Li Zedao stared at this woman with suspicion, as if he wanted to see through her heart.

Questioned: "How could you not know? You are Princess Long!"

"No one told me, and I didn't ask. Even if it wasn't for the seniors to mention it at this time, I might have forgotten that there is something like a spirit stone." Princess Long explained apologetically.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he knew that Princess Long was not lying.

"Then who knows? Dragon Master? Old Dragon Emperor?"

Princess Long thought for a while: "They must be clear."

Li Zedao felt that the word "presumably" was quite redundant. If they still don't know, who knows? Why does this woman like to talk nonsense?

"Presumably, seniors don't want Master Long to know that you are in Shenlong City at this time, nor do they want Master Long to doubt you, so it is not convenient for me to go back to Master Long and ask the answer to this question." Princess Long said again.

Li Zedao nodded, agreeing with Princess Long's thoughts.

He knew that as a condition to stop the demon from going to the demon realm, the dragon master divided the seven cities of the gods to live in the snake people.

If you let the dragon master know that the savages are in the eight cities of God, I am afraid that something will happen.

"Since you don't know, then this matter doesn't count." Li Ze said for granted.

"Naturally." Princess Long didn't think Li Zedao was shameless, and responded naturally. Even if she failed to help Senior Savage, Princess Long was somewhat guilty.

"Then promise me one condition first."

"Senior, please tell me."

"If the matter of the devil is resolved, take me into the Dragon Palace."

Li Zedao looked at Princess Long's eyes very seriously, indicating that he was not joking.

Li Zedao had seen the horror of Shenlong City, and knew how naive he had been.

He knew that even if it was hard to break into, he would definitely not be able to break into that Dragon Palace, even if he could not even Nuwa.

Because when the time comes, it is not people who stop him at all, but this terrifying formation.

Princess Long frowned. She had been speculating about the real purpose of this savage senior appearing in the Eighth City of Gods, but she did not expect that his ultimate goal was to enter the Dragon Palace.

What does he want to enter the Dragon Palace? What can he do in the Dragon Palace where a strong guard like the Dragon Master sits in person himself?

She thought for a while and said: "Senior is not a dragon vein, nor is it a strong man from the gods who is trusted by the dragon master, such as a person like Grandpa Mo, so it is difficult!"

"Besides, there are some places in the Dragon Palace, even if it is the dragon vein, you can't get close."

Li Zedao thought that the so-called forbidden might be where he wanted to go.

"Since you say it's difficult, it means you have a way." Li Ze said that you would be helpless if you didn't agree.

"There is a way, I'm afraid to upset Senior Savage." Princess Long thought for a while and said.

"tell me the story."

Princess Long said seriously: "Enter the Dragon Palace and become my husband. Then you will have the qualifications to enter the Dragon Palace and see the Old Dragon Emperor, but even then you can't live in the Dragon Palace. You are at most eligible to live in the Second City of God. "


The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

He frowned and looked at this exquisite little face and those bright and moving purple eyes, and then glanced at that rather magnificent chest quite profanely, wondering why I should be upset?

No, why should I be happy? I am really upset.

Enter your Dragon Palace?

The descendant of the dignified Nüwa, the only cultivator of heavenly secrets, the peerless young man who shoulders the great mission of heaven, actually entered the Dragon Palace where the Zuzu and Nüwa clan have monstrous hatred? Isn't this an insult and what is it?

"Is there no other way?" Li Zedao was extremely disgusted.

"Becoming a husband of other dragon veins can also have the qualifications to enter the Dragon Palace to meet the old dragon emperor."

Li Zedao's disgust didn't change Princess Long's expression. She still had a serious expression on her face, as if she was seriously stating something that had nothing to do with her.

Li Zedao felt that this somewhat inexperienced woman always liked to talk nonsense.

After talking for a long time, I still entered the Zulong Palace, but changed the object.

I don’t even think about it, even your Princess Long, my son, doesn’t look good, let alone other women?

"In addition, seniors can also gain the trust of the Dragon Master, and naturally they can also enter the Dragon Palace." Princess Long said again.

This is undoubtedly more difficult than being the son-in-law of the Dragon Palace.

Li Zedao waved his hand depressed abnormally: "I'll talk about this later... Let's go now?"

Princess Long stood up and said: "I know that Senior is not willing to reveal his identity, so I have made arrangements. Senior will be kicked out of Shenfu tomorrow morning. Then please leave the city quickly. I will be at Qingming, the nearest to Shenlong City. The city’s first inn is waiting for the arrival of seniors."

Li Zedao nodded, indicating that he knew it, and waved his hand: "You can go now."

It may have been a long time since she had been close to female sex. The smell on Princess Long made Li Zedao a little unbearable. This undoubtedly made him feel very depressed. He was decisively criticizing him. It was just cattle. How could he be hungry if he was not an animal?

Princess Long said again, and then her figure disappeared into this small space.

Li Zedao lay down again, and muttered depressed, this woman really doesn't understand the world, shouldn't she lie down beside her and serve herself well at this time?

Early the next morning, the guard came to the dining hall aggressively, sneered at Li Zedao, and said that he would give you a half-pillar of incense to get out of the palace, or be careful to throw you into the Shenshan mine.

Li Zedao was naturally "shocked" and looked at a loss.

Wang Wu and Zhao Liu are indifferent, after all, this kind of thing has long been used to it.

The cook in the small dining hall has never done a long time, and the performance of this master Li can already be said to be quite excellent.

Besides, the roast chicken he makes is really good.

The guard didn't give Li Zedao any excuses at all, so he was expelled from "public office" and expelled from the palace.

Li Zedao, who was blasted out of the Shenfu Palace, did not stay in Shenlong City for too long. Soon he left Shenlong City and came to Shenlong Town. He spent some gold coins to buy a flying horse, and moved towards what Princess Long said. Mingcheng rush.

What Li Zedao never expected was that he encountered Oasis poison while on the way.

One and a half steamed buns in a day can't fill Oxi Du's stomach at all. In addition, Shangguan Qingrong and Dong Xiaoxie, who are under Li Zedao's care, in order to please Li Zedao, they are very badly taught Oxi Du.

Let’s not say that Ou Xi’s poison can't beat Shangguan Qingrong and Dong Xiaoxie at all. Even if they can fight, they will never fight back. Otherwise, who knows what methods the flourishing cook in the small dining hall will use to torture him?

I am afraid that there will be no more than half of the buns.

There was really no way, Ou Xidu could only leave the Shenfu in distress, leave the eight cities, leave this land full of dreams and opportunities, and come to Qingming City.

After slashing firewood in God's Mansion, his horizons naturally increased. Looking at the people around him, he felt that he was superior, and he was really not ashamed to be with these garbage.

After thinking about it, Ou Xi Du decided to break into the eight cities of God again.

Who would think that I had encountered Li Xiaoer on this half of the road.

"Li Xiaoer!"

Enemies meet and treat each other with red eyes! Ossi gritted his teeth, his eyes crimson.

With a sway of his hand, it revealed the cold-glowing knife used to chop wood.

Li Zedao looked at an extremely angry person as if he was looking at a fool.

He waved his hand and said, "Get out!"

"go to hell!"

Oxi Du squeezed the knife, his body jumped up.

In an instant, a blade gas flashing with blue cold light flickered, and from top to bottom, it slammed into Li Zedao.

If this is done, Li Zedao will be chopped in half even if he leads a horse.

Li Zedao waved his hand impatiently, as if he was shaking off an annoying fly.


That terrible sword aura was directly waved to pieces by Li Zedao with a casual wave.

At the same time, O'Xi Du's body paused, his pupils glaring round, revealing an expression of horror.

He bowed his head with difficulty, and clearly saw a half of the knife pierced into his chest and pierced his heart.

"Bang!" He fell heavily to the ground, staring hard.

Li Zedao didn't take a second look at the corpse. For him, this was an episode that couldn't be smaller. Killing this person is not much different from accidentally trampling on an ant.

He patted Pegasus' **** and left.

Within an hour, Li Zedao came to the Qingming City that Princess Long said.

Looking for someone to ask about the next way, Li Zedao quickly came to the first inn that Princess Long said.

The First Inn is very luxurious, even more luxurious than Shenfu.

Li Zedao looked at the golden plaque and thought, this should be a stronghold of the so-called God Realm, right?

At the same time, in this inn, in that luxurious room No.1 Tianzi.

Princess Long sat quietly, playing with a Rubik's Cube in her hand.

The eight elders stood there, bowing their heads slightly, but they were anxious.

The fire was already burning to the brows, and the demon was about to break through the seal and ran out, but this princess did not hurry to go to the valley of the demon, and stopped the demon from escaping from the demon realm. Playing with the Rubik's Cube here is simply plaything.

If it hadn't been for her to be Longmai, and even her strength was so strong, these powerhouses in the gods would have slapped the table and cursed people, even beating people.

Several old men turned the corners of their eyes, and the last old man cleared his throat carefully and said: "Princess Long, time is running out, should we set off?"

Princess Long didn't respond, she still played the Rubik's Cube with great interest.

The old man was a little embarrassed, his mouth opened, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, Princess Long's Qianqiansu hand, who was quickly squeezing the Rubik's Cube, suddenly stopped, and she stood up and walked to the window.

Below, Li Zedao was standing there, watching everything around him with interest.

Princess Long's figure flashed, she swept down from the window and fell to the ground lightly, standing in front of Li Zedao, and said slightly: "Senior."

Li Zedao's complexion became serious, and he nodded in an unpredictable look, saying nothing.

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