The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2390: Black seal city

At the same time, Bai Li Kuanglang was also beside another old man.

The old man was thin and dry, with a sallow complexion, and always closed his eyes, as if he had no strength to open, just like a dead old man.

For this old man, Huang Quan paid as much attention as Baili Kuanglang, just because this old man's strength was compared with Baili Kuanglang, and he was afraid that he would not let it go.

Huang Quan really couldn't understand, wasn't Gong Yu Mozi's relationship with Changsheng Zhenren good before? Occasionally, the two would meet for a drink, tea, and chat. Why did they wear a pair of pants with Baili Kuanglang in a blink of an eye?

Is it just because the college did not agree to the request of the public loser family to deal with Li Zedao's shameless kid? Or, what benefits does the public loser family get from the Baili family that cannot be denied? ,

"Huangmen Master, Dan Gu Yidong has been around for a few days, don't come unharmed." Baili Kuanglang said with a smile.

There was a touch of coldness in the depths of his eyes.

If it weren't for this damned guy and the immortal mess with the real Changsheng, that day, he would definitely be able to get Yao Shi Qing Niu and get the two things from him.

Damn it, when did Medicine Master Qing Niu have such a close relationship with the old immortal man and the wild man? It's like having a relationship between life and death for many years.

"Haha, Mr. Baili, don't be unharmed." Huang Quanpi smiled and arched his hands.

How could Huang Quan not know the purpose of this old guy coming to Huangcheng at this time? He even knew that this old guy hated himself to death.

What can I just hate? You are crazy about Baili, but Huang Quan is not a vegetarian.

Faced with Huang Quan's indifference, Baili Kuangbo was not surprised. If this **** savage is extremely passionate, then he needs to be vigilant.

With a faint smile, he said, "With the eyes and ears of the Huangmen, I must have known the purpose of my trip, right?"

Huang Quan pretended to be stupid, with a puzzled face on his face: "This Laozi...oh, I really don't know, I don't know what Mr. Baili is visiting at this time? Can't it be specifically for me to drink? That's really wrong. I just don’t want to drink in the past few days. My head hurts when I see wine. Please forgive me."

Baili Kuanglang still had a faint smile on his face, as if bathing in a spring breeze, extremely elegant.

He opened his mouth and said: "That's it. A few days ago, the strongman of the snake-man clan infiltrated the tribe and set up a conspiracy. The inside and the outside together killed several teachers of my Yingzhou College. To this day, several teachers are still missing. I don't know life or death."

Speaking of this, Baili Kuanglang's elegant face showed a trace of hideousness.

The ancient death can be said to have seriously stimulated the nerves of Baili Kuangbo.

What made him even more concerned was that the ancient, with the cultivation base of the quasi-spirit fairy mirror, was killed in seconds, which was really surprising.

What surprised him even more was that the final result of the investigation turned out to be a snake man who killed the ancient masked man!

I really didn't expect that in addition to the Boya Empress, the Snake Clan had such a terrifying powerhouse. Of course, this is not important anymore.

As for why the Snake Clan suddenly got nervous and ran away from the tribe to attack Yingzhou College, this was even less important.

Anyway, after some time, this race will collectively enter the grave to repent, and no one will mention it in the future.

"Oh, there is such a thing?" Huang Quan's eyes widened slightly.

His mouth grinned and smiled.

The expression was like a gorilla saw the banana and grinned.

Huangmen and the snake-men clan continue to quarrel, and Huang Quan has taken people into the desert several times, trying to completely destroy the snake-men clan, but they all return without success.

On the one hand, that ghost place is really not for people, even someone with his cultivation level will feel dizzy after a long time.

On the other hand, they couldn't find a hiding place for the snake people at all.

As for the latest one, it was "scared" away.

Huang Quan mentioned this to the real person of Changsheng. The real person of Changsheng said quietly that it is okay to have a small fight with the snake people, but don't try to destroy the snake people by taking people into the desert, otherwise you are afraid that you will die no matter what. do not know.

Huang Quan knows that this old man who likes to pretend to be deep must know some inside stories, but no matter how he asks, the real person Changsheng maintains a deep and unpredictable beating, which makes him hate it, and he can't wait to roll up his sleeves and punch someone.

But now, when I heard that the Snake Clan had given Yingzhou College a shame, Huang Quan was so happy.

Although these snake people are sinister and vicious, apart from the descendants of Nuwa who hide in the dark, the snake people are the most harmful.

But when the scourge hit Yingzhou College, Huang Quan couldn't help but want to like them, and couldn't help but yell: Okay!

This kind of behavior is really **** desirable. We must make persistent efforts to create greater "brilliance".

Baili Kuanglang still had a calm expression on his face, but deep in his eyes, the violence became gloomy again.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Baili, don't mind, I'm not watching you joke, I just remembered a very interesting thing suddenly, this one couldn't help laughing."

Baili Kuanglang wanted to say that I am very mindful, and I am so mindful that I want to kill you now.

Huang Quan tried his best to suppress his smile: "So, Mr. Baili came here this time, wouldn’t he want to ask me about the snake people? I’m sorry, even though I and the group of snake people are neighbors. , I live on the edge of the desert. They live in the depths of the desert, but the desert is so big, I really don’t know where they are hiding in the desert."

Baili Kuanglang shook his head slightly: "I didn't intend to inquire about the traces of the snake-men from Huangmen Master. I can naturally find the traces of the snake-men."

"Really?" Huang Quan stunned.

Immediately, a hint of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth. This shameless old guy is really a master of pretending to be a world.

I want to go deep into the desert many times, but I can't find the nest of the snake people. What can this shameless old guy do?

Baili Kuanglang nodded seriously: "Really!"

Huang Quan narrowed his eyes slightly, his thoughts surged. Does this shameless old guy really have a way?

Maybe there is a way. After all, such a big noise came out, and in the end, if the snake-man clan’s lair could not be found, it would be a laughingstock.

Baili Kuangbo, which is extremely fancy, obviously does not allow this to happen.

Forget it, it's a **** thing about Laozi, anyway, you old fellow will kill the snake-man clan.

Of course, it would be better to lose both.

Huang Quan suddenly remembered that there seemed to be an extremely terrifying strong man who was defending the snake-men clan, so it was hard to say who killed who in the end.

Huang Quan looked at Baili Kuanglang with pity in his eyes, and his heart was full of gloat, fearing that he would not be able to get out of the desert.

"If this is the case, then you should go into the desert to kill snakes, I won't keep you down to play in this Huangcheng for two more days." Huang Quan said with a smile.

Baili Kuanglang arched his hands and said, "I'm here to visit the master of the Yellow Clan, inviting the master of the Yellow Clan to enter the desert and slaughter the snake people."

"Haha..." Huang Quanpi smiled, but this hypocritical old guy was finally willing to tell his purpose.

Huang Quan cleared his throat and said, "This Mr. Baili is joking. With you and Mr. Mozi, these two peerless powerhouses, plus the wealth of Yingzhou College, there will be a lot of powerhouses in the next few days. That Black Seal City participates in the snake slaughter conference you held, and it is for your use. It is so powerful, I am afraid that the snake people will be embarrassed after getting the news, so Lao Tzu will not participate."

Huang Quan was sour in his heart. With money, he can do whatever he wants.

He knew that among the strangling snake-men clan, the public losing family and the Baili family did not send out many strong people at all, and those strong people were hired with money.

In this way, even if something unexpected happens, the strength of Baili Kuanglang and Gongyu Mozi should be enough to retreat all over the body, and those who are hired will die at that time, from the beginning to the end of the Baili family. What the family loses with the public is nothing more than the pill, it won't hurt the bones at all.

It really deserves to be a hundred miles of wild waves, and made a good calculation.

"Isn't the Yellow Gate constantly rubbing against the snake people?" Baili Kuanglang narrowed his eyes.

Huang Quan's rejection so categorically was really unexpected.

Baili Kuanglang originally thought that Huang Quan would definitely participate in the gap between Huangmen and the Snake People.

Of course, this savage should still open his mouth and slaughter him fiercely, but he did not expect to refuse so simply.

"Yeah, with constant friction, it's almost a fight to the death."

Huang Quan smiled and said, "So I also ask the two of you to help Lao Tzu teach her a lesson after encountering the female emperor of the snake-man clan."

Baili Kuanglang smiled and said, "Since Huang Sect Master didn't want to go with him, let's say goodbye."

"No." Huang Quan waved his hand, looking quite disgusted.


Baili waved his sleeves and turned and left.

Gong Zhu Mozi, who had always closed his eyes, opened his eyes, and the muddy old eyes glanced at Huang Quan, and then left.

Huang Quan sneered. Is it a fool to be Laozi? To accompany you to find sin or even die?

If the terrifying powerhouse came out on behalf of the snake-man clan, Baili Kuang Lang and Gong Zhu Mozi combined would not be enough to see.

"Come on, please clean this place well for Lao Tzu, it's dirty." Huang Quan shouted.

The body of Baili Kuanglang who had just walked out the door paused, and that elegant face was already full of gloom at this time.


Two days before the snake slaughter meeting held by Yingzhou College, Li Zedao came to the Black Seal City of the Gen tribe.

Before entering the city, Li Zedao was stopped by several murderous strong men. The realgar liquid was applied to the back of his hand and there was no symptoms of burns and ulcers. Only then was he allowed to enter the city.

Li Zedao is somewhat familiar with the Black Seal City of the Gen tribe.

This is a small town built on a hillside on a small scale. The power in the city is the same as other places. It can be said to be intricate, but when taken together, it is not very strong.

Once, he killed an extremely ugly "comrade" in Jijiabao in the Black Seal City.

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