The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2313: Horror Meatball

"You look down on me too!"

Li Zedao's figure swept away and his thoughts moved, and then his body was enveloped by a layer of golden light that seemed so mysterious.

While breathing, I only heard a deafening muffled sound, and the terrible red aura hit Li Zedao fiercely.

The man's red eyes became weird again.

In his opinion, this terrible but intrusive guy who likes to pretend to be a calf is a reckless move. He will definitely be blown high by the wind like a scarecrow, and then fell to the ground fiercely.

But what the man never expected was that the other party stood still, his body didn't even shake, as if the punch hadn't hit him.

"It's interesting!" His hideous eyes stared at the mysterious golden light on Li Zedao's body, gleaming with greed.

As long as this guy is killed, then the magic weapon he is relying on at this time belongs to himself.

"The quasi-spirit fairy mirror is really terrible!" Li Ze said with lingering fears.

The power of this guy's punch just now was a lot more terrifying than he had imagined. If this continues, he won't be able to hold it for long.

"Let you see how powerful my hidden weapon is!" Li Zedao said.

Before he could say anything, the big fool in Li Zedao's hand ejected, like a bullet out of the chamber, and attacked the man fiercely.

In Li Zedao's view, the man would definitely hit the big idiot with a punch, and then the big idiot would explode violently, and then... there was no more!

Even if your quasi-spirit fairy mirror cultivation base is strong, you will have to die if you are infected with the poison of a big fool!

Sure enough, just as Li Zedao expected, the man shot.

His fist, which was shining with red light, slammed into the bursting hidden weapon.


Li Zedao's ridicule that had not had time to show on his face solidified directly, his eyes were so round that he almost rolled down from his eye sockets.

His mind roared violently, and he rushed past hundreds of Cao Nima in a mighty and mighty heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

The big fool didn't even explode! It turned out to be just like an ordinary pebble, blasted by a man with a punch!

"This...why is this? Why doesn't the big fool explode?" Li Zedao's mind was extremely confused.

Is the power of the opponent's punch so powerful that the big idiot turned into powder before he had time to explode or...

"Damn, wouldn't those gun-powders be inferior goods?"

Li Zedao wanted to cry without tears, so he could only force himself to calm down and take out another big fool!

"Go to hell!" Li Zedao roared and ejected the big idiot in his hand again.


The man punched it to pieces again, and no explosion occurred.

Li Zedao's face became so stiff that he couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment.

"Jie Jie Jie... What a powerful hidden weapon."

The man grinned gloomily, and then his hand, which was shining with red light, slammed at Li Ze like a storm.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, and now that he can only rely on the golden cover to block the opponent's terrifying fist.

One punch, two punches, three punches... several punches!

That fist hit Li Zedao fiercely like the violent storm that never stopped.

Li Zedao felt more and more stressed. He knew better than anyone else, and now it depends on whether the other party's medicinal effect disappears or his aura is exhausted first.

Whoever loses the greatest support first will die!

Uncle Wuji, who had already escaped far away, heard the air-burst of the continuous cyclone containing terrifying energy from behind with the thrush. Both their small hearts were trembling, but they did not dare to have any. He paused and continued to run forward.

After entering the Spirit God Realm, Tai Shu Wuji Zeng was complacent for a while. He felt that he was too awesome. He felt that he was a rare genius in a century, and felt that his cultivation was enough to travel the entire God Realm.

But now he knows that with his cultivation level, the safest place is the college.

After running for a dozen miles, Tai Shu Wuji and Thrush had to stop.

Because there was one more person in front of them.

This person is short, tall like a child of several years, but very fat, so he looks like a chubby ball.

There was a nauseating greasy glow on his fat face, his nose was big, his eyes were small, and he was grinning with a silly smile, even showing two sharp fangs.

Only then did Tai Shu Wuji know that Mo Tianya's ugliness is not ugly at all. Compared with the ugly meat ball in front of him, he can really be said to be quite handsome.

"Hehe, beauty, come to my brother, let him teach you how to have a baby, hehe..."

The man's small eyes were shining with a hot light, and he unscrupulously scanned the full chest of the thrush, the straight legs of the sleeves, and the saliva dripped continuously, a complete pervert.

The fear in Taishu Wuji's eyes could not be concealed at all, and there was a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He didn't know what was going on today, or what happened to the almanac when he went out.

Finally got his life back from Mo Tianya's hands, but his handsome face was crushed by that **** man.

He once again recovered his life, but met the man with the more terrifying ferocious aura released from this horror-looking man. What is even more desperate is that this time the nasty **** will not appear.

Because, at this time, the sound of the air burst is still coming, and it is conceivable that the terrifying battle still continues.

Moreover, Tai Shu Wuji didn't have much confidence in Li Zedao at all. He didn't think that Li Zedao could beat the opponent. This is the most fundamental reason why he panicked and ran away first with the thrush.

After all, if Li Zedao could easily kill the opponent, he would never have to escape.

Thrush was even more scared, his face paled, and he felt that those scary little eyes were like two knives, cutting off his clothes one by one.

"Beauty, you are coming to my brother..."

The man waved at the thrush and continued to laugh terribly.

Thrush stepped back subconsciously.

Uncle Wuji swallowed, drew out the long sword, squeezed it, and gave Thrush a look, motioned her to go first, and he came to stop the monster.

The smile on the man's face suddenly faded and was replaced by irritability.

He stomped his feet severely and looked extremely angry.

The scary thing is that as he stomped his feet several times, there were a few more big holes on the ground. One can imagine how terrifying the force of his random foot.

Tai Shu Wuji felt that his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the long sword in his hand became extremely heavy, almost unable to grasp it.

"Nima’s, **** woman! I think you are worthy of you when I ask you to come over, but you are going backwards. Isn’t this looking down on Lao Tzu? If you look down on Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu gets angry, and when I get angry, I want to kill! Lao Tzu kills you this ugly monster first !" His small hideous eyes glanced at Uncle Wuji severely.

As soon as the voice fell, his swollen body was like a ball that had been kicked and slammed into Uncle Wuji.

Feeling the breath of terror, he rushed towards him, Tai Shu Wuji was so frightened that his heartbeat almost stopped, and quickly squeezed the long sword in his hand, and stab the meat ball fiercely.


Tai Shu Wuji felt that his sword was stabbed fiercely on an iron plate. Then the eighth-rank sword was broken into two sections, and at the same time the tiger's mouth was torn apart. , And then the half of the long sword in his hand fell to the ground.

In the next second, a black fist appeared, and immediately enlarged infinitely in the pupil of Tai Shu Wuji.

"Why slapped again?"

Such an untimely thought came out of Taishu Wuji's heart.


Tai Shu Wuji's head flew back, and his body was taken by his head and flew out.

Then, blood continuously spurted out of Tai Uncle Wuji's mouth, with a few teeth in it.

Uncle Wuji's vision was completely blurred, his brain became muddy, and he completely lost his ability to think.

He didn't know where it was, what he was doing, or even, he forgot who he was.

While breathing, the meat ball suddenly appeared next to Tai Shu Wuji, who had already flown out, and the fist full of fear slammed on Tai Shu Wuji's body.


Tai Shu Wuji's body was smashed to the ground severely, and a deep pit came out abruptly.

His whole person was soft in the pit like that noodle, and he was already breathless.

Rouqiu's fist just now took his life! Even if the non-man hadn't tried his best to torture him, then his body would have turned into a pile of minced meat.

The man didn't stop there. He squatted in front of the pit as if he had a **** feud with Tai Shu Wuji, and then another fist slammed on Tai Shu Wuji.


Tai Shu Wuji's body was forcibly blasted into fragments, and the whole picture looked so scarlet and scary, like a **** on earth.

The man's originally angry face showed a very comfortable smile.

He stood up, looked back and didn't know when he had fallen down there, his eyes widened, his face was dull with thrush, a grin, and his nauseating drool fell down.

"Beauty, now you know how brave your brother is? Are you upset and love your brother now, and you want to dedicate yourself immediately?"

Thrush did not answer, and witnessed such a horrible scene with her own eyes, she was completely emotionally broken.

She is now a walking dead who has lost her soul, and has lost any emotions that humans have.

Meatball smiled evilly and looked forward, where the sound of terrifying air bursts kept coming.

"It seems that this stalemate will have to last for a few incense sticks. It just so happens that Lao Tzu also needs some time to calm down the frightened little heart of the beautiful woman, so that you will be arrogant for a while."

Rouqiu turned his head and smiled and looked at Thrush, Rouqiu's saliva kept flowing out, as if a panicked wolf was staring at a white and fat little lamb.

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