The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2378: Colorful slug

Of course, under the premise that he was not sure what ghosts existed in this cave, Li Zedao would never dare to enter at will unless there was some special movement inside.

Another bottomless black hole appeared in front of Li Zedao.

This entrance is much larger than the entrance of the cave that Li Zedao encountered before.

Li Zedao came to the entrance of the cave quietly, his brows were already slightly raised.

He clearly felt a strange movement coming from inside.

It seemed to be a slow chewing and swallowing sound.

"You go in and take a look." Li Zedao looked back at Zhou Yan and said in a low voice.

Zhou Yan looked at Li Zedao with horror on his face and shook his head decisively, saying that he did not dare.

But my heart is full of hideousness.

Damn, this **** who deserves a thousand knives, really intends to use himself as bait.

Without knowing what horror stuff is in it, how could I go in stupidly to die? Rather than go in foolishly to die, or you can kill me now.

Or let the poison in me happen again? casual!

"Master, I am here to help you out." Zhou Yan said.

Li Zedao sneered, how could he not know what idea this guy was thinking about?

Thinking with his ass, he was eager to enter the cave as soon as possible. When he turned around, he immediately summoned the Eight Claw Lingzhang to come over and completely collapsed the cave.

Li Zedao suddenly made a move, grabbing Zhou Yan's neck, and sneered: "Forget it, I will go in with you, maybe you can be the best bait."

Zhou Yan's eyeballs went round and filled with hideousness.

Li Zedao ignored Zhou Yan's murderous eyes, simply lifted his body, and then quietly entered the cave.

The cave is wide, hot, dark and humid, making it difficult to breathe. In the crevices between the stones above and around, there were still water drops dripping.

At the same time, the slow chewing voice became clearer.

Li Zedao's heartbeat accelerated slightly, as if he had come to the right place.

Li Zedao silently continued to walk deep, even in order to prevent Zhou Yan from making any noise, his hand that was pinching Zhou Yan's neck was still slightly hard.

Zhou Yan's face flushed red, and he felt that his neck was about to be severed, but he couldn't resist, and could only silently greet this fellow's eighteenth generation ancestor.

Soon after passing a corner, a larger cave appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly because he saw a tree.

Yes, in the middle of this huge cave, there is a big tree, or it is a big tree that seems to have died, because the tree is bare and there is no leaf.

But what is strange is that there are several fist-sized fruits on this tree.

At the same time, there was a depression around the tree. In that depression, it was filled with a disgusting viscous liquid that looked like a snot. The stench released was really disgusting.

Li Zedao's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he was short of breath.

"Colorful worms!"

The dozen or so peculiar-looking fruits hanging on this weird tree are not colorful worms and what are they?

Li Zedao's heartbeat speeded up, and he felt that his luck was really great, and the colorful worms that were so difficult to find were found by himself.

But with excitement, Li Zedao didn't dare to move easily.

Because, beside that weird big tree, a behemoth covered in disgusting viscous liquid was lying there lazily, and the big mouth that kept flowing out of viscous liquid was slow but non-stop Wriggling, apparently chewing something in his mouth.

The sound of chewing was exactly what Li Zedao heard when he was outside.

Li Zedao has seen how slow the colorful slugs are when they eat.

It is said that it can chew a colorful worm for more than an hour before swallowing it into its stomach.

I don't know if it has a bad mouth and chews for a long time to chew the colorful worms, or enjoy the process of "chewing", or if the colorful worms are similar to betel nuts, the more they chew, the more delicious they are.

Zhou Yan's eyes became rounded, and his scalp became numb.

This is the colorful slug?

Although this big bug is not small, compared with the Eight Claw Ling Zhang, it is nothing short of a big witch.

Zhou Yan was afraid because the layer of viscous liquid wrapped around the colorful slug was like a nasal mucus, which made people feel disgusting and disgusting at first sight.

Li Zedao's mouth curled up with a hint of evil, and then Zhou Yan raised his voice.

"Hmm..." Zhou Yan realized something, his eyes went round suddenly, and even more pleading, begging Li Ze not to do this.

Li Zedao didn't hesitate to throw Zhou Yan as a bait at the colorful slug.

Li Zedao said not to kill him...Of course it was just talking. Moreover, if the colorful slug killed him, it wouldn't matter to him.

"Li Xiaoyao, you bastard... ah no... it's none of my business..."

Zhou Yan made a series of terrifying sounds, and closed his eyes in shock. He only felt that his scalp was numb and his heartbeat almost stopped beating.

He felt he was dead.

And the moment Zhou Yan was thrown out, Li Zedao also moved, and his goal was directed at the ten or so colorful worms on the tree.

The colorful slug lives in this extremely dark cave for years and years, and its eyes are severely degenerated, but its perception ability is extremely terrifying, even its IQ is far beyond Li Zedao's imagination.

It actually saw through Li Zedao's tactics!

At the moment Li Zedao threw Zhou Yan over, the colorful slug reacted.


It made a terrible neigh, and then its huge body stood upright.


A mouthful of viscous liquid exuding weird smoke was sprayed out of his mouth, but it was sprayed fiercely towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao was stunned, and the whole person was in trouble.

It originally thought that the colorful slug would deal with the Zhou Yan that was thrown by it. In order to survive, Zhou Yan would definitely do his best to deal with this colorful slug, so that he would get a little time to pick the colorful slugs.

But I didn't expect that the colorful slug would attack itself all at once.

Li Zedao quickly avoided this disgusting and terrifying saliva.

"Puff puff……"

The colorful slug kept spraying viscous liquid at Li Zedao, just like a machine gun firing bullets, and even the speed of its saliva was not slower than that of a machine gun.

Li Zedao's face became dignified, and his little heart trembled. He knew better than anyone that this viscous liquid was far more terrifying than a bullet.

Once it was sprayed, a big blood-sparkling hole would appear on the body.

What’s more frightening is that this kind of mucus is like that strong sulfuric acid. It is extremely corrosive. It will devour your flesh and blood. Even if you are lucky not to be sprayed to death, the subsequent pain will make you live. It's better to die.

Even though Li Zedao had a good cultivation base, he was quite embarrassed for a while, let alone a counterattack. He was big head just to avoid the terrible saliva coming from his head and face.

At the same time, Zhou Yan fell heavily, but his body was covered with the viscous liquid flowing down from the colorful slugs, and his breathing was almost stagnant in fright.

The indescribable stench made his stomach distorted so much that he almost vomited it out without holding back.

Seeing the colorful slugs, I don’t know if I look down on myself or don’t care about myself. In short, I don’t care about myself at all. Instead, he keeps spitting at Li Zedao. Li Zedao hides in embarrassment. It’s just a matter of time before being sprayed. .

Zhou Yan was stunned, and then he was happy, and almost laughed out of it, his face was full of gloat but it was extremely hideous.

"Haha, bastard, you also have today? Deserve it! Go to **** you!"

While roaring in his heart, Zhou Yan made a decisive decision and hurriedly crawled out of here.

Within a few breaths, Zhou Yan successfully escaped outside the cave, and the disgusting viscous liquid on his body was washed away by the rainstorm outside, which made him feel less nauseous.

After taking a few heavy breaths, Zhou Yan glanced at the entrance of the cave, then looked up to the sky and laughed sharply and grinningly: "Hahaha...You bastard, you have today too? Go die, go die..."

Then I thought that although the colorful slug was terrifying, the **** didn't seem to be a vegetarian.

So Zhou Yan faced the sea and made a series of strange sounds.

After a few breaths, the huge body of the Eight-Claw Lingzhang who heard Zhou Yan's voice emerged from the sea, and then quickly landed in lightning speed, wriggling towards the place where Zhou Yan was.

Dozens of them couldn't breathe, and they already came to Zhou Yan.

The regenerative ability of the Eight Claw Lingzhang is extremely terrifying, that is, even if one of its tentacles was cut off by Li Zedao before, it will grow out of the tentacles after a while.

At this time, its broken tentacles had grown for a short length.

"Woo..." It screamed harshly.

"Quickly, spray your poisonous liquid into this hole." Zhou Yan pointed at the hole and made a terrifying voice.

The Eight Claw Lingzhang immediately aimed at the hole that was not as big as its mouth.


A jet black as ink but an extremely smelly liquid sprayed directly from its mouth, directly into the cave.

Zhou Yan clapped his hands and applauded, and laughed out of exhaustion, his face was distorted like a neurotic: "Jie Jie Jie... well, at more spray points, the more the better, the better to give the entire cave It's full, Jie Jie..."

Zhou Yan suddenly wanted to sing.

So, he refilled a nursery rhyme that had been widely circulated in God's Domain and screamed.

"Bad son, let you cut off Lao Tzu's hand, let you pretend to destroy Lao Tzu's revenge plan, you let you cut off Xiao Zhang's wrist, let you use Lao Tzu as bait, I, Nima, you go to death, Go to hell, haha..."

Suddenly, a voice that seemed extremely concerned came: "Are you...singing? I think you are screaming dumb. Would you like to take a break?"

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