The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2344: House arrest

Li Zedao glanced at the old man and said, "Environment can create a person's character. As members of the pharmacist family, they have such a temperament, it is normal."

Pharmacist Qingniu couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that this kid expected that I would not kill him, so he spoke so unscrupulously.

"But they are so arrogant and do not want to make progress. This is nothing. After all, behind them is you, a strong spiritual mirror cultivation master, and the Fourth-Rank Soul Artisan is supporting them!"

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "It's just that they have forgotten one thing. You can't stand behind them forever to shelter them from the wind and rain. People still have to rely on themselves."

"It's true." Pharmacist Qingniu nodded with deep approval, having to admit that what the kid said was right.

It's a pity that even he himself was too arrogant. It was not until the end of his life that he came to his senses and understood this truth, but it was too late.

It can be said that under his protection, the members of the Pharmacist clan have basically succeeded in becoming rubbish, and it is impossible for them to survive the situation of strong enemies.

Not only because they don't have that kind of strength, but also because they don't have that kind of IQ, they don't have the consciousness of death, and they can't taste any bitterness.

Then he smiled bitterly: "So, I regret it, I regret being so spoiled with my descendants that they turned into pieces of rotten wood. Now the building is about to fall, they are afraid that they will not be able to escape the danger of being covered."

Although Dangu's strength is extremely strong, but the surrounding is surrounded by powerful enemies, and the internal decay is serious, once his pharmacist is driven to the west, then Dangu is afraid that he will become a **** on earth.

The others in Dangu may still have a chance to survive, but the members of the Pharmacist family are afraid that they will die.

"Senior, what's wrong with your body?" Li Ze frowned. It seems that the body of the strong spiritual mirror cultivation base is not so prone to problems, right?

As for the building will fall... it's my shit.

Besides, you don’t even have a good person in Dangu.

"When I was refining the weapon, I was too high-spirited and wanted to refine a higher-level Horcrux, but did not have the corresponding strength, which caused it to be backlashed, his soul was severely damaged, and his life was not long before." No concealment, to be honest.

And his expression is extremely indifferent, obviously his heart is extremely strong, so he accepts this iron fact, so there is not much sadness in his voice.

Is the soul seriously damaged?

Li Zedao's face changed slightly, indeed, if the soul is severely damaged, there will be no cure, even if you are a strong spiritual mirror.

Even the terrible turtle, the little tortoise, had been damaged by forcibly awakening Li Zedao’s astral body, and it took a long time to raise the soul. The slightly damaged soul gradually recovered, and it was impossible to completely recover. restore.

But if it is severely damaged, the gods will be hard to save.

It's just that although this person with terrifying cultivation base doesn't worry about his life, he can't let go of his juniors at all.

Li Zedao sighed softly, not because he was worried about Shui Feiling and the child in her womb, worried about being out of public, and worried about the mother who was far away in the mortal realm and the confidantes, so he lingered and tried to live ?

"So Senior is anxious to help Dangu find another suitable candidate to serve as Dangu's Valley Master?" Li Zedao felt helpless.

Li Zedao was deeply moved, thinking that people shouldn’t be too good and too sharp, for example, because I’m too good, even the lighter of the Spiritual Mirror Cultivation level will find myself wanting to take him. All the industries are in their own hands.

However, even blind people can feel their own excellence, and they can't hide it at all.

Headache! Headache!

"Exactly." Pharmacist Qingniu said, "In my opinion, you are the right person."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Thank you seniors for your love, but how can a small Ho De be able to become a Dangu Valley Master? In terms of strength, I am only a mere top-level cultivation base of the Spirit and God Realm, and I am not a mere first-grade Soulsmith in terms of alchemy. So I also invite seniors. Looking for other young talents. I think your brother and your two sons who fight in secret to fight for the position of the valley master are good candidates. As long as they continue to train, they will definitely become like Senior, you are a strong man in God's Domain."

After saying such things that he didn't even believe, Li Zedao became too guilty.

Pharmacist Qingniu is helpless, is this kid belittle himself or is he improving himself through his useless brother and the two even less useful sons?

It is undeniable that they are currently in a higher position, but because of their talent and mentality, it is no longer possible for them to continue to climb a higher level.

Pharmacist Qingniu knew this point better than anyone else.

But when he accidentally met Li Zedao, the eyes of Yao Shi Qing Niu suddenly lit up. He felt that this person with a hidden head and tail was very similar to himself when he was young, both in terms of alchemy and cultivation. talented.

What's more important is his methods, his mind, and his temperament. Pharmacist Qingniu likes it.

Perhaps it was a sudden illness to go to the doctor. In short, the pharmacist Qing Niu immediately pressed Dangu's future hope on Li Zedao, and he believed that he would not be wrong.

"They are not as good as you." The eyes of Yao Shi Qing Niu looking at Li Zedao suddenly became hot.

"It's true." Li Zedao nodded in agreement.

"...Anyway, once you become the valley master of Dangu, all the resources of this Dangu will be yours. In addition, I still have some time to teach you how to refine soul pill and Horcrux."

Li Zedao wanted to despise this old man, Nima, you think I don’t know what your idea is?

I want to know that Dangu must make countless enemies. Once you fall Dangu, you are afraid that you will be moved to the ground. So you urgently need a talent like me to lead Dangu out of the predicament that you will face after losing your pillar.

To put it bluntly, I am just an umbrella in your hand to help your unfilial children and grandchildren shelter from the wind and rain.

"Senior, you know that, I am a person who is used to being free and indifferent to fame and fortune. I have never longed for rights and never coveted wealth. So, seniors, you should find someone else to inherit this huge resource of Dangu. ."

Pharmacist Qingniu wanted to say, I really don't know about this, I only know that you are a little shameless.

Li Zedao arched his hands politely: "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

After speaking, Li Zedao turned and walked towards the small door.

"You are the first person to know that my soul is damaged, and my life will not be long." Yao Shi Qing Niu said lightly.

Since it's hard to say, then it can only be said badly.

Li Zedao's body stagnated slightly.

"You broke into my Dangu, took away my Dangu alchemist, and humiliated my granddaughter of the Pharmacist Qingniu. Do you really think that my Dangu is a place you can humiliate if you want to be humiliated?" Yaoshi Qingniu's tone became aggravated.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in this huge space became solemn, and Li Zedao felt as if a little big rock was pressing down on his chest, and he was almost out of breath for a while.

Li Zedao was longing for it, and his one eye was full of heat.

The cultivation base of the spirit mirror is really terrifying.

When he enters the mountain realm in the future, he can absolutely suppress the quasi-spirit celestial mirror, and he can barely compete with those who are strong in the cultivation of the quasi-spirit mirror.

If you enter the Xiangyun realm, then all the strong below the peak of the middle rank of the spirit mirror will be completely suppressed.

Li Zedao's heart was hot, and at this moment he had an extreme desire for the improvement of his cultivation.

Li Zedao turned around and looked at Pharmacist Qingniu with a wry smile: "Besides, the twisted melon is not sweet, what do you think?"

"That's the truth, so I won't force you." Yao Shi Qingniu said, "but I can't believe you, of course I won't kill you, but you're afraid that you can't leave this place. Live here with peace of mind."

"Senior, senior, it's not so good to embarrass a junior with your cultivation level, isn't it?" Li Zedao shook his head, really anxious but helpless.

Where does he have time to stay in this place? He must return to Naxumi domain and be ready to steal the Heavenly Shaking Axe at any time.

Li Zedao understood that the reason why the members of the Pharmacist family are so arrogant and shameless is not only because they live in this Dangu, but also because of genetics.

Pharmacist Qing Niu smiled calmly and said: "The weak eats the strong, the strong is respected, there is nothing good or bad, and not to kill you is already the greatest forgiveness for you."

Li Zedao was speechless.

"Of course, I won't detain you for too long. When I die, you can leave." Yao Shi Qing Niu said again.

Li Zedao almost blurted out and asked: "Then when will you die?"

Pharmacist Qing Niu took the initiative to say: "I have about one year to live."

One year? Li Zedao's ugly face twitched, and that one eye was full of helplessness.

This made Pharmacist Qingniu extremely depressed, and almost slapped this guy to death.

"As compensation, you can use everything on the eighth floor of the Pharmacist Tower at will. You can refine alchemy, refine soul pill or Horcrux, or study various soul formations. It's up to you."

Pharmacist Qingniu said again, pointing to a small door in the northwest corner, "Through that small door, you can go down to the eighth floor."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, and he could only say, "So, I'll bother seniors."

Pharmacist Qingniu nodded and said: "The eighth and ninth floors of the entire Pharmacist Tower are now covered by the three-level defensive soul array I have arranged, so don't try to leave here through that exit.

"Thank you senior for reminding." Li Zedao has completely given up the idea of ​​escaping from here.

Don't say whether this place is shrouded by the third-level defensive soul formation. Only a strong man with a spiritual mirror cultivation base is sitting there, and he has no chance to escape.

I can only stay here honestly and find a chance to get out.

Pharmacist Qingniu didn't say anything, he sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and entered the cultivation state.

Li Zedao glanced at this terrifying powerhouse, and then walked out towards the door leading to the eighth floor pointed by Yaoshi Qingniu.

When it opened, it was a staircase leading down.

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