Li Zedao sneered again and again, taunting: "Princess Long thinks this is a gift?"

Princess Long thought for a while and said: "From my standpoint, this is indeed a gift, or a gift of greatness, a gift of incomparable glory."

The mocking expression on Li Zedao's face was even worse, too lazy to continue talking nonsense, and waved.

Turn right when you go out, do not send.

Princess Long didn't leave, and said: "Savage-senior can treat it as a deal."

She knew that she had to persuade the savage to go with her, otherwise it would be extremely difficult to stop the demon who was about to get out of the cage with her and the forces from the gods.

She has no confidence in herself, and even those in the gods.

Of course, persuasion is naturally to persuade with her mouth, not to force her to yield with strong force, and she also does not have any stronger strength than the other party.

"Furthermore, for the snake people, the Seven Gods Cities are quite a good habitat."

Li Zedao said coldly: "For the snake people, the Dragon Palace is a very good habitat."

Princess Long thought for a while and said, "Although that's the case, I can't take charge of this matter. Even if I can take charge, the dragon master and those dragon veins will not agree."

In the face of this, she still remains innocent, or is still ignorant of world affairs, of course, she may be pretending to be a pure woman, Li Zedao really doesn't know what to say.

Can't she tell that this is a mockery? Even if the Dragon Master Longmai agreed to give the Dragon Palace to the Snake Clan, she was afraid that the Empress Boya would not dare to step forward to the Dragon Palace, right?

Continue to wave, as if driving away an annoying fly.

Princess Long's expression remained unchanged, she was still working hard without anger or shame.

She has a stupid mouth, and Senior Savage is not that easy to persuade, so she has long known that she needs to give up more of her tongue.

He took a deep breath and said: "Those demons sealed in the Demon Cave are about to break through the seal and escape, so the entire God Realm is afraid that it will fall into a huge panic. It is not an exaggeration to say that there will be corpses running across the wild and blood flowing into rivers."

Li Zedao said coldly: "What does it have to do with me?"

"The devil might flee into the great desert. When the snake people are annihilated, it is by no means alarmist." Princess Long said.

Li Zedao wanted to say that the snake people had left the desert long ago.

Immediately, Li Zedao thought of Wucheng, Canghai City, and Yingzhou Island.

Li Zedao naturally didn't want these places to be invaded or even slaughtered by the devil.

Coldly said: "The eight great spirit gods are all quasi-spiritual powerhouses, and Dragon Palace is a master like a cloud. How many demons can you kill?"

Princess Long shook her head: "Those demons have extremely powerful soul bodies. Even the former Nuwa can't kill those demons, so they can only use the means of sealing to seal them all in that demon cave."

Li Zedao's expression turned slightly moved, even Nu Wa couldn't kill them?

Some of the demon clan's methods are really terrifying.

No wonder Nuwa and Panlong joined forces in the past, but failed to keep Chilong behind and let it escape back to the Demon Realm.

"Master Long, they can't do it, because someone doesn't allow them to do it." Princess Long said again.

Li Zedao frowned, and then he understood: "Eight Ambassadors?"

"It's them." Princess Long said solemnly.

Li Zedao thought to himself that the devil would conflict with the seal without warning. Apart from the imminent loss of the seal, it should also be the work of the master of the eight gates, right?

"As for the power of the Dragon Palace and the power of the gods, it is not appropriate to use all of them."

Li Zedao thought, what the **** is God Realm? After thinking about it, it should be a terrifying force formed by the eight spiritual gods in the dark?

The purpose of this power is self-evident, and it is used to suppress the descendants of Nuwa.

But he asked coldly: "Why not use it?"

Princess Long said of course: "One day in the future, I will definitely fight the eight ambassadors to the death. These two powers will naturally have to be kept for use until then, so I need the help of the Savage Senior."

Li Zedao smiled coldly, thinking I knew it was like this.

If the Long Princess knew that she was also a descendant of Nuwa, would she not be shocked so that her eyes would jump out of her eye sockets?

Li Zedao thought for a while, the eight spiritual gods were bound by the ignorant sect masters, even if they wanted to do it, there was no way.

The Dragon Master would never use the entire power of the Dragon Palace and the gods to deal with those demons. After all, this power was reserved for later use against the descendants of Nuwa.

Therefore, even if a certain area, a certain city is slaughtered by the demon who has been suppressed for a long time, the Dragon Palace will only ignore it. Anyway, no matter how powerful the demon is, there is absolutely no descendant of Nuwa led by the eight ambassadors. It is so powerful that it can't threaten the Dragon Palace, and it will only be the innocent and weak people who will die.

"Damn, these bastards!"

Li Zedao couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart, but he also knew that this matter could not be blamed on such people as the Dragon Master and the Old Dragon Sovereign. After all, in the long run, their decision was actually correct.

God's Domain is currently the most powerful and terrifying opponent, after all, the Eight Ambassadors.

"Damn, what are these eight old guys doing? What is it that they have the ability to fight the Eight Spiritual Gods to the death, and what is it to release the demon who sealed Nuwa through hard work? "

"If Nuwa knows that you have done this kind of thing, you must be beaten to death."

After all, Li Zedao was not worried about Yingzhou Island and Wucheng.

Especially Fog City, after all, there is the birthplace of Panlong, those demons naturally dare not approach Shenlong City, but it does not mean that they dare not approach Fog City.

Li Zedao said in a bad mood, "You also said that those demons can't be killed, so even if we go there, what can we do?"

Seeing the savage's tone relaxed, Princess Long said quickly: "We only need to leave those demons in the Demon Realm."

Princess Long explained: "The Demon Realm is a very special terrifying area. Whether you want to enter the Demon Realm or leave the Demon Realm, the Demon Valley is the only exit."

"We only need to stay in the valley of the devil, and don't let the demon leave the domain of the demon, and the domain of the gods will not fall into the blood and blood."

Li Zedao looked at Princess Long as if looking at a fool: "You mean, we can only stay in Taniguchi in the future to prevent the demon from running out? Or if we can't stop it at all. The power of the devil, can you just hang the corpse on the spot?"

Princess Long nodded seriously: "Exactly."

Li Zedao almost squirted a mouthful of blood, looking at Princess Long's exquisite little face and her bright and moving purple pupils: "Are you kidding me?"

Princess Long shook her head: "I won't be kidding."

"No kidding, why do you want to laugh so much?"

Princess Long thought for a while, and asked cautiously, "Senior Savage has a low smile?"

Li Zedao looked at those big eyes that released noble purple light in the dark, and didn't know what to say.

Princess Long thought deeply and said sincerely: "Savage-senior, please come with me to the Valley of Demon."

Li Zedao was annoyed: "Princess Long, you really look so beautiful."

"I know that."

Li Zedao was even more annoyed, how can you keep talking like this?

"I mean, you don't want to be too beautiful, I won't go with you to stop those demons!"

Princess Long didn't say anything, she sat down in front of Li Zedao and stared at Li Zedao very seriously.

Out of intuition, plus having been with him for a while and witnessing some of his actions, Princess Long knew that the savage senior would definitely go with her in the end.

Even after this, they were afraid that they would stay in the Valley of the Demon forever, and even they couldn't resist the demon who planned to rush out of the Demon Realm and immediately corpse on the spot.

"What are you doing? Do you think I'll agree to stalk you like this?"

Li Zedao was a little nervous, not because of the nervousness of being stared at by a peerless beauty, but because he knew his heart was swaying.

He knew he had to agree, otherwise many people would really die.

Even the ones who died were Linglong, Ouyang Chihiro and the others.

So he must stop those demons.

"Damn the eight masters." Li Zedao couldn't help but silently greet the eighteenth generation ancestors of the eight masters.

If you have the ability, you will fight to the death with the eight spirit gods!

Not to mention that the Eight Spiritual Gods are afraid of death, in fact, you are also very afraid of death!

Princess Long said of course: "Waiting for Senior's reply."

"I'm sick, it's impossible for me to go, so let's die this heart." Li Zedao annoyed.

"I know, this is not the truth of the predecessors." Princess Long said.

Li Zedao wanted to vomit blood again, how could she say such things for granted?

"You are wrong, this is my truth."

"Senior's words are not true."

"..." Li Zedao's long-suppressed blood finally spurted out.

Princess Long was quite considerate and quickly sent a piece of white sweat towel.

Li Zedao looked at the sweat scarf, his heart was trampled by a large group of Cao Nima severely over and over again.

Depressed incomparable eyeballs stared at Princess Long fiercely for a long while, seeing that her expression had not changed, Li Zedao was directly defeated.

He said: "Promise me three things."

"As long as I can do it, I can promise you seniors." Princess Long nodded.

"First thing, tell me what the spirit stone is?" Li Zedao looked at Princess Long eagerly, like a greedy puppy looking at the chicken leg in his master's hand.

"What does Dragon Palace want those spirit stones for?"

This problem has been plagued by Li Zedao for many days, like a cat's paw, gently scratching Li Zedao's boring little hearts, making him feel very uncomfortable.

Princess Long was stunned, and she really didn't expect this savage senior would actually ask such a question, and then she remembered that there is such a thing as a spirit stone.

Those who come to Shenlong City must have spirit stones in order to survive in Shenlong City, otherwise they will be starved to death.

He shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Li Ze said, "I don't know?"

"do not know."

Princess Long said with certainty: "I don't know what the spirit stone is, and I don't know what Dragon Palace does with so many spirit stones."

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