The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2567: Senior Savage

In front of the window, the eight old men saw this scene, their hearts throbbed, and their brains roared violently. They couldn't believe it was true.

The aloft Princess Long actually gave a hand to a seemingly ordinary young man, as if he was a dragon master or an old dragon emperor.

The eight old men knew better than anyone that he was not an old dragon emperor, nor a dragon master, nor a dragon vein... After all, the temperament of dragon veins was not so wretched.

Who is he?

Li Zedao swept the window and the old men with the corner of his eye, and found a familiar face quite unexpectedly.

The old man in the empty mountain who once had a festival in the hunting battle in the mountain range!

At that time, Li Zedao was almost beaten to death by the old man Kongshan and the director of Baili.

I really didn't expect him to be a member of the God Realm, so that Dean Baili is actually a member of the God Realm?

Li Zedao couldn't help calling himself a fool.

Little Turtle is quite familiar with Dean Baili, so he is naturally a member of the God Realm, and I am afraid that the God Realm arranged him to become the Dean of the Fuzhou Academy.

Counting this up, Bu Zhou Academy is actually an affiliate of the God Realm.

"Senior, please." Princess Long said.

Li Zedao was not polite, put his hands on his back, and walked into the inn with a high-handed appearance.

In the Tianzi room, the eight old men looked at each other, but still failed to react in shock.

"Who is that person? Why is Princess Long so polite to him?"

"Princess Long has not set out to go to the Valley of the Devil, is she just waiting for this person?"

"Judging from the breath released from him, it is the top-grade cultivation base of the spirit mirror, and the strength is similar to you and me. Why is Princess Long so anxious and polite to him?"

These people are jealous and depressed.

With the same strength, they are no different from the servants in front of Princess Long, and even Princess Long doesn't even have their presence in the eyes of Princess Long, and they may not even count in the eyes of Princess Long.

But Princess Long is no different from the servant in front of that person.

When they were extremely confused, Princess Long and the strange man appeared in front of them.

The eight old men hurriedly rushed into action, but they were quite in agreement, not looking at Li Zedao, they seemed to be quite disdainful.

Princess Long frowned slightly, and did not like the attitude of these eight old guys.

If it was because of their attitude that the Savage Senior was unhappy, she patted her **** and left, she wouldn't mind killing a few people to vent her anger.

Said: "This is Senior Savage, follow his instructions for all subsequent actions."


When everyone heard it, their minds roared violently, and there was a huge wave tens of thousands of times stronger than before seeing Princess Long attacking him. They couldn't believe what their ears heard.

They are all powerhouses in the God Realm, and apart from respecting the Dragon Palace and the eight spirit gods, they even have the capital to command the entire God Realm.

But now Princess Long wanted them to follow the orders of a guy who didn't know where they came from, which was more uncomfortable than killing them.

"This is what I mean, you just need to follow it." Princess Long said naturally.

Li Zedao helplessly shook his head, this woman is too stupid, can you just say that this is the meaning of Master Long?

You can even say that Master Long begged me to take action with his nose and tears.

Although this is a lie, don't they dare to go to the Dragon Master and ask what happened?

But there was a wave in my heart.

I thought that the background of the God Realm was really terrifying, and only a small part of the strength was given to the powerhouses of six top-level spiritual immortal mirrors, and two top-level spiritual immortal mirrors.

If the entire God Realm is dispatched... Li Zedao smash it, smash it, the eight gates led by the Eight Gate Masters cannot stop the God Realm.

It's no wonder that they have to use means to release the demon in order to consume part of the power of the gods.

Even in their dreams, they wanted to get the Sky Breaking Axe, and then once again smashed the insurmountable wall between God's Domain and Demon's Domain.

"Princess Long, your subordinates don't dare to judge your decision. It's just that this matter is not trivial. It concerns the lives of many people, and even the rise and fall of God's Domain. I hope the princess will think twice." Said the old man Kongshan.

"Yes, princess, after all, we don't know who this person is or what kind of ability he has. It's really hard to believe that he can lead us to stop the demon's invasion."

"Princess, please wait a moment, I'll contact Long Master later."

An old man directly moved Longshi out.

While these old men objected, they looked at Li Zedao's eyes with unkindness, more disdain.

What about the top grade cultivation base of the spirit mirror? Can you beat them?

Princess Long frowned even more, and she didn't mind killing Liwei now.

Li Zedao cracked his mouth and laughed, and said with a gloomy smile: "You all know the messenger of Wolong, the messenger of phoenix and the father of Mo, right?"

These old men frowned slightly.

They naturally knew these three people, and they even knew that these three people were dead.

"Once the Wolong Envoy and the Phoenix Envoy pretended to be a calf in front of me, one was cut off by me, and the other was broken by me. As for Father Mo, I dare not even fart one in front of me." Li Zedao gloomily. Sen Road.

At this point, the old man's heart was like a heavy blow, and their faces changed wildly.

"Master Long allowed the seniors to join." Princess Long said.

The mouths of these old men became bitter, and they looked terrified

Being able to slay the Wolong messenger without being slapped to death by the dragon master, and being so respected by Princess Long, it is enough to see how terrifying this person is. Even he may belong to the gods, and his strength and identity are among them. on.

"See Senior Savage."

These people hurried to Li Zedao, how respectful and respectful that old face must be.

Li Zedao didn't bother to say anything, even more so to trouble the old man Kongshan.

Although this old man's character is not good, his strength is good. Facing the unknown demon, more power is good.

Dao Li Ze put his hands on his back, glanced at these surrendered powerhouses with an old-fashioned look, then looked at Princess Long and said: "It's not too late, let's go."

"Yes." Everyone respectfully said.

At this time, two Yunpeng who looked very noble had already been waiting in the backyard of the inn.

Like the Demon Realm, Shenlong City is in the Sundan tribe.

If the Dragon City represents absolute light and justice, then the Demon Realm represents evil and darkness. These two diametrically opposed places face each other far away, putting pressure on each other.

In short, the distance between these two places is not too far, coupled with Yunpeng's speed and endurance, so it only takes a few hours to reach the valley of the devil through the dangerous mountains and rivers.

Seeing the two arrogant Yunpengs in front of him, Li Zedao remembered the Yunpeng he had let go before, and he didn't know where it was hooking up with which female bird.

"Savage senior, please." Princess Long said.

Li Zedao was full of demeanor, and he was not polite, his figure flashed, and he slid on the back of one of Yunpeng.

Princess Long followed, standing in front of Li Zedao.

The eight people including the old man Kongshan naturally did not dare to ride a Yunpeng with the two of them, and they grabbed the back of the remaining Yunpeng.

The Yunpeng thought to himself, why there are only two people on its back, but there are eight people on my back? Just because I am more handsome than it?

No matter how unwilling, this Yunpeng still let out a clear whistle and its giant wings spread out.

After a while, two Yunpengs came one after the other, came to the top of the college entrance examination, and swept towards the Demon Realm where the devilish energy was still soaring to the sky.

The closer to that area, the oppressive feeling full of decay and death becomes stronger.

Gradually, Li Zedao also saw the terrible devilish energy that seemed to have pierced the sky through a big hole, his expression was slightly solemn.

Princess Long's small face was also full of dignity, and she was even more fortunate to persuade Senior Savage to come together, otherwise it would be difficult to stop these demons with only her and the eight powerhouses sent by God Realm.

As for the old man Kongshan and others, after feeling the more and more powerful devilish energy, every nerve is tense, and they can see the other party's somewhat pale old face.

They knew that this time things were very tricky, and the enemy they had to face was extremely terrifying.

The best outcome is that they will turn into a fence full of dangers that cannot be crossed, and will always be blocked at the exit of the Valley of the Devil until the day of death.

In the worst case, as soon as they get there, they will put the dead body on the spot, and even become the devil's belly food.

But they never expected to say that only the devilish energy made them throb and retreat.

They looked at the dignified gaze forward on the back, which was incapable of giving people a sense of security at all. They thought that they hoped that this savage senior who seemed to be trusted by the dragon master would have two sons, otherwise they would be afraid. The realm of death.

"Maybe you will die." Li Zedao glanced at Princess Long on the side.

He talked for a while, so as not to hear the content of the conversation by the old man and others behind him.

The reason why Li Zedao is solemn is not because he might die, but because he is not sure to stop those demons.

As for this woman, no matter how good the reality is, she is not necessarily the opponent of the demon who even Nuwa and Panlong can't beat her alive.

Princess Long snorted softly: "Yeah."

The little face did not have the fear of death, only solemnity.

She thought to herself that if the few of us couldn't stop the demon, then only the dragon master and the others would do it themselves, or the entire power of the gods and the dragon palace could be sent out, then it would be possible to block the demon's step.

But the dragon masters cannot use their hands, and the power of the gods and dragon palaces should not be used, so...

"Even if they die, they must be left in the Demon Realm." Princess Long said seriously, "Otherwise, many people will die."

Princess Long thought of that ordinary woman in the deep mountains, she wanted to protect thousands of such kind and simple weak people.

Li Zedao sneered: "How can you stop when you are dead?"

Princess Long thought for a while, looked at Li Zedao's face and said: "Senior said,'Maybe he will die,' instead of'I will definitely die.' In addition, Senior's expression is not too dignified, indicating that Senior doesn't think this Things are too bad to be solved."

"So, even if I die, Senior will definitely be able to stop those demons."

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