The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2384: No reason required

At this moment, the young man picked up slightly: "Old, did you hear any sound?"

"I am Ouyang Qianxun, I am here..." the old man said.

The man heaved a sigh of relief, with an unconcealable joy on his face: "It seems that Teacher Ouyang is okay. The smoke is her signal for help."

"Order to go down, speed up, and at the same time, send a message to the other ships." The ancient expression looked at the wisp of smoke in the distance.

"Yes, ancient." The man took the order and left.

Immediately, the big ship galloped away at a faster speed, toward the smoke rising in the sky ahead.

Although the speed increased, it was only half an hour before this luxurious ship came to Ouyang Qianxun.

The anchor broke down and the ship stopped.

On the boat, Gu looked at Ouyang Qianxun and asked, "Teacher Ouyang, are you okay?"

Ouyang Qianxun hurriedly said: "Thanks to the ancients, Qianxun is fine."

He looked at the young man and nodded: "Ms. Murong."

While Murong Qiu responded with a smile, he glanced at Li Zedao, wondering who this guy is. There doesn't seem to be this person in Yingzhou College, right? If it is not from Yingzhou College, why stay with Ouyang Qianxun? Could it be Teacher Liuxu on the boat?

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Murong Qiu quickly denied this speculation, because this person's cultivation base was too weak.

"It's okay, come up quickly." Old nodded, and from beginning to end, he didn't take a look at Li Zedao, as if this person didn't exist at all.

The quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base is indeed not that worthy of attention.

There are a lot of people with this kind of cultivation at Yingzhou College. They are either students or miscellaneous people. The ancients have never bothered to look at these people.

As for his origin, why is it with Ouyang Qianxun...Is this important? It doesn't matter that it's lazy to even kill him.

Under Li Zedao deliberately, he became a quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base. With his ancient strength, he could see this cultivation base all at once, of course, he could only see this cultivation base.

Ouyang Qianxun looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Senior, let's go up."

Speaking of tiptoe to the plank, the body was already floating on the deck.

Li Zedao didn't move, he still stood on that small deck, rippling with the waves, he knew that he probably couldn't get on this boat.

"Ms. Murong, order to go down and return to the voyage." Gu said.

"Yes, ancient." Murong Qiu glanced at Li Zedao, bowed his head, and the corners of his mouth were already slightly curled up with a bit of disdain.

Ouyang Qianxun stunned, and quickly pointed to Li Zedao and said, "Wait, ancient, is there one person who hasn't come up?"

"He is from our Yingzhou College?" Gu asked coldly.

Ouyang Qianxun's expression stiffened, "'s not."

"Since he is not from our Yingzhou College, do you think he is qualified to board this ship?" Gu said lightly.

"But ancient, he is my savior, I would have died without him." Ouyang Qianxun was a little anxious.

"That's your personal business."

"...This, we can't help but die, can't we?" Ouyang Qianxun's expression turned ugly, and said cautiously.

She really did not expect that the ancient times would not allow seniors to board the ship.

But when I think about it carefully, it seems that this is the usual behavior of Yingzhou College.

The boats of Yingzhou College have never reached out to help those who have suffered shipwreck and are waiting for rescue.

After thinking about it carefully, she had done this kind of unhelpful thing herself.

Once a fishing boat was attacked by a sea beast, and all the people on the boat fell into the water.

It happened that the ship where Ouyang Qianxun was passing by, faced with some people's cry for help in the sea, Ouyang Qianxun looked on coldly, and did not extend a helping hand.

In their words, those weak people are not even qualified to board the ship. If they were allowed to board the ship, it would only seriously lower the level of Yingzhou College.

The old face sank, and his tone was grave: "Teacher Ouyang, are you accusing the old man of doing something wrong?"

When Ouyang Qianxun saw the terrible old man getting angry, his face turned pale, and he quickly said, "The ancients, please calm down, Chihiro dare not..."

Murong Qiu on the side hurriedly pulled Ouyang Qianxun, gave her a look, and signaled that he must not provoke the ancients.

Then he bowed and said, "Old, Teacher Ouyang is confused for a while, please don't be offended."

Ouyang Qianxun struggled fiercely inside, and finally compromised. She glanced at Li Zedao with an apologetic look, indicating that she was powerless.

Then his eyes were removed, and he no longer had the courage to look at Li Zedao more.

"Teacher Ouyang, kill him!" The old tone is even more harsh, but there is no doubt.

A mere teacher, because of an ant, dared to really resist his orders in front of everyone, which made the ancient mood suddenly become quite bad.

Gu Gu felt that his temper was getting better and better. If this had been before, he would have slapped Ouyang Qianxun's face, and even killed her!

With his status in Yingzhou College, he killed a mere teacher, and others would not say anything, but would blame the teacher instead of making him angry.


Ouyang Qianxun's face turned pale all of a sudden, she didn't expect that the ancients wouldn't let it go on board, and she even gave such an order.

Of course, issuing such an order is also in line with the old and consistent domineering style of behavior, or in other words, in line with the style of Yingzhou College.

The point is, how could Murong Qiu kill him?

Li Zedao smiled, these powerful forces are really more arrogant, and they take their lives at every turn, as if there is no way to show their strength without killing.

This is true for Dangu, and even more so for Yingzhou College.

Li Zedao raised his head and said, neither humble nor overbearing: "I won't get on the boat. Why should I kill?"

"Do you still need a reason to kill you?" The ancients glanced at Li Zedao and said coldly.

Li Zedao was a little moved, thank God, the old man finally took a look at himself.

Immediately, Li Zedao felt that he had asked this rather stupid question. Indeed, do you need a reason to kill? No need! It's as if you saw an ant, and stepped on it and trampled it to death.

What is the reason for trampling on ants? I don't know, I just saw it and stepped on it.

Is there a problem? no problem! Need a reason? No need!

Weakness is a sin, and it deserves to be killed.

"Old, you can't kill him, because he knows what happened to the catkins and the others." Ouyang Qianxun said in a hurry.

"Oh? You mean that Teacher Liu's ship lost its track, and he made a ghost from it?" Gu Gu glanced at Li Zedao again, but he was quite suspicious.

The main reason is that the catkins are the top-level cultivation base of the spiritual **** realm, and there are several strong spiritual **** cultivation masters around him, and there are dozens of strong spiritual **** cultivation masters from various tribes on the ship.

And the person in front of him is just a mere quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base.

Even if there are any conspiracies, how can the catkins lose their tracks so easily?

Of course, the ancients did not take a high look at Li Zedao. When he was an ordinary person, he was frightened a long time ago. He knelt down and begged for mercy. This guy was fine, still standing there with his head high.

It's quite courageous.

Ouyang Qianxun's face changed, and he couldn't wait to slap himself a few times. She already realized that she had done something rather stupid in a hurry.

Her original intention was to let the ancients not kill Li Zedao.

But in this way, although Ancient would not immediately kill Li Zedao, he would still regard him as the man behind the ship that caused the catkins to be involved. In this way, his situation would become even more dangerous.

Immediately shook his head: "Old, I don't mean that, I mean..."

"Teacher Murong, abolish his cultivation base and take it back!" Gu directly ignored Ouyang Qianxun and gave orders to Murong who was on the side.

He has lost patience with Ouyang Qianxun, and he will deal with her seriously when he returns.

"Yes, ancient."

Before Murong Qiu's words came to an end, his figure was already out, and at the same time, there was a cold book in his hand, as if the tree had just been taken out of the refrigerator.

This is naturally not an ordinary book, it is still a second-grade Horcrux, named Guibing!

The ghost soldier is actually a variety of weapons, it can condense the terrible sword energy, sword energy, can also become an open bow or a number of medium steel needles and so on.

Murong Chou wanted to do it a long time ago, and Ouyang Qianxun was so anxious about this guy, which undoubtedly made him extremely unhappy.

Ouyang Qianxun stared wide-eyed, anxious like an ant on a hot pot: "It's ancient, never, please let Teacher Ouyang stop..."

"Shut up!" The ancient tone was gloomy and cold, and a terrifying aura suddenly enveloped Ouyang Qianxun.

Immediately, his big dry hand patted Ouyang Qianxun's chest casually.


Ouyang Qianxun, who had no resistance, was directly beaten into the air, and fell heavily on the deck with a mouth open and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Although Murong Chou said that he showed the ghost soldiers, he was just to show off. He didn't plan to use the ghost soldiers because he didn't need a sledgehammer to kill a chicken.

The opponent is no more than a mere quasi-spirit divine realm cultivation base, he can slap him to death with a slap.

Immediately, he was as light as a swallow, stepping on the water and floating towards Li Ze.

The sea breeze blew away his sideburns and the robe of his clothes, he was really a handsome man.

Soon, Murong Qiu came to Li Zedao and grabbed Li Zedao's neck with that hand.


Murong Qiu's eyes went round all of a sudden, his face was pale, his mind roared violently, and the waves in his heart were so great that he couldn't believe it was true.

Because, his neck, who originally wanted to grab the opponent's neck, was severely pinched by an icy hand, not only that, but a terrible pressure suddenly enveloped him.

Air machine locked!

Being able to lock his aura so easily, so his cultivation base is not a quasi-spirit divine realm at all, but... Murong Qiu dare not continue to imagine.

On the boat, the ancient pupils shrank violently, his face was full of movement, and he couldn't believe it was true.

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