The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2592: Dragon Palace

"Nothing." Li Zedao shook his head.

Then there was a long silence. The two quietly stared at the blood-red waning moon, and no one spoke.

Until daybreak, the two of them first left Shenlong Town, then put on the clothes of the Shenlong guard, and transformed into a rather ordinary-looking, even ugly Shenlong guard.

Princess Long would naturally not be able to take Li Zedao into Shenlong City from the cave in the east direction, and walking that cave would undoubtedly be an insult to Dragon Vessel.

She let out a clear whistle.

After a few could not breathe, a Yunpeng dedicated to the Dragon Palace soared into the sky, and came to Princess Long docilely.

Princess Long swept across Yunpeng's back, and Li Zedao followed closely behind.

As soon as Yunpeng's giant wings unfolded, after just a few breaths, Li Zedao realized that he had already come to the golden wall that was extremely high and faintly released terrible oppression.

Li Zedao didn't even dream of saying that he could come to the golden palace wall of the Second City of God so easily.

I knew I had hugged Princess Long's thighs firmly before, and I didn't have to be a hungry ghost in the eight cities of God for so many days, seeing the smelly steamed buns was like meeting my father.

This is the only golden wall in Shenlong City, and the inside of the wall is naturally Dragon City, which is also the splendid Dragon Palace.

In the depths of the Dragon Palace, a few figures faintly appeared around them. They were the guards, so Princess Long restored the nobility and arrogance of the past.

She walked towards the huge golden gate ahead, and Li Zedao, as the guardian of the dragon, kept a certain distance to keep up.

At this moment, the golden gate seemed to have life, as if feeling the breath of Princess Long, it creaked and opened little by little.

As the gap got bigger and bigger, Li Zedao could feel the power of the oppression more and more.

He knew that this oppression came from some terrifying big formations hiding in this dragon palace. These big formations not only protected the safety of the dragon veins, but also brought extremely terrible deterrence to the enemies trying to invade, so that they did not dare to move easily.

In other words, if he chooses to attack Princess Long at this time, the terrifying formation will be activated. At that time, he will be trapped in a terrifying formation, unable to escape, and even die immediately.

At the same time, Li Zedao was almost blinded by the dazzling golden light.

Everywhere you see is golden.

The walls are golden, the tiles are golden, and even the ground is golden.

The buildings in this golden wall, including the pavement, are all made of gold!

How extravagant is this?

Princess Long glanced at the shocked Li Zedao from the corner of her eye, and walked into the door with a proud face.

Li Zedao quickly walked in with Princess Long's pace and stepped on the gold bricks poured from gold and embedded there.

Li Zedao felt that compared with himself, those so-called local tyrants would be ashamed to death!

They just hung gold chains on their bodies desperately. Some of the local tyrants wore clothes made of gold. When the local tyrants reached the extreme, they would drive a luxury car made of gold.

I stepped on the gold directly under my feet, and I couldn't afford to hold a piece of it away... it was too much, and it was worthless.

As Li Zedao and Princess Long entered, the golden gate made of gold slowly closed again on its own, as if it had never been opened before.

At this time, there was no one around, Princess Long put away all the arrogance, and said apologetically: "Savage Senior, Panlong Temple and some heavily guarded places, even I can't get close."

Although Master Long had said that even those forbidden lands, as long as he wanted to go, he could take him there, but Princess Long didn't plan to do that.

Li Zedao nodded, but a map appeared in his mind.

Before, after he synthesized the three-point map obtained from Yaoshi Qingniu and Baili Kuanglang, the lines on the map suddenly changed.

The one marked above is this extremely luxurious and huge dragon palace.

The reason why Li Zedao entered the Dragon Palace, burning Panlong's body with a fire is just a joke...Of course, if there is a chance to burn it, it seems to be fun.

The main thing he wanted to find was to find the so-called treasures that the strong man left behind for his three apprentices.

Since the location pointed to by the map is in this dragon palace, then Li Zedao has reason to believe that the consciousness is probably left by Panlong or Vulcan.

Even Li Zedao suspected that the so-called treasure would not be the Heavenly Shaking Axe, right?

A map appeared in his mind, and with the most precise direction, Li Zedao was completely attracted by the extravagant and magnificent buildings around him, and he didn't know which direction to go for a while.

Feel free to say: "I just walk around, if that place can't be close, then we won't be close."

Randomly pointed a direction: "Just start from this place."

Princess Long nodded and led the way.

Li Zedao casually started to wander in the Dragon Palace with purpose and purpose.

Of course, his identity at this time was the guardian of Shenlong after all, so he followed Princess Long obediently.

During the sloshing process, I also encountered a few men and women who were dazzlingly dressed, with their nostrils facing the sky, and a pair of high-ranking men and women who did not allow the slightest profanity. These were naturally dragon veins.

Princess Long didn't pay attention to those dragon veins, and those dragon veins didn't come to say hello or anything. After all, Princess Long's reputation in this dragon palace is not very good.

As for the dragon nurse who followed behind Princess Long, they simply ignored them. Of course, if they knew that the dragon guard who they didn't like was Princess Long's husband, they would be shocked.

When passing by the Panlong Temple, Princess Long said in a low voice: "There is the Panlong Temple. The body of Panlong should be somewhere in the Panlong Temple. I don't know the exact location."

Li Zedao helplessly, lowered his voice in response: "I think what you said before is too reasonable. Burning Panlong's body is a very stupid act."

"Savage senior knows it."


Li Zedao almost didn't hold back and hugged the woman in his arms and beat her ass.

After continuing to walk for not too long, a taunting sound came.

"Hehe, isn't this Long Yue'er? I heard that you were humiliated by some savage, and when you came back, the old dragon emperor was forbidden in the cold palace. Is this sneak out?"

The word "humiliation" has also been emphasized, and it sounds so harsh and uncomfortable.

Li Zedao looked up, but saw a graceful and noble woman in a gold silk dress walking towards him, blocking the path between him and Princess Long.

There is a natural arrogance between women's gestures, of course, in Li Zedao's opinion, her loftyness is still far less than that of Princess Nalong that she had seen before on Yingzhou Island.

That's the real lofty, the real pride is beyond the mark.

Behind the woman, there were several Shenlong guards. These Shenlong guards lowered their heads, not daring to look at Princess Long.

The two dragon veins were struggling over there. Naturally, these little shrimps could only be treated as if they hadn't heard it. They even became anxious and worried that they would be affected.

Princess Long looked at the woman blankly, and said lightly: "Get out of the way."

The woman sneered and said, "Hehe, do you think you're still the tall Princess Long before? You are just a **** who has not known how many times you have been humiliated by lowly savages, what are you arrogant?"

"My father is mainly you, don't say you have no face to meet people, I even want to find a knife to stab myself to death!"

Princess Long remained expressionless and said again: "Get out of the way."

Li Zedao is unhappy, what is it called a humble savage?

What is called humiliation? When did you humiliate Princess Long? She gave Princess Long a chance to "humiliate" herself, but unfortunately she was just a piece of wood, and it was useless to give a chance!

"Get out of the way!" Princess Long still said these two words without any emotion.

Li Zedao knew that this guy who came to provoke Princess Long recklessly was going to be out of luck.

"You should get out of here!"

The woman yelled quite disdainfully: "Give you a chance to kneel down for this princess, otherwise, this princess will make you unable to stay in the Dragon Palace!"

Princess Long has completely lost the interest in speaking, she stretched out her weak and boneless hand, and quickly drew lightning at the woman's face.

"Plap!" With a muffled sound, the woman let out a scream of terrible screams.

However, she saw that half of her face collapsed directly, and several teeth were lost. The whole person was even more like a football that was pumped out. She fluttered in mid-air, and finally landed heavily on a big tree in the distance. .

When the dragon guards saw this, they were all silent, let alone rushing to rescue the princess, they didn't even have the courage to raise their heads.

Princess Long didn't embarrass these dragon guards, and took Li Zedao away with a cold expression.

After getting far away, Li Zedao said: "That princess, 80% is jealous of you."

Princess Long nodded, thinking that Senior Savage also likes to talk nonsense.

"Envy you for having such a good husband." Li Zedao said again.

Princess Long said: "She doesn't know that I already have a husband."

"..." Li Zedao felt once again that such a wife who doesn't know anything about **** is really not worth it.

This is a short episode, which does not affect Princess Long's mood at all, let alone Li Zedao.

The two continued to shuttle in the Dragon Palace. Under Li Zedao's deliberate efforts, they finally came to the northwest corner of the Dragon Palace.

Compared with the luxurious atmosphere of other places, this place looks so dilapidated.

But seeing the fallen leaves on the ground and overgrown weeds gave people a gloomy feeling.

Li Zedao even thought whether he had left the golden wall, it was not the Dragon Palace at all, but a dark corner of the Second City of God.

"Where is this place? Why is it so dilapidated?" Li Zedao looked at everything around him curiously.

Princess Long’s beautiful purple pupils showed a trace of nostalgia, and she looked at everything around her and said, “This is Lenggong, and the dragon veins that have been punished will be arranged here to think about it...Of course, there is no one here now.”

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