The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2331: Kidnapping

"Whoo!" The man's hand was scratched.

"Huh?" The man stared at Li Ze, who hadn't known when he had retreated, and said a touch of movement on that cold face.

He didn't feel any dangerous aura from Li Zedao. He thought that this was only a mere Lingyun realm cultivation base, but he didn't expect to escape his catch.

"I'm leaving, why should I smash my mouth?" Li Zedao shook his head rather helplessly.

Why do these people always have to be so domineering and so unreasonable? Those of Nuwa descendants are like this, and so are the people of God's Domain.

Li Zedao thought about it seriously, it seems that the same is true of Fanyu.

Without the constraints of social order and morality and law, under the trend of various interests, people seem to become quite crazy.

They will trample on the dignity of others at will and deprive others of their lives.

"Who are you?" The man's eyes were sharp and alert.

The old man was also stunned. He was clear about the man's cultivation, but he had missed it. One can imagine that the strength of this arrogant and naive fellow in his opinion is not inferior to that of a man.

"Nobody," said Li Zedao, "I'll leave if nothing else."

"Want to leave?" The man's eyes became fierce. "Do you think my Dangu is a place where you can come and leave as soon as you want? Say, sneaking into my Dangu disciple selection assessment, what's not to be told Human conspiracy?"

"No conspiracy." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders.

"Dare to quibble?"

"No sophistry."


The long sword at the man's waist was unsheathed, and he stabbed Li Ze with a sharp sword.

Li Zedao felt even more helpless. Isn't it okay to be reasonable? Why fight and kill? You are not my opponent, are you? Really guilty!

"Wow!" Li Zedao's figure disappeared instantly, and the man's fierce sword still pierced the air.

The man's face changed drastically, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

Before he could react, an afterimage suddenly appeared, and then the man only felt a fierce breath hit his shoulder.

"Kacha!" A sound of broken bones echoed in this space.


The severe pain in the shoulder caused the man to let out a scream, and he couldn't hold the long sword in his hand anymore, and he was about to drop to the ground.

But at this moment, a hand appeared quickly, grabbing the sword with one hand.

"Well, this sword can enter the third grade, and it's not bad." Li Zedao said he was satisfied and accepted it unceremoniously.

The old man was completely stupid, and the two young people who passed the assessment were also stupid. He never expected that Li Zedao was so powerful, and he broke each other's arm as soon as he shot.

It was even unexpected that Li Zedao would be so courageous that he would dare to hurt people in Dangu...Does he really know what he is doing?

Immediately, the old man's originally wide-eyed eyes widened, because he was horrified to discover that there was an extra hand on his neck, and that hand was pinching his throat.

For a while, he only felt breathing difficulties, and his courage was almost shocked.

I regret this in my heart, this guy just wants to give way, why should I anger him?

"Let go of Elder Sun!" When the man saw this, his cheeks were blue and his voice was terrifying.

If Sun Lao was killed in front of him, he would have no need to continue to live.

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards Li Zedao again, but he was kicked by Li Zedao.

"If you want this old man to survive, you should prepare ten mature inner alchemy obediently. At this time tomorrow, I will appear in Dangu Square, and I will pay the money and deliver the goods at the same time." Li Zedao left these words, and took old Sun. Leave quickly.


The man spit out blood, struggled to get up and chased him up again, but where is the shadow of Li Zedao and Sun Lao?

After the two sticks of incense, the Dangu Conference Hall, the important members of Dangu gathered here.

Yakushi Green Bull, the main pharmacist of the valley, has been in a closed state for many years, and will not show up unless something major happens or someone who has to meet comes to visit.

Therefore, all matters of Dangu are handled by the Great Elder Pharmacist Ryoma.

The great elder Medicine Master Longma is the younger brother of Medicine Master Qingniu, has already entered the quasi-spiritual mirror cultivation base, and is also a Ninth Stage Alchemist, but because he does not possess the spirit body, he cannot become like his elder brother A soulmaker who is respected by thousands of people.

Yakushi Ryoma's face was extremely ugly, as did the others.

They never expected that such an ordinary appraisal of recruiting disciples would give birth to such a big thing.

Someone even made a fuss in the Dangu, even took away Old Sun, and expressed that they wanted Old Sun to survive, so he obediently prepared ten mature inner pills.

This is basically the drama of the kidnappers kidnapping the hostages for ransom. What's ridiculous is that this kind of thing happened to Dan Gu!

Someone **** Dangu's alchemist and demanded a ransom... How absurd! If this spreads out, Dan Gu will definitely become a laughing stock.

"What's a good way for everyone?" Yakushi Ryoma glanced at everyone and said, there was an uncontrollable anger in his voice.

"Elder, since that person can easily severely damage the small sword of the middle-ranking peak cultivation base of the spiritual **** realm, his strength is at least the top-ranking spiritual **** cultivation cultivation base, and it is even more likely to be the top-ranking spiritual **** cultivation cultivation base. More importantly, , We don’t even know its true origin and purpose. We don’t know if there is anyone behind him. I’m afraid it’s inappropriate to make a huge noise for the time being.” One of the men spoke first.

The man's words are exactly what many people think in their hearts, so many people nodded slightly and agreed.

The enemy dared to run wild in Dangu, how could it be just for the ten inner alchemy?

Therefore, there must be a greater conspiracy!

In addition, it shouldn't be a thing to make a lot of noise, because Dan Gu can't afford to lose this person.

Pharmacist Ryoma nodded and motioned to the man to continue talking.

"Don't the arrogant let us prepare ten mature inner alchemy? We are ready and waiting for his arrival! At that time, there will be a net of heaven and earth, and there will be a strong man like you sitting in the town, elder, you must teach him to come. No answer." The man's eyes flashed with dangerous light.

So everyone nodded again and agreed, and that should be done.

Once the arrogant man is controlled, he can easily know his true purpose.

As for what to do with the kidnapped Alchemist Sun Lao... Everyone has selectively forgotten Sun Lao.

From the moment he was taken away, he was no longer a member of Dan Gu.

He is a witness to Dangu's shame, how can Dangu allow him to step into Dangu again? Even, can't wait for him to die quickly.

To put it more bluntly, Dan Gu's plan to kill Li Zedao was to maintain Dan Gu's reputation, not to understand and save Sun Lao.


In the inn room, Li Zedao was in a mood and drank a pot of chicken soup sent by Xiaoer.

Li Ze believed that the arrogant Dan Gu would not search the city at this time, so he stayed in this inn indifferently.

Sun Lao Ruan curled up on the ground, his old face was so pale, and his angry eyes stared at Li Ze.

Whenever there was a trace of possibility, he would jump up and die with this guy.

It's a pity that he can't do anything, he can only silently greet this **** 18th generation ancestor in his heart.

"Do you think Dan Gu will agree to your request?" Old Sun said angrily.

But the heart shrank slightly, filled with a sense of desolation, he knew that Dan Gu would not care about his life or death, and they even wanted to die.

Of course, Lao Sun absolutely didn't believe that this kid was so provoking Dangu just for the ten mature inner alchemy, he must have a bigger conspiracy.

"Naturally, Dangu will not agree." Li Zedao glanced at Sun Lao and smiled, "You are far from worth ten mature inner alchemy, and even Dangu can't spend any even the most common herb to redeem you."

"..." Lao Sun felt that his throat was beginning to sweeten, and his body was shaking severely.

Why do you think there are people who speak so viciously?

"They won't give me a single inner pill, and they even plan not to win the world. Once I dare to appear, they will teach me how to go."

Old Sun's eyes were red, and there was a fierce light in those eyes: "Since you know everything, why do you want to catch me here?"

"Because I think you are unhappy." Li Ze said frankly.

"..." Elder Sun was almost choked to death by these words, which is a **** reason.

"That person just asks questions, and you have your teeth knocked out and thrown out by you like a dead dog...You dare to be so unscrupulous, but because you are stronger than him, you can do whatever you want. Deprive him of his dignity, even his life!"

Li Ze said of course: "Now that I am stronger than you, I can also trample on your dignity and deprive you of your life at will. I can even spit on your face...nothing wrong!"

Old Sun was almost choked to death by these words again.

The most terrible thing is that Sun Lao was speechless, he actually felt that what the bold madman said was quite reasonable.

"Now, are you so ashamed that you want to die?" Li Ze asked.

Old Sun wanted to say, I want you to die.

He wants to jump into a rage and say that we have the ability to compete in a fair and honest way. Let's compare alchemy, and whoever loses is the grandson!

"Of course, there is another purpose for capturing you." Li Ze said that the hole under the black veil smiled like a sly fox.

"You old man is mean and shameless..."

Old Sun is so angry that his nose is crooked, you are mean and shameless!

"But at any rate, he is also an eight-rank alchemist, and he also has a certain status in Dangu. You must have a lot of medicinal materials and blood inner pills of various poisonous insects and beasts? Take me to that place, I want to try to refine A few pills." Li Zedao said.

He planned to refine a few big fools first, and after thoroughly studying the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" last night, Li Zedao probably had some ideas in his mind about the refining of the pill that can make people rotten, and he planned to try it out.

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