The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2610: Scary woman

This villa was built by Li Zedao imitating his villa in Phoenix.

Princess Long had never seen a building of this shape, so she was a little silly, and she was amazed by the whimsical ideas of her husband. It turned out that the house could be built like this.

The pool of clear water at the door... Is that a big water tank?

Princess Long didn't understand what Xianggong wanted such a big water tank for.

Li Zedao smiled evilly, saying that it was not a water tank, it was called a swimming pool, and then squinted and muttered a few words in Princess Long's ear.

Princess Long's face was calm, but her cheeks were a little red.

It's really worthy of being a mate, there is such a shameful thought.

Li Zedao looked at the fairly familiar villa in front of him, and felt that his nose was sore.

"Let's go, come in and take a look at our home."

Li Zedao carried Concubine Shui Ling on his back, holding Princess Long's hand in one hand, and walked into the villa.

In the next few days, Li Zedao spent the next few days in the villa, and from time to time he played water battles with Princess Long in the swimming pool. The fun made Princess Long fall in love with this underwater sport.

He checked Shui Feiling's body from time to time, and then began to ponder whether he could refine a healing pill, so that Sister Shui quickly wake up.

Finally, I had to give up.

Damaged souls can only be restored by their own souls bit by bit, and no panacea will work, at least Li Zedao has no way.

At the same time, Li Zedao also arranged a lot of defensive soul formations, completely building this Xumiyu into an iron master. In his opinion, even if the eight spiritual gods are also the eight masters, don't force them into this place. Xumiyu come.

After lingering with Princess Long, Li Zedao walked out of Xumiyu and left Panlong Temple.

Not long after Li Zedao left Panlong Temple, the space in front of the quaint vicissitudes pavilion suddenly distorted, and then the space was torn apart, and a graceful figure came out.

This is an extremely beautiful woman, and her whole body seems to exude a fatal temptation that makes people unable to fear.

Her eyes, which looked like the hour in the sky, fell on the ancient well in front, and the corners of her extremely charming mouth were raised by a huge amount.

Immediately, she strolled to the ancient well and looked at the beautiful beauty reflected in the water.

"This soul formation, this Sumiyu, it's not bad, it's over 80% of the level of Vulcan."

"After finally waiting for Vulcan, I haven't enjoyed enough yet, but I was severely injured by you and almost lost my soul. How do you think I should punish you? can be my servant, OK?"

It's not soliciting opinions, but the matter is so decided.

The woman showed a very charming smile, and the surrounding scenery was overshadowed by the smile.

Immediately, her figure exuding fatal temptation floated up, and after a while, disappeared at the mouth of the well.

In a blink of an eye, her figure appeared in front of the villa.

She entered this Xumi realm, which Li Zedao seemed to be indistinguishable from Tietong, as if she had entered the land of no one!

"This house...interesting."

Looking at this villa, the woman's eyes were shining, and she was admired again and again. This was the first time she saw such a strangely structured but very attractive house.

There was a slight wave of current, and the woman saw a beautiful girl with purple pupils swimming in the swimming pool.

"A pair of beautiful eyes." The woman admired.

But there was no jealousy at all, just admiration, and then nothing.

Because in her opinion, no matter how beautiful the purple pupils are, after all, they still cannot match her black eyes.

Princess Long, who was swimming, frowned slightly, she inexplicably felt a pair of eyes behind her staring at her.

The body was slightly tight and looked back, there was no one.

It seems to have been worrying too much. This is in the Xumiyu created by the Xianggong with a lot of hard work, and it is hidden in the Panlong Temple. Even the dragon master can't get in.

When Princess Long looked back, the figure of the woman was already in the villa. She looked at the sleeping beauty on the bed with a charming smile on her face.

Her slender fingers ran across Shui Feiling's face gently.


One day later, Li Zedao came to Lucheng.

The heavily guarded public losing family is forbidden to even the powerhouse of Baili Kuanglang, but in the eyes of Li Zedao, it is like returning to his own home.

He entered the public transport family with ease, hiding in the kind of guards, and came to the quiet courtyard where the public transport Linglong lived.

Linglong was put under house arrest in the family and was not allowed to go out a step.

Of course, Linglong didn't even want to go out after the public defeat. The disciple disciple let her stay here before he left, and he would come back and take her away.

Li Zedao, who stepped into the courtyard openly, encountered the close girl Fluttershy, who was the public loser and Linglong, who was watering flowers there.

Fluttershy stared at the man who came to the backyard, wondering who this handsome boy is and what to do in the courtyard where the young lady lives.

From Xiaodie's point of view, this young man entered the courtyard with the permission of the patriarch, otherwise he would have been stopped or killed by the strong guards around the courtyard.

Xiaodie thought to herself, maybe it wasn't because the young lady came, after all, the ruthless young lady from the Baili family lived in this courtyard.

Thinking of the young lady's attitude, Xiaodie got angry.

Li Zedao looked at this maid who had seen him several times with a faint smile. Naturally, he knew that the maid hadn't recognized him at all. After all, he had changed his body.

"Where is your lady?" Li Zedao asked.

Seeing this noble and handsome looking young man smile at her, Fluttershy was upset, and the double clip became red.

She put down the watering can in her hand in a panic, and said, "This son, our lady is playing chess with Miss Baili in that backyard."

Li Ze dumbfounded: "Miss Baili? Linger Baili?"

Xiaodie nodded: "It's Miss Baili Linger."

"That woman has been here?"

Li Zedao remembered that he had told Baili Ling'er before that he was not worthy of her strong and noble, so when he became a strong person in Lingyu realm cultivation, he came back to marry her.

This is a perfunctory remark, even if Li Zedao really becomes a strong person in Lingyu realm cultivation base, it is impossible for him to have any contact with this woman.

Because, Nangong Meili's mother died at her hands.

The vengeance of killing the mother is not shared. Li Zedao can not disclose the murderer's information to Nangong Meili, but there is no reason for the murderer and Nangong Meili to become sisters. Li Zedao can't do such a disgusting thing.

Besides, it is now impossible for him to become a strong cultivation base in the Lingyu Realm, because he is a cultivator of Heavenly Mystery, and a cultivator of Heavenly Mystery doesn't even have that of Lingyu Realm.

"Miss Baili Linger has lived here for a long time." Xiaodie nodded.

Li Zedao naturally knows what the purpose of this woman is, and she should be so stubborn and stubborn.

Although I am top in all aspects, everyone loves to see flowers and sees a tire in a car, but this is not the reason why you stalk me not to marry.

Li Zedao had a terrible headache, thinking that men can't be too good.

"I'll go in and see your lady." Li Zedao said.

"Yes, son."

Xiaodie didn't dare to stop him. After all, he who was able to enter the courtyard had already obtained the approval of the patriarch, and this young man didn't look like a bad person... How could he be a bad person when he looked so good?

If Xiaodie knew that Li Zedao had sneaked in, I was afraid that he would vomit blood directly.

The backyard is full of flowers, but the air is full of the strong smell of wood, even the fragrance of the flowers, in front of the smell of wood, disappears invisibly.

Li Zedao's gaze fell on the antique pavilion not far away, when the public loser Linglong and Baili Linger were playing there.

Li Zedao's cultivation base was placed there at this time, because neither of them could notice a pair of eyes staring at them quietly.

"Where did he go?"

Baili Ling'er, who had played a chess piece, raised his head and glanced at the public loser, and there was a fierce aura between his brows.

She thought she just had to wait here, the guy who deserved to be cut and cut would show up sooner or later, but she didn't expect such a long time to pass, but she never saw the guy's shadow.

Baili Linger, who was already irritable, almost lost patience.

"Not sure."

Linglong calmly said these three words that she had said countless times.

Miss Baili didn't believe it, and she couldn't help it.

Then he said the same things she had said countless times.

"Miss Baili, don't worry, he said that after becoming Lingyu Realm, he will come back to marry you, and he will definitely come back."

Baili Ling'er's bad mood became even worse, her hand was slightly clenched, and the chess piece in her hand instantly turned into powder.

She stared fiercely at the calm face close at hand, and shouted: "Do you always believe that he can become the terrifying powerhouse in the legend?"


There is no doubt that Linglong's tone is determined.

It's just a matter of time, nothing is impossible.

Then he asked: "Miss Baili doesn't believe it?"

Baili Ling'er gritted his teeth: "Do you think I am you? An idiot will believe that shameless person!"

Li Zedao is reluctant to listen to this. You can say that I am shameless, even if you dare to call my woman an idiot? Nima's, if you were not the granddaughter of Baili Kuanglang, you would have slapped you to death!

Public Yu Linglong took a sip of the slightly cool fragrant tea in front of him. There was no anger, and she didn't want to waste her tongue.

In her opinion, Baili Lingling was purely restraining herself, she didn't necessarily really like the apprentice, she just wanted to take a breath, or even simply to disgust him and make him uncomfortable.

Baili Ling'er looked at that exquisite face, especially the full chest, and his heart was full of jealousy. Why could this woman be so indifferent? And yet he has to suffer shame?

Why can this woman be so big, but she has to put two steamed buns inside to compete with her? That's unfair!

Baili Ling'er gritted his teeth, staring at the public transport exquisite eyes with cold eyes, domineeringly said: "I always think that you know where he is, and even, you have been breathing in secret!"

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