The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2594: The role of Lingshi

An hour after Li Zedao entered the cave, Princess Long appeared in front of the rockery.

Counting the time, it seemed that the time spent alone for Senior Savage was too long, Princess Long was a little worried, so come back and take a look.

Her pair of precious purple pupils swept around, but could not see Li Zedao, nor could she feel any breath of Li Zedao.

Princess Long felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart, and he shouted: "Senior Savage."

No response was received.

Princess Long frowned, and Senior Savage disappeared?

At the moment Long Princess walked every corner of this area, but Li Zedao was still nowhere to be seen.

Princess Long looked at the rockery and was silent for a moment, and her figure disappeared in place.

After another stick of incense kung fu passed, the short figure of Master Long appeared in front of the rockery, followed by Princess Long.

"I didn't feel any breath of that person, but he couldn't leave this area, so the only reasonable explanation is that there is indeed a place we can't enter."

Master Long's eyes fell on the rockery.

Princess Long followed the look in Master Long’s eyes, and her eyes fell on the rockery carved from the whole precious deep-sea red shank, frowning and asked: "Master Long means he has entered the rockery? "

Princess Long remembered that when she left before, Senior Savage was standing in front of the rockery. At that time, she thought he was admiring the deep-sea red mountain.

Master Long felt that Princess Long had said a nonsense that could not be scrapped, but it still responded.

Because this woman's current strength is enough to make it look at her more, and even with her terrifying growth rate, she is afraid that in the near future, she will have the same level of strength as them.

Even if she continues to grow, she will be above them, just like Panlong in the past.

"Except for the rockery in this place, there is no other place to hide people, so he can only be in this rockery."

Master Long knew that this rockery was shrouded in a terrible formation and contained mystery, so he was itching to know what was there.

It's just that even if it is them, there is no way to break the formation and enter it, only to ignore its existence.

Princess Long was extremely worried, and the pair of eyes that released the purple light stared at the rockery, and asked: "How did he get in? What's in the rockery?"

"I don't know." Long Shi glanced at Princess Long and felt that she had asked another rather useless question.

I thought that if I knew how to get in, I would have gotten in, and it was you, not me, who should figure out this problem.

You took the initiative to ask Ying to dig something out of the savage, but you failed to do it well.

Princess Long understood the meaning of Long Master's eyes and was silent.

"What's in the rockery, I'm afraid that only Panlong Lord and Vulcan will know it, maybe even Panlong Lord will not know what is in it, after all, this is the place where Vulcan lives." Long Shi said.

Master Long will never forget that although Vulcan was not as powerful as Panlong in the past, Panlong couldn't catch up with him in terms of soul formation.

Vulcan is a soulsmith who surpasses the Ninth Rank, and even the terrifying formation that surrounds the Shenlong City was arranged by him from the beginning.

Before Vulcan broke the conveyor belt with an axe, he didn't destroy the great formation guarding Shenlong City, which was interesting enough.

The terrible formation that shrouded this rockery is probably also a masterpiece of Vulcan, so they can't get in at all.

"No matter who he is, whether he is a demon, a descendant of Nuwa, or a snakeman, he is afraid that he has already obtained something left by the **** of fire, so he tried to find ways to enter this dragon palace."

Master Long's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a touch of movement in his voice: "And that thing, maybe it is the sky-shaking axe that disappeared with Vulcan in the past."

Princess Long's brows also frowned: "It seems that we can only wait for him to come out now."

"It can only be so."

Master Long looked at the mountain wall in front of him and said: "But we are not sure that this entrance is the exit, so he may come out from any corner of the Dragon Palace, even the exit is outside the Dragon Palace!"

"Of course it's possible, he can't get out."

Princess Long said: "I knew it earlier, and control him directly."

Saying that, I felt worried in my heart.

"After all, I'm not sure." Long Shi shook his head.

It was not that he was not sure that he could not be subdued, but that he was not sure to dig out the most real thing from his mouth and did not know his ultimate goal.

Moreover, it also intends to turn his power into the power of the gods.

After a moment of silence, Princess Long said: "I suddenly remembered a question, and I want to ask Master Long."


"I lived in the eight cities of God for many days, and I was a little curious about what spirit stones are? What does Dragon Palace need so many spirit stones for?"

Regarding this question, Princess Long asked the old dragon king before.

What Princess Long didn't expect at all was that the old dragon emperor didn't even know.

Only said that this was ordered by the Dragon Master, and knew nothing about the rest.

Master Long looked at Princess Long and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with Dragon Palace or Dragon Veins."

Princess Long frowned slightly and bowed her head, not saying anything.

Time went back to an hour ago.

Li Zedao shuttled in the passage that didn't know where to lead.

The passage is very long, dark, quiet, and narrow. Li Zedao can touch the cold stone walls on both sides with his arms slightly open. The only sound I can hear is my own heartbeat.

I don't know how long I have been walking, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of me.

That is the exit, and the gleam of light is the sunlight projected in.

Seeing this, Li Zedao didn’t speed up his pace. Anyway, he became more vigilant and approached the exit little by little.

Finally, he came to this exit, he hesitated, and walked out.

Then, as if there was an illusion, my eyes suddenly widened.

Li Zedao found himself in a valley.

Looking back, the exit became distorted again, and finally disappeared invisible.

Li Zedao looked around, only to see towering mountains around the valley.

There are sunshine, white clouds, running water, flowers and trees here, just like a fairyland on earth, but there are no living things.

Li Zedao was a little puzzled. He thought that the end of the passage should be a place similar to an ancient cave. Then there was a treasure in the middle of the cave quietly releasing a mysterious gloom that made people want to show greed.

Who thinks, there is a valley at the end of the passage, like a valley in a fairyland.

Could it be that this place is far away from Shenlong City?

Or is it actually a Sumiyu created by a powerful soulmaker?

Li Zedao prefers this place to be Xumiyu, not only because the passage through which he had passed before is actually not too long, and it is not enough for him to leave Shenlong City and enter a certain valley in the suburbs.

It is even more because although there are mountains, water, sunshine, flowers and trees here, there is still one thing missing.

Living things.

There is no living thing here!

Although magnificent like a fairyland, it is terribly lifeless. There is not even a flying insect, and it is completely unlike the earth.

At this moment, a huge stone gate appeared in Li Zedao's eyes.

The stone gate is so huge, the gate of Shenlong City is so small compared to the stone gate, like a baby or an adult.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, stepped to the huge stone gate, and looked up, as if looking up at a small mountain.

"Is this the second door that needs to be entered?" Li Zedao thought.

He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the cold surface of Shimen.

Immediately, the place where the hand touched was twisted again, and finally, a crescent-shaped cavity appeared there.

Li Zedao thought that it was so, and then took out the crescent-shaped key and put it in this cavity.

The dazzling light reappeared, making it difficult for Li Zedao to see.

Then the light disappeared, and the cavity and the crescent-shaped key all disappeared invisible.

At this moment, the sound of "Ka! Ka..." was endless, but I saw countless smoke and dust sprayed out from the gap, and this huge stone gate was slowly opened.

Li Zedao stepped back subconsciously, his nerves tightened into a ball, and his eyes were tense with a hint of excitement, looking at the opening of the stone gate.

Li Zedao felt like a tomb thief. After all the hardships and various methods, he finally found the door to enter the tomb and successfully opened it.

Finally, the huge stone gate was completely opened, and the breath of ancient vicissitudes was constantly released from the stone gate.

At the same time, the upward steps appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked up and was completely shocked.

But seeing the steps go up tens of thousands of steps, there seems to be no end, at least Li Zedao can't see the end.

He took a few deep breaths, calmed his turbulent little heart a little bit, then entered the stone gate, and began to climb the stairs, which I don't know are tens of thousands of steps.

The more he goes up, the more Li Zedao believes that this is exactly Xumiyu.

Only Xumiyu could excavate so skillfully on the soaring mountain wall that the steps almost leading to the horizon would be difficult to achieve with human power.

I don't know how long he walked, Li Zedao finally climbed the last step. He found himself on a stone platform that was less than a mile round.

The stone platform is like a small island floating in the sky, and Li Zedao can reach the clouds floating around.

It was the small room in the middle of the stone platform that immediately caught Li Zedao's attention.

The small house was actually built with golden leaves, and under the mild sunlight, it released such a mysterious and noble light.

Looking at the small house, Li Zedao's heartbeat started to speed up again. If he knew there was a treasure, he could only stay in that small house.

The golden gate that seemed to be blown open with a light breath was the last gate he was about to pass.

Li Zedao took out the last round sun-shaped key, held it tightly, and walked to the little golden gate.

He stretched his hand and touched the soft golden leaf.

As Li Zedao expected, the place where the hand touched began to become distorted, and then a circular cavity appeared in front of him.

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