"I killed you! I killed you!"

Zhou Yan squeezed out these words, but his voice was extremely calm, but it gave people a gloomy feeling.

This is real hatred. This hate has been incorporated into the blood and has become an indispensable part of life.

"I can give you a chance to kill me, and you can rest assured that I will never kill you, so use all your methods."

"Even if you pay off your grandpa Baili Jianyu's love." After a pause, Li Zedao said again.

Failing to kill Baili Qingmu, Li Zedao was guilty after all, but now letting Zhou Yan go, Li Zedao felt much better immediately.

"go to hell!"

Zhou Yan snarled, then the one-arm clenched into a fist and smashed at Li Ze.

Li Zedao came first and slapped Zhou Yan's chest with a palm like lightning.


The sound of broken bones sounded.

Zhou Yan flew upside down, his mouth was even more open, and he spouted a large mouthful of old blood.


Zhou Yan's body rammed a big hole directly in the wall, and then his entire body fell off the boat, falling heavily on the gravel.

Struggling to get up, another big mouthful of blood spurted out.

But there was no fear on his face, some only hideous, only monstrous hatred.

Once, he thought he hated Baili Jianyu and Baili Aoki the most, but now he realized that he was wrong, so wrong!

What he hates most is the talent who deprives him of his efforts and hope.

Li Zedao walked to the big hole, and the storm wetted his body again. He looked condescendingly at the dark shadow shrouded in violent aura, but his mood was extremely calm.

Zhou Yan raised his head, staring at Li Ze with extremely scarlet eyes.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and made a series of weird sounds.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes. He knew that Zhou Yan was planning to ask the Eight-Paw Lingzhang to come out to help.

I sighed slightly in my heart, why bother?

It is undeniable that the strength of the Eight-Claw Lingzhang is indeed terrifying, and it is afraid that it will be stunned by the Kunmon. But that is limited to the sea. If it is allowed to land on land, its strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

More importantly, I am not a vegetarian.

The Tianji cultivation base has already entered the mountain realm, and the quasi-spiritual mirror cultivation base is stabilized on the cultivation base, and even the strong ones below the peak of the general spiritual immortal mirror are barely able to fight.

"Wow!" There was a muffled sound.

A huge black shadow suddenly emerged from the rough sea.

"Woo..." The Eight Claw Lingzhang made a terrible sound, crawling its huge body to the shore.

"Xiao Zhang, kill him, kill him..."

Zhou Yan roared heartbreakingly.

The sound of the Eight Claw Lingzhang was even more terrifying, and for a while, Li Zedao felt that a rather cruel aura suddenly enveloped him.

However, he was unmoved just like the needle of the sea god.

Immediately, the eight claws moved, and one of its extremely strong tentacles slammed at Li Zedao. The scene was like an ant on the ground with an elephant's leg slamming on the ground.

Li Zedao drew his sword at random and swung it lightly.

It feels like yes, the ant picks up a branch, intending to block the elephant's leg that is stomping over.

This is a very simple sword, a very random sword, extremely ordinary, not turned into a sword shadow that is indistinguishable to the naked eye, without any fancy!


A rough lightning struck down fiercely.

"Bang!" There was another muffled sound, as if something was hitting the ground heavily.

That's a wrist touch of the Eight Claw Spirit Chapter!

The tentacles were like a big snake whose head was chopped off. It was actually wriggling desperately on the ground, looking strange and terrifying.

Li Zedao still stood there, holding the long sword in his hand, as if nothing had happened.


The Octopus Lingzhang uttered an extremely painful scream, and a large amount of black liquid was constantly spraying from his wrist wound that was cut abruptly from the middle, and there was a sting in the air. The smell of the nose.


Li Zedao's sword was sheathed, and he spoke lightly.


The Eight Claw Lingzhang is afraid, what it feels is fear, absolute crushing.

It knew that this human being had been merciful, otherwise it would be more than just cutting off one of its tentacles, for fear that its body would be split in half.

Immediately, it wriggled its hill-like body, rushing into the sea like an escape, disappearing without a trace.

Zhou Yan, who had been in a irritable state, was immediately confused when he saw this.

He knew that the other party was very strong, but he never expected that he would be so tough.

Except for the dozens of corpses, the Eight-Paw Ling Zhang is his only support, but he did not expect that one of the tentacles of the Eight-Paw Ling Zhang would be cut off after only one face, and he was frightened and fled back in a hurry. In the sea, never dare to come forward again.

With that seemingly ordinary sword, Zhou Yan's body trembled, and the blood in his body seemed to be frozen.

"Who is he? How terrible is his strength? No matter how terrible his strength is, his mind is so terrible." Zhou Yan was no longer able to care about his anger, and his heart was so scared that his throat burst out.

"Do you have any other means?" Li Zedao asked.

Zhou Yan was silent. By now, he didn't know what to say.

I want to say that I want to kill you, but my throat is squirming desperately, but I can't say such a thing anyway.

Only now did he realize that he was far more afraid of death than he thought.

"If you don't have one, you can quickly find a way to repair the wall that you smashed." Li Ze pointed to the wall and said.


Zhou Yan obediently repaired the wall, after all, he didn't want to die at all. Although there is basically no hope for revenge in this life, life is hope, right?

After repairing the wall, Li Zedao waved his hand to indicate that he should do what he should do. Don't bother him when he didn't say hello.

After dispelling Zhou Yan, Li Zedao took out the various materials needed to refine the pill from Nasumi Ring and refined the pill.

Regarding the refining of Root Root Pill, Li Zedao had some thoughts in his mind these days, so he planned to refining it.

When Li Zedao finally opened the door of the room, thick and pungent smoke drifted out of the room and mixed into the rain curtain.

Li Zedao was also embarrassed, and his one eye was bloodshot, showing a deep sense of fatigue.

The energy consumed to refine the pill was more than he had imagined.

At this time, the outside is still shrouded in storms, like the end of the world.

The raindrops that slapped on his face made Li Zedao's spirits startled.

After a glance below, he saw dozens of demon corpses in front of the ship. Because the poison of the devil had disappeared, they were lying all over there, and even the corpses had begun to rot.

"Making sin!" Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Yan.

At this time, Zhou Yan was standing in front of the door, like the most loyal servant. He didn't know whether he was standing there all the time or he rushed over after hearing the movement.

"Master." He bowed to Li Zedao.

It was even more surprised. Judging from the movement in the room and the pungent smoke that wafted out of the room, he was refining pill in these days?

Is he an alchemist?

Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Yan and said, "Go and process the corpses first."


Soon, Zhou Yan threw these dozens of corpses into the sea.

I want to know that these corpses will become food for the Eight Claws.

Immediately, Zhou Yan returned to Li Zedao again, looking respectful awaiting orders.

"You have been on this island for decades, so you are quite familiar with this island, right?" Li Ze asked.

"It's fairly familiar, but it's limited to an area around the coast. I haven't been to the middle of the island." Zhou Yan said embarrassingly.

Swinging around the coast, he was more at ease because of the eight-claw spirit chapter following.

But if you go to the middle of the island, the Eight Claw Ling Zhang can't follow it all the way. After all, the Eight Claw Ling Zhang can go ashore, but it can't stay on land for long.

Therefore, even though Zhou Yan had been in this place for decades, he didn't walk through the middle of the island, even once.

As an avenger, he has always cherished his life.

"So you don't know, are there any terrifying poisonous insects and beasts living on this island? For example, colorful slugs?" Li Zedao asked again.

Colorful slugs like dark, humid but hot places. Obviously, this small island shrouded by violent storms has all the conditions for a colorful slug to live.

"Colorful slug? What is a colorful slug?" Zhou Yan was shocked.

Li Zedao is helpless, but he also knows that it is normal not to know that colorful slugs are a normal thing. After all, that kind of terrible bugs are too rare. They usually curl up lazily in that nest. When they are hungry, they eat the colorful colors they plant. Worms.

Unless something collapses in the cave, you won't be out for a drive at all, so it's extremely normal not to know.

"However, I have never seen any poisonous insects or beasts. It seems that there are no poisonous insects and beasts on this island." Zhou Yan shook his head and said.

"Let's go, explore." Li Zedao pondered.

The muscles on Zhou Yan's face twitched, vaguely knowing that this guy was afraid of using himself as bait, but he could only bow and say, "Yes, Master."

The island is not big. According to Zhou Yan, it doesn't take an hour or so to walk around the island around the coast.

This small island is simply a mountain that has been submerged by more than half of the sea, so walking in the middle of the island is actually the process of going up the mountain.

There are huge rocks along the way, extremely steep and slippery. In addition to the violent storm, almost even the eyes cannot be opened. The average person is afraid of taking an inch, but for Zhou Yan who has one arm missing, it is flat, let alone Li Zedao, with his toes At one point, he passed a big rock.

As he went all the way up, Li Zedao also secretly noticed some movement around him.

Especially when encountering some bottomless caves, I listened carefully to the movement inside, or threw a stone into it, but did not induce any poisonous insects or beasts.

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