The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2312: Skyrocketing strength

"Jie Jie Jie... until now, why do you still not put me in such a way?" The man let out a cold laugh, his expression a little helpless.

Do they really think they can escape from their palms?

"Because, this kid has a good uncle."

Li Zedao appeared behind the man looking at him for a moment, and said with a smile.

No matter what the guy with the head and the tail is doing, Li Zedao has to show up. If he doesn't show up, Uncle Wuji is afraid that he will be beaten to death.

After all, my uncle and nephew played a game, and I couldn't watch him be beaten to death.

Besides, Li Zedao also wanted to dig something out of this guy's mouth, such as whether he was under the hands of those people hiding in the dark, or where the missing women were.

This person's strength is above Mo Tianya, presumably his status is also higher than Mo Tianya, he should know more things.

The man's body paused slightly, and he didn't even think that he was being followed. He turned around, his eyes hidden in the robe flashed at Li Zedao with strange light.

Tai Shu Wuji was stupid for a few seconds, and then his heartbeat quickened and his blood was boiling. His eyes flushed with tears, and he was moved to cry.

His gratitude towards Li Zedao has disappeared, and his gratitude is the highest respect.

At this moment, Li Zedao was no longer that extremely annoying rival in love, he was his most lovely uncle.

As for public defeat Linglong, this is his most beautiful wife.

When the woman saw Tai Shu Wuji's whole person suddenly changed, it wasn't just her face that was ashamed before, but she gave people a feeling of arrogance.

It feels like the unbelievable arrogance of a child being bullied and then going home to call in his parents.

Humph! Let you bully me? My dad is here, he will kill you!

I couldn't help asking, "Brother Wuji, who is you...Uncle Master?"

"Yes, Thrush, he is my uncle, my uncle is here, we are all right."

Even Uncle Wuji himself didn't realize that there was a hint of pride in his extremely excited voice.

This is my uncle! You take a look, yes, wide your eyes and take a look... Isn't it cute? handsome or not? Isn't it great? Cock or not?

"Thrush, let me tell you, my uncle, he is a strong person at the top level of the spiritual **** realm, that **** is dead!" Taishu Wuji looked at the man with his head and tail, his face covered in half collapsed. ferocious.

Damn, you dare to hit the handsome face of handsome Huaben, and see if my uncle won't kill you.

"What?" The woman was stunned, she never expected Taishu Wuji, the master uncle's cultivation level to be so terrible.

Although he didn't see his face clearly, judging from the bright eyes that he showed, he should be young.

"You mean, you are very strong?" The man's voice was still low and hoarse, still full of disdain.

He naturally heard Taishu Wuji's words, and knew that the guy in front of him who was also hiding his head and showing his tail turned out to be the highest-grade peak cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm, which somewhat surprised him.

However, he didn't mean to be afraid, because he was not vegetarian anymore.

He has a hole card, a hole card that can kill any strong person below the peak of the spiritual **** realm.

Although the hole card can only be used once and there is a time limit, it is enough to kill the guy who likes to pretend to be in front of him.

"I'm not too strong, but I'm the first person under the mere Mirror." Li Zedao lowered his head slightly and said rather modestly.


Tai Shu Wuji feels a bit embarrassed, why does this guy like to pretend so much?

It is undeniable that you are indeed very strong, but how dare you say that you are the first person in the spiritual world? How do you know that people with other spiritual and spiritual cultivation levels are not your opponents?

Not to mention that there is still a quasi-spirit fairy mirror under this spiritual celestial mirror cultivation base. Have you ever beaten a strong quasi-spiritual mirror cultivation base?

He wanted to tell Thrush that my uncle has no advantages at all, but there are many shortcomings. For example, he likes to pretend, but he is afraid of being heard by Li Zedao.

"Jie Jie Jie...Really?" The man's eyes were filled with dangerous gloom.

"You can try." Li Zedao said.

As soon as the voice fell, the man took the lead with lightning, and his body disappeared in a flash. When he appeared again, he was already behind Li Zedao.

His fist, full of violent aura, blasted Li Zedao's head fiercely.

"Garbage is garbage!" Li Zedao said with emotion.

"Hey!" The long sword came out of its sheath!

The sword light flashed!

The fist was cut off abruptly and fell to the ground.


The man's figure retreated a few steps.

Then there was another crisp sound, the robe was cut open, revealing the man's extremely pale face.

Li Zedao looked at the pale face in front of him, pointed at Taishu Wuji, and said disgustingly: "It looks really ugly, almost like my nephew."


Tai Shu Wuji was rushed by a large group of Cao Nima in his heart, and the respect for Li Zedao that was built up so hard was fed to the dog altogether. Don't let such an uncle.

Thrush is also very depressed. Although you are the uncle of Wuji's brother, and although you are a strong master of the spiritual **** realm, you can't spray people with blood? You are so ugly.

Affectionately glanced at Tai Shu Wuji's tower-defended face, pulled off the corner of his mouth, and glanced at the man from the corner of his eye... Thrush thought that the words of Uncle Wuji were complimenting Tai Shu Wuji.

The man lowered his head and looked at his broken arm like a fountain of blood. There was no accident, no panic, but he smiled.

"Jie Jie..."

He laughed extremely strangely and terribly. Although his voice was indeed laughter, his expression was distorted and hideous.

Immediately, he stopped laughing and stared at Li Zedao with his gloomy eyes, his voice was like a sharp blade, which made the eardrums of Tai Shu Wuji and Thrush aching.

"Spirits God Realm top grade peak cultivation base? You are not qualified enough to be the first person under the spirit mirror! I think the title of the first strong person under the spirit mirror should belong to me."

"Really?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes.

He clearly saw the man made a swallowing motion, and his whole breath suddenly changed while breathing.

If he felt like a wolf before, then he has now evolved into a terrifying tiger.

Li Zedao's face changed slightly, and he wanted to know that this guy had swallowed something hidden in his mouth into his stomach, and that this thing could also instantly increase his strength? Like Ghost Maru?

At this moment, the man's body has undergone extremely strange and terrible changes.

His eyes became weird red, his pale face was flushed, and at the same time, a terrible breath spread madly in his body, and his whole body was wrapped in a red cyclone containing terrible breath.

Just in the blink of an eye, his cultivation base actually climbed from the middle-level cultivation base of the spiritual **** realm to the top-level cultivation base of the spiritual **** realm.

Li Zedao's expression became even more ugly, because his cultivation level continued to rise.

He couldn't breathe in just two shorts, his cultivation level suddenly broke through the spiritual **** realm high-grade peak cultivation base, and entered a completely different realm.

He is no longer a tiger, he is a terrible dragon!

What is even more weird is that not only has the bleeding stopped at the place where his **** severed arm had been madly, but a hand has even grown.

A transparent hand shining with red light is like carving a red crystal into the shape of a hand and then inlaying it.

"Quasi-spirit fairy mirror?"

Li Zedao's eyes were full of horror, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

He felt the danger, the rich danger.

The man standing in front of him at this time made him feel a great pressure, as if the other party was an insurmountable mountain.

He knew that this was a sense of oppression brought about by the strong quasi-spirit fairy mirror cultivation.

There is also a quasi-spirit divine realm between the spiritual cloud realm and the spiritual **** realm. Similarly, there is such a realm between the spiritual divine realm and the spiritual fairy mirror: the quasi-spirit mirror!

Entering the quasi-spiritual mirror, it means that one foot has stepped into the spiritual mirror, and I can use the aura between heaven and earth initially, which is why a man's broken arm can grow a glowing red light His hand is formed by the gathering of spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Although this person is not a poisonous beast, the flashing light should be blue, but it must be because of taking some kind of pill that this caused the aura to flash red.

Of course, it is much more difficult to enter the quasi-spirit celestial mirror from the quasi-spirit celestial mirror than from the quasi-spirit celestial mirror. Those lucky enough to enter the quasi-spirit celestial mirror successfully enter the quasi-spirit celestial mirror.

Li Zedao also knew that Baili impermanence, the patriarch of the Baili family, was in the realm of the quasi-spirit fairy mirror. That's why, when he encountered it before, he didn't pay attention to the water concubine spirit at all.

In addition, there are also a few high-level people in the Buzhou Academy who usually see the head and the end of the dragon. They are also at this level of cultivation. They are all working hard to cultivate and strive to become the real spiritual masters, but most of them are destined to be To fail.

"You go first!"

Li Zedao swept Taishu Wuji behind him with the corner of his eye, and shouted.

These two people will only make themselves more passive.

Although this guy took drugs and his cultivation base soared to the quasi-spirit fairy mirror cultivation base, this terrifying power would always disappear. He possessed a golden cover, but he could block it for a while.

Not to mention, there are two big idiots on himself.

Regarding your quasi-spirit fairy mirror cultivation base, a big fool is enough to kill you!

Tai Shu Wuji knew that the situation was quite bad, and he didn't know what medicine the guy had taken. The cultivation base suddenly soared so terribly that his legs were trembling long ago, and his heart retreated.

Hearing Li Zedao's shout, I was so moved.

Uncle Master is Uncle Master, he really looks like an elder.

Tai Shu Wuji said, "Eh!", grabbed the scared silly girl, turned and ran.

"Jie Jie Jie... Why do you always look down on me?"

The man suddenly raised his head, his flushed face was terrifying, and then the hand that was shining with red light grabbed forward.

Suddenly, a terrible red breath was like a storm, and the woman was swept over by Uncle Wuji and the woman. If this terrible breath was hit, he would definitely die.

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