless at all.

Mo Tianya didn't respond, and didn't continue to flee. He just stared at Taishu Wuji quietly with scarlet eyes, as if a hunter was staring at a desperate prey.

Even his scarlet tongue stuck out, licking his chapped lips lightly, as if licking blood.

Tai Shu Wuji's scalp suddenly became numb, and his breathing became a little short. He suddenly realized one thing, that is, this pervert seemed to deliberately lure himself into this dense forest.

At this moment, Tai Shu Wuji only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and Mo Tianya who was standing there had disappeared.

While breathing, there was a breath of death coming from behind, causing his hairs to stand up and his body to become stiff.

Tai Shu Wuji's face changed drastically, he knew that this pervert was right behind him.

He didn't even look at it. As he slashed behind him with a fierce sword, his figure flashed forward.


The sound of something being scratched sounded.

At the same time, Tai Shu Wuji only felt that his left hand shoulder was so hot and painful, and his heart was shocked to the extreme.

He never expected that Mo Tianya would be like a different person, and his speed would have become so terrifying, and he severely caught a few blood marks on his body as soon as he fought.

Mo Tianya, whose body turned quiet, lowered his head slightly to look at his **** hands, but there was no sign of discomfort. He even stretched out his tongue and licked the blood from his fingers. The whole person looked like that. There is no difference between the devil rising from hell.

He looked up at Taishu Wuji, and his ugly face showed a smile.

This smile is weird, vicious, greedy, like a ghost from hell.

"The taste of your flesh and blood is very good." Mo Tianya said gloomily.

"This pervert!" Tai Shu Wuji's face was even more ugly, the hand holding the long sword trembled, and the expression of timidity appeared in his eyes.

Tai Shu Wuji had a heart to retreat, anyway, he was once a defeated under his men, and it was not ashamed to escape.

However, Mo Tianya obviously would not give him a chance to escape.

When Tai Shu Wuji was timid and planned to run first, his figure once again disappeared in front of Tai Shu Wuji.

Uncle Wuji's nerves tightened suddenly, this pervert wants to run behind him in the same way?

He clenched the long sword in his hand, turned around quickly, and went out without seeing it.

At this moment, a cold, dry hand seemed to appear out of thin air. It suddenly grabbed Tai Uncle Wuji's neck and lifted his body extremely violently.

Tai Shu Wuji's breathing stopped suddenly, his eyes rounded, and his face was very flustered, but he kept a trace of calmness and did not just die.

The long sword in his hand, which was wrapped in circles of terrifying blue cyclones, slashed towards Mo Tianya's body fiercely.

However, the pre-emptive Mo Tianya was obviously much faster than Tai Shu Wuji, and his other big, dry hand grabbed Tai Shu Wuji's wrist at once and exerted force suddenly.


Uncle Wuji's wrist simply snapped off, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground. Looking at his face, his flushed face was full of pain, and Dou Da's cold sweat broke out.

"This is over!" Uncle Wuji's eyes widened, and bursts of despair and unwillingness appeared in his heart, and he really regretted chasing this pervert to this place.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Mo Tianya said.

Tai Shu Wuji breathed a sigh of relief.

"I just want you to die."


At this moment, the sword light flashed!

A long sword came through the air, and slashed fiercely towards Mo Tianya's hand that was pinching Taishu Wuji's neck.

This sword came suddenly, without warning, as if it appeared out of thin air, but it was as fast as lightning, and even Mo Tianya, a master who has always won with speed, could not react.

Strictly speaking, Mo Tianya already felt the danger, but it was too late.

The speed of this sword was too fast, and it was almost too late for Mo Tianya to react.

A flash of blood!

Mo Tianya's hand was abruptly cut off by this sword that appeared out of thin air with a frightening atmosphere, and fell to the ground along with Taishu Wuji's body, but the hand still pinched Taishuwu firmly. Bogey neck.

Suddenly suffering from this big change, Mo Tianya's face was pale, but there was no panic. His body turned into an afterimage and swept backwards.

He doesn't care who the other party is, he just wants to leave here before talking, otherwise he is afraid that he will die here.

However, Mo Tianya obviously overestimated his speed, or he underestimated the opponent's strength too much.

He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck.

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