The catkins glanced around, and she knew that they were already in an unknown sea now.

More and more intense fear pressed on everyone's heart, causing their bodies to tremble, their eyes were extremely scarlet, and their breathing was stagnant.

Finally, a man couldn't help it anymore. Holding a long sword in his hand, he swept up to the bow of the ship.

His scarlet eyes were staring at the catkins standing on the bow. The sharp blade pointed at the catkins and roared: "What do you mean by not saying anything? Shouldn't you guys say nothing? Do you think of a solution? You must go down and see! You must go down and kill the sea beast, right?"

The man's words have been answered by many people.

"Yes, you must go down and find a way to kill the **** monster under the ship!"

"Go down, otherwise don't blame Lao Tzu for being rude to you!"


These people showed off their weapons one after another, surrounded the catkins and the few staff members in the bow, murderously, and wanted to drive them all into the sea.

What if these people successfully kill the monster?

What if the monster is full and then chooses to put the ship down and go to sleep?

So in any case, these guys from Yingzhou College must go to sea. This is their responsibility, and this is what they should do.

The panic on the faces of those staff members was even worse. They never expected that those people who had seen them nodding and bowing before secretly giving gifts, at this time dared to draw their swords at them, forcibly forcing them to go to the sea to remove the unknown monster.

The catkins remained silent, too lazy to look at these people.

She was afraid of the monster at the bottom of the ship and the death full of unknowns, but this did not mean that she was afraid of the people who were completely lost in front of her.

Really provoke her, and kills them all and throws them into the sea to feed the monster.

Li Zedao, who was not far away, witnessed this scene, and the corner of his mouth under the mask turned up with a hint of helplessness.

At the moment of life and death, human nature is indeed extremely ugly.

No, in this case, humanity no longer exists, only the animal nature full of desire and ugliness.

What I think at this time is not to work together to overcome difficulties, but to quickly find a cushion.

Except for yourself, everyone else can die!

"Brother Li, you see so many people have passed by and forced the palace, should we also go there?" Zhou Yan asked in a low voice.

This kind of thing can't lag behind others, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be regarded as an unsocial alternative, and I am afraid that it will be targeted later.

"Do you think those people who have beaten the powerhouses of the top-grade peak cultivation of the Spirit God Realm?" Li Zedao asked rhetorically.

Zhou Yan shut up.

"Damn, get me off!"

With a roar, a man held a steel knife wrapped in a terrifying blue cyclone and slashed fiercely at one of the staff of Yingzhou College, trying to force him into the sea.

Before the staff member could reflect, the catkins moved.

Her eyes became cold, and she looked like a ghost, facing the steel knife.

Immediately, her unreserved palm hit the steel knife fiercely.


The steel knife was smashed into pieces by this palm, and the man with the knife vomited blood violently, and his whole body directly crossed the ship's rail.

After a few breaths, only a muffled sound was heard, and the man's figure completely disappeared on the dark sea.


Catkin's scarlet eyes swept toward these people, without any human emotions in his tone: "Otherwise, it will end up like this person!"

These people were so frightened that they took a few steps back and looked ugly.

Only then did they remember that this woman was a terrifying powerhouse of the highest-grade peak cultivation in the spiritual and **** realm, and she was even as terrifying as the unknown sea beast in the sea.

"Then... what do you say?" a woman asked in a crying voice.

"Fate," said Willow in a voice that even felt strange to him.


Catkins glanced at these people coldly: "Or, who of you will go down and kill the sea beast?"


Everyone took a few steps backwards, staring at the catkins with extremely vigilant eyes, not daring to say anything.

At this moment, only a muffled sound was heard, and a black shadow burst out of the water and rose into the air.

Everyone's already tense nerves tightened a bit again, almost breaking.

At the moment, they clenched their weapons and stared at them.

In this case, I am afraid that the sea beast has jumped out of the water, but judging from the dark shadow, is the body of the sea beast too small?

But saw that the black shadow that had originally soared into the sky began to fall downward, and was about to come to this deck.

"Attention everyone."

The catkin yelled angrily, and there was already a handful of steel thorns shining with cold light in his hand, and his eyes were shining hideously.

She really wasn't afraid of monsters showing up, she only worried that the monster would smash the ship to pieces.

Once they fall into the sea, they will undoubtedly become turtles in the urn.

Now it's alright, the sea beast ran out to die by himself.

Everyone's heart shuddered, and they were already ready to do it.

Catkins took the lead, and the steel thorn wrapped in the terrifying blue cyclone in her hand had already escaped, fiercely shooting towards the black shadow that was falling down in the air.

At the same time, other people also took out their concealed weapons and threw them first.

Even Zhou Yan, who was almost scared to urinate before, took out a few gold coins and threw them at the falling black shadow above.

In an instant, countless roads of cold light burst into the air one after another, shooting fiercely at that shadow.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Many hidden weapons were directly nailed to the shadow.

"It's done!" Many people felt a little relaxed.

I want to know that there must be more than one monster, because the ship is still running fast.

And this shadow is too small, it must be a little monster.

But anyway, this is a small victory.

This small victory also brought hope to everyone's hearts, and this sea beast was not invincible.

A few couldn't breathe, but only heard a muffled sound, and his body was filled with various hidden weapons, like a hedgehog's black shadow hitting the deck heavily.

Fortunately, this deck is also wrapped with a layer of iron sheet, otherwise I am afraid that a big hole will be smashed directly.

The black shadow remained motionless, blood kept coming out, and a pungent **** smell instantly filled the entire deck, stimulating the nerves of those around him.

No one had the guts to get too close, surrounded by, ready to do it again.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes one-eyed, this... not right.

Others also found that the situation was not right at all.

Because this body is full of dark shadows with various hidden weapons, it is not a sea beast at all, it is a person! A person who was so full of hidden weapons that he could not die for a long time!

The other eyeball of this person was impressively embedded with a gold coin, and the blood was constantly pouring out, but the other eyeball was staring round, and the fear had not yet dissipated.

"Wait, this... isn't this Su Tianhe?" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

"It's really Su Tianhe..."

"How can this be? Shouldn't it be a monster? Why is it Su Tianhe?"


Su Tianhe is the man with a steel sword who was smashed into the sea by the catkins!

Everyone's mind was violently rippling, their minds roared fiercely, and their faces were extremely pale.

Su Tianhe, who had fallen into the sea, was actually thrown back on the boat again. Isn't this a good deal? The sea beasts under the boat really regarded them as food? And is it a good sea beast that doesn't waste food?

Can you even infer that this sea beast is not hungry now?

In addition, the reason why it didn't crush the ship to pieces, just to make it easier to carry the food back? Didn't even kill them because the monsters prefer fresh food?

Some people's legs were soft, and they sat down on the freezing deck, leaving only fear and trembling!

Some people have bitter faces and shook their heads with regrets in their hearts.

The good house is not waiting, why do you want to go to this ghost place to die?

Suddenly someone pointed at Su Tianhe's corpse and screamed: "Wait, look... Look at that corpse... Did he move?"

"Are you dazzled? How could the corpse... Fuck! Really moving... Isn't Su Tianhe dead?"

"How is this possible? Even Baili Kuanglang, with so many hidden weapons on his body, would have died long ago!"

"No, you guys feel it well, Su Tianhe can breathe after all."


Everyone stared at the weird scene that was happening before them.

But I saw that Su Tianhe, who was lying there with various hidden weapons all over his body, was so dead that he could no longer die, actually moved!

I saw his movements were extremely slow, and he stood up straight bit by bit.

What's even more stunned is that the corpse even made an extremely low sound unlike humans.

At the same time, his one-eyed eye is extremely hollow, like a dead fish-eye, and a terrible breath of death is released from his body.

"What's going on here?"

"Fucked a corpse?"

Everyone had numb scalp, their brains roared so badly, and there was a wild wave in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what their eyes saw.

This weird scene was happening in front of them, which undoubtedly stimulated their nerves seriously.

Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly, and an unpleasant feeling surged in his heart.

It seemed to Li Zedao that this guy had been poisoned during the period before he was thrown into the sea by catkins and then thrown on the boat by an unknown monster. This has caused him to become a movable corpse now.

"Wait, judging from the corpse, this seems to be the kind of demon corpse recorded in the book... Therefore, the reason why the unknown monster chose to throw him on the ship was not to waste food. the purpose is to……"

Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, his face changed drastically.


Su Tianhe disappeared in place!

While breathing, his figure appeared again, but he was already standing in front of a woman stiffly, and at the same time, his darkened hand grabbed the woman fiercely.

Although the woman was shocked by this unexpected attack and Su Tianhe's dead face, she was a strong person at the peak cultivation base of the lower grade of the Spirit God Realm, so she also reacted.

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