"Like the granddaughter of Zhang San who opened the weapon shop, the granddaughter of the first-grade alchemy master Sun alchemy master, the daughter of the sect master of the Qiankun Sect, and several foreign women who planned to go into the mountains to collect medicine. It’s because you don’t see anyone or a corpse. I don’t know what happened. It must include the guest officer and your sister.” The man said in a low voice.

This incident caused panic in Qingyun Town, and some women in the family chose to move the first time, so that the town lost a bit of the previous noise.

The guy actually wants to say that although your cousin is also missing, it may not be related to this matter. After all, that Zhang San’s granddaughter, that Sun Danshi’s granddaughter, those women are so famous in Qingyun Town. , The few foreign women who disappeared seem to be somewhat charming.

But your cousin...

The dude hurriedly threw the face that had not yet fully evolved out of his mind, and if that face continued to appear, he would be frightened to get sick.

"This happened?" Li Zedao's face changed drastically, "Do you know who did it?"

But I knew it in my heart. It seemed that my guess was correct. There may be several places nearby in Qingyun Town. I am afraid that women disappeared, just like that of Yancheng.

The difference is that the Ice Spirit Ape King swaggered into Yan City to burn, kill, loot, and rob the woman.

But here, it disappeared silently.

It is precisely because of such speculation that Li Zedao drew a portrait at will, pretending to be looking for his cousin to inquire about the news.

Now it seems that nine out of ten missing girls were taken away by those people, maybe even Mo Tianya did it, and Mo Tianya has already bowed his head to those people.

With his terrifying speed, he could make those women disappear without knowing it.

This can also explain why he wanted to attack the woman next to Tai Shu Wuji.

As for why he didn't kill Taishu Wuji immediately, he must be trying to coerce Taishu Wuji to take orders from him.

"I don't know." The guy shook his head.

Although it is said that you will never see people or corpses in life, those women are afraid of bad luck, and even if they are lucky to survive, they are afraid that they have been tortured to be inhumane.

However, the cousin of this guy is quite safe.

"Thank you." Li Zedao nodded with a worried expression on his face.

Putting away the portrait, turned and walked out of the drugstore.

Although I probably figured out the whole story, Li Zedao didn't know where to go to rescue those women, maybe even those women had already been brutally murdered.

"Creating evil!" Li Zedao sighed softly.

As soon as he walked out of the drugstore, Li Zedao, who was far away, saw Tai Shu Wuji walking out of the inn with the woman side by side.

Li Zedao flashed his figure and entered the alley beside him to avoid uncle Wuji seeing himself.

It would be a shame to make him think he was following him in secret to protect him.

At this moment, another thin figure appeared in Li Zedao's sight.

It was a tall and thin figure, he was curled up in a black robe, unable to see his face.

Such a dress is normal in this god's realm, but Li Zedao noticed that this figure was following Tai Shu Wuji and the woman.

I was watching Taishu Wuji, talking and laughing with the girl, as if he didn't know that they had been followed.

Li Zedao couldn't help shook his head. Although Taishu Wuji had already entered the Spiritual God Realm, his vigilance was a little too bad, right?

There is no trailing behind any technical content, he didn't even notice it?

Wouldn't it be that one heart is all on the beautiful girl next to him, right?

Noting that Tai Shu Wuji's eyes fell on the girl's spectacular **** from time to time, Li Zedao felt more and more that his guess was correct.

"Who is this person from?"

Li Zedao quickly denied this speculation. After all, seeing him, he didn't have the slightest feeling of blood boiling. In other words, this person didn't have the blood of Nuwa at all.

"Same as Mo Tianya, controlled by those people, surrendered to them?"

Li Zedao's thoughts surged, and finally decided to follow.

Is it because I am worried about Taishu Wuji's life, I just want to contact those people as soon as possible.

Unconsciously, he has already left Qingyun Town and came to the deserted suburbs.

The tall and thin figure continued to follow in a blurry manner.

Li Zedao followed the same way, but he wondered what Taishu Wuji was doing here, and he was playing field battle with that woman? I have to say that this is indeed a good place to play field battles.

But at this moment, Tai Shu Wuji stopped abruptly.

He turned around abruptly, his face was gloomy, and he whispered: "Your Excellency is following all the way, what do you mean?"

Just as Li Zedao thought, the reason Tai Shu Wuji brought this woman to this wilderness is really seeking excitement.

After suffering the emotional injury, Tai Shu Wuji has completely let go of himself. Over the past few months, fooling around with a woman in form, it can be described as a song every night.

At this time, the woman next to him was a new woman he had found.

Uncle Wuji never expected that someone would follow them and ruin their good deeds, which made him very depressed.


Tai Shu Wuji's long sword was out of its sheath, and the aura of the low-grade cultivation base in the Spirit God Realm was undoubtedly revealed.

The woman on the side was also very depressed, and she also showed weapons, but she was a high-grade cultivation base in the Lingyun realm.

Seeing this, Li Zedao, who was hiding in the dark, secretly squeezed a cold sweat on behalf of his uncle Wuji, who could not tell who would solve it.

Although this guy didn't release any strong aura, he didn't know his cultivation base, but Li Zedao knew that this guy's strength crushed Taishu Wuji more than.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

The tall and thin figure let out a hideous laugh, and appeared and stood in front of Uncle Wuji.

"I didn't follow, I am following you with integrity, otherwise you think you can feel my existence with **** like you?"

The business was hoarse and low, like a crow cry, but full of disdain, obviously not taking Tai Shu Wuji at all.

Tai Shu Wuji's face became a little ugly: "It seems that you really want to die?"

I was so depressed in my heart, I was worried by Mo Tianya first, but now why such a guy popped up again?

And it's fine to be despised by that **** uncle, now that a cat or dog like you has come out to despise this handsome guy?

Uncle Wuji was so angry that he felt it was necessary to let this guy know how good he was.

"Brother Wuji, don't talk nonsense with him, these turtles with hidden heads and exposed tails, kill them." The woman said with a sullen face.

On the one hand, she was very angry about this guy's humiliating brother Wuji, on the other hand, she was quite confident in his uncle Wuji.

At a young age, he is already a cultivation base for the Spiritual God Realm. Even if you look at the entire God Realm, such talents are extremely rare.

In addition, the family strength behind Tai Shu Wuji is not bad, so the girl's heart has long been tied to Tai Shu Wuji.

"I don't want to die, so you can only die... But for your weakness, I can give you a chance to commit suicide." The man smiled grimly.

The prey is too weak, he is too lazy to do it.

"I think you should be the one who committed suicide!" Tai Shu Wuji said viciously, feeling that he had been insulted to death.

"Suicide, lest you take your own humiliation." The man persuaded.

"I will let you know who the suicide is!" Tai Shu Wuji gritted his teeth.

"After you commit suicide, I will help you take care of your little friend, Jie Jie Jie, and promise to make her want to stop..."

"go to hell!"

Tai Shu Wuji couldn't help it anymore.

Before he finished his words, he shot out like lightning, his figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the man. The blue cyclone in his hand was wrapped in a blue cyclone with terrifying energy and stabbed at him. The head in the robe.

"Garbage is garbage. Do you know that it is a gift to you to commit suicide?"

While the man's gloomy eyes were full of pity, he slapped it out with lightning speed, and the last hair was drawn directly on the handsome and pink face of Tai Shu Wuji.

At this moment, the strength of the middle-grade peak cultivation base in the Spirit God Realm was even more exposed.

Li Zedao covered his face and couldn't bear to witness this tragic scene.


"Hmm!" Tai Shu Wuji let out a dull and painful groan-groan, and his body flew out directly like a kite with a broken line, and finally fell heavily in front of the woman.

"Brother Wuji..."

The woman was so frightened that Hua Rong was pale, and she hurriedly helped Tai Shu Wuji up, only to see that his originally handsome face collapsed after the slap, and blood flowed.

Now I was afraid and distressed, and tears came out.

"Brother Wuji, are you okay..."

Uncle Wuji struggled to get up, spouting a mouthful of blood, horror and a deep sense of powerlessness in his eyes.

He never expected that this person would actually be the peak cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm Middle Grade. Although he may not be as fast as Mo Tianya in terms of speed, this cultivation base is enough to kill himself in a flash.

At the moment there is a sense of powerlessness in my heart, why is he so unlucky?

Tai Shu Wuji decided that if he managed to escape the catastrophe, he would immediately contact him to see if he could return to Fuzhou Academy again and honestly become an excellent teacher.

At least Fuzhou College is a fairly safe place.

"Thrush, I'll stop him, you go quickly." Tai Shu Wuji stopped the crying girl behind him and motioned for her to leave.

Tai Shu Wuji's move was naturally not because he liked this woman and was willing to die for this woman, but because of a man's natural instinct.

Besides, he knows better than anyone else, even though he says so, this woman cannot escape the clutches of this terrifying man.

"No...no...I want to be with you..." The girl cried and shook her head.

She knew that Tai Shu Wuji didn't actually like herself, but she really liked this young and handsome arrogant, and she dreamed of the future life of that fairy and wife in her mind many times.

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