The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2624: Split by hand

Tianmeng glanced at the dumbfounded Li Zedao, and smiled: "Unfortunately, Panlong is too small to look down upon Nuwa. Even if he pays the price of falling asleep forever, he still can't completely eliminate the Nuwa clan, so he can only Choosing to believe the second half sentence, before he fell into a deep sleep, he explained the matter of the eight spiritual gods."

"The Eight Great Spiritual Gods themselves are afraid of death, plus Panlong's so-called prophecy, so they didn't break the net with the Eight Ambassadors, and acquiesced to the Eight Ambassadors to establish their own forces in God's Domain."

Li Zedao’s face became extremely stiff, and the little heart was so numb that he didn’t feel anything anymore. I thought I’d get used to getting struck by lightning anyway. Sister Tianmeng, if you have any big tricks, let’s send it out together. When the New Year is ahead of schedule.

"But Panlong never knows one thing."

Tian Meng had an extremely charming smile on his face, but Li Zedao, who was too lazy to be shocked by what he said, fell into the ice cave all at once, breathing in cold air again and again.

"Oh, sister, I never deduced that the Nuwa clan will destroy the entire God's Domain. Sister, I lied to him, but Panlong actually believed it."


Li Zedao's heart was like a heavy blow, and his brain roared abnormally, causing a monstrous wolf in his heart, and he almost sat on the ground.

He looked at this extremely sweet woman with horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

In other words, the war between Panlong and Nuwa was initiated by this woman?

So, including the broken conveyor belt and Chilong leading the group of demons into the realm of God, is this woman's handwriting?

Li Zedao said with difficulty: "Did you break the conveyor belt?"

Why is she doing this? Why does she want the three major realms to be in a state of fighting each other, what good is this for her?

Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao, evil charm smiled, and did not respond to Li Zedao's question.

She sincerely praised: "Nu Wa's attainments in the soul formation are indeed terrifying. She can easily kill the Vulcan in a second. The colorful wall is the most powerful defense that Nu Wa has created, even if it is the power of Chilong lifting the entire demon realm, Nor can it be crushed."

There was a hint of gloat in Tianmeng’s voice: "But after all, it cannot exist forever, even Nuwa cannot exist forever, let alone the colorful wall she built? It will eventually lose to eternal time. It will eventually collapse."

"It seems that that day is not far away now."

Li Zedao's scalp is numb and he has no feelings. Who is this woman, and why does he even know such things so clearly?

Tianmeng’s eyes admired again and again: “As a Nuwa who is one of the best in the soul formation even in the heavens, she naturally understands this. Therefore, she will definitely make some arrangements, and she will definitely arrange for someone to come and repair it. That colorful fence."

Li Zedao clearly captured the word "heaven", so what kind of place is that?

Tianmeng smiled and looked at Li Ze and said, "So Nuwa arranged for you to come. You came here to repair the colorful wall that was about to collapse. Xiao Daozi, sister is right?"

Li Zedao was silent, his throat was very thirsty, and his entire brain was in a state of absolute confusion.

"When you were resurrected through that body, my sister watched you grow all the way, and witnessed your unreasonable growth rate and even more unreasonable luck. Suck, and of course also witnessed your shamelessness."

"Your shamelessness really made my sister amazed, and your accomplishments in the medicine pill made my sister marvel at it. The broken root pill and coming into the bowl really opened my sister's eyes and marveled again and again."

Tian Meng's extremely charming smile was not much different from the devil's smile in Li Zedao's eyes. The voice was like a ghost moaning in his ear, making Li Zedao uncontrollable and sitting on the ground.

He thoroughly understood one thing he had been thinking about before.

This woman was so terrifying, why didn't she show up when she defeated Vulcan.

This makes no sense.

It seems that the memory fragments and powers that he had encountered with Vulcan and obtained from him were also within this woman's calculations.

This woman has been waiting for herself to become stronger! Even she is helping herself become stronger! What is her ultimate goal?

Li Zedao took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.

"Who on earth are you?" Li Zedao raised this question again.

"What do you think?" Tian Meng asked rhetorically.

"I don't know." Li Zedao shook his head and then asked again: "Which heaven did you come from?"

Tianmeng smiled without saying a word, smiled mysteriously, charmingly, and of course owed.

Li Zedao wanted to take a big shot, and hit her face with a punch.

"You crushed the conveyor belt?" Li Zedao asked again.

Tian Meng asked again: "What do you think?"

Why do you always ask such idiotic questions?

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "I don't know."

Tian Meng pursed his lips and chuckled: "Xiao Daozi, it seems that you are not as smart as you think. Don't be so narcissistic in the future."

"I'm not smart at all, I'm stupid, weak, and incompetent!" Li Zedao humbled into the dust, his voice extremely bitter.

"Xiao Daozi, I don't see that you are quite self-aware." Tian Meng's big charming eyes glanced at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao felt that this woman understood herself quite well, and self-knowledge was the most shining label on him.

Tianmeng chuckled: "In fact, you want to know what your sister wants to do to you more than who I am where I come from?"

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at those extremely charming eyes: "What do you want me to do?"

Tianmeng's big eyes blinked, seeming a little mysterious: "It takes a thousand days to raise the army for a while, and there is something that you really need to do. With your terrible luck and terrible talent in the pill, success is undoubtedly even greater. Big."

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao asked.

Tianmeng continued to sell Guanzi: "I need you to help me find something."

Li Zedao was quite annoyed by this woman's mysterious way of speaking, but could only humblely ask, "I don't know what it is?"

Tianmeng's red lips lightly opened: "Heaven Breaking Axe."

Rao was Li Zedao's little heart that had been shaken before, but at this time he still pumped violently, and his brain roared violently.

From the previous conversations with this woman, it is not difficult for Li Zedao to speculate that the conveyor belt leading to the Mortal and Demon Realm should have been crushed by this woman, and even Chilong’s aggressive invasion of the God’s Realm might have suffered from this woman. Confuse.

Therefore, the axe should be in the hands of this woman.

But now, why did she let herself go and help her find the Heavenly Shaking Axe?

Tianmeng smiled and glanced at Li Zedao, and his red lips lightly opened: "Xiao Daozi, who told you that you need a Heaven-Breaking Axe to break the conveyor belt?"

Li Zedao's little heart was hit hard again, and he said with difficulty: "The conveyor belt leading to the mortal and demon realms was not smashed by the sky-shaking axe? The valley of the devil was not chopped by the sky-shaking axe?"

Tianmeng smiled charmingly: "No."

"That is?"

Tian Meng looked at his hand, and exclaimed. It was a pair of flawless hands, which made people heart-wrenching.

"It was broken by my sister with this hand."

Li Zedao looked at that hand, his eyes almost jumped out of his eye sockets.

His back was even more chilly, and cold sweat broke out. Fortunately, I was not stupid to shoot this woman again, otherwise I don't know how he died, right?

He opened his mouth and squeezed out these words with difficulty: "Sister Tianmeng, mighty!"

He used to think that the turtle's legs were the thickest. Now, when compared to the woman's thighs, the turtle's legs are like the difference between a toothpick and an elephant's leg.

Li Zedao made a very difficult decision. He decided that even if he became a strong man in the Lingyu Realm, he had to hug this woman's thighs!

This woman can even smash the conveyor belt, and her strength is naturally higher than that of Nuwa, Panlong and Chilong, which is terrible.

Tianmeng chuckled, and glanced at Li Zedao with watery eyes, looking very charming.

"Xiao Daozi, you are so comfortable with your elder sister."

Li Zedao humbled: "Sister likes it."

The charming smile on Tian Meng’s face was even worse, her big watery eyes blinked, and she said, "Little Daozi, seeing you take such a good slapstick shot, my sister will give you a month for you to go back and follow Your women are gentle."

"After a month, you will belong to my sister. When that happens, my sister will pretend to take you away."

"Hey, don't worry, Xiaodaozi, this time I promise that I won't be peeking."

Li Zedao said he was not at ease at all.

"Counting the time, your woman named Shui Feiling should be waking up soon."

Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly.

"Isn't it just that the soul is damaged? When my elder sister entered the Sumeru area that day, she helped her heal." Tianmeng chuckled, "Little Daozi, don't say thank you to your sister, let her kiss you That's it right now."



One month later.

Over the foggy city, a golden cloud floated there.

Where Tian Meng was lying on his side in a quite sultry posture, her eyes were watery and she looked at Li Zedao who was standing there cleverly.

Tian Meng was amazed in her heart. After only a month, the little guy's cultivation level has improved a bit, and he is one step closer to the powerhouse of Nuwa.

You know, how difficult is it for a strong person of this level to take a step forward?

The Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Great Masters are always standing still, which is a living example.

This kid is good, and he took a step easily.

"Sister Tianmeng, where are we going to find the Heaven-Splitting Axe?" Li Zedao humbled and respected.

He felt that today's sun must have risen from the west, because this woman who has never worn clothes even wore clothes. Although she still wore very little, exposing a large seductive spring, she was still wearing.

Before she appeared in front of Li Zedao in this dress, Li Zedao almost didn't recognize her.

Tian Meng smiled: "Guess."

Li Zedao cursed his mother in his heart, I guess your uncle.

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