The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2341: He must be a soulsmith

The two guards exchanged glances. If this matter is caused by the second son, with the second son’s temper, he will be troubled by them, let alone because Miss Ziling has an accident, so the second son must be angry now. It is even more troublesome.

One of them said: "Elder Moonlight wants to stay."

"What? It's fine if you don't let in, and you can't leave?" Moonlight returned to her senses and sneered.

"You can go in." One of the men said lightly.


Moonlight snorted coldly: "Go!"

After finishing speaking, with Li Zedao, under the comments of the two obviously unkind complexes, strode into the Pharmacist Tower.

Li Zedao glanced around and found that the space in the tower was huge. The first floor was a huge martial arts field. Many people practiced cross-legged or played against each other on the martial arts stage.

With Li Zedao's current strength, seeing this level of competition is dull.

"You have also seen this first level. It is a martial arts field, a place for those juniors to improve their cultivation."

Moonlight lowered her voice and said, "As for the second floor, what is stored are some low-ranking spiritual determinations and spiritual skills, the third floor is a collection of various weapons, and the fourth floor is the place where the alchemist alchemy is. There are various herbs in the collection."

"I can go up to the fourth floor, but I can't get into it. After all, I am not an alchemist. As for the fifth floor, what I have collected are all kinds of pills refined by the alchemist, but they are all 7-rank and below. Pill. Above the sixth floor, I am not qualified to go up."

"Then who is qualified?" Li Zedao asked.

"The core members of the pharmacist family, such as the elder and the young lady, are eligible to go up. In addition to the elder, other members of the pharmacist family must obtain the permission of the elder to go up."

Li Zedao wrinkled his brows slightly when he heard this. In this way, the soul gathering bottle he wanted could not be found in the lower five floors that the moonlight could reach.

"Furthermore, it is said that the eighth and ninth floors, even the Great Elder can't go up. As for what is stored there, it is not known." Yueguang said again.

From Moonlight's point of view, this guy wanted to walk down valuable things from this Medicine Master's tower, or something that he could see, it was a dream at all.

People with such a level of cultivation naturally look down on those low-level spirit decisive spirit skills, or pill of seventh rank or lower.

What only made Yueguang extremely puzzled was that this guy made a big fuss in Dangu and kidnapped Miss Ziling, so he only needed ten mature inner alchemy? This is simply the sound of thunder and the rain, which is incredible.

After all, although mature inner alchemy is rare, it's not a great thing, isn't it? Especially for Dan Gu, I dare not say how many there are. There should be hundreds of them, right?

Moonlight glanced at Li Zedao from the corner of his eye, his heart fluctuated greatly, who was he? What is his real purpose?

Well, if Moonlight Li Zedao and Li Zedao were to fight so aggressively, it would really be for the ten mature inner alchemy, I'm afraid it will spew out a few mouthfuls of old blood.

"I knew that the great elder was holding you back." Li Zedao glanced at the moonlight and said disgustingly.

It's a miscalculation, and it's a waste of time to hold such a useless guy.

"..." The muscles on Moonlight's face twitched wildly, and her heart was trampled crazily by a large group of Cao Nima, she really didn't know what to say.

If it weren't for this terrifying guy who couldn't really beat him, he would want to smash it with a sword.

"There is no other way?" Li Zedao asked.

"There is no way."

"What's the solution?" Li Zedao's eyes lit up, and you said he had already.

"If you have that kind of strength, it's not impossible to force it up." Yueguang said with a cold smile.


"It is said that above the seventh floor, the entrances of each floor are equipped with extremely powerful defensive soul formations, and it is extremely difficult for even the strong with the cultivation of the spirit mirror to break." Yueguang said lightly.

Defensive soul formation? Li Zedao's expression changed.

I think he had seen the power of defensive soul formation when he was fighting against the fire scorpion in that valley with Shui Feiling.

Moreover, it was only the first-level defensive soul formation, but even the fire scorpion could break it, which shows how terrifying this defensive soul formation is.

Moonlight smiled coldly and continued: "Not to mention that the Lord Gu is practicing in retreat there. Once he is disturbed, you say you still have a chance to escape?"

Li Zedao shook his head decisively. He was arrogant, but he was not arrogant to the point of ignorance.

The big idiot is enough to deal with the strong quasi-spiritual fairyland cultivation base, but it has no deterrent to the strong-spiritual mirror cultivation base.

Even if the big idiot exploded within a short distance from them, it would not be able to hurt them.

This is the terrifying aspect of the strong spiritual mirror cultivation, and the rich spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth is their best defense.

"Give up." Moonlight said, "Of course, if there is something you want in the first five floors that I can go up to, just treat it as if I didn't say it."

"Is there a soul gathering bottle in the first five floors?" Li Ze asked.

Moonlight's pupils suddenly widened, and his voice was extremely moved: "Soul Gathering Bottle? Are you... a soulsmith?"

This is really a human being, and this guy doesn't look like a soulsmith.

"What do you think?" Li Zedao sneered, "Do you think that Dangu Valley Master is a Soulsmith in the world? If you are not afraid of attracting your Valley Master's attention, do you think the defensive soul formation can stop me?"

Li Zedao was too guilty. Sure enough, honest people are not suitable for bragging. When bragging, he wants to slap a few slaps on his hot face.

Moonlight was silly for a while, and immediately felt a lot of comfort in his heart. Being killed and threatened by a quasi-spiritual immortal mirror cultivation soulsmith is not an unacceptable thing.

"I don't think there is a Horcrux like a soul gathering bottle in the first five floors." Moonlight said.

"I can only give up." Li Zedao shrugged and said helplessly.

Moonlight secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if this guy made a fuss about the Pharmacist Tower all his life, then in the end he would have to follow suit.

After all, Moonlight naturally didn't want to be included in the list of traitors by Dan Gu, and bringing Li Zedao into this Pharmacist Tower almost made his heart jump out of his chest.

"Go." Li Zedao patted his **** and left.

Li Zedao left so happy, completely beyond Moonlight's expectations.

Somewhat worried about Li Zedao's conspiracy and weirdness, Moonlight quickly followed, walked in front of Li Zedao, and said in a low voice, "I will take you out, so no one will embarrass you."

Li Zedao walked out of the Pharmacist Tower under the comments made by the two men guarding at the door with unkind eyes.

Looking up at the sky shrouded in stimulating smoke, Li Zedao had a headache. Now that he can only think of another way to get a soul gathering bottle.

How about playing kidnapping? This time, you **** that Medicine Master Zilian?

It's not impossible, but will it be too much? If Yao Shi Qing Niu is disturbed this time, then **** it.

"You don't need to follow me. I don't bother to do it if Dangu people don't take the initiative to provoke me." Li Zedao glanced at the moonlight walking in front of him.

Moonlight stopped looking back at Li Zedao, nodded slightly and said, "Even if you still want to make trouble, don't come to me."

For Yueguang, Li Zedao has become his nightmare.

Are you a soulsmith? Lie to you, the soulsmith still needs to run to the Dan Tower to blackmail ten mature inner alchemy? Still need to try to steal the Soul Gathering Bottle from the Pharmacist Tower?

No, he is the Soulsmith!

If he weren't a soulsmith, he would have lost too much! Yes, he is a soulsmith, whoever dares to say that he is not a soulsmith, I will kill anyone!

Li Zedao smiled: "Then it depends on whether the scene that happened in the Panlong Temple will happen again. You know I am full of justice and there is no sand in my eyes... Hey, don't go. Listen to me..."

Moonlight went faster and faster, and finally ran forward at the fastest speed. He even left Dangu to hide in a safe place for a few days in order to prevent Li Zedao from finding himself.

Li Zedao walked in the direction of Dangu Square and planned to leave Dangu, but the scene in front of him caught his attention.

But I saw a garden full of flowers in front of the attic in front of him. At this time, an old man holding a broom was slowly cleaning the remaining flowers and leaves on the ground.

Judging from the breath released from him, it was just a mere cultivation base of the Lingshan Realm. In other words, this was an extremely ordinary servant in a Dangu.

Ordinary servants naturally won’t attract Li Zedao’s attention. What really caught Li Zedao’s attention was that a few men and women who knew at first sight were either rich or expensive were passing through the back garden. When the old man cringed and was about to give way, the old man’s hand The broom accidentally scratched the skirt of one of the women.

The woman's face changed all of a sudden, that expression was as if she had a puff of **** on her body, how disgusting and disgusting.

Immediately, she pointed at the old man, and she cursed: "Dead old man, don't you have eyes? Don't you know if you see this lady come by? You can see that your dirty broom has soiled this lady's skirt. , Can you a humble and humble person afford it?"

"Yes...I'm sorry, miss, I...I didn't mean to..." The old man was panicked, and he repeatedly apologized.

"I'm sorry, it's over? A good dog doesn't get in the way, don't you understand? Kneel down and kowtow to apologize, this lady may be able to kill you a dog." The woman snapped, her expression as if she wanted to strip the old man alive of.

"Sister Zifu, it's too cheap for him to make this **** humble person kneel and kowtow. If I want to say, I should chop off his dirty hands and feed the dogs!"

"Haha, that's good, we should also dig out his eyes, let him know that blocking our way and ruining our Yaxing end!"

"Why don't you put this **** humble person and ghost dog in a dog cage?"


These few noble ladies, you put forward your own suggestions every word, but they are more vicious.

The old man trembled with fright a long time ago, his knees softened, and he knelt down in panic, begging for mercy: "The sons and ladies... it's all my fault, it's all my fault. It's because I have been sweeping Dan Gu for more than 20 years For sake of it, please forgive me for a fate..."

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