The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2382: Tiger Shark

Seeing the fragments of the ship, Ouyang Qianxun's little heart trembled, really lingering.

The ship she was in before was torn to pieces after encountering the terrible vortex, and the people on the ship fell into the water one after another, fearing that it would be too bad.

If she hadn't avoided water drops, she would have to be buried on the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

When the hull was torn apart, Ouyang Chihiro was in the room. When she reacted, the hull was already shattered, and it was too late for her to save people.

Therefore, for those people, Ouyang Qianxun is full of guilt.

"You can let go of my hand." Li Zedao said.

"Huh?" Ouyang Qianxun was taken aback, not understanding what Li Zedao was doing, but he still let go of Li Zedao's hand.

While breathing, the mask that wrapped Li Zedao in it disappeared, and then Li Zedao tapped his toes lightly on the surface of the water, and the whole person was already standing lightly on one of the pieces of wood and drifting forward slowly with the waves.

Ouyang Qianxun glanced at Li Zedao and bit his lip. I don't know what words to use to describe my mood at this moment, and I feel that I have been seriously despised.

No, not contempt, but ignorance, naked ignorance.

Immediately, Ouyang Qianxun gathered up the beads and stood on another wooden board.

There is a time limit for avoiding water droplets, so you have to keep it for emergencies.

Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention to Ouyang Qianxun, but sat down cross-legged, then took out a pill furnace, a small amount of charcoal and several herbs.

When Ouyang Qianxun saw it, his eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't help but ask: "Senior, you are... Alchemist? Is this going to refine alchemy?"

It's already this time, is this guy still in the mood for alchemy? You don't need to be so diligent, right?

"I don't want to make alchemy." Li Zedao said.

"Then this..."

"You'll know in a while." Li Zedao responded indifferently.

Ouyang Chihiro shut up angrily, feeling that he was too cheap, why did he take the initiative to speak to him?

Even if he is his own savior, but he has taken him away from that strange island, he can be regarded as repaying the favor.

Yes, I don't owe him anything anymore, I don't need to show his face!

Not long after, a large amount of black smoke curled up from the Nadan furnace, and it remained for a long time.

When Ouyang Qianxun saw this, his eyes lit up.

"Senior, I understand, you are sending a distress signal." Ouyang Qianxun couldn't admire the methods of this terrible guy, and could even think of sending a distress signal.

In this way, other ships in the distance can easily see the dense smoke, know that there are people in this place, and they will come over.

Li Zedao ignored it and remained silent. He looked at the black smoke rising in the sky with one eye and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ouyang Qianxun twitched the muscles on her face, wishing to slap herself, slightly chopped his feet and turned around.

She vowed that she would never take the initiative to say a word to this strange-tempered guy again.

The next step is to slowly drift along with the wave for several hours.

There were no ships around, nor were they sent to that island by the waves.

Li Zedao was not in a hurry, or continued to create black smoke, or closed his eyes and rested.

Ouyang Qianxun was not as indifferent as Li Zedao. With the passage of time, her mood became more and more impatient, like an ant on a hot pot.

Once again, he added several herbs into the Nadan furnace to let the smoke continue to churn forward. At this moment, Li Zedao raised his brow slightly.

He looked at the blue water surface with one eye, with an inexplicable gleam in his eyes, and then stood up.

"Teacher Ouyang, pay attention." Li Zedao glanced at Ouyang Qianxun who was floating not far away, and said in a low voice.

"What?" Ouyang Qianxun looked back at Li Zedao, still full of resentment in his heart.

Growing up, she has never met anyone who is more annoying than this guy. What makes Ouyang Chihiro almost to collapse is that she is afraid that she will have to get along with this rather annoying person alone. For a short time.

Li Zedao pointed to the surface of the water: "There is a situation."


Ouyang Qianxun's heart twitched slightly, and his spirit suddenly tightened, and his eyes were full of vigilant staring at the water.

At the same time, there was an extra scimitar shining with cold light in his hand, and the scimitar was wrapped in circles of blue cyclones containing terrifying energy.

After Li Zedao reminded, she also smelled a strange fishy smell.

The tough sea beasts are extremely good at hiding their breath, and they usually emerge from the sea silently and attack the people on board.

But there is one thing they are difficult to hide, and that is the stench they carry.

For example, the powerful Kunmon, it is soaking in the sea every day, but there is still the strong smell of it.

After a few breaths, the originally quite calm sea suddenly rippled, and it was obvious that something huge was stirring under the water.

If it is on a big ship, such movement is not enough to attract attention.

But on this small wooden board, you can clearly feel this very different movement.


Ouyang Qianxun's nerves became tighter, and her eyes stared nervously at the surface of the water around her, clenching the scimitar in her hand, and getting ready to do it.

At this moment, it was like a cannonball bursting in the water, the terrifying energy directly blasted the entire surface of the water, and the waves overflowed.

Ouyang Qianxun's face changed drastically, and her tight body swept upward like an agile seabird.


A big pouring mouth full of sharp teeth popped out of the sea all at once.


The big mouth of the blood basin suddenly bit the wooden board where Ouyang Qianxun was located into pieces. In other words, if Ouyang Qianxun hadn't noticed the danger in advance, she would jump up high. I'm afraid that this blood bowl big mouth will bite her body in half.

Immediately, the big mouth of the blood basin was actually retracted into the water again, causing a huge wave.

Ouyang Qianxun in mid-air was shocked, her little heart trembled wildly, and she quickly revealed the water drop, floating directly above the water, never daring to land on that sea.

Ouyang Qianxun's eyes were full of solemnity, he couldn't help swallowing, and scanned the surrounding sea vigilantly.

Judging from the big mouth of the blood basin just now, this should be an adult tiger shark. The size of the tiger spirit shark is not too big, of course this is only relative to the eight claw spirit chapter.

It's easy to swallow a person into the stomach in one bite.

In addition, the tiger spirit shark is extremely bloodthirsty and brutal, and will never give up unless it reaches its goal.

In other words, it just failed a hit and did not eat food, then it will definitely attack again.

Ouyang Qianxun glanced at Li Zedao again, unable to breathe out, almost spitting out old blood.

But I saw him hugging his chest, as if watching the excitement.

This bastard! Doesn't he know to help?

Li Zedao Chong Ouyang Qianxun gave a thumbs up, saying it was good.

The muscles on Ouyang Qianxun's face twitched wildly, and he was so depressed that he wanted to spit out some old blood.


The water exploded again.

Immediately, the big mouth of the blood basin with sharp teeth came out of the water again, and the two could not breathe, the whole tiger spirit shark jumped out of the sea.

But seeing it's big eyes scarlet extremely scary, staring at the Ouyang Qianxun above, even opened its blood basin and mouth, and bit the past fiercely.

Ouyang Qianxun was shocked, almost crying.

She really couldn't understand what this **** tiger spirit shark thought. There was a nasty guy over there watching the excitement, but you didn't look for him, but stared at yourself instead.

Could it be that you dislike him for being too stinky?

Being in the water bead is equivalent to losing the attack ability, and even the water bead can not withstand the tiger shark's blow. Therefore, Ouyang Qianxun can only control the water bead to flee in embarrassment and avoid the horror of the tiger shark. One bite.


The tiger spirit shark fell heavily into the sea, and a huge terrifying wave was swayed.

When Ouyang Qianxun breathed a sigh of relief, the upper part suddenly went black.

The blue sky was gone, as if it had been blocked by a dark cloud, and the surrounding was full of pungent blood.

The horrible emotions spontaneously traveled all over her body, making Ouyang Qianxun's hair terrified, and her scalp numb.

Although she didn't look up, she could clearly feel the cold sharpness conveyed by a tooth that had a sharp steel thorn inserted there, and she could also feel the big blood basin of the tiger spirit shark. The hot **** smell in the mouth.

It can be felt that the sharp teeth have already pierced the defense against the water drop, about to bite off her entire head and half of her body in one bite!

There are actually two tiger sharks!

Moreover, the two tiger sharks also made an extremely delicate cooperation.

One of the tiger spirit sharks first emerged from the water and attacked Ouyang Qianxun, while the other lurked silently looking for opportunities.

When another tiger spirit shark fell heavily to the surface and made huge movements, the other tiger spirit shark also took the opportunity to drill out of the sea.

As a result, when Ouyang Qianxun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he was hiding from the fruit tiger spirit shark again, the big mouth of another tiger spirit shark had quietly enveloped most of her body.

Because the incident happened suddenly, coupled with the speed and brutality of the tiger spirit shark, even the spirit **** realm high-grade cultivation base Ouyang Qianxun could not react for a while, or when she reacted, it was already That's too late.


This was the only thought left in Ouyang Qianxun's mind that became blank at that moment.

At this moment, the sword light flashed.


There was a huge muffled noise, and then the stench of red liquid spurted wildly, and the big head and half of the body of the tiger spirit shark's blood bowl with its big mouth still wide open fell towards the sea below which the waves were rolling.


The sea water splashed up, and then a large area of ​​sea water was completely reddened by the blood sprayed from the head and body of the tiger spirit shark.

Ouyang Qianxun was stunned and didn't know what happened for a while.

Immediately, her body, which began to fall, was suddenly hugged by a strong but cold hand. Suddenly, an unprecedented feeling flooded Ouyang Qianxun's body.

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