The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2389: Gatekeeper

"Exactly." A gloomy light flashed in the eyes of the Eastern Dragon.

"Such a notice, at this time, I am afraid that it has spread throughout the entire gods and has caused a huge sensation." Ximen Feng frowned and said.

Not far away, Li Zedao's ears were slightly pricked up, wondering, what announcement did Yingzhou College issue? Wouldn't it be the notice of the hunt for the traitor Ouyang Qianxun?

However, the look of these three guys is obviously wrong, so obviously they are not.

After all, such a chase order is not enough to stir up the entire God's Domain at all, but it will only make some Xiao Xiaos who are planning to make a fortune or want to climb to the huge force of Yingzhou Academy to be tempted.

"I didn't expect that the snake people who were supposed to be huddled in the desert would run away from the tribe and attack Yingzhou College. They even sank two ships of Yingzhou College secretly and killed them. Several teachers from Yingzhou College."

The Eastern Dragon shook his head, really wondering what the Snakeman clan thought.

This race is already in a state of hatred, and is the enemy of the entire God's Domain. If it hadn't been for the great danger of the great desert and the leader of the snake-man clan, the female emperor Boya was a strong spiritual mirror, she would have been annihilated long ago.

In this case, others don't make trouble for them, they should be laughing, but they are going to make trouble for Yingzhou College, which is really dead.

With the overbearing power of Yingzhou College, how could they swallow this breath?

"I heard that the traitor Ouyang Qianxun who was ordered to kill by Yingzhou Academy was said to be the internal response of the snake people. Now I am afraid that he has escaped to the deepest desert of the Gen tribe, hiding in the snake people. In the old nest." Bei Tanglun said.

Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly, his mind surged.

What exactly is going on? How did it get involved with the Snake People?

Could it be because Yingzhou College had a gap with the snake-men, so it took the opportunity to pour water on the snake-men's heads and put on this unnecessarily hat?

Or is there a hidden conspiracy in this? Someone tried to provoke a war between Yingzhou College and the Snake People?

"Yingzhou Academy is such a huge monster. It was so unreasonable to be murdered and humiliated by the snake people, and he couldn't swallow this breath. So Dean Baili personally issued a notice, calling on the tribes of the Gods Territory to be strong and above. Form a powerful snake slaying team to go deep into the desert and eradicate the snake people in one fell swoop." The Eastern Dragon said again.

"The notice also said that who joins the team of Yingzhou Academy to eradicate the snake-men this time, and successfully kills even one snake-man, choose one of the nine-tier pill, kill two snake-men, and choose Two, the more you kill, the more pill you get." Bei Tanglun couldn't help swallowing, he was already a little thirsty, and quickly picked up the tea and took a sip.

It's really worthy of Yingzhou College, really rich and powerful, of course, it can be considered as a loss.

The conditions offered were really exciting and it was extremely difficult to refuse.

The methods are also really harsh. In this way, the strong will inevitably gather, and the snake-men clan only has to be exterminated.

"So, what is the purpose of Brother Dongfang looking for us?" Ximen Feng was also a little thirsty, so he picked up the tea and drank, of course, he also vaguely guessed something.

The Eastern Dragon lowered his voice and said, "I want to ask you two, do you want to join this team to eradicate the snake people?"

When Ximen Feng and Bei Tanglun heard this, their eyes widened slightly, and their hearts became familiar.

"Think about it, two people, with the strength of Yingzhou Academy itself, plus this announcement, I'm afraid that many strong people will rush to join this team? In this way, the snake people will be annihilated. It's just a matter of time."

The Eastern Dragon said in a low voice, "So I think we can also bring a few people to join this team and strangle the snake-men. With the strength of the three of our brothers, we are afraid that we can't kill a few snake-men? You can get extremely generous rewards without effort."

"Brother Dongfang is quite right." Ximen Feng nodded deeply. This is simply a pie falling from the world, don't do it for nothing.

As the Eastern Dragon said, it is a matter of sweating anyway, even without sweating.

Bei Tanglun hesitated: "Should we talk to our ancestors?"

"Then go back and say separately, I think the ancestors will definitely agree." Dongfang Shenlong said.

"But you have to hurry up. The notice says that after September 15th, that is, seven days later, Yingzhou College will hold a snake slaughter meeting in the black seal city of the Gen tribe. We don't have much time left."

Snake slaughter conference? Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly.

However, Fanyingzhou College made such a big move to wipe out other forces, even if the payment was tempting, it would not get too many people to respond, and it would even be angered by many forces and be jointly attacked.

However, what Yingzhou College wanted to wipe out was notorious, and the snake-men clan that should have been exterminated a long time ago, plus Yingzhou College's generous move, so I want to know that such an announcement has already caused a huge response.

Now I am afraid that many people have already rushed to the Black Seal City of the Gen tribe.

"It seems that it is necessary to go to the Gen tribe." Li Zedao drank the fragrant tea in the cup.

After all, he made the matter, but it was for the snake people to be in the dark, facing the danger of being annihilated. Li Zedao said nothing.

The big man did something or not, so Li Zedao wanted to go to the Gen tribe.

Even if there is no way to stop Yingzhou College and make them abandon this snake slaughter meeting, they have to fight alongside the Empress Naboya to resist Yingzhou College.

Glancing at the Eastern Dragon, Li Zedao stood up and walked out of the teahouse.

After half an hour, the Eastern Dragon came to his father Dongfang Guardian.

Before the Eastern Dragon could speak, Dongfang Guards waved his hand and said, "You don't need to say anything."

"Huh?" Dongfang Shenlong was taken aback. Father knows what he wants to say? Is he so smart?

"Don't go to the muddy water for a few pills. Things are not as simple as you think." Dongfang Guardian shook his head and said.

Dongfang Shenlong's eyes opened wider: "Father, this..."

"This is what the sect master meant." Dongfang Guardian said again, but the flesh on his face couldn't help but twitched a few times.

Before about two sticks of incense, when he was "instructing" a female disciple to practice, a soft cough suddenly sounded, and his heart almost stopped in fright.

Looking back, a tall and thin figure stood at the window, but its back was facing them, obviously not embarrassed to watch.

"Ah..." The woman under her body screamed, curled up into a ball.

Dongfang Guards was silly for a few seconds, then he was shocked and angry.

What was shocking was that even though he was “instructing” female disciples in the practice very seriously, he was also a strong spiritual **** realm high-grade peak cultivation level. There was a little trouble, and he could still know.

But this person came to him silently, one can imagine how terrible this person's cultivation is.

Angrily, this person is too immoral, too shameless, how can he do things that beasts can't do? How can he peep? Is he not afraid of people ridiculing all over the world?

Immediately, Dongfang Guards took the thunder to cover his ears. With his left hand, he took up his robe to block his lower body, and his right hand pulled out the long sword on the side and rushed directly towards the figure.

This person who looks at his own body, immortality is not enough to calm his anger!

However, Dongfang Guards flew backwards back to the bed at a faster speed, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out of his mouth.

The Eastern Dragon was stupid, it turned out to be the meaning of the sect master?

"The sect master is back? When?"

Dongfang Guardian's old face drew again without responding. It can't be said that the master, his old man, suddenly appeared when Lao Tzu was happy and almost frightened Lao Tzu. He vomited blood, right?

What do you say? What a shame.

How hope Dongfang Guards against the sky, the two old immortals of the Ximen family and the Beitang family are also happy on the woman's belly at this time.

I was really shocked. How long hadn't seen him since then? Not only did the master's cultivation base become more terrifying, the evil spirit on his body became more intense, and more importantly, he actually grew taller.

In my impression, the master is not that high.

The dressing is also completely different from before. In the past, no one strand of hair was allowed to block his handsome face. Most of the time, he was dressed in a snow-white robe and looked extremely romantic.

But now, that face is covered strictly.

If it wasn't for the sound or that sound, Dongfang Guardian would think that someone was pretending to be their master.

"In short, since the sect master showed up and urged this matter specifically, there must be something tricky about this matter, so don't go to the muddy water." Dongfang Nitian said, "I think Ximen and Beitang are old men At this time, he should have already received instructions from the master."

"I see, father." Dongfang Shenlong Zuoyi. Since the sect master appeared to talk about this in person, even if there was nothing tricky, he couldn't go to the Black Seal City to participate in any snake slaughter meeting.

"It''s a pity." The Eastern Dragon sighed slightly.

What a great opportunity to pick up pie, I just missed it.


Gen tribe, Huangcheng.

Huang Quan, who walked into the living room, looked at the old guy who was sitting across from him and looked very unhappy.

Huang Quan had to admit that although the old guy Baili Kuanglang was insidious, seriously corrupted in his behavior and morality, and had a rather unpleasant smell of fish, he had to say that this guy was very aggressive.

The elegant appearance combined with the rather elegant dressing, coupled with the noble temperament on his body, made him look extremely high, so high that Huang Quan actually felt ashamed of himself.

Huang Quan felt that sitting with him, he seemed to be a beast he had raised, which undoubtedly made Huang Quan quite unhappy.

Who would like to be with someone handsomer than himself?

In the same way, everyone likes to stay with someone who looks more stubborn than himself.

Huang Quan likes to stay with the real person Changsheng. Every time he stays with the real person, he feels that the real person is a little monkey raised by him.

In short, if it wasn't for this guy's strength and face, Huang Quan wouldn't want to come out to meet guests.

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