"It seems that the senior has an enmity with these two terrifying powerhouses?" Li Zedao asked, looking at the dignified face of Yao Shi Qing Niu.

"Hundred miles of wild waves." Yao Shi Qing Niu did not hide it.

He even told Li Zedao about things like he still had a year to live, and there was nothing else to hide.

For some reason, he has an inexplicable trust in this junior who will become one of the strongest in God's Domain in the future.

"Seniors are really gods." Li Zedao admired.

Pharmacist Qingniu couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you complimenting me?"

"You have enemies with Baili Kuanglang but you can still live well, enough to see how powerful you are, Senior." Li Zedao said.

Pharmacist Qing Niu still didn't think this kid was admiring himself.

"In fact, I went out of the same school as his teacher, and he is regarded as my junior." Yao Shi Qing Niuyu is not surprising and endless.

"What? It turned out to be the same?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, his mind roared, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

Immediately, it was a little strange. Since he is a fellow brother, why is he now an enemy?

Isn't it pretty **** because of a certain woman?

Thinking of this in his heart, Li Zedao blurted out: "Because a certain woman caused the brothers to turn against each other?"

"..." The muscles on Yao Shi Qing Niu's face began to twitch.

The fire of gossip in Li Zedao's heart is burning: "Dare to ask senior, did you dig the corner of Baili Kuangbo or Baili Kuangbo snatched your woman? Or is it a love triangle?"

"..." The muscles on Yao Shi Qing Niu's face twitched faster.

"It's not what you think, it has nothing to do with women."

"Don't dare to admit it? That's a shameful thing, so Baili Kuang Lang dug your corner!" Li Zedao nodded in agreement.

I feel that my reasoning ability is really awesome, this is Sherlock Holmes of God's Domain at all.

"..." Yakushi Qingniu couldn't understand at all, how such a shameful person could live safely until now.

Worried that Li Zedao would continue to talk nonsense and seriously smear his own image, Medicine Master Qing Niu took out a crescent-shaped sapphire from his arms: "Because of this."

Li Zedao curiously looked at this sapphire that released a mysterious light, and he could clearly feel that the crescent sapphire also released an extremely cold aura. It is conceivable that this should belong to the category of Horcrux.

"This is?" Li Zedao asked.

"Open the key to a certain place." Yao Shi Qing Niu's eyes became hot and distant, and he was obviously caught in a certain thought. "This is also what Bai Li Kuang Lang wanted very much."

"Where is that? What's in it?" Li Zedao couldn't help swallowing. Things that can be remembered by Baili's wild waves are nothing short of trivial.

Pharmacist Qing Niu shook his head: "I don't know."

"..." Li Ze twitched his mouth. Is this not going to be said or is it really not knowing?

"Don't know Baili Kuang Lang?" Li Ze asked.

"Naturally he doesn't know." Pharmacist Qingniu glanced at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao couldn't figure it out. Why would Baili Kuanglang be interested in a place where he didn't even know what was hidden in it?

"I only know that the place contains the extremely remarkable things left by Master." Yao Shi Qingniu said.

"So that's it." Li Zedao suddenly realized. I want to be able to teach Chuyao Master Qingniu and Baili Kuanglang this level of power, their master is also extremely powerful.

It's just that maybe because the age is too old, so God's Domain is afraid that there is no legend about him.

"Actually, Baili Kuanglang has two similar keys in his hand, the circle-sun shape and the star shape." Yakushi Qingniu said again, "Only with these three keys can we open that place."

"So that's the case." Li Zedao understood. No wonder Baili Kuanglang held the Pharmacist's green cow.

Of course, if Pharmacist Qingniu hadn't died soon, most things would be bearish, and the only one who couldn't let go was his son and grandson, afraid that he would compete with Baili Kuanglang and get the key in his hand.

Immediately, Pharmacist Qingniu took out another map that looked extremely primitive and vicissitudes of life and said, "In addition to these three keys, there is also such a map. This one in my hand is only one part of the complete map. Now, the other two are in Baili Kuanglang's hands."

"It seems that your master is too partial." Li Zedao said jokingly.

Li Zedao naturally knew that things would not be so simple.

After all, there is not much difference between having one key in the hand and having two keys.

If the old man was really partial, he could hand over all three keys and the complete map to Baili Kuanglang.

Pharmacist Qingniu shook his head: "It is not the case. In fact, Baili Kuanglang and I have another junior. After the master's consciousness disappeared, the three of our seniors received one of the keys left by Master. , And part of the map."

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that someone had done a shameful deed in order to swallow this thing alone.

"You may not believe it. In fact, our master is a terrifying consciousness left behind by a certain strong man. The three of our brothers and brothers encountered this consciousness together by chance and got the guidance of this consciousness. We don't know which power left behind the consciousness." Pharmacist Qing Niu said again.

"It turned out to be a consciousness?" Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, his mind roared, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

Yao Shi Qing Niu and Baili Kuang Lang's master turned out to be a consciousness left behind by a certain terrifying powerhouse? Is it similar to the consciousness left by Nuwa?

No wonder Pharmacist Qingniu just said the words "Master's consciousness disappeared", Li Zedao thought that the terrifying strong man had fallen.

Li Zedao glanced at the crescent-shaped key in Pharmacist Qingniu's hand, thinking that the things left by this terrifying strong man were terribly extraordinary. After all, not everyone can keep their consciousness.

Even a strong person with a spiritual mirror cultivation base can never do it. That is the method of a strong person above the quasi-spiritual universe!

There are only a handful of powerhouses of this level, and there are only a few people, such as the guardians of the major planes, and the younger brother of the **** Panlong, the **** of fire. He should be cultivated in the quasi-lingual universe.

Li Zedao knew that Little Tortoise, Old Ghost, and Master Gu, as well as the sect masters of the eight sects, were basically quasi-spiritual realm cultivation bases, or infinitely close to this cultivation base.

Of course, there may be others besides these people. After all, there are still low-key people.

"According to Master, only when we become strong at the spiritual mirror cultivation base can we be able to open the door in the place in front of us, otherwise we will not be able to withstand the terrible pressure brought by that place. Therefore, the three of us agreed to wait until all three of us become powerful spiritual mirror cultivation masters, and then go to open the place together and take out the things Master left there."

The voice of Yao Shi Qing Niu became cold, and there was a hint of violence: "However, Baili Kuang Lang, the strongest of the three of us, turned his head and attacked my weakest junior and directly gave him Kill, take away the key and the map in his hand."

Li Zedao's eyes widened and he couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. This mad wave of hundreds of miles was really cruel.

"After that, Baili Kuanglang wanted to kill me, but I was cautious by nature, and I was not easy to provoke, so Baili Kuanglang never succeeded. After that, the two of us were constantly fighting. Status! He established Yingzhou College, and I also established Dangu. His power grew stronger day by day, and I didn't stand still, so over the years, no one can do anything about it."

"Baili Kuanglang also came to me many times, saying that they went there to take out the things left by Master, but the scene of the murder of the junior brother is vivid, so I said nothing to believe in Baili Kuanglang! I will not Forgive him!"

Pharmacist Qingniu shook his head and smiled bitterly, and sighed: "Now, I'm afraid I will lose. Once we meet in five days, he will immediately know that my soul is damaged, my life will be short, and my strength is not as good as before. I am afraid that I will be involved. I am afraid that my Dangu will be bloody, and the chickens and dogs will not stay. I am afraid that after five days, there will be no Dangu in God's Domain!"

Immediately, Pharmacist Qingniu was silent

Li Zedao was silent.

After being silent for a while, Yao Shi Qing Niu couldn't help it. He looked at Li Zedao's ugly face with no expression and said, "You have nothing to say?"

I feel helpless in my heart, saying that this guy has no sympathy yet, I'm so miserable, so you shouldn't say anything to comfort me.

"Uh, that...I am kind, but I am not very good at comforting others." Li Ze said apologetically.

Of course he knows that Dangu will collapse suddenly, but even if he wants to help Dangu, he doesn't have that strength. His strength is barely enough to fight against the quasi-spiritual mirror cultivation master, let alone. Against a monster of the level of hundreds of miles, I'm afraid that he can poke himself to death by just sticking out his finger.

Li Ze believed that it would be better if the little turtle was there. At that time, he didn't even show his sex, so he could scare away Huang Quan. If I were here now, I could easily scare away Baili Kuanglang and Gongyi Mozi.

The muscles on Yao Shi Qing Niu's face twitched, and he felt like he had been struck by lightning.

Is this still human?

"Forget it, you can leave here now." Yao Shi Qing Niu waved his hand, his voice was a little depressed, and for a while, he looked like a few years old, and even his spine was almost unable to straighten up.

I thought there was still a year left, and I could find a suitable person to take over Dan Gu, but people are not as good as heaven!

Five days later, the arrival of Baili Kuanglang and Gong Yimozi will bring a **** storm to Dangu, which will never escape.

The only thing that can be done now is to immediately order the dissolution of Dangu, one by one who can escape.

It's just that with the style of hundreds of miles, can they escape so easily?

"Can I go?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"I trapped you here because I wanted to see your amazing talent. I also hope you can change your mind and take over Dan Gu. Now there is no need for this." Yao Shi Qing Niu shook his head and said.

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