The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2609: Construction of Sumiyu

"Take that child." Li Zedao looked at Princess Long and said.

Li Zedao knows that if this child is left alone, he will die here sooner or later.

Princess Long held the child in her arms, followed Li Zedao, and left this gloomy place.

The door of Infernal Hell slowly closed, and the little tortoise stared at the old ghost with wide eyes, and cursed: "My old ghost of your sister, isn't this the equivalent of completely pushing the trail to the opposite of us?"

"I'm not in a good mood now." The old ghost said.

Little tortoise cursed: "Your sister's mood isn't very good, it's not a matter of the tortoise!"

"It's really bad." The old ghost said again.

The little tortoise instantly looked wary: "What do you want to do?"

"I want to pull your turtle shell out."

The little tortoise was angry: "Your sister!"

The old ghost didn't do it, because the little tortoise didn't give him that opportunity.

The biggest ability of this turtle is to retract its head, limbs and tail into the turtle shell. Once it is retracted, even the old ghost can't pull the turtle's head out of the turtle shell.

As for smashing the tortoise shell, it is no different from idiotic dreams.

The tortoise shell floated far away, and the little tortoise’s head emerged from the tortoise shell. Its eyes widened and angrily said: "Your sister’s old ghost, if Xiao Daozi returns to the embrace of the eight masters, Watch out for the monkeys, they join forces to beat you up."

"Do you think monkeys have such courage?" The old ghost expressed disdain.

"In addition, Panlong's prophecy says that the descendants of Nuwa will ruin the entire God Realm, and what Panlong is referring to may be Xiaodaozi."

The little tortoise's ghost eyes widened suddenly, your sister, this seems to be possible.

"Of course, no matter what, God's Domain will definitely be fine in the end, because there will definitely be a descendant of Nuwa...if Panlong doesn't talk nonsense before going to bed."

The old ghost said naturally: "So no matter what the little Daozi will do, it will not affect the final result. In this case, what are we worrying about?"

Little tortoise only thinks that the old ghost is making sense, but he doesn't even know how to refute it.

In the end, it gloated and said: "In any case, you are completely offended by Xiao Daozi. Don't forget that Xiao Daozi has an extremely terrifying talent."

The old ghost said indifferently: "How much time do you think he has to continue to grow?"

Little tortoise sneered: "Don't forget, Xiao Daozi's luck is more terrifying than his talent, so a dozen **** storms can't kill you, and you don't necessarily kill him."

The old ghost frowned slightly, such terrifying luck was indeed an annoyance.


After walking out of the boundless hell, Li Zedao carried the Shui Fei Ling on his back, and Princess Long placed the idiot child on one of the gods.

Li Zedao also stuffed a pill into the child's mouth, lest the poisonous sun immediately explode it into a mummy.

As for the water concubine spirit, because of the poison of the **** fruit, his body was icy, even if it exploded under the scorching sun, it still exuded a cold breath.

So Li Zedao felt that what he was carrying was a piece of natural ice, and this piece of ice was still soft.

The two moved forward side by side, and two camels slowly followed behind them.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and said: "Actually, I don't think that the spirit pig and the spirit turtle have done anything wrong. When they reach their heights, they can naturally do whatever they want. The so-called reputation is worthless in their eyes. A life is in them. There is not much difference from these sands in my eyes."

"Even, worse than these sands."

"Even I have to be grateful to them. Without the **** fruit, Sister Shui would have died long ago."

Moreover, there are still two lives. At least one life is saved now. Although the soul is damaged and I don't know when I will wake up, my life is no longer affected.

Damage to the soul is an extremely troublesome thing, and the symptoms produced are not the same.

Either listlessly like walking corpses, or hallucinations, or like Shui Feiling, fell into a long coma.

It is also possible that just like Pharmacist Qingniu, he just waited to die.

Therefore, for the current results, Li Zedao can be considered acceptable.

As for the dead child, Li Zedao can only let go.

And because he was still dead and had not yet met, Li Zedao was not too uncomfortable.

Princess Long looked at the pale face of Concubine Shui, nodded and said, "It is the best if Xiang Gong thinks so."

"I can only think like this now." Li Zedao smiled bitterly, what else can I do if I don't think like this, I can't really run over and die with the old ghost, right? Doesn't it seem that my life is too worthless?

Princess Long heard the suppressed violent aura in the Xiang Gong's voice, she stretched out and took his big cold hand.

Li Zedao glanced at Princess Long: "Worry about me joining forces with the Eight Ambassadors?"

Princess Long shook her head and said, "Don't worry."

Li Zedao said, "What if?"

Princess Long's eyes emitting a somewhat sacred purple light looked at Li Ze and said seriously, "Nothing is wrong."

"Do you believe me that way?"

"I am your wife, so naturally I have to believe you." Princess Long said.

Li Zedao smiled, this feeling of being unconditionally trusted is really good.

Princess Long asked: "Msang Gong, where are we going next?"

Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "Finding a hidden place, I will first build a Sumiyu, and then take all of your sisters and others into the Sumiyu. Only if you are safe, I can have no worries. ."

Princess Long remembered the threat of the spirit pig just now, and even knew that Master Long would not give the Xianggong too much time to grow, but they did not feel worried about his safety.

With the strength of the xianggong, as long as they avoid their sharp edges, they absolutely can't help the xianggong.

As for them, they are cumbersome, and their existence will be exposed to danger, so hiding in Xumi is naturally the best choice.

"Where do you think it should be built?" Li Zedao raised his head and squinted his eyes to glance at the venomous sun, with a headache.

Princess Long thought for a while and said, "Wucheng, Panlong Temple!"

Li Zedao's eyes lit up suddenly, and he gave Princess Long a thumbs up: "This place is good."

Although Panlong fell into a deep sleep, the majesty shrouded in Panlong Temple is still so terrifying, even if it is the Eight Great Spiritual Gods or even the Eight Ambassadors, they dare not come here casually.

Especially the Eight Spiritual Gods, there may be ghost reasons in their hearts, and they are not even willing to approach here.

So there is no doubt the best place to build Xumiyu.

Without further ado, Li Zedao and Princess Long accelerated their pace and left the desert.

After leaving the desert, they chose to leave the child with an honest old couple and gave a lot of gold coins.

As for the future life of this child who has obviously become an idiot, Li Zedao and Shui Feiling can no longer control so much.

They can save his life, but they can't give him a complete life.

After that, she took the Concubine Shui Ling onto that Yunpeng's back and rushed to Wucheng.

Two days later, Li Zedao and Princess Long had already arrived at the foot of Panlong Mountain outside Wucheng City.

Looking at the Panlong Temple and feeling the inexplicable pressure, Li Zedao was full of awe.

He is truly a terrifying powerhouse in the Lingyu Realm, and only one temple has such a terrible sense of oppression, even if he now has the strength of the Quasi-Spirit Realm, he still feels extremely stressed.

Li Zedao thought, Panlong's body is not in this Panlong Temple, right?

Thinking like this in my heart, my mouth asked, "You said, would Panlong's body be in this Panlong Temple?"

Princess Long looked at the majestic temple in front of her with hot and respectful eyes, and shook her head slightly: "I don't know."

Paused and asked: "Sang Gong still wants to burn?"

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry: "I just asked casually, but I can find time to visit the Panlong Temple, maybe I will gain something."

Li Zedao and Princess Long didn't follow the steps ahead into the Dragon Temple, but went around to the back mountain.

The old stone pavilion in Houshan is the place where Princess Long inherited the inheritance of Panlong.

Li Zedao handed the Water Concubine Ling to Princess Long and walked to the stone pavilion.

The stone pavilion has been eroded by wind and rain for a long time, and the depiction is full of vicissitudes. It looks lifeless, like an old man who is going to die, but it feels sacred and inviolable.

Taoist Li Ze touched the stone for a moment, then his eyes fell on the old well not far away, and his heart moved.

Li Zedao walked to the front and glanced at the ancient well. He was surprised to find that the water in the well hadn't dried up, and the clear water reflected his handsome face.

"Tsk tusk, it's so handsome." Li Zedao couldn't help but exclaimed.

Princess Long not far away heard the words and asked: "What is so handsome."

"I mean this well can be used as the entrance to Xumiyu." Li Zedao said.

Without further ado, Li Zedao began to build Xumiyu. Princess Long is in charge of patrolling the surrounding movement, but whenever someone approaches unintentionally, she faints with her hands.

Of course, very few people come to this back mountain.

After inheriting the memory fragments of Vulcan, Li Zedao can be said to be quite knowledgeable about the construction of Sumiyu, and the Sumiyu he needs does not need to be too large, and he does not need to have seven ghastly like eight doors The high mountains are enough to hold hundreds of thousands of people.

Nor does it need to be like a fairyland like Vulcan and Tianmeng’s Love Nest.

It doesn’t need to be like a hell, it doesn’t look much different from real hell.

He only needs a small nest that can accommodate them, but it also took a lot of his efforts.

During this period, Li Zedao searched the Panlong Temple all over the place, not to mention finding the body of Panlong, but he didn't even see the same decent baby.

After half a month, Sumiyu was built. Of course, from the outside, this is still an ordinary pavilion that is too ordinary to fit in. Next to the pavilion is the ancient well that has not dried up.

But as everyone knows, the ancient well has become the entrance to the Sumiyu built by Li Zedao.

Entering the Nasumi area through the entrance, you will find a white villa with a single gate in front of you. The villa has a small garden and even a swimming pool.

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