The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2343: Pharmacist Green Bull

The passage is still winding, turning around, and don't know where it leads.

But this passage is not quiet at all, you can clearly hear the footsteps of weeds, and shouts from above.

"It seems that this tunnel is just below that street, but I don't know where it leads to." Li Zedao followed the old man forward slowly while muttering to himself.

This old man can't always plan to dig a pit and bury himself in a place that is hard to find by others?

"Um... Where are we going?" Li Zedao couldn't help but speak, his voice echoing in this tunnel, ear-piercing abnormally.

The old head didn't hear Li Zedao's words, and didn't respond at all, still moving forward slowly.

Li Zedao could only shut up obediently and continued to follow his pace.

After a while, the old man suddenly said: "You'll know when you get there."

"..." Li Zedao was directly speechless, this old man's reaction was too slow, right?

I don't know how long I have been walking, and there are steps ahead again, but this time the steps lead to the top.

At the same time, the surroundings became quiet, and it seemed that this place was no longer below the street.

"It seems that this is going to go out, and I don't know where it will lead." Li Zedao swallowed, feeling a little nervous, more expectant.

After all, looking at this posture, this old man doesn't seem to be causing trouble for himself.

In this way, all the way up the stairs, and finally, an extremely ordinary-looking wooden door appeared at the top.

"Finally," Li Zedao thought.

The old man stretched out his hand, pushed the wooden door open, and walked out. Li Zedao quickly followed out.

The line of sight suddenly became clear, but he saw that it was a large space, but the surrounding area was empty, without any furnishings.

Li Zedao was even more puzzled, what exactly is this place? What did this old man bring himself to this place? Besides, who is this old man?

The old man turned around, looked at Li Zedao with a faint smile and said, "I am very interested in you."

Li Zedao's eyes suddenly became alert, and his body instinctively stepped back.

The little heart was about to jump out, and the scalp was numb.

What does it mean to be interested?

Isn't this old man the kind of wretched pervert who specifically targets handsome boys? If so... Li Zedao felt that his situation was not too dangerous.

"I... look very ugly." Li Zedao said quickly. For fear that the old man would not believe it, Li Zedao tore off the black cloth on his face, revealing the face with genetic mutation.

By now, Li Zedao couldn't manage that much. In any case, he should keep his innocence first.

The old man was slightly stunned, apparently he didn't expect such an ugly face under the black cloth.

He shook his head and said: "This is no longer ugly."


"Seeing such a face, I have to suspect that you are of that race." There was an inexplicable light in the old man's eyes, as if pointing.

Li Zedao was so flustered that he was almost scared to death, but he was a little confused: "That race? What race?"

"Nothing." The old man shook his head.

He didn't feel the slightest breath of the Nuwa clan, so he was not a descendant of the Nuwa clan, he was quite simple and disabled.

Of course, it is not necessarily born.

Injury or poisoning can also cause this to happen.

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the aura of heaven is really strong, and he really hides his aura perfectly, fearing that if he is standing in front of the old ghost and the little turtle at this time, they will not recognize him.

"Obviously it is the highest level of the spiritual **** realm, but it has the strength to fight the quasi-spirit fairy mirror. It can easily refine the soul-melting pill, and it can also refine the kind of surprising and interesting poison pill... …What’s it called? Medicine Master Idiot Dan? I’m very curious about your origins. Is your amazing talent and self-taught or is there an extremely terrible old monster behind you teaching you?" The old man smiled lightly.

Under Li Zedao's deliberate efforts, the strength he exploded was indeed the peak cultivation level of the Spirit God Realm in the eyes of the strong.

Of course, because of the lack of spiritual energy to cultivate the aura of heaven, Li Zedao's real strength at this time is actually the empty valley.

The empty valley realm corresponds to but absolutely suppresses the spiritual **** realm high-grade peak cultivation base, so it barely has the strength to fight the quasi-spirit fairy mirror.

Li Zedao's one-eyed eyes widened and his face was full of horror, so this terrifying old man was already thinking about himself?

When he pretended to be forceful in front of the old man, did the old man stare at him? When he pretended to be forced in front of the moonlight, this old man also silently watched the excitement?

In that case, in front of the garden, he deliberately wanted to provoke Maodangu's ignorant group of juniors. He wanted to see his reaction?

He couldn't stand the move to clear the siege, which made him quite satisfied, so he showed up. Is this going to benefit himself?

Don’t you often see similar sections in TV series? An old man who looks quite ordinary but is actually extremely terrifying in both his life experience and strength may use various boring methods to investigate the behavior of a young man in order to solve his lonely heart.

If the old man is not satisfied, he shook his head and left.

If you are satisfied with it, your eyes will light up and say that I am going to die. Before I die, I can accept you, such an excellent apprentice, to die without regret.

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, with a real lingering fear. Speaking earlier, I almost scared this handsome guy to pee.

Without waiting for Li Zedao to say anything, the old man said again: "Of course, who you are and who is behind you is not important at all. What is important is that you are very satisfied with me, and you are clear about your grievances but you are not bloodthirsty. You have a sense of measure, and you have an extremely rare kind of kindness. Plus, I don’t have much time, so it’s you."

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao asked in confusion.

I wanted to see it, it really is this kind of **** bridge! If you want to give me something good, you can quickly take it out. I'm not the kind of picky person.

But if you give me the so-called difficult task of preventing the world from being destroyed and protecting world peace, then forget it.

The old man smiled and said, "Do you not know what you mean?"

"I don't know." Li Zedao decisively shook his head.

"The mentality is very good. I obviously already have an idea in my heart, but I can still do it calmly, making people not know your true thoughts. That's good." The old man boasted directly.

Li Zedao thought that even if you complimented me to death, I would not easily agree to any request you made.

"Do you know who I am?" the old man asked.

Li Zedao shook his head. To be honest, he was quite curious about the identity of this old man.

Isn't it the grandfather of the valley master Yakushi Qingniu's father, or the master?

The old man pointed to one of the windows: "Open that window and you will know the answer."

Li Zedao glanced at the closed small window in surprise, but walked over, and after swallowing a mouthful of water, he slowly opened the small window carefully.

The place that caught the eye was the sky shrouded in dense smoke outside. It was obvious that he was in a tall building at this time.

Immediately, Li Zedao's eyes opened wider and wider, and in the end, they almost rolled down from their eye sockets, and his heart was about to stop beating.

Everything underneath, the luxurious lofts, is a bit familiar, the square in front of it is not small, but where is it? So this is... the Pharmacist Tower?

This is actually the ninth floor, the highest floor of the Medicine Tower?

He turned his head and looked at the old man with a shocked expression on his face. His voice was extremely moved: "You, are...Dangu Valley Master, Pharmacist Green Bull?"

Li Zedao's mind was roaring violently, and the huge waves rolled in his heart, he couldn't believe it was true.

"I'm Pharmacist Blue Bull." The old man smiled. Then he wiped his hand on his face, and instantly changed to another face that was much younger.

It's just that this face is sickly pale, and his lips are also bloodless. Obviously, this terrifying powerhouse has a serious problem with his body.

Li Zedao swallowed wildly, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment. The feeling that he was hacked by several thunders at the same time would not be an exaggeration.

He actually humiliated his favorite granddaughter, Pharmacist Zi Ling, under the eyelids of Yao Shi Qing Niu, and then hung her from the roof.

He triumphantly changed the name of that big idiot to Medicine Master Idiot Dan.

"The pharmacist green cow of the idiot pill, the group of elders who have idiots who have no one in their lives," said the pharmacist green cow.

Li Ze said that his legs were soft and he almost sat on the ground.

"Scared?" Pharmacist Qing Niu smiled.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Can you not be afraid? There are no beasts in the mountains, so the little ant dare to be king! Who wants to be mad for a long time, only to find that the beast is watching the excitement, and then he realizes that he is a fool. Scared, okay? I'm pretty good, I haven't been scared to death by you, senior."

Pharmacist Qingniu laughed: "You are indeed very good. Nowadays, most people are scared to kneel and beg for mercy."

"Just, why?" Li Zedao asked.

Why do you pretend to be that old man? Why would you watch the Dan Gu that you created by your own hands be humiliated? Why do you want to watch your granddaughter being humiliated?

Pharmacist Qingniu smiled bitterly: "Why? From your mind, you must have an answer in your heart."

Li Zedao was silent, and he did have an answer in his heart. Such actions were nothing more than to investigate them in secret, and also wanted him to know how weak they were.

Unfortunately, those in the pharmacist family don't seem to realize this.

"In order to observe them in secret, but the result was quite disappointing to me. They are all idiots, with a little talent, and are also arrogant and vicious, embarrassing." Yao Shi Qing Niu's voice is bitter, obviously for his juniors, Extremely dissatisfied.

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