The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2383: A boat appears

Ouyang Qianxun stared at the masked face close at hand, his mind was in confusion.

Did he save himself? He still hugged himself? The smell on him... so stinky! How long has he not showered?

An indifferent voice rang in Ouyang Qianxun's ears, and immediately interrupted her messy thoughts: "Your attention and vigilance are not worthy of your cultivation."

To put it bluntly, this woman's cultivation level is not low, but she is afraid that she has never experienced a life and death battle, so the actual combat is quite poor.


"Also, you should lose weight." Li Zedao said again.

"..." Ouyang Qianxun's face turned red, and almost couldn't resist drawing a knife to kill.

Immediately, Ouyang Qianxun felt that his body was thrown out casually, and the two could not breathe, and fell on the wooden board where Li Zedao was originally located.

"This bastard! Is this lady very fat? Isn't it okay to have *** and big legs?"

Ouyang Qianxun was aggrieved, and the little gratitude that he had finally produced in his heart was directly swallowed by the tiger spirit shark.

Li Zedao's body fell lightly on another board.

The plank was just one of the fragments that was just broken by the tiger spirit shark. It was only a few slap-sized pieces, but it was enough for Li Zedao to stand on it safely and drift with the flow.


The waves splashed again, and the remaining tiger spirit shark broke out of the water, making an extremely cruel neighing sound, and those big brutal eyes turned scarlet again.

Obviously, the death of his companion has completely aroused its blood.

"Be careful!" Ouyang Qianxun exclaimed and reminded.

Immediately, her whole body was ill.

Because that tiger spirit shark actually wanted to be far away! After the tiger spirit shark broke through the water, it didn't even attack Li Zedao who was closer to it. Instead, it opened its blood basin and its mouth and rushed towards Ouyang Qianxun.

Ouyang Qianxun is so angry, is this **** sea beast picking soft persimmons?

Ouyang Qianxun gritted his teeth but didn't avoid it, and his body remained motionless.

The scimitar in her hand was wrapped in circles of blue cyclones containing terrifying energy. When the big mouth of the tiger spirit shark approached, she slammed the knife over!

While breathing, a horrible energy hit the tiger spirit shark fiercely.

Damn, do you really think this lady is annoying?


The blood of the companion made the tiger spirit shark into a frantic state, and it opened a big blood basin and mouth, biting the knife fiercely.


The terrifying cyclone exploded directly in the tiger spirit shark's mouth, but because its mouth was hard as iron, it didn't suffer much damage, and none of the sharp teeth were lost.

However, its expression is even more hideous and terrifying, and its two ferocious eyes are even more blood red.


The huge body of the tiger spirit shark fell into the sea again, and the waves became violent.

The small wooden board shook violently with the wave, and Ouyang Qianxun was almost unsteady.

"Hiss..." The Tiger Spirit Shark made a harsh hiss, and then its huge body turned around with Ouyang Qianxun as its center point, and it began to swim in circles quickly.

After a few breaths, a vortex was created, and over time, the larger the vortex, the more terrifying the adsorption power.

Ouyang Qianxun's scalp was numb, and she knew that if this went on, her only end would be to fall into the sea and drown half to death, and finally became tiger spirit shark food.

She looked at Li Zedao, but saw that he still looked like a lively posture, and she was so angry that she would spit out old blood.

"Hey, what are you doing in a daze? You are helping!" Ouyang Qianxun shouted.

"I thought you could handle it." Li Zedao said.

"Get out!" Ouyang Qianxun shouted in despair. I was so wronged that I almost cried.

She feels that all the grievances she has suffered since she was a child add up to less than half of what she has now.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, and the sword was unsheathed.

Immediately, a sword struck the sea at will.

"Boom!" There was a deafening muffled sound.

It was the sound of thunder, like a thunderbolt appeared in the clear sky of thousands of miles, and this terrifying thunderbolt smashed into the sea.

In an instant, a scene that made Ouyang Qianxun stunned appeared.

However, a black line appeared on the surface of the sea! A more accurate statement is that at this instant, the sea surface turned out to be like a piece of meat cut in the middle, and turned into two distinct halves.

The seawater on the left cannot flow to the right, nor can the seawater on the right flow to the left.

The fault disappeared in a flash, and the left and right halves of the sea rushed together again, and the waves were still rolling, as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, the vortex disappeared.

After two breaths, the body of the tiger spirit shark emerged from the water, but it was already split into two halves. Even the bones were split neatly in the middle, stained with blood. The surrounding sea is red.

Ouyang Qianxun's wide-eyed eyes alternated back and forth between the tiger spirit shark's body and Li Zedao's body. His mind roared so hard that he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

She knew that this mysterious guy who scared away the Eight-Paw Lingzhang with a single sentence was very strong, but she did not expect that he would be so tough that it was so unreasonable.

He even split the sea surface!

How terrifying is the power of that sword?

What makes Ouyang Qianxun do not understand is that from the aura released from the opponent, he is the peak cultivation base of the spiritual **** realm, and she is surrounded by many strong people with the peak cultivation of the spiritual **** realm, but they This is simply not possible.

The only reasonable explanation is that the sword technique he cultivated, that is, the spiritual skill is quite terrifying.

What makes Ouyang Qianxun even more puzzled is why the tiger spirit shark does not attack it? Could this be afraid of some kind of breath in him?

Gradually, the body of the Tiger Spirit Shark sank slowly, and the sea calmed down again.

Li Zedao took out the pill furnace and continued to create the long-lasting thick smoke.


Ouyang Chihiro bit her lip with her teeth, and then stopped talking. After all, she said, "Well... why don't you come to this board? This place is big."

Li Zedao glanced at her and said lightly, "You mean, you want to change positions with me?"

"..." Ouyang Qianxun shut up, she was messy in the wind and trembling in the sun.

She stared at Li Zedao fiercely with one and two eyes several times, her eyes seemed to eat Li Zedao, Li Zedao did not see it.

Then there was a long silence.

Li Zedao either created smoke or closed his eyes to rest.

Ouyang Qianxun's nerves were always tense to pay attention to the surrounding movement to prevent any terrible sea beasts from emerging from the water again.

Not to mention that the tiger shark had completely crushed the water bead before, and the water bead could no longer be used, which meant that she had lost a defensive barrier.

Not to mention, she didn't want to be saved by the choking **** over there.

Day passed, night fell, and the sun rose again.

One day passed, and the two of them spent time in the drift, without any communication.

Fortunately, he was not encountering any sea beasts, nor did he encounter terrible storms and waves, otherwise he would have sunk to the bottom of the sea.

The constant tension of the nerves naturally consumed a lot of Ouyang Qianxun's energy, making her spirit look a little sluggish and her hair becoming messy.

But there was so much resentment in his heart, his eyes swept over the tall and thin figure not far away inadvertently, that kind of resentment became a bit richer.

"This **** who likes to pretend to be deep!" Ouyang Qianxun cursed.

"Chihiro Ouyang, you really are guilty!" Qianxun Ouyang scolded himself again.

Because I can't help but take a peek at him, and I can't help wondering how old he is and what he looks like.

"It must be ugly? Yes, it must be ugly and ugly, otherwise why wear a mask? He still said that his woman is beautiful? Huh, she must be bragging! Which beautiful woman would like such an ugly monster I don't really like ugliness." Ouyang Qianxun secretly slandered.

"A boat appeared."

Li Zedao, who was closing his eyes and rested, suddenly opened his one-eyed, and spoke lightly.

Ouyang Chihiro was taken aback, then overjoyed: "Really?"

This is their first exchange in this entire day.

Li Zedao nodded and pointed to the front: "A ship is coming from that direction."

Ouyang Qianxun stared in the direction pointed by Li Zedao. Sure enough, he vaguely saw the shadow of a big ship, and judging from the shadow, it was still a very familiar ship, which came from the unified specifications of Yingzhou College. Ship!

"Hey, I'm Ouyang Qianxun, I'm here..." Ouyang Qianxun exclaimed, overjoyed, and the voice spread far away.

The originally tense nerves slackened a little, and he was about to cry with excitement.

Finally, the clouds were lifted to see the sky, and finally there was no need to be alone with this bastard.

But somehow, there was a block in my heart, as if I was reluctant to bear this kind of encounter.

Although there is no communication, although life and death are unpredictable, and although the nerves are tight, this kind of time seems to be quite comfortable, there is no intrigue, no utilitarianism.

Some are quiet waves, sweet seabirds, blue sky and white clouds, and intoxicating stars.

Only then did Ouyang Qianxun know that the starry sky was so charming, she had never looked up.

Ouyang Qianxun shook his head and threw the messy thoughts out of his mind.

She looked at Li Zedao and said, "Senior, follow me to Yingzhou College then? With your skill, you are fully qualified to be a member of Yingzhou College."

Li Zedao glanced at her, but did not respond.

Ouyang Qianxun twitched at the corner of his mouth, scolding himself for being cheap, and ignored this rather stinky fellow.

On the deck of the ship in the distance, the old and the young stood there, staring at the thick smoke rising in the distance.

It was when they saw the thick smoke that they changed the direction of the ship, intending to find out.

In just a few days, two sailing ships from Yingzhou College disappeared back and forth on the vast sea, and everyone on the ship had no news, and life or death was uncertain. If they can't find some traces, the dean and the elderly are afraid that they will go crazy, and the reputation of Yingzhou College will also be damaged.

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