The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2340: Pharmacist Tower

Moonlight's eyes narrowed. For him, this was really a difficult question to choose.

Although I don't know what this terrible enemy is going to do, if he cooperates with him, it means betraying Dangu. But if you don't cooperate, I am afraid that I will taste the taste of life is better than death.

Moonlight didn't feel that the other party was frightening herself.

"I don't think it's hard to choose." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders.

I have made many choices in the past, and those choices are far more difficult than the current choices.

"Besides, you owe me a life." Li Zedao said again, "I can't say that too much, right?"

Moonlight was silent, and he had to admit that he did owe this guy his life. In that Panlong Temple, this guy could have killed him, but he didn't do that.

"What to do with you?" Moonlight took a deep breath.

"I want to enter the tower. I hope Mr. Moonlight can take me in. It would be better if I could get some things in the tower." Li Zedao said with a smile. The tower is a special place for Dan Gu, and it is guarded by the strong.

If this guy is willing to lead the way, he can get in more easily.

Moonlight's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression became weird: "Are you trying to steal something?"

This guy's courage is too big, and he has been on the idea of ​​the Pharmacist Tower. Didn't he know that the Valley Master is practicing in retreat on the Pharmacist Tower?

If it alarmed his old man, even if this guy had nine lives, it would not be enough to die.

"I don't like the word'steal'." Li Zedao was quite dissatisfied with Moonlight's words, "I was badly harmed by Dangu. I can't compensate for it too much, right?"

Moonlight almost spewed a bite of blood, it seems that you humiliated Dan Gu to death, OK?

"I just want to come to Wucheng to feel how terrible the air here is, and how powerful the red rain that will corrode people's skin is, but I was screamed and killed by your Dangu. Isn't that bad?" Li Ze said. Said angrily.

Moonlight could only be silent, and he really couldn't refute this matter.

This was indeed the fault of Pharmacist Ziling. Her stubbornness and Dan Gu's strength made her unscrupulous in doing things, and she had no bottom line at all.

If she was in a bad mood, she would kill anyone who wanted to kill. This caused Dan Gu and herself to provoke such a big humiliation.

Moreover, the humiliation was not over as they thought, but continued.

"Give you ten breaths to consider time." Li Zedao said.

"I have one condition." Moonlight gritted his teeth, "If you don't agree, you can do it to me now."

"tell me the story."

"I want to know, what the **** is that? What is it that knocked me down at that moment? Some hidden weapon? A powerful poison? Why did it explode? Why did Dan Gu's alchemy examine my body and get the conclusion But, I am not poisoned at all?" Moonlight's face became flushed and his emotions became agitated.

He felt quite useless and unable to let go of being so knocked down.

"Is it important?" Li Zedao asked.

"Important!" Moonlight made an expression that you would kill me if you didn't agree.

Li Zedao nodded and took out a big fool.

Moonlight's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't believe what his eyes saw, and his face was full of uncertainty: "Is this this thing?"

Looking at its appearance, isn't this just a small pill? Was he defeated by such a small pill?

"That's it." Li Zedao nodded.

"What the **** is this?" Moonlight took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

"This is a kind of poison pill that I have refined. I named him...Oh, medicine master idiot pill."

"..." Moonlight was almost choked to death by the name of the poison.

"Once this poison pill is squeezed by external force, it will explode violently, and its explosive power is enough to make your skin and flesh spattered and dripping with blood."

Li Zedao was like that passionate salesman, spitting wildly: "Come here, let me introduce you to me. Speaking of this pharmacist's idiot Dan, this is an incredible thing."

"You have seen it before. After its explosion, it will release a strong poisonous smoke. This poisonous smoke can't say that it can see the blood seal the throat, but it can drain all your strength, and I dare say any alchemist Even the soul artisan can't detect this kind of poison. If you don't have my unique antidote, you can only lie in bed for the rest of your life.

"This is simply a necessary medicine for walking in God's Domain! What do you think?"

Moonlight was stunned, and Li Zedao was quite satisfied with his expression of astonishment.

Moonlight swallowed and said, "Can you give me one?"

"Lying you down once?" Li Zedao said grimly. Do you think you are my wife?

Moonlight shut up, and he knew that this guy would not give himself such a powerful poison pill.

However, it is possible to report this situation to the Great Elder. With Dangu's strength, it shouldn't be a difficult task to concoct such a powerful poison pill in the same way.

"Are you a alchemist?" Yueguang asked again.

Li Zedao was too lazy to answer this idiot question, but said: "I have promised you, now you should do what you should do."

Moonlight hesitated and nodded: "I can take you into the Pharmacist Tower, nothing more."

Li Zedao nodded: "No problem."

He didn't even expect this guy to help himself let go of the wind when he walked along. It was not bad if he didn't immediately call out to catch the thief.

At the moment, Li Zedao took off the white robe worn by the man who had passed out on the ground and put it on himself.

"Although you change your clothes and are with me, your face is still suspicious." Moonlight pointed at the black veil on Li Zedao's face.

He was really curious about what this terrible guy looked like.

Is it old or young? Is it ugly or beautiful?

Li Zedao smiled and turned around. When I turned around, the black veil on his face turned into white veil.

The muscles on Moonlight's face twitched and almost spewed out a few mouthfuls of old blood. Is this guy serious? Does this make a difference? Well, there is still a difference.

It can be said that as soon as I see a black veil masked man, the nerves of the Dangu members will suddenly tighten, thinking that it is the person who stabbed a knife in the chest of Dangu and spit a few saliva by the way, but Bai Bai It's okay if the yarn is masked.

"You can say that you are in a very bad mood and your methods are quite abnormal. You burned my face with a torch, so I had to bandage it like this." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"I won't treat myself like this." Moonlight wanted to vomit blood.

"You will." Li Zedao said.

Moonlight was too lazy to say anything to Li Zedao. He grabbed the long sword hanging there and said, "The tower is called the Yaoshi Tower. It is the core of my Dangu, so the guard is extremely tight. The entire tower has nine floors, and I have the most I can only take you to the fifth floor, and above the sixth floor, I can’t go up."

"Yes." Li Zedao said.

It is already very good to be able to enter the tower. If you can get the soul-gathering bottle in the first five floors, naturally you don't need to enter the sixth floor.

Li Zedao didn't want to attract the attention of that terrifying spiritual mirror cultivation expert.

Then Li Zedao followed with a low-key face and looked extremely serious Moonlight behind him, after passing the luxurious lofts, and finally came to the tall tower that looked gorgeous.

Looking up at the tower, Li Zedao's little heart trembled inexplicably. The feeling was as if there was an extremely terrible pressure pressing your heart to death, making it difficult for you to breathe. .

It seems that the terrifying strong man with the celestial mirror cultivation base is in this tower, otherwise it would not have such a strong sense of oppression.

But at the entrance in front, there were two men standing there, one on the left and the other on the right. Judging from the aura released from the two of them, they were both strong men of the highest-grade peak cultivation base in the spiritual gods.

Li Zedao sighed with emotion, he is indeed a super power, a lot of powerhouses of the highest grade peak cultivation of the spiritual **** realm.

Compared with this, Canghai City is not too shabby.

In Canghai City, once you have a high-level spiritual and god-level cultivation base, you can become a first-class power, such as the previous four big families.

If you have two high-ranking peak cultivation powers in the Spirit and God Realm, then you can easily become the master of Canghai City.

Moonlight took out a jade medal and handed it to one of the men, but the sharp eyes of the other man looked up and down Li Zedao.

"You, tear the cloth off your face." Then, the man pointed at Li Ze and said.

"My subordinate, dragging his actions this morning, I was taught by me. His face was seriously injured, so he was covered with white gauze." Moonlight glanced back at Li Zedao and said lightly.

"Even if it's yours, we have to look at his face and verify his identity, otherwise, he can't go in." Another man said after returning the checked jade card to Moonlight.

Moonlight's eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone became bad: "What do you mean? When did Dangu not allow people to cover their faces? Or do you think I will bring someone who is a member of Dangu into this Pharmacist Tower? "

"We don't mean that, we just follow the rules."

"Rules?" Yueguang sneered, "Whose rules, Dangu rules? Does Dangu have such rules? My dignified Dangu elder's entourage can't enter Danta unless he is blinded? Or, this is the old man's rules. ? Then I have to think like this, is it because I am the second son's person that you deliberately make things difficult for my men?"

What the eldest son and the second son were referring to was naturally that the two battling against each other, both of Yao Shi Qing Niu, wanted to become the son of the Valley Lord.

Whether it is the eldest son or the second son, they have attracted a large number of people.

Moonlight was the person that the second son was attracted to.

Li Zedao secretly shook his head, thinking that this seemingly powerful Dangu seemed to be full of contradictions. If there were no such powerful pillars as the Yaoshi Qingniu, the already rotten roof seemed to collapse.

"Let's go, find the second son first, and ask the second son to take us in." Moonlight glanced at Li Zedao and said, turning around and wanted to leave.

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