The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2595: Horror scene

Taking a deep breath, Li Zedao put the only remaining key into the cavity.

Like the previous two times, the scorching light flickered, and then disappeared.

Then, as if there was an invisible hand, the golden door was pushed open little by little.

Li Zedao continued to take deep breaths, his body tightened slightly, and he was ready to deal with various emergencies.

Then, he looked in through the crack of the door with excitement and tension.

In an instant, Li Zedao seemed to be smashed by thunder. His eyes went round, his mind roared violently, and the waves in his heart were so great that he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Even subconsciously, he wanted to draw his face that had become so stiff.

Li Zedao saw a pair of bright eyes that resembled the stars in the sky, a delicately carved face, and a beautiful body.

This is a woman, a woman who exists like an elf but is extremely charming, and even the charming of Concubine Shui Ling is eclipsed in front of her.

This is a woman full of fatal temptations all over her body.

Every inch of skin irritated Li Zedao's eyeballs and nerves severely.

Even if Li Zedao already has an extremely terrifying immunity to this aspect, but at this time, he also felt that an extremely terrible heat madly impacted his brain that almost lost the ability to think, and his nosebleeds were about to spray out.

A few breaths ago, Li Zedao had imagined various scenes that he might see after the door was pushed open.

For example, the terrible dark arrow suddenly came oncoming.

There may also be terrible poisonous gas.

Or even no horrible scene happened, the Battering Axe just lay quietly on the only table in the small room, and the table was still covered with dust.

Li Zedao even thought that Vulcan was in this cabin, so the moment he opened the door, he would see Vulcan's bloodthirsty eyes, and then a terrifying aura powerful enough to tear your body struck.

It is also possible to see an old man with a calm complexion, who also said that he has been imprisoned by Vulcan for a long, long time.

However, even if his imagination is enriching, he is able to break, he never expected to say that there would be such a stunning woman in this cabin!

It doesn't matter if you are a woman, you haven't even dressed!

Just forget it if you don't wear clothes, there is still no meaning to cover!

Can I have a face? Can you take care of the emotions of others? Too immoral!

The woman looked at Li Zedao without surprise, as if she had known that Li Zedao would appear at this moment.

Her exquisite smiling face showed joy from her heart, and even her big eyes that looked like stars in the sky appeared misty.

Then the mist turned into crystal clear water droplets.

Like a string of broken pearls, one after another rolled down, releasing a mysterious color under the shining of golden light.

She didn't have any intention to cover her body. She just looked at Li Zedao with a joyful but gentle smile, crying and looked so affectionate, as if Zhu Yingtai, who had become a butterfly, finally saw Liang Shanbo.

Her **** red lips that made people want to take a bite lightly opened, and made a sound like spring water.

"You're back."

Li Zedao's heart trembled.

It was like waiting for years and finally waiting for his lover back, so that this kind of voice made him feel distressed and even broken.

Li Zedao even remembered that one day in the future, he was lucky enough to return to the world. When he opened the door of the villa, Li Mengchen and others should be like this, crying with a happy smile and said, you are back.

Li Zedao felt that he should have reacted a little, otherwise Qiqiao was afraid that he would spurt blood.

This woman was so terrible, she seemed to radiate a kind of magic power all over her body, which made people sink, and she couldn't extricate herself at all.

His throat squirmed, making a sound that only he could hear.

"Are you...recognizing the wrong person?"

Then he exhausted all his strength to resist the terrible temptation, and turned around quickly, only to feel that his breath was rolling so hard that he gasped heavily.

He thought to himself that this woman is the so-called baby?

If this were the case, he would have expressed considerable disappointment.

Because this woman seems to be of no use to him, even if she has such a beautiful face, such a hot body, and such a beautiful voice, even if she is not dressed yet.

What's more, she seemed to have admitted to the wrong person, staring at herself with such affectionate eyes, as if she was about to melt herself.

But useless is useless, even if she is beautiful and attractive, it is useless.

What Li Zedao lacks is the axe, not a woman.

Just when Li Zedao's mind became extremely confused, a voice that seemed so affectionate sounded in his ears.

"I am back."

This is a man's voice, magnetic, gentle, and full of deep thoughts.

But such a sound like this is like a ten thousand-jun thunderbolt, and it blasted Li Zedao fiercely, making his body stiff and his eyes almost jumping out of his eye sockets.

There is still one person? He has been behind his ass? He didn't even find any clues?

Li Zedao's stiff neck turned back hard and looked at the cabin again.

Li Zedao saw a man who didn't know where he came from, just hugging the woman, and the joyful faces of the two were full of lovesick tears.

Then, a scene that made Li Zedao stunned happened.

Li Zedao looked stupidly at the scene that was happening before him, his brain roared violently, and a monstrous wave was set off in his heart. He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

There are only four words left in his almost blank mind: too much!

These two people are too much! Too bully! Too immoral! Shameless!

Please, even if you are quite impatient, can you stop ignoring me like this?


It may be that this kind of open peeping is really an immoral behavior, or it may be too sore to twist the neck like this, or it may be because Li Zedao is a pure and innocent virgin in his bones, and he can't stand the terrible things in front of him. visual impact.

Li Zedao finally turned his head back with great difficulty, panting heavily, feeling that his heart was beating extremely terribly, almost jumping out of his throat.

He seemed to evade the chase of a ghost, rushing towards the stairs frantically.

"Bang!" There was a deafening muffled sound, as if a mass of flesh had been smashed on the mat.

Li Zedao's whole body was abruptly stagnated there, his face was directly deformed, tears spurted out with blood.

There, an indestructible wall appeared invisible but real!

The wall is so indestructible, yet so cold, it feels like falling into a bottomless ice cave, leaving only despair.

There is a wall in front, a wall on the left, a wall on the right, a wall behind, and a wall above, with walls on all sides.

Li Zedao is like a fly covered in a glass. Even if he has wings, even if he has a stomach of disgusting bugs, even if he has a pair of magic eyes, he can't fly out.

Feeling the icy cold released by the surrounding invisible and colorless walls, Li Zedao's expression was unsightly, and his little heart trembled madly.

He knew that he seemed to fall into a terrible trap.

He is not afraid of death, because he also has an extremely powerful astral body, and he may not die.

But he was afraid of being trapped here and would never be able to get out, so fucking.

Li Zedao turned around with a horrified expression on his face and looked at the golden hut, only to find that the door of the hut had been closed at some point, completely blocking the spring light.

But the closed door couldn't stop the extremely indulgent and enchanting moan-groan and the beast-like gasp.

Li Zedao couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart. Is this doing personnel affairs? There is a kind of you guys continue to be bold and unrestrained just like just now. Don’t close the door!


I don't know how long it took, the groaning and gasping sounds were gradually replaced by dead silence, and finally, the surrounding became extremely quiet, as if there was no living thing.

Of course, the men and women who had communicated deeply may be whispering to each other and express their thoughts, but Li Zedao could not hear any sound.

At this time, Li Zedao had calmed down. He sat cross-legged, staring at the golden hut quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

I don’t know how long it has passed. Indulgent and charming groans and beast-like gasps came out of the hut again. The muscles on Li Zedao’s face twitched, worrying whether the hut would be like this. On fire, or swallowed by water.

These two people are too beasts!

After a long time, the sound finally disappeared again, and the surroundings became quiet and abnormal again, as if there was no life.

After a long time passed, finally, the little golden door was pushed open, and the handsome man with long fiery red hair walked out of the hut.

That stunning woman did not come out, which really disappointed Li Zedao, who had the ultimate pursuit of beauty. He also wanted to use an artistic eye to appreciate the flawless, artistic body.

The red-haired man walked naked in front of Li Zedao and exposed his treasure to Li Zedao without any shame.

Li Zedao thought you had it! And so shy to show it? Nima's!

Li Zedao took a look and felt that his eyes were fierce. He raised his head and looked at the man's handsome face with an unusually calm look.

Li Zedao continued to scold his mother in his heart. He was so handsome. I am also handsome, but I am not as shameless as you!

At the same time, Li Zedao also felt a strong and incomparable coldness released from the man's body, and his brows wrinkled.

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