The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2371: Demon Corpse

"Liuye Sword!"

The woman yelled, and at the same time she took a step back, her extremely sharp sword light flashed, and she slashed towards Su Tianhe's hand.

She wanted to sever Su Tianhe's arm that was grabbing her.


A harsh sound rang, even sparks splashed!

The woman's face changed drastically, and she couldn't believe it was true.

Su Tianhe's arm was not broken! On the contrary, her tiger's mouth was forcibly shattered, and the blood was flowing, and she almost couldn't hold the sword.

Immediately afterwards, Su Tianhe's hand that kept cutting the sword soared a little, and he grabbed the woman's shoulder fiercely.


The woman's shoulder was suddenly crushed and blood was splashed.

"Ah..." The woman screamed extremely harshly.

Immediately, a more terrifying scene appeared, and Su Tianhe unexpectedly clasped the woman in his arms.

"Puff puff……"

Many of the hidden weapons inserted in Su Tianhe's body directly pierced the woman's flesh fiercely, so that she couldn't even make a scream and was killed instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Su Tianhe opened his mouth, bit the woman's throat fiercely, and directly tore a large piece of meat. In an instant, blood spurted like a fountain.

All this is slow to say, but actually from Su Tianhe pounced on the woman to she fiercely tore a large piece of meat from the woman's throat, but it happened in just a few breaths.

There were even a few people around who hadn't reacted at all, and didn't know what happened.

Those who witnessed this **** and horrible scene opened their eyes wide, and breathed in cold breath again and again, their scalp became numb, and a monstrous wave was set off in their hearts.

The eyes of the catkins were round and round, and finally put away the thought of rushing to save people, and even his body was slightly backwards.

Not only because it is too late, but also because of fear!

Su Tianhe's body turned out to be so weird and terrifying. If it had nothing to do with the monster on the bottom of the boat that was dragging the boat, it would be impossible.

She couldn't imagine the scene where her throat was also bitten off by this terrible corpse.


Su Tianhe threw the woman who had turned into a **** corpse aside, and raised up to the sky to make an extremely low and terrifying voice.

The faces of the people around were green, and they all clenched their weapons and backed away tremblingly.

A terrifying monster appeared in the sea, and that terrifying monster didn’t know where to send them. This almost collapsed their emotions. Now Su Tianhe’s corpse has changed in shock, becoming so weird and terrifying. Human emotions seem to collapse.

"Oh, this, this is... I was possessed by a monster? Why did you eat people?" Zhou Yan drew in a cold breath, his body trembling like sifting, his staring round eyes almost jumped out of his eye sockets. Up.

"Attention, don't be bitten by them, otherwise it's not just death." Li Zedao reminded. Under the mask, his one eye was shining inexplicably light, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Brother Li, do you know what it is?" Zhou Yan glanced at Li Zedao, and a trace of surprise flashed past his eyes.

Immediately, his pie face became more violent, and his voice changed: "Wait, what did you just say? You said them?"

"They." Li Zedao said with great certainty.

As soon as the voice fell, the terrible corpse on the ground actually moved!

Like Su Tianhe's corpse before, the movement of this female corpse was extremely slow, and she stood up straight and bit by bit.


She made a sound unlike a human being, her eyes were white and hollow, like dead fish eyes, and a terrible breath of death was released from her body.

Everyone was stupid, and a huge wave 10,000 times stronger than before was set off in everyone's heart, all breathing was stagnant, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

"Damn, it's really them!" Zhou Yan's mind roared, and then he got hot in his hips, and he was scared to pee!

Li Zedao, who smelled the smell of urine, glanced at the dead fat man with a rather contemptuous look. At any rate, he was also a strong person in the spiritual spirit realm. He was scared to pee. Is this too shameful?


Su Tianhe and the woman disappeared in place at the same time, and rushed towards one person.

At the same time, Li Zedao clasped Zhou Yan's shoulders, his figure was as fast as lightning, and he slid directly onto the observation platform on the mast.

"Brother Li, what are you going to do?" Zhou Yan let out a scream, as if he was being assaulted, "No, I'm afraid of heights."

"Then you go down?" Li Zedao was speechless.

"Um...this fear of heights, I think I can overcome it." Zhou Yan's dead building wrapped around the railing.

Below, it has become a terrifying **** on earth.

"Ah, help..."

"Come on, I'm fighting with you! Sealing Demons Thirteen Killing...Ah..."

"Don't come over, don't come over... please, ah..."


The sound of explosions in the sky above the huge ship, the constant screams, like a **** on earth, the deck was completely reddened by the blood, and the rich **** smell was disgusting.

Some people chose to jump into the sea. They would rather be swallowed by the sea beasts than facing the terrifying group of corpses on the ship.

But they were quickly thrown back to this deck from the sea without half-life.

Immediately, a corpse rushed towards them fiercely, tearing a large piece of meat from them.

Then they became like Su Tianhe, rushing to other people frantically.

As time goes by, there are more and more terrible corpses and fewer and fewer people alive.

Some people tried to learn from Li Zedao and Zhou Yan, and wanted to get on the mast, but those "corpses" obviously wouldn't give them such a chance. They brutally controlled them all at once, and then severely tore a big piece on him. The meat comes.

On the observation deck, Zhou Yan stared blankly at the terrifying scene that was happening below, and the whole person was lying there softly like noodles.

He saw people one after another being bitten by those "corpses" amidst the wailing full of despair, even a few pieces of meat, and then, the horrible corpses that turned into one after another began to Started frantically attacking the remaining people.

What is even more frightening is that even if it is a strong person with the highest level of spiritual gods peak cultivation, such as catkins, when facing these corpses, there is no way to resist.

She was beaten up in just one face, and then a large piece of meat on her neck was severely bitten off, and then she became a terrifying corpse.

"Li...Brother Li..."

Zhou Yan's throat squirmed with effort: "He...can't they climb up?"

"They can climb up." Li Zedao said, but he was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, I realized the danger earlier, otherwise I am afraid that the final fate will be like these people, turning into an unconscious bloodthirsty corpse.

Although his soul is immortal, he can still find a body to continue to live, but after all, a chance of resurrection was wasted.

Not to mention, the identity of Ghost Face is extremely useful to him.

Of course, the danger still surrounds it, but Li Zedao is not too scared, after all, he already has the initiative.

He had experienced more dangerous and desperate things, and the situation in front of him was nothing.

"Huh?" Zhou Yan's face suddenly became stiff, almost rolling off the observation deck.

"Brother Li, you... don't scare me." Zhou Yan was crying, "You know, I have always been very courageous."

"Our position is higher, and they can't smell our breath for the time being, but if all the people below are dead, it's probably our turn." Li Ze said.

"..." Zhou Yan wanted to curse, didn't I say not to scare me?

"Brother Li, what is going on?" Zhou Yan glanced at Li Zedao, "Don't tell me you don't know anything."

He always felt that this guy's reaction was too calm, shouldn't he be like himself, peeing in fright?

But not only did he not urinate in fright, but he also took himself to the highest place on the ship for the first time, as if he knew it was relatively safe.

Also obviously, he seems to know what happened to these people.

"If I'm correct, these people are all poisoned." Li Zedao said solemnly.

"What? Poisoned? Shouldn't it be dead after being poisoned? Why are you still alive? Even the strengths have skyrocketed. Even the strong person with the highest level of spiritual **** cultivation in Yingzhou College is not his opponent?" Zhou Yan said no understanding.

"Don't you know?" Li Zedao asked Zhou Yan a glance.

Zhou Yan cried and said, "What do I know? I'm dying, okay? If you don't think about it, we all have to become that kind of terrible corpse."

"If my guess is correct, these people are actually poisoned by some poison called'Devil'." Li Zedao's one-eyed squinted slightly.

"Mosha? What is Mosha? Why have I never heard of it?"

"It's okay to read more books."


"The evil spirit is an extremely terrible poison. It is said that as long as someone is infected with this poison, the soul will be destroyed, but the body will become extremely terrible, hard as iron."

"It is also said that even those who are strong in quasi-spiritual mirror cultivation can't cause any harm to them. You have also seen that no matter how hard those people resist, they are basically caught in seconds.

Li Zedao looked down with one eye, flashing an inexplicable gloom that Zhou Yan couldn't see: "Only the strong with the spiritual mirror cultivation base can deal with these terrible corpses."

Zhou Yan's eyeballs stared, and he breathed in cold air again and again: "There is such a terrible poison?"

What made him even more unbelievable was that Li Zedao was so familiar with this poison.

Li Zedao pointed to the bottom: "These corpses that have been poisoned by the evil spirits are called corpses!"

Demon corpse? Zhou Yan felt that his mouth was very dry and his fat body began to tremble again.

"Devil corpses are extremely sensitive to the breath of living people, and they like to bite them. Once a living person is bitten, they will immediately be infected with the poisonous, new-composition demon corpse of the evil spirit. That's why, those people below finally All become devil corpses."

"However, it is said that people below the spiritual level cultivation level, due to insufficient spiritual energy, even if they are bitten, they cannot withstand the poison of the evil spirit, they will die immediately, but they can't become the corpse. So you can watch it too. Then, some corpses did not get up."

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