The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2342: Scary old man

"Haha? Is it amazing to have been sweeping in Dangu for more than 20 years? This lady still thinks that you have dirty Dangu and polluted the air in Dangu." The woman said with a high charity expression.

In her opinion, if this **** old man can sweep the floor in Dangu, it is simply stepping on shit.

How many people want to sweep the floor in Dangu, but they don't get that opportunity.

"Miss, forgiveness, forgiveness..." The old man began to kowtow.

"Brother Zifeng, go and chop his hand, goug his eyes, and then lock him with the ghost dog." The woman glanced at the old man begging for mercy with disgust, but her voice was extremely indifferent, like a pinch. Like an ant dead.

"Yes, Sister Zifu."

One of the immature-faced men drew out a long sword and looked at the kneeling old man on the ground with a smile, like a wolf staring at a little lamb.

The old man was so frightened that he kowtowed desperately and couldn't speak.

Not far away, the kind heart of Li Zedao who stopped to witness this scene began to haunt him again. He couldn't stand it anymore, and his teeth were itchy with hate.

This Dan Gu's juniors are really arrogant, and their moral character is seriously corrupted, and people really want to beat them at first sight.

"Hey, those idiots over there." Li Zedao waved at these people.

In an instant, these juniors in Dangu were all attracted by Li Zedao's voice, and temporarily put the poor old man aside.

"What do you look at? Haven't you seen a handsome, kind and upright guy in Yushu Linfeng?"

Li Zedao pointed at these people, rather disdainfully said: "You group of idiots who have no one to raise in their lives, if I were your grandfather, I would slap your dad on the wall when he was born and save him later. To give birth to you stupid things is simply embarrassing and corrupts my Dangu face."

These juniors in Dangu looked at each other, and they were all stupid for a while.

"Is he scolding us?"

"It seems... right?"

They are indeed a little confused. After all, this is Dangu, and they are all juniors of the pharmacist family. They have a very high status in this Dangu. Which of the people saw them accidentally accompanied a smiling face, trying to please?

But this servant is cursing someone?

Not scolding them?

Li Zedao was almost powerless to complain, and said angrily, "Damn, do you still have opinions when you say you are idiots? I'm so scolding, you don't even know that I'm scolding you?"

As a result, the eyes of these young juniors went round, their minds roared violently, and there was an unprecedented huge wave in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what their ears heard.

How dare a humble **** call them idiots? Which is tolerable or unbearable? These noble sons and girls exploded all at once! They drew their swords and rushed over.

"Who are you? Do you want to die? Do you know who we are?"

"I promise you will die miserably..."


"Shut up, there are a group of idiots who know how to bully in their lives, if there is no Dangu as a backer, without the deterrence of the valley owner, you would have died long ago!" Li Zedao cursed quite disdainfully.

But there are sorrows in my heart. There is no way. People have Dangu as their backing. People are rich and powerful. People will reincarnate. People have arrogant capital. What can you do?

This world has never been fair, and there are classes from the start.

More often, you strive to improve yourself, not to change the world, but just to prevent the world from being abandoned.

Feeling a murderous look, Li Zedao simply stared back, cursing: "Ugly! What do you look at? It's you!"

Ugly? The woman's eyeballs went round all at once, as if bursting into flames.

Li Zedao pointed at the vicious woman and curled his mouth: "Dare to stare at your eyes? Did you know that you get uglier when you stare at them? Of course, it's not your fault to look ugly, but you don't want to be ugly on your face. The masked piece of cloth just ran out to scare people, that is, yours is wrong, and you have to be ethical."

"Ah...I...I killed you..."

The woman was so angry that her nostrils were smoking, and she was about to faint. She screamed, and the long sword around her waist was out of the sheath and she rushed towards Li Zedao.

The other young masters and young ladies were not slow, and they shot Li Zedao together.

Li Zedao was quite disdainful, but he didn't bother to entangle this group of idiots. If he provokes other powerful Dangu people, it would be bad. He patted his **** and left.

Where can these people catch up with Li Zedao? Li Zedao's trail disappeared soon, and he jumped with anger.

Of course, as the juniors of the Pharmacist family, how could they swallow this bad breath when they were so humiliated by a subordinate? All of them vowed to find the **** masked guy, chop it up and feed it to the dog.

So soon, the huge Dan Gu fell into restlessness, and everyone was looking for a fanatic with a white gauze on his face.

Soon, someone reported to this group of spoiled young masters that one of Elder Moonlight’s subordinates also covered his face, maybe it was that person.

As a result, these young masters and young ladies went to Moonlight murderously.

What they didn't expect was that Moonlight was not there, and they didn't know where it was.

So, Moonlight is absconding for fear of sin? Yes, it must be like this. Moonlight had a strange heart towards Dangu and betrayed Dangu.

Poor Moonlight, he didn't even know that he had been labeled such a betrayal.

In any case, this bad breath can't be kept out, otherwise the pharmacist family's face will not be lost?

So these princes and young ladies immediately went to the **** old man sweeping the floor with murderous aura, and tortured the old man with a nasty breath.

However, what made them even more angry was that the old man didn't know where he was going. It was estimated that he had escaped from Dangu during the chaos.

At this time, Li Zedao, the instigator, had already taken off the clothes and left Wucheng.

"Poor Elder Moonlight, I'm too afraid to help myself with the scapegoat." Li Zedao sighed slightly, still feeling a little sorry.

"Let's find another place to try your tone, and see if you can find the soul gathering bottle." Li Ze thought to himself. Of course, there is not much time left for him.

Shen Gong cat only gave fifteen days, and it has now passed halfway.


At this moment, a slight coughing sound came from behind.

Li Zedao's heart shuddered slightly, and there was a real sense of horror.

There is someone behind him? There is nothing wrong with someone. The key is his cultivation base. When the other party is close, he can't feel any breath, which is quite terrifying.

Looking back, Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing, and then his complexion became serious.

Li Zedao saw an old man, an old man who had just passed.

When this was just in Dangu, the old sweeping man, who knelt down and begged for mercy, was looking at Li Zedao with a calm smile.

Even more frightening is that the aura on his body has also changed.

Previously, the Lingshan mirror cultivation base was only a trivial one, and he was a lowly servant.

But now, he gave people the feeling that his body was wrapped in a thick mist, and Li Zedao couldn't see his true strength at all.

Even the old man didn’t have any extra movements at all, the breath on his body was extremely peaceful, and there was no ferocious aura in his eyes. He stood there quietly, but it made Li Zedao feel like his chest was killed by a big stone. It's crushed to death.

I'm afraid that only a strong person with the spiritual mirror cultivation base can have such a terrible sense of oppression, right?

This old man is terrible!

Li Zedao felt cold sweat on his forehead.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the Valley Master Pharmacist Blue Bull, Dan Gu also hid such a terrifying old man.

Li Zedao couldn't understand why a person with such a terrible cultivation base should hide in Dangu and sweep the floor? Even according to his statement, he has been sweeping for twenty years?

In addition, the Valley Master Pharmacist Qing Niu didn't know that there was such a terrible person hiding in Dangu? Is he that stupid?

What made Li Zedao even more uncomprehending was why a person with such a cultivation level had to endure the humiliation of Dangu's juniors, and even kneel down and kowtow?

No dignity?

"Follow me." The old man said with a faint smile, and there was an inexplicable light in his extremely bright eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Zedao swallowed, "Where... where do you go?"

The old man did not respond, turned and walked forward slowly.

Li Zedao hesitated, but after all he followed.

After all, he didn't have any room for resistance, just like Lao Sun in front of him, without the slightest ability to resist, the only thing he can do is to obey, absolutely obedient.

The old man walked very slowly with his hands on his back. From the back, it looked like an old man who had eaten and walked out for a while in the sun.

Li Zedao slowly followed behind him, feeling guilty in his heart. I don't know where the old man is going to take him, and what wicked things he intends to do to him.

After half an hour, Li Zedao followed the old man through one street, came to another street, and then entered a courtyard that looked rather inconspicuous.

"Close the door," the old man said.

Li Zedao, who was looking around and looking at the courtyard that seemed nothing special, heard the words and quickly turned around and closed the courtyard door.

But when he saw the old man walking to the lush tree in the corner of the courtyard, he didn’t know what he had done. A brick on the ground before the tree seemed to have sunk, and there was an extra one on the ground. The **** hole came out.

Li Zedao's eyeballs widened slightly. It was really unexpected that such an ordinary courtyard was really not a hole in the sky, and someone who could design such a mysterious mechanism would not be a generation to wait.

"Come down with me," the old man said again, and then walked down the steps at the entrance of the cave.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled a few times, but he could only keep up.

When Li Zedao walked down the steps step by step, only a "creak" was heard, and the stone slab above was restored again, which made the originally quite dim hole even more dim and extremely quiet.

Soon, the steps disappeared, and a passage that only allowed two people to pass side by side appeared in front.

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