The so-called dragon veins that have been forbidden to think about this are at most a dozen daylight scenes, and there are very few dragon veins that have been punished. It is good to have three or four throughout the year. Therefore, it is shrouded in weird silence for many years. Hell is not too much.

Before, Princess Long also stayed in this place for a short time, and killed the father-in-law Mo who had bad thoughts about her here.

"In the old days, this was the residence of Vulcan." Princess Long said again.

It is precisely because this place was where Vulcan once lived, so this place is called a place of shame, and no one wants to approach it. After all, Vulcan once brought huge disasters to God's Domain for his own benefit.

So these dragon veins can't wait to smash the corpse of Vulcan into thousands of pieces!

Even if it hadn't been protected by the soul formation in the Dragon Palace, the dragon veins would have razed this place to the ground.

Where is Vulcan?

Li Zedao's eyes lit up in an instant, because of the excitement that could not be restrained, the little heart couldn't help shaking.

You must know that the location on the map is here!

It seems that the **** of consciousness may really be the **** of fire, so the treasure is also left by the **** of fire, maybe it is really the axe!

"Mr. Vulcan's infatuation with his lover deeply moved me. Let's just stroll around here and remember the ancestors." Li Zedao took a deep breath, looking sentimental.

Princess Long nodded and had no objection. She just felt that Senior Savage chose to stay here. She was afraid that it was not just to cherish the memory of Vulcan.

Princess Long once again felt that Senior Savage’s favorite thing to do was to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

It seems that this is the final destination of the Dragon Palace that Senior Savage entered!

Subconsciously, Princess Long looked around.

She was confined to this place for a short period of time, and she was familiar with this place, except that it was once the residence of Vulcan, she didn't find anything special here.

Li Zedao looked at the grasses and trees around him with eyes that seemed to cherish the memory of the pioneer, as if he was feeling the breath and footprints left by the idol.

In fact, he was looking for something.

It was a rockery that looked like a burning flame from a distance.

It is detailed on the map that the entrance is just below the rockery.

Li Zedao did not see the rockery that looked like flames. He saw two rockery covered with moss, one large and one small.

One is in the northwest corner and the other is in the northeast corner.

The rockery located in the northwest corner is relatively small. From the appearance, it does not look like flames, but rather like a potato.

There is also a striking "human"-shaped trace on the rockery, with a shocking crack, as if someone once hit the rockery and was directly embedded in it.

As for the rockery in the northeast corner, this one really looked like a burning flame, but the flame was black and green instead of red.

Li Zedao walked to the rockery, and it was faintly visible. Under the black and green moss, it was a fiery red.

Li Zedao's little heart speeded up again.

It seems that this is the rockery, and the entrance is under the rockery!

Princess Long walked to the front and said: "This rockery is said to be carved from a whole plant of red coral that grows in the deep sea. The red coral has the effect of gathering the spirit of heaven and earth, so you will feel the surrounding area of ​​the rockery. The nearby aura is richer, which is good for cultivation."

Li Zedao nodded: "That's it."

When approaching the rockery, he did clearly feel the aura becoming richer.

Li Zedao thought to himself, what he wanted to do next was not suitable for Princess Long to participate. After all, Princess Long was also the dragon vein, the owner of this dragon palace.

Taking away the things placed in the Dragon Palace in front of the owner is ultimately immoral.

Mainly, Li Zedao still couldn't believe in this woman.

He always felt that this woman was pretending to be innocent in front of him, and her existence was more like a self-monitoring role.

After a moment of silence, Li Zedao looked back at Princess Long and said, "Your Royal Highness, I want to be quiet by myself."

This is undoubtedly a clumsy excuse, but Li Zedao knows that no matter how clumsy his excuse is, this woman will execute it.

After all, if she was really innocent, she would naturally not go against her own meaning.

If it is false and innocent, it will not stay, so as not to provoke my doubts.

Princess Long's purple gleaming eyes looked at Li Zedao earnestly, nodded and said, "I'll be guarding around to prevent anyone from approaching this area."

Li Zedao is so depressed, he made me want to be a thief. You volunteered to help my son... Of course, the fact is true, but you are so naked-saying it naked will make me quite faceless, you know ?

"I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to quietly remember my idol here."

Li Zedao annoyed: "Besides, what do you think is worthy of my mind? If there are really good things, the Dragon Master and the Old Dragon Emperor will not dig this place three feet?"

Princess Long was silent and said, "I don't know."

She knew there must be something here, but she didn't know what it was.

Princess Long Zitong looked at Li Zedao very seriously, and said with certainty: "But Senior Savage should know."

Li Zedao frowned, and the woman's determined and questioning attitude made him a little unhappy.

"I said, I just want to be alone, that's all."

Princess Long thought for a while and said, "Savage-senior still doesn't trust me."

She hoped that Li Zedao could reveal some information to her, so that she would have a good heart and not be too worried.

Li Zedao said coldly: "If you believe me, you won't question me."

Princess Long thought about it again, and felt that Senior Savage made a lot of sense, no matter what, just believe him, just like before inexplicably believe that he can definitely stop those demons.

Nodded and said: "I'm around, seniors have something to call me."

Li Zedao was too lazy to say anything, waved his hand impatiently.

Princess Long's figure disappeared in front of Li Zedao.

"This woman... master!"

Li Zedao's face became indifferent, only feeling extremely stressed.

In terms of acting skills, she is not below herself, in terms of strength, she is only inferior to herself, in terms of appearance and temperament, she is also inferior to herself.

In terms of pretending to be pure, he dumped hundreds of streets.

In short, this is an extremely terrifying enemy, so terrible that if it weren't for the terrible immunity of him, he would have become her slave at this time.

After being silent for a while, leaving the woman behind for a while, Li Zedao's attention once again returned to the rockery in front of him.

The rockery is very tall and big.

The map says that there is a huge golden leaf tree around the rockery.

The golden leaf tree is a very beautiful and rare tree. It has golden leaves, hence its name.

From the mountain wall facing the golden leaf tree, you can enter the interior of the rockery and reach the entrance of the treasure collection space.

Li Zedao didn't see the golden golden leaf tree, he only saw the stump remaining there that was about to decay. He knew that this stump was the golden leaf tree.

When he came to the stump, Li Zedao looked at the mountain wall in front of him and stretched his hand over, but the place where he started was strangely cold, and he felt a terrible sense of oppression.

"This is, some kind of soul formation?" Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly.

It seems that from the outside, the rockery that is not too special is shrouded in a terrible formation. If it is forced to move or destroy this rockery carved out of a whole precious deep-sea red shank, it will be necessary. Encountered the oppression of this terrible formation.

The place where the hand touches is where the eye is located. Only the eye can have such a terrible coldness and release an extremely terrible sense of oppression.

At this moment, the scene that made Li Zedao's eyes widened appeared.

However, at the speed visible to the naked eye, there appeared a cave with strange light on the mountain wall. The cave was star-shaped, which gave Li Zedao a very familiar feeling.

"This is... that keyhole?"

In Li Zedao's mind suddenly appeared the three strange keys made with souls from the hands of Yao Shi Qing Niu and Baili Kuang Lang.

Being a guilty conscience, Li Zedao first scanned the surrounding circle with the corner of his eye to make sure that Princess Long did not secretly look at herself in the dark, and then took out the three keys with mysterious green light from the Xumi Ring.

Looking at these three keys, Li Zedao's heartbeat began to speed up.

Having three keys means that he will pass through at least three doors, and the door in front of him is naturally the first door.

He was hesitating, if he wanted to try it now, to see if he could enter the rockery made by the deep sea red mountain.

After a while, Li Zedao showed determination in his eyes.

It may not be the best time now, but there will not necessarily be such an opportunity to stand here in the future, Li Zedao did not want to miss it.

He took a few deep breaths, calmed his mind, took out the star-shaped key and put it in the groove.

Immediately, a strange scene appeared.

But seeing that star-shaped key released a dazzling light, for a while, Li Zedao almost couldn't open his eyes.

Immediately, the dazzling light disappeared, and the star-shaped key and keyhole disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before.

Then, a weird scene appeared.

I saw that the icy mountain wall originally covered by moss was twisted, and then a dark hole appeared in front of Li Zedao.

At the same time, the breath of ancient vicissitudes was continuously released from the entrance of the cave. Obviously, it had been a long time since no one had entered the cave.

Li Zedao looked at the black hole, his heartbeat speeded up again uncontrollably.

He took a few deep breaths, then stepped on his right foot and stepped into the cave.

After a pause, nothing strange happened, such as being sucked in by a terrible force, Li Zedao then stepped his left foot in again, already realizing that he was in a very dark passage.

Behind him, the entrance of the tall cave was twisted again, and when Li Zedao discovered it, the entrance was already replaced by an icy wall.

The entrance is gone, Li Zedao is not too nervous.

In his opinion, there is no reason to let in, so there must be other exits here.

There was determination in Li Ze's eyes, he stepped forward and shuttled in this passage.

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