Li Zedao went down the stairs, and soon another small door appeared in front of him.

Li Zedao opened the door and walked in, and the scene in front of him suddenly attracted the past.

But I saw one cabinet after another with drawers all around. The cabinets contained various herbs, treasures of heaven and earth, inner alchemy of poisonous insects and beasts, and so on.

Looking at this posture, its variety will not be much less than that of the Fuzhou Academy.

Li Zedao sighed with emotion. He is indeed one of the super powers in God's Domain, and he is indeed a Fourth-Rank Soul Artisan, and he can collect so many kinds of pills.

There are also soul gathering bottles, all of which are souls.

There is also a row of shelves, on which are placed a quaint-looking furnace, and there are also some books, some of which are made of tree bark or animal fur, which are obviously old.

In the vast Divine Realm, people are born and die every day, so souls are the most indispensable thing, but most people lack a pair of eyes to discover souls.

Li Zedao walked over, picked up a book casually, flipped through it, only to find that it turned out to be a prescription.

This is not an ordinary one, but a one for refining a variety of soul pills, even including a single party for fourth-rank soul pills and ghost pills, but the complexity of the refining and the time-consuming is really staggering.

He picked up another book made of animal fur, and opened it, his one eye shrank slightly.

Defensive soul array!

This is to teach you how to arrange a first-level defensive soul formation.

In the other books, some teach you how to set up an attacking soul formation, and some teach you how to refine a variety of Horcruxes.

Of course, these things are basically grade 4 and below, most of them are even incomplete, and there are no products above grade 5 and above.

Presumably, the pharmacist Qingniu was proud and planned to refine the Horcrux of Rank 5 and above with his own efforts, which caused his soul to be backlashed and his life was not long.

When something like this happened, Li Zedao didn't know whether he should admire his courage to go forward without hesitation or say he deserved it.

Soon, Li Zedao discovered another extremely rare good thing, it was the Xumi Jie who was only famous but not seen.

Xumijie is a Horcrux, and it is also a Fourth-Rank Horcrux, which means that only a Fourth-Rank Soulsmith has the ability to create this extremely divine weapon ring.

In essence, Xumi Jie and Xumiyu are actually the same concept. To put it bluntly, it is a special space that has been opened up that no one can see but actually exists. It is just the size of the space in Xumi Jie and the beard. Compared with Mi Yu, there is no comparability, and it cannot live with people.

If the size of Xumiyu's space is equivalent to a large village, then the size of the space in Xumiji is just a palm.

But this big palm-sized place is more than rubbing and rubbing for storing things.

The usage of Xumi Jie is also extremely simple. After contacting this Xumi Jie with your soul power, you can store things into this Xumi Jie.

This also means that only the soulsmith who possesses the power of the soul can endure the use of this Sumi Precept.

Even if other people get this ring, it is useless.

In addition, once the Xumi Ring is used, it will be imprinted with the brand of the master’s soul, unless your soul power is stronger than the original owner of the Xumi Ring, forcibly remove the brand and put your own brand on it, otherwise You can't use this Xumi Ring.

Li Zedao was surprised to find that this Xumijie was new, and there was no soul imprint.

Therefore, Li Zedao didn't hesitate to take this Xu Mijie as his own, and imprinted his own brand. Anyway, Yao Shi Qing Niu said, let yourself be polite and use it casually.

Besides, Li Zedao really didn't know what politeness was.

Immediately, Li Zedao opened the drawers one by one, and took out a small part of the precious herbs. When he encountered the more precious herbs, he snatched some of them, and then collected them one by one into this Sumi Ring, the soul gathering bottle. Several bottles were also put in.

There are also a few precious books that were simply put into the Sumeru Ring by Li Zedao. Anyway, these books, Yao Shi Qing Niu must have been ripped long ago.

If it weren't for the limited space for Xu Mi Jie, and he was easy to be shy, Li Zedao would have liked to wipe out everything here.

In a certain corner, the Pharmacist Qing Niu quietly watched Li Zedao unceremoniously put those things into the Sumi Ring to take possession of him, smiled indifferently, but did not respond.

Then disappeared there, without a trace.

The Xumi Jie was put away happily, and Li Zedao only then sat down cross-legged, frowning and starting to sort out the steps of refining the medicine.

Now that all the conditions for alchemy are available, one should start trying to refine the pill that cuts off the root.

Even Li Zedao had already figured out the name of this poison pill, and it was called Root Root Pill.

Two days passed in a flash.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and thick smoke billowed.

Li Zedao became extremely embarrassed, his complexion looked extremely tired, but the bloodshot one eye was full of joy and staring at the strange green pill in front of him.

"Duangen Pill, it seems, it's done!" Li Zedao was so excited, he wished to test the efficacy of the Root Pill immediately.

Try Dan? Verify its efficacy? Li Zedao shuddered and thought it was better not to do this.

In case that game is too big, it really doesn't work, isn't that fucking?

At this moment, Li Zedao only felt that his eyes flashed, and the Pharmacist Blue Bull had already appeared in front of him.

Li Zedao quickly got up and said: "Senior."

Although he was very indifferent to the character of this guy, Li Zedao was a strong man, and he did get a lot of good things from him, and because he was a good boy who understood politeness, Li Zedao was still quite polite.

Pharmacist Qing Niu's eyes widened slightly, looking at the strange green pill, obviously interested.

"What kind of soul pill is this?" Yao Shi Qing Niu asked.

I really shocked this guy's concentration. Before refining the pill, he thought about it for almost two days and two nights to make sure that every step was correct. Then he started to refine the pill.

The whole process of pill refining is astounding.

Let alone anything else, only with such a terrible concentration, Yao Shi Qing Niu sighed.

He couldn't do it like Li Zedao, so carefully simulating all the steps of refining a certain pill in his mind.

I thought that if this guy wasn't a short-lived ghost, he would become an extremely terrifying person in the future.

"This is a poison pill." Li Zedao didn't hide it.

"Same as idiot medicine master pill?"

"...Almost." Li Zedao collected the soul pill that had been refined after a lot of effort.

I thought I would go back to Nasumi, and I could find someone to test the efficacy of this cut root pill.

Immediately, my heart felt aggrieved and couldn't help but look at the Pharmacist Qingniu with emotion.

"Senior, he really can't be too good at your hand. For example, I was locked in such a place because I was too good, and completely lost my freedom."

"..." Pharmacist Qingniu was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words.

Pharmacist Qingniu just wanted to do something more, just at this moment, the voice of the great elder Medicine Master Ryoma outside came in.

"Big brother, little brother, I have something important to report."

Pharmacist Qingniu raised his brows, and there was already an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

"What's the matter?"

"I have received the visit post. Five days later, Baili Kuanglang, the dean of Yingzhou College, and the Gongzu Mozi of the Gongzui family will come to visit my Dangu. Then I will ask my eldest brother to go out and receive these two. VIP."

Pharmacist Qingniu heard the words, his pale face stiffened.

Li Ze was dumbfounded, and felt a little dry.

You must know that whether it is the Gongzumozi of the Gongzu family or the Baili Kuanglang of Yingzhou College, the reputation in God's Domain will not be smaller than that of Pharmacist Qingniu.

In particular, Baili Kuanglang, whose reputation is so great, is that only the faculty of Fuzhou Academy can dominate him.

As for the public servant Mozi, Li Zedao heard the public servant Linglong introduced him, so he was also familiar.

He is the grandfather of public defeat, and he rarely shows up, which seems a bit mysterious.

However, according to Linglong's statement, her grandpa's colorful pupils have already awakened to the fourth layer, and their strength is quite amazing, and he designed and manufactured the powerful organ beasts of the family.

These two terrifying powerhouses actually visited Dangu at the same time, fearing that the visitors were not good.

More importantly, the soul of Pharmacist Blue Niu is seriously damaged, and ordinary people can't see it, but how can people like Baili Kuanglang and Gong Yumozi fail to see it?

"I see, you go, order to go down, and be ready to welcome the distinguished guests." Yao Shi Qing Niu ordered.

"Yes, big brother." Outside, Yao Shi Ryoma looked respectfully and turned away.

Pharmacist Blue Bull's eyes flickered inexplicably light, and he remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he looked at Li Zedao with a rather bitter smile: "Looking at your reaction, I have obviously heard of Baili Kuanglang and Gongzumozi's name."

"The dean of Yingzhou College Baili Kuanglang, the strongest of the public defeat family, the mysterious and powerful institution beast, the creator of the human beings, who does not know the names of these two terrifying powerhouses unless they are ignorant?" Li Zedao Nodded.

Pharmacist Qingniu smiled bitterly: "I heard that the Baili family was married to the public transport family. Now it seems that the two families have not only joined the transportation, but also reached a certain consensus. Otherwise, the two people cannot come to our Dan at the same time. Valley."

Li Zedao really wanted to say that nature is true. I had nothing to do that day and I went to have a glass of wedding drink. Li Zedao also wanted to say that one of my wives is from the public loser family, and the other nominal wife is from the Baili family. .

Thinking of Baili Linger, Li Zedao had a headache.

This woman is really sick, and she disgusts herself with life-long events.

Li Zedao admitted that he was disgusted.

Sure enough, a woman is an unreasonable creature. It's fine to do this kind of stupid thing that kills eight hundred enemies and loses one thousand, but she is still triumphant and feels that what she has done is too right.

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