"You know how to refine pills? Don't spoil the herbs." Old Sun sneered.

I can finally laugh at this **** guy.

When you put together medicinal herbs, you just put together a mere 30 herbs. At this level, what kind of medicine can be refined? Wouldn't it be the most common first-class second-class pill? And it is of the lowest quality.

"Understand a little." Li Zedao said quite modestly.

Does this handsome guy have to tell you that this handsome guy is actually a soulmaker? Forget it, you old man is still a bit useful to me, it's not good to scare you to death.

Old Sun sneered, feeling that this kid was really shamelessly outrageous.

But I am also worried that if he does not agree to take him, this guy will use some vicious means to torture himself, so he can only say that it is not impossible to take you there, but you have to promise not to hurt me or spit on my face. water.

"Hurt you? You are not qualified." Li Zedao disdainfully said.

As a result, Sun Lao was so angry that his nostrils began to smoke again, and he almost fainted.

When was he so humble that he didn't even have the right to be injured?

"Boy, there is a way for us to make alchemy!" Old Sun roared, and he finally made this request shamelessly.

Lao Sun finally understood one thing, when a person is extremely angry, he can become quite shameless.

For example, if it weren't for the anger to death, how could he, a magnificent Eight-Rank alchemy master, propose a competition alchemy to a stinky kid?

Li Zedao glanced at him quite disdainfully: "Compared with me in alchemy? You are not qualified."

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Old Sun's business was almost roaring.

A trace of red liquid was dripping from the corner of his mouth, and being so nakedly ignored was driving him crazy.

Li Zedao smiled and stood up: "If you don't want me to strip your clothes naked and throw them on the street, please lead the way obediently."


After a few sticks of incense, Sun Lao took Li Zedao to his residence in the north of Wucheng City.

This seems to be an ordinary residence, but there is a cave in it. There is a cellar with a large area in it. This secret cellar is used by Lao Sun to refine pill and store various precious medicinal materials.

"Yes, the variety is quite complete." Li Zedao scanned the drawers around and nodded with satisfaction.

"Humph!" Old Sun snorted coldly, isn't this nonsense?

Thinking that oneself is also an eighth grade alchemist, and there is a giant like Dangu behind him, it is not too difficult to obtain these precious various treasures.

"What did you just say? You want to compare alchemy with me? Anyway, I'm idle, so let's compare it." Li Zedao said with a shrug.

Sun Lao stunned, "What do you want to do?"

He didn't believe that this shameless brat really dared to compare himself to refine the pill.

"If I lose, I'll leave it to your disposal. Whether you kill me or take me back to Dangu, it's up to you." Li Zedao said that one-eyed light flashed with an inexplicable light, "If you lose, then you have to listen carefully. my words."

Old Sun was full of disbelief, and sneered: "Do you think I will believe your words?"

"If that's the case, then don't compare it." Li Zedao said indifferently, "There is one thing you need to do, of course you don't want to do it. The best I can do is to let you drink urine and eat shit, strip you naked and throw you on the street on."

"...Since you want to play with me recklessly, let's start." Sun Lao said coldly.

"Do you know Ronghun Pill?" Li Zedao nodded, thinking that this shameless old man is really nasty, and he has to threaten him to compromise.

Soul melting pill? Sun Lao's pupils shrank slightly.

"Of course, even if you know it, with your current alchemy level, you can't refine it."

"I can't refine it, but you can refine it?" Old Sun sneered, "If you can really refine the nine-grade pill, you are my grandfather!"

Li Zedao smiled and said, "How do you feel that you are taking advantage of it? Forget it, since you are still useful, I will accept you as a grandson for one day. Grandson, stare at your eyes and take a good look at how Grandpa refines the soul Dan's."

Seeing that Li Zedao was so relaxed, Old Sun suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart. Could it be that he could really refine the Nine-Rank Pill Medicine Rong Soul Pill? He turned out to be... Nine-Rank Alchemy Master? Even……

Old Sun did not dare to continue to imagine.

Are you kidding me?

Old Sun quickly denied his absurd idea, thinking that this kid was just pretending to be a calf.

An hour later.

Sun Lao's round eyes stared fiercely at the hot Soul Melting Pill that was dumped by Li Zedao from the pill furnace. His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his head was extremely roaring. After the unprecedented huge waves, I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.

Rong Soul Pill! It's really a nine-pin pill, soul-melting pill!

And from the beginning of refining the pill to the final pill formation, the whole alchemy process was smooth and flowing, without any jerky feeling. It is conceivable that he has refined the soul-melting pill more than once.

He could really easily refine the soul-melting pill! He turned out to be a nine-tier alchemist! It might even be...Soulsmith?

Sun Lao's breathing stopped, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

This is horrible and crazy! Who would have thought that even if one was not a soulsmith, the alchemist who was also a nine-rank alchemist would actually rush to participate in the assessment of Dangu harvest disciples?

He is fully qualified to be a guest of Dan Gu, okay? He is fully qualified to be his master!

This **** guy, he was so shameless that he didn't have any conspiracy.

"Grandson, you will sleep for a while in the next time. Don't disturb Grandpa's alchemy." Li Zedao chuckled and slapped him on the head of Old Sun who had not yet reacted to the shock, slapped him fainted.

Immediately began to refine the big fool.

In the evening, Li Zedao had already refined a few big fools and a few matching antidote.

However, the great fools that have been refined so far are completely different from the great fools before.

The big fool before was too vicious. Once he was recruited, he would definitely die without taking the antidote in time. Therefore, Li Zedao also reformed the big fool at this time.

Now the big idiot will not kill you, but will only make you feel weak, and will not even have the strength to open your eyes.

Naturally, Li Zedao was inspired by the kind of fierce **** of the snake-men clan, which transformed the big fool into what he is now.

Immediately, Li Zedao slapped Lao Sun to wake up: "Grandson, it's time to get up and help Grandpa."

Obviously, taking this old man as a hostage to ask Dangu for ten mature inner alchemy is simply a dream.

Dan Gu didn't care about the life and death of this old man at all, and even wished him to die quickly. In addition, once he dared to appear in Nadangu Square, he would be surrounded by the strong, and it would be extremely difficult to get out by then.

Therefore, Li Zedao had long thought of an excellent strategy.

To put it bluntly, he needed a bigger hostage, forcing Dan Gu to throw a rat avoidance, had to compromise, and obediently sent ten mature inner alchemy.

As for whether Dan Gu has already been offended to death... The one thing Li Zedao is most afraid of now is to offend those terrorist forces.

Sun Laona looked at Li Zedao as if he had seen a ghost.

Although he has been in a coma for most of the day, his mind is still in that state of extreme shock.

It can be said that the power of Li Zedao has completely destroyed him, and now that Li Zedao said that **** is fragrant, he will quickly nod his head and express that it is fragrant.

"You...you said." Old Sun swallowed.

"Call Grandpa!" Li Zedao slapped Sun's head and scolded.

Li Zedao saw that this old man was not so pleasing to his eyes, how could he let him go so easily?

Old Sun's muddy eyes were full of humiliating tears, and he said in a voice that even he felt unfamiliar: "Master...Grandpa..."

Li Zedao nodded in satisfaction and said, "Grandpa has something that needs you to do."

"Master... Grandpa, you said." Calling the other grandpa again, he almost exhausted all of Sun's strength.

He collapsed there weakly, wishing to survive.

Li Zedao murmured a few words in his ear.

Sun Lao's eyes widened suddenly, and his little heart almost jumped out of his throat in fright. He sucked in cold breath and sweated profusely. He looked at Li Zedao in his eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

After a while, he cautiously said, "Master...Grandpa, isn't this bad?"

Sun honestly didn't expect this guy to be so courageous.

He even let himself spread the rumors that the most precious granddaughter of Dangu’s master pharmacist, Qingniu, planned to pick Ruyi Langjun in public in Nadangu Square in the early morning of tomorrow morning, as long as those of the right age have not yet married and have confidence in themselves. Men can go to Nadangu Square tomorrow morning.

God knows, if Dan Gu knew that he was spreading such a rumor, he wouldn't be able to chop up his own big pieces and feed the dog?

You know, the pharmacist Zi Ling is the most beloved granddaughter of the master of the valley, Pharmacist Qingniu, she has encountered such a grievance, how could Pharmacist Qingniu not be furious?

But if it doesn't spread, would this terrible now take its own skin?

Li Zedao slapped Sun’s head again and cursed: "Your sister, do you think Grandpa is discussing this with you? Give you an hour to understand this matter. Don’t worry, Grandpa won’t Treat you badly."

"I... I know." Old Sun wanted to cry without tears, but felt that the humiliation he suffered from childhood to adulthood was not as much as it is now.

"By the way, don't let Dangu get this news for the time being, I am giving Dangu a big surprise tomorrow morning, so what should I do, don't I need to teach you?" Li Zedao said again.

"I...I understand."

"Of course, you can also run to Dangu and say, I'm here." Li Zedao smiled, his voice was embarrassing.

Old Sun was so scared that his face turned green, and he repeatedly said, "Dare not dare."

An hour later, Old Sun returned to the cellar.

"Grandpa, I have done what you told me." Old Sun reported cautiously.

Immediately, Old Sun scolded himself in his heart for being too cheap. How could the word for grandpa become more and more fluent? Damn it!

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